Member Reviews

Super cute, silly, fun. A kid who's very enthusiastic about 'taking care of' grandma and a grandma who doesn't need the help, but is happy to spend time with her grandchild. Very sweet story.
Thank you to NetGalley & Penguin Random House Canada | Tundra Books for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. This review is of the published version.

A beautiful little story about caring for your elderly relatives, particularly in multi-generational homes. This is a lovely book that can help to show people to show empathy towards others, especially when that person may be less capable of doing tasks independently. It can also teach about different family and household structures to enable children to be more understanding and welcoming.
The art style was beautiful and the book was engaging and charming.

A young girl shares tips for making your grandma feel at home when she moves into your home. I think it is a wonderful book to teach empathy within multi-generational homes. The illustrations were evocative of the emotions of both characters. I will be using this book in my classroom self-regulation lessons.

Cute story. Great idea. Nice pictures. Overall a pleasant book to read. Would be great to read around Mother’s Day. Students will definitely like the story. Overall would recommend.

If you turn off your brain, this is a funny, cute story.... but the underlying idea is that a grandparent has come to live this child, probably because they can no longer take care of themselves. And this is where my problems with this title begin. It makes a Grandma sound like a pet! (and yes, I get that that is totally the point, but the execution is egregious) I didn't enjoy how the book took all of the agency from this older person who deserves kids' reverence, respect, and deference. It gives all the power to the kid (as if they are the owner of this puppy we call Grandma) which I guess I understand given the target audience... but does it have to be at the cost of the dignity of the elderly? Are there kids that need a book like this to make sense of a Grandparent coming to live with them in their old age? Maybe they need a book to help them explain the situation, but I don't feel like this is the one.

This book is a sweet book about how a grandchild ends up taking care of a grandmother. I do think there could be a little more to the story. Yet, I love the concept.

This is one of the sweetest little books I've ever read. Both the illustrations and the text are spot on and would be very fun for a parent to read with a child to prepare them for grandma or grandpa moving in with them. I don't know that there are many books that address this--and there should be. And if grandma is a garden lover, even better as there is a lot of greenery in this book.
Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It fills an important niche.

The Care and Keeping of Grandmas helps a young child make sense of what to expect when their grandma moves in. The book emphasizes that the grandma might be uncomfortable leaving her old routine and adjusting to new surroundings, which I thought to be completely accurate.

The Care and Keeping of Grandmas is a cute little book about the transition of a grandparent moving into their child's home. Multigenerational homes are fairly common and offers lots of benefits. But it can be a big move for everyone. This book would be a helpful tool for starting that discussion with a small child or talking about different family structures.

This is a book all about how when grandmas get old and move in with you they need care to get comfortable with their new surroundings and making a place in the home for themselves. The book is a bunch of silly ways to show grandma you love her.

I received an electronic ARC from Penguin Random House Canada through NetGalley.
Softly colored watercolor illustrations capture the emotions surrounding this child's perspective on nurturing her grandma. Readers see her grandmother move in and adjust to a new environment and home. The main character shows all the ways she supports and takes care of her as they find the new normal. Grandma's facial expressions show the readers how she is feeling as the narrator shares her thoughts. By the end, they have all figured out how to make everyone bloom.
Mook-Sang offers a tender look at making adjustments and learning a new family structure. Terrific for families to share when facing life changing situations.

Being a grandma is a wonderful privilege that I have and I adore books that paint grandparents and grandchildren in a good light. THE CARE AND KEEPING OF GRANDMAS by Jennifer Mook-Sang made me hopeful by the title alone, and it did not disappoint.
A grandma is moving in with her children and grandchildren and the grandchild narrates how to take care of grandma so it isn’t overwhelming. She describes how she helps situate grandma into a space of her own, how to keep her entertained, keep her clean and watered, and help her socialize with others.
This book is so adorable and will be great for families to share even if they aren’t moving in together. I love this so much and highly recommend it. 5 stars!!!
Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books, foe allowing me the opportunity to review this book.

This was a sweet story about adjusting to a grandparent moving in with your family. I liked the subtle differences between text and illustrations that demonstrated it takes some time for everyone to adjust and find a new rhythm.

This is a great picture book that talks about how younger people can interact with their grandparents. It shows that sometimes we all need help. I will be purchasing this title.

‘The Care and Keeping of Grandmas’ is such a heartwarming and beautiful story of a grandmother moving in with her grandchildren as she ages, and they both adjust to the new living arrangements.
I loved the story and the illustrations; as someone who grew up living with their grandparents, this would be a great teaching and bonding tool for children.
My only note is that I do think putting the word ‘Discombobulated’ in a book written for 3-5-year-olds is an odd choice. Other than that, it was a wonderful story, and I will recommend it.

Beautiful and beautifully written and illustrated. Great for older grownups to read to their younger grandkids, or to read in general for some smiles about family.

A fuller version of this book can be found on my blog, Mzinigan Mshiiken(.wordpress.com), about two weeks before it'll be published!
This book...is so cute...goodness gracious. If you are someone who's ever loved or been loved by a grandparent, you're going to love this book. You're going to love this book if you've ever had a family member move in with you, or have lived in a multi-family home with extended relatives. You're very likely just going to love this book.
Mook-Sang's words are lovingly accompanied by Kang's art. The parallels between caring for a grandma and caring for plants are very endearing and emphasize the importance of healthy relationships. As the grandma becomes more comfortable in the space, so too do the plants grow in number and thrive. It's going to be fun to read this one aloud during story times but also to share with families looking for stories about blending homes. I'm really excited to recommend it!
NetGalley provided a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Is your grandma about to move in with you? Then this story should help you learn how to help her settle in.
This was adorable! Highly recommend even if grandma isn't about to move in with you.
Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the opportunity.
#TheCareAndKeepingOfGrandma #JenniferMookSang
#NetGalley #PenguinRandomHouseCanada
#ARC #ChildrensStory #SuperCute

This is a thoroughly enjoyable story of incorporating Grandma into the household told from the viewpoint of the granddaughter. The granddaughter explains all the steps necessary to help Grandma become comfortable in her new environment with delightful illustrations for each step. Grandma becomes "discombobulated" at times with the changes in routine, but the granddaughter helps her adjust. This is a delightful book for grandparents and grandchildren.

This was a really sweet little book about when grandma needs to come live with you and how she helped her grandma get used to the change. Very sweet!
The illustrations are really nice too like watercolors really pretty.
I received this book from the publisher Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books and NetGalley for a fair and honest review.