Member Reviews

This book felt like a retelling of other books and things found on the internet. The author never says his credentials and I suspect he has not been trained in nutrition or health care. I have read a lot too and unfortunately did not learn anything new.

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Thank you netgalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review

So, I picked up "Deep Nutrition" hoping for some good insights into healthy eating. But honestly, it didn't quite hit the spot for me.
The book talks a lot about nutrition and how it affects our bodies, which is cool, but I found it kinda hard to get into. It felt all over the place and felt like there is nothing I want to try here

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Deep Nutrition is an attempt at trying to help you understand what food is best and worst at feeling your body. I only got 40%of the way through before I could not force myself to continue reading.

This felt like it was either a high school project or someone in university who is just starting out on a nutrition course and suddenly thought that they knew everything after a few classes. It was jumping around from different points with no logical connection, without finishing the previous point that it was trying to explain. This left me extremely frustrated when some point was made that seemed of interest, and then was abruptly left hanging with no further explanation as to why it may or not be.

It also felt like Schwammer has found some of the popular diets around and was like ‘these are good’ but then made statements that contracted why these diets why he said that these diets were good (at the point I got up to in this book, he had mentioned the paleo diet, the Mediterranean diet and the caveman diet). There are aspects of this book that I found quite intriguing and wanted to understand more about, but majority of what I read was extremely disappointed with. I certainly now believe that if you are interested in finding out more about nutrition, find a book written by someone who has a relevant degree since they a) need to be able to write what they understand to the average person and b) they won’t be writing contradictory statements within their book.

A disappointing read that I wish that I had not wasted my time on.

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This book is like a poor retelling of random diets you find on the internet. The first half of the book just talks about different types of diets without any real substance. There are many claims made without providing sources and just generally outdated assumptions. Based on the title you would think there is a clear set of guidance, but you would be wrong. I wouldn't recommend this book at all.

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I thought this was great, really reminded me that I should be eating better!

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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With every health book released, there are always nuggets of information to be found. Deep Nutrition had some great information on collagen's age-relating effects and benefits, steps in achieving your health objectives (which touches on the 8 harmful fats), the fourth types of eating and so much more.

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Have you ever wondered if what you eat is actually good for your body?

I am about to reveal what prevents you from healthily living your life!

They always make us believe that a food is ""healthy"" when, in fact, it is nothing more than junk food in disguise. We must learn to avoid dangerous foods that do not meet our body's needs.

In this book, I will explain how to eliminate poisons from your diet that your body rejects as garbage.

Here's what you will find inside:

● The origin of Deep Nutrition and its significance in our lives,

● What are the 4 pillars of human health, and why you should live by these principles,

● Diet and Nutrition - Follow expert advice for living by following a right and healthy diet,

● What is the connection between your DNA and your health? Discover the secret to unlocking your genes and healing your body,

● How food affects human health - We understand which foods are dangerous and which are good for our bodies (and say no more processed foods!),

And much more! Brilliant!

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
As a health-conscious person myself, I looked forward to reading this book. However, I did not find anything in this book that I didn't know already. The book was, in my opinion, repetitive.

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Very repetitive and keeps referring to another book by another author, feel like I should read that book instead. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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A good concise, information of the best foods to eat for optimize health
Along with the facts of what is healthy and not healthy for a person.
The blue zones have not heard of before.
Well written . Given ARC by Net Galley and Books go social
for my voluntary review and my honest opinion

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This could be a useful book but he continually references Catherine Shanahan and her book called Deep Nutrition: Why your genes need traditional food. This seems to be a rehash of her ideas with maybe some additional elements. Just read her book?

Most of the advice is out there already and not new to me, except maybe advice to eat meat on the bone, which seems to be going against current trends to eat less meat. Alternatives are given though. The foods are USA terms and some are unfamiliar. ‘Tobacco’ came up as a food and puzzled me.

Useful if you want to start out I would think.

I read a copy provided by Netgalley and the publishers.

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A brilliant examination of the importance of what we eat and the effect of diet on our health. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the book.

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