Member Reviews

Duck and Cluck are friends but they don't always agree. They do agree that the page is dull looking and needs color. Cluck likes Orange. Duck likes pink. They can't agree and both paint their own sides their own colors. Unfortunately some of the colors get mixed together. This is a funny emergent reader title about listening.

This book is a bit more simple than I typically feature in this segment but frankly, I like this book. The plot is quite simple - Duck and Cluck disagree about what color they should paint a wall. They express their opinions loudly and increasingly aggressively, ultimately resulting in the colors combining into a swirl that neither one expected. The writing is simple and easy to follow. The art is also fairly simple though the characters are quite expressive. And best of all, we have an excellent use of sound effects. Some of the best sound words I've seen used in a picture book in a while. It's not a deep story but it is a lot of fun and would make an excellent read-aloud.

This book was ok, but I expected more. When a book’s description says that it is similar to books written by Mo Willems, I expect it to be better than this. It wasn’t very funny and honestly the characters didn’t learn anything. The cover said that this would be a lesson about listening, but Duck and Cluck didn’t learn to listen to one another. It ended with the same problem it started with. I work in a daycare of kids that love to read and they were not impressed by this book either.

I like Duck and Cluck and this was a great book! The illustrations are really bright and vibrant and the story was cute and easy to follow.

A book about two animals that can't agree on which color would be better, yellow or orange. They end up compromising and choose red on accident. I thought it was an okay book. It definetly had humor which is fun for kids.

This is charmingly illustrated and fun to read aloud. Great for fans of Elephant & Piggie. My art-loving kid enjoyed doing the voices with me. Thanks to NetGalley for advance access.

This was super cute! It’d be easy to read for younger elementary kids too! The story was fun and the pictures were bright and pretty.

I Like This Color! by Liz Goulet Dubois is described on its cover as "A Silly Story about Listening." If you read all the way through to the last image and line, you will understand why. That last page is sort of deep. There are discussion opportunities there.
However, what I immediately loved about this book was the art aspect. I have little people in my family who are very into art and craft, and this simple graphic novel will hit the spot for them. The favorite colors thing is a big deal for my people. The mixing of colors, too. Additionally, I Like This Color! has a real storyline, which books for younger readers sometimes do not. Duck and Cluck are simple characters children could draw themselves.
I Like This Color! is the second in the Duck and Cluck series. The series has a terrific website, designed by Liz, that includes a great activities page.
Unfortunately, Liz died last summer. She was very well known in the New England SCBWI, and our paths crossed once or twice years ago.
I assumed I Like This Color! would be the end of her series. But after seeing both the strength of this book and the beautiful website, I wonder if there couldn't be a future for it. Did Liz leave ideas for future books? Could another author/artist write new books with Liz as the creator of the series?
These kinds of things have been done before.
At any rate, I hope this particular book does as well as it deserves to.
Review also shared on Twitter and Facebook.

I Like This Color is the second book we have read in the Duck and Cluck series. These graphic novels are short, funny and have great messages about friendship, listening to others, cooperation and feelings. In this book Duck and Cluck decide that the page is too boring and needs some color. They each have their favorite color (orange or pink) and try to convince the other it is the best choice. They decide to color half the page with their color to see how it looks. The next thing you know, they are arguing and mixing up the color. Another friend wanders by and there is an exchange of thoughts and feelings that makes this a feel good story. Of course, Duck and Cluck will be arguing again soon. My youngest grandchild enjoyed the humor of this one the most. He thought they were funny and loved their mess. The oldest talked about cooperating or getting help to make the decision fair, while the middle one picked up on the blended colors (you can see they are all very different). We read this one a couple of times with the 8 yo reading to the younger ones as well. A great book that can be used for various discussion points. The illustrations are simple, yet bright and vibrant adding to the story.

Cute story about Duck (a duck) and Cluck (a hen) who cannot agree on what color to paint a blank page. They accidentally create a new color together that becomes a hit. Young children will enjoy the bright colors and graphics. And adults will enjoy reading the cute storyline to their young readers!

This story was simple, silly, and fun. I really enjoyed the bits of alliteration. Because the story is about a disagreement over the best color, there are opportunities for adults to discuss different ways Duck and Cluck could have handled their disagreement, but I think children will enjoy the silly squabble as is. The ending definitely made me giggle. The art style was simple, but expressive. The small bits of color used worked for the context of the story. Overall, I think my patrons will enjoy this story.

This is a really cute book for early ages, 2-5. The colors are nice and bright. The context of the story is simple and easy to understand. It was hard to read the book in digital format because the text was not inside the graphics which is where the text bubbles were. So that made it a little difficult for me to follow who was talking at the time, Duck or Cluck.
However, it is a nice story with bright colorful graphics. It would be a good book for parents/educators to use to teach about compromise, color combinations, understanding others, and other social concepts little children may learn.

As a homeschool mom, I am always on the lookout for books that will foster a love for reading and reinforce life lessons in a fun and engaging way. I Like This Color by Liz Goulet Dubois is an entertaining book for ages 3-8 that showcases the importance of listening to our friends (and family). Duck and Cluck are each caught up in convincing the other that their choice of color is the right one for the page. Children will identify with Duck and Cluck's emotions and reactions, which make great discussion points about feelings of frustration, the importance of compromise and working together. The ending was perfection with Duck and Cluck listening to the alligator who admired the new color, and then showing empathy and generosity, which provides more great discussion. The comic book style illustrations with word bubbles is particularly enjoyable for new readers and the occasional alliteration makes for a pleasurable read-aloud.
Thank you to Sourcebooks Jabberwocky and NetGalley for providing an e-arc of this title. I am leaving my honest review voluntarily.

Duck and Cluck books are one of our go-to for Read out loud time in our home.
The stories are cute. The pictures are both descriptive and colorful and the book is Fun to read for my PreK and 2nd grader.

I was not expecting this to be that funny but oh my goodness, it was.
I adored the simple artwork of both Duck and Cluck, and enjoyed their little clash of colours.
And as someone who is firmly Team Pink, this book handled that conflict so very well. And the result was a beautiful colour indeed!

My child and I really loved this book! Duck and Cluck both want to paint a paper, but cannot decide on a color. When their colors mix and make something beautiful, it was neat to see my child's reaction to the painting. He connected the painting to a sunset, as did the other character in the book. We will definitely look out for more Duck and Cluck titles!

A duck and a bird tell the story through speech bubbles in I Like This Color. They begin by arguing about what color is the best: pink or orange. They talk about different things that are pink and things that are orange. They are able to come to a compromise together. This a an easy to read early graphic novel. Recommended ages 7-11

Cute book for young kids/readers with good examples of how to describe colors and things that are that color. It also shows ways to make a compromise even though you really want something to go our way. Great for fans of Elephant and Piggie.

In this adorable and colorful book, Duck and Cluck have an argument about whether orange or pink is the bestest color. The argument accelerates until they hit a “disaster” which turns out to be a blessing. This is a story about listening to people even when they have a different opinion.
This is a wonderful little story, and my 3yo loved it too.

Title: I Like This Color
By Liz Goulet Dubois
This children’s book I found was super cute and fun to read. This book has great illustrations and teaches young children that they are compromising without them knowing they are learning something. This book is perfect for pre school children up to children who are in grade 2.