Member Reviews

Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six is a slow-paced, suspenseful title. The story is slightly darker than I expected, but that did not hinder my reading experience. If you enjoy reading books with multiple POVs and morally gray characters, you should give Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six a go!

Not all luxury is as it seems. Three couples on a weekend trip are unaware of what's about to happen. You'll be on edge throughout this locked-room thriller, wondering who to trust.

I really wanted to like "Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six" because I'm into stories about people stuck in the middle of nowhere. But honestly, it fell short of my expectations.
The book tries to pack in too many thriller clichés. From an isolated setting in a storm to a lurking serial killer, familial secrets, and even ghosts, the story is inundated with half-baked ideas that fail to add depth or relevance to the main plot. At nearly 400 pages, the novel suffers from the excessive use of multiple perspectives, often repeating scenes without offering new insights, resulting in unnecessary length and bloating. I have a thing about repeating scenes. It rarely works.
There are some interesting parts, like a guy looking for his real dad and a mysterious cabin owner. But these side stories don't really add much to the main plot.
Overall, "Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six" didn't live up to the hype for me. It's an okay read if you're looking for something quick, but it's not as exciting as I hoped. If you've read Lisa Unger's other books, you might find this one a bit better than some of her others, but it still has its problems.

I’m a sucker for a locked room style mystery this time of year so I was excited to get my hands on this one. I enjoyed this one more WAY more than The Last Girl Ghosted. Each of the characters are all horrible and I wouldn’t say I was rooting for them, but I was interested enough to keep reading about them.

⭐️⭐️ Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six by Lisa Unger
This is the first book I’ve read by Lisa Unger. Not bad. Not my favorite either. A group of 6 friends goes off on a vacation. Secrets are revealed. Relationships are betrayed. Pretty typical of most thrillers.
I felt like the story was a bit draggy in some spots. It’s a multiple perspective storyline with one perspective set in the past. None of the characters were particularly lovable, but I think they were written that way. But my gosh, Cricket just rubbed me the wrong way. What an annoying little *bleep*. Ugh.
66% in and I was ready to give up but I refused. The background stories about Henry are much more entertaining than the predictable stories of the others. The plot became chaotic and disjointed throughout. Then at 95% bam - the good part. At about 98% back to the way it was…
I listened to this book. I think it would have been better to read the old fashioned way. There was just so much going on and so many people involved and so many perspectives it would have been helpful to be able to flip back and confirm some things.
Thank you to NetGalley, publisher, and author for an advance copy of the audiobook of this book.

I read the book and listened to the audio. I probably should have Stu j with the book. Honestly, audio was hard to follow while driving the car. I do better with multiple characters when it’s in a book. Overall,great read by Unger.

My app updated and I lost all my audiobooks. I was unable to download it again so I missed out on listening to this book.

I think the synopsis was intriguing and I had a high hopes for this book. I like the concept a lot and the story has lots of potentials yet it felt little convoluted. Thank you for allowing me to get an early access.

I love a good thriller and had yet to read a book by Lisa Unger, so when I had the opportunity to try out Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six, I jumped in. This book is a thriller that follows a group of friends/family as they go to a remote cabin for some decompression time. It becomes clear that something isn't right and that there is more than meets the eye with several members of the group. While I'd hoped that it would be something special, it turned out to be just okay.
This is the type of thriller that relies on being so wildly out there that you couldn't possibly have guessed where it was going. While the fact that it was surprising was good, it was so far into left field that it felt implausible. I won't spoil it in this review, but suffice it to say that while you can see where some of the inspiration comes from, it's pretty untethered from reality.
Additionally, there is a massive red herring plot line that we spend a decent amount of time exploring as a distraction from the twist. I don't mind a distraction or two, but we spend so much time on this particular plot line for it to result in nothing felt frustrating.
Overall, this book was a sort of run of the mill thriller that relies on slight of hands and convoluted plots to create a "shocking" twist. Had it been brought into a more realistic conclusion, it could've been decent, but I just couldn't take the ending seriously.
*I received an E-ARC of this from Netgalley. This in no way affects my review.

I loved this one as an audiobook because it really helped all of the crazy twists come to life. In this book we follow two distinct story lines, the first is following 6 friends who are away in an isolated cabin for the weekend, and the other focuses on Henry, I loved how these two story lines came together, it really caught me by surprise. Overall, this was a pretty solid thriller- I will say that the stories were pretty complicated and made some parts seem overwhelming and a little confusing.

I really wanted to like this one. It took me quite a while to get around to finishing it, but I’m not sure I would have had any better luck keeping track of all the characters if I had finished it faster. I can deal with a slower paced novel if the story is decent quality, but this could have been a simpler story with less filler.

Such a fun, juicy thriller, especially for a Floridian who lives near where the characters are from and who has weathered a few hurricanes. I loved all the different emelents- friends who aren't exactly friendly, families with secrets, a creepy caretaker. Lots going on and it all came together in a satisfying way. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

I feel as if I may have enjoyed this more if I had read it rather than the audiobook of it. Unger's books are hit or miss for me. This one fell mostly in between. There are some good surprises, and I loved the isolated "locked room" premise, however I felt like there were so many secrets held by the characters aimed at misdirection that the plot got a bit too muddled. There are two storylines. One is of a group of six adults who are going for a weekend away to a remote home in the woods. Another is an exploration of the life of a person named Henry. The two storylines eventually come together, but the way it happened was surprising and one of the best reveals of the book and I feel like this is where my 3.5 weighs heavily. I really liked Henry's storyline and thought it was very well developed and I was so invested in him and finding out how he fit into everything.
There are some throwaway storylines/characters that go nowhere and kind of dragged out and the fact that there are a large number of characters in the first place makes it frustrating at times to keep them all straight. This is a book that is best experienced on paper, I think the audiobook would be massively confusing. I also didn't care for the big "wrap up" at the end, because if you're paying attention, you should have figured it all out from the narrative and won't need it dumbed down and explained to you like the end of a television show.
This is a decent book, a bit over the top, but definitely fast paced and will capture your attention

I enjoyed this book by Unger more than I have enjoyed her other books. The plot was good, though the creepy owner was not for me. I liked the suspenseful climb and the twists that occur throughout the book.

Rich people drama and mystery set against the backdrop of a secluded cabin and a winter storm. The atmosphere sets the tone for this locked in, no way out thriller. Family secrets, betrayal, multiple characters and POV. The story can be a bit difficult to follow at times but the narrator keeps this on pace and engaging.

I did not finish this at 40%. I just couldn’t get into it. I usually love thrillers but I didn’t care for anything in this story. Could’ve been the timing but I just don’t think this one was for me.
Thank you NetGalley for an advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

By Lisa Unger
Locked Room Mystery
Propulsive Page Turner
I really enjoyed this one as it was a fun read, I mean every time Lisa Unger releases anything, I have to read it because I know her writing is something I truly enjoy and gravitate to. I started this on the audio book, but I think it was a little bit harder for me to follow with the multiple point of views. This rectified the situation soon as I was able to secure a physical copy and followed along the book so much better. It is the way I prefer to read anyway since it helps me focus and read so much faster. My attention seems so much better with the book and audio at the same time. I thought that the narrator Vivienne Leheny did a fantastic job and I really enjoyed listening to her voice acting and delivering this tense and wild ride of a read.

This locked-room mystery really had a lot of moving parts. I enjoyed learning about the different characters but I feel like it was obvious when something was intentionally being hidden from the reader. The final reveal was a good one but the perfect timing seemed highly fantastical. There were quite a few red herrings as well, but some of them just felt distracting and not for a good reason. I think this book rates about a 3.5 for me, but I will very likely read more from this author.

Lisa Unger is a star. I love her books and this one is perfection. Twisty, turny, and highly entertaining.

There is just something about locked room mystery thrillers that gets me. Maybe it's the sense of urgency, the feeling of time running out that adds to the fun of reading/listening. Multiple points of view add to the drama.