Member Reviews

I requested this book because I'm the mom of a teen girl and work with college students. The intersection of sexuality, relationships, and consent is central to the work I do every day. I love that this book starts off with asking the reader to determine what's important to them; those underlying values are critical to understanding how to navigate the 3 main topics of the book. The underlying message really serves to reinforce that being secure in oneself is necessary to successfully navigate relationships as they are created, change, or end.
The exercises in the book are great prompts for individual reflection on questions that teens may be thinking about but in a less intentional way. I appreciated how the writing style isn't preachy or condescending; it's honest and straightforward, and doesn't infantilize the reader. This is especially important for how the book addresses heavier topics, such as abuse. The to-the-point language isn't overly negative, but realistic and focuses on helping the reader gain understanding and not be defensive or judgemental.
I could go on and on. The truth is that this book is so important and is a great tool not just for teen girls, but adult women, too! This book, though, creates a solid foundation for teens to consider their relationships, personal needs, and provides solid approaches to navigating how these may shift over time. I'm absolutely going to get a copy for the teen girls in my life because it's filled with invaluable information.

This book is a fabulous resource for teens to help them understand healthy, safe behaviours around sexuality, relationships, internet use and more. Each chapter gives an example of a problem such as a 15 year old girl getting a ‘dick pic’ sent to her from Avon she really likes and has been chatting with via text for a while . The scenario then offers different ways of approaching the issue and asks questions of the reader.
There are loads of questions for self reflection, exercises in areas such as boundaries and self compassion .
A great book for your teen to read and springboard off further discussion in these areas and open the door to deeper questions and conversations.
Thank you NetGalley and New Harbinger for an ARC .

The title of this kind of understates what's actually in this book. It's a helpful, thoughtful guide to getting to know yourself and becoming the person you want to be, as well as relating to friends and possible dating partners. There are great sections about defining your values, managing conflict, and developing a positive self-image. The information about sex, sexuality, and relationships is positive and affirming as well. The real-life examples are engaging and the exercises suggested are effective in helping kids think through complex issues. This is an inclusive, relevant, and non-judgmental resource for teens growing up in a complicated world and I would definitely encourage teens and their caregivers to read this.
Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

I wish more books like this exist, or maybe they do but they just aren’t advertised as much. Either way, I think the topics covering in this book are extremely important for young girls and women (and people of any gender) navigating the world of relationships, sexuality, and dating. Many of the topics covered, from self-worth to establishing boundaries with others, are things we need to be more aware of and teach more of to young people. I think this book can be beneficial for a variety of readers, not just teen girls.

I love this book because of how open and frank it is when it comes to navigating relationships. I was especially impressed with how it handled the more technical aspect of dating/relationships online, which I feel really get hand waived in other books.

I have this to my teenage granddaughter to read (after I had read it first to check it was suitable). She said that it was very sensible and answered a lot of questions. She took to book to talk to her friends about and asked me about a few (less embarrassing ) things. Overall it went down very well.

I am very excited to use this book with the female teens that I work with. Understanding relationship, sexuality, consent, and boundaries is such an important topic of conversation. It can be difficult to figure out boundaries and expectations in relationships when there are so many other aspects providing pressures and influence.

This book was difficult to read. It felt disorganized and broached topics in an order that did not make sense. Some topics are glossed over, creating more confusion than understanding. Teen girls are confused and need clear guidance, not vague innuendos featuring todays buzz-words.
The authors are too quick to talk about dating and sexual relationships and then switches gears to talk about self-worth and choosing a circle of friends. The authors leave out an important statement that all Teen Girls need to hear - You do not to be in a romantic relationship to be someone special. Instead, the authors dwell on sexuality and romantic relationships like it should be the focus of every teen girl's life.
Gender identity is addressed briefly, but not given as much attention as a Teen Girl would need. They basically say that parents are wrong for "not accepting" a girl's decision to be identified as anything but she/her, rather than giving advice on how to have a conversation with her parents that would lead to mutual understanding and respect. A teen girl reading this section of the book would find herself living in perpetual conflict with her parents over this issue - and feeling justified to do so by the so-called "experts" touting such advice..
I would not recommend this book as it is currently presented.

This is a GREAT resource for teens. It is a cross between a self-help book and a workbook. The organization is logical and builds from the reader gaining understanding about themselves, then branching outward into developing and defining relationships with others. Each chapter explains the element, gives an example, and follows up with questions for the teen to consider.
I felt the writers respectfully covered many aspects of teen relationships from working out who you are and what you want:
personal values - (defining your personal values and how that fits with your friends and partners),
gender identity,
online relationships,
friendships (vs. something more - how do you know?),
abuse (including subtle abuse and unhealthy relationships),
sex (making choices about it, safe sex, and consent, STDs),
and finally dissolution of relationships ("breakups") and boundaries.
I felt like the writers were as concise as they could be and respectfully presented information to empower the reader.
I'm looking forward to getting this for our high school library. Thanks so much for the ARC!

do i even have to explain myself i guess not .This book helped me understand what self care and self respect are about .Also covering the questions about relationships we as teens are afraid to ask about and our sexuality figuring yourself out .Thank you so much ! Much appreciation to Netgalley and the author

A very interessting and informativ book about gender for all ages, not just for kids, also for adults.
It has so much informations about the "new" genders, it's not only black and white, like most of the ages.
Take time and read carefully.
Not only for girls.
Have fun reading!

I feel like the font used for the chapter headings looks bad and needs to be a different font.
I like how there are so many different sections throughout the chapters that make it easy to read and follow along.
I think this is a very empowering book, as a 24 year old who grew up in an abusive family environment. I went into my first serious relationship, not knowing what to expect. I had no views of a safe relationship. I was terrified of talking about sex or saying "no" because I was always worried about them not liking me. A book like this would have really helped me