Member Reviews

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley.

Fallon Monroe is a mom to a young daughter who is obsessed with self-help books and wants to start up her chocolate business. She has a group of mom friends that she relies on to get through the day. One day her bestie, Beatrice, starts ghosting her - hanging out with the other moms while excluding Fallon. As the book goes through the days of Fallon, more information comes out, the friendships seem to ebb and flow while the main friendship of the book, continues to fracture.

I am neutral about this book. There was a part of me that wanted to stop reading this book. I found that the main character got under my skin a few times - just move on! However, the surprise letter towards the end of the letter was worth exploring..

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I didn't connect with this story in the way I had expected to. While I felt sorry for Fallon that she had been ghosted by her friends, I just struggled with finding any of the story funny. I know some people will absolutely love this story, unfortunately it just wasn't for me.

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Was absolutely not a fan of this book. Skimmed through it to finish it. Way too petty and dramatic and way too much emphasis on drinking.

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“Friendship Breakup" by Annie Cathyrn is an insightful and compassionate guide for anyone who has experienced the painful loss of a close friendship. Cathyrn draws on her own personal experiences as well as research and expert opinions to provide a thoughtful and practical approach to coping with the aftermath of a friendship breakup.

What I appreciated most about this book was how Cathyrn acknowledges the unique and often overlooked pain of a friendship breakup, and how she offers tangible strategies for healing and moving forward. She also emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-compassion during this difficult time.

The book is well-structured, with each chapter addressing a different aspect of the friendship breakup process, from recognizing the signs of an impending breakup to managing the aftermath and finding closure. Cathyrn's writing is clear and concise, making the book easy to follow and understand.

Overall, "Friendship Breakup" is a valuable resource for anyone who has experienced a friendship breakup, and a reminder that healing is possible. Cathyrn's empathy and understanding shine through every page, making this book a comforting and reassuring read for anyone going through a difficult time. Highly recommended.

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A totally relatable story about losing a close friend. I think anyone can relate to this story no matter what age they are and take something away from the book.

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Some Mom groups can be very hard to infiltrate. Mom groups can be mean. (Some of them) I loved Fallon and rooted for her throughout this story. The Mexica Fiesta was a favorite scene.
Many thanks to Alcove Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The friendship breakup was not one of my favorite books. It had some fun and entertaining parts but as a whole I felt like it was slow and the MC felt immature and whiny to me which made the book hard to read.

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This book really surprised me at the end. It was a little slow at the beginning and I almost DNFed it but I’m glad I didn’t.

This book is a heartwarming and heartbreaking story about Fallons salt love journey. I think that every adult women can relate to some parts of this book.

Fallon faces the friendship breakup, motherhood struggles, rocky romantic relationships.

This is easily a 4/5 stars for me and I would recommend this book to just about anyone

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“Friendship Breakup" by Annie Cathyrn is an insightful and compassionate guide for anyone who has experienced the painful loss of a close friendship. Cathyrn draws on her own personal experiences as well as research and expert opinions to provide a thoughtful and practical approach to coping with the aftermath of a friendship breakup.

What I appreciated most about this book was how Cathyrn acknowledges the unique and often overlooked pain of a friendship breakup, and how she offers tangible strategies for healing and moving forward. She also emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-compassion during this difficult time.

The book is well-structured, with each chapter addressing a different aspect of the friendship breakup process, from recognizing the signs of an impending breakup to managing the aftermath and finding closure. Cathyrn's writing is clear and concise, making the book easy to follow and understand.

Overall, "Friendship Breakup" is a valuable resource for anyone who has experienced a friendship breakup, and a reminder that healing is possible. Cathyrn's empathy and understanding shine through every page, making this book a comforting and reassuring read for anyone going through a difficult time. Highly recommended.

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What a timely novel! I think any adult can relate to this plot! I personally didn't care for the MC (she was supremely whiney) but the book is absolutely worth the read!

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Synopsis: Fallon Monroe, mother of one, self-help book junkie, and budding chocolatier, has always relied on her mom friends in the Chicago suburbs to get her through the trials of adulthood. So when her bestie Beatrice inexplicably starts ghosting her and takes all their mutual friends with her, Fallon’s left wondering how everything went so wrong. Pushing down a lifetime of insecurities, Fallon doubles down and decides to win them back. First, she hosts an epic Mexican fiesta that goes epically wrong. Then she joins a friendship app but discovers a disturbing secret about one of her new friends.

Just when she’s about to throw in the towel on the whole friendship mess, Fallon reads a recently unearthed letter she’d refused to deal with decades earlier—and reading it forces her to finally face the deep-seated fears she’d desperately tried to bury. Now, looking at her friendships through fresh eyes, she must decide between hanging on and letting go.

Review: This started off really well, and was a refreshing change to my usual fluffy rom com! I was super invested in Fallon’s story and intrigued by the mystery of what was leading her to be excluded by her adult friends.
My first red flag with the book was the moment when the MC discussed her infertility and mention adoption saying “that’s not for me”. I thought “weird but okay…” then the MC shares shes adopted. Spoiler alert? Maybe. But I don’t recommend this book.

Adoption is not a plot point, for non-adoptees to profit off. Adoptees suffer significant trauma, and this is something I’ve explored and highlighted since reading Inconvenient Daughter by @theljsharks (highly recommend).

After learning that the author of this book is not an adoptee, and admitted to me that the original draft was did not include the adoption plot point and that she thought the character needed something from her past for character development - this is not a book that aligns with my morals and values. Additionally it could potentially be inaccurate and harmful to adoptees.

I can’t recommend this book, as it was a DNF for me. And as usual I highly encourage y’all to read #ownvoices stories.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for my review.

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I read this along with listening to the audiobook and I absolutely loved the idea behind the story.

The idea of separating from friendships and finding yourself is a beautiful thing at any age. It was a great story that tugged at the heartstrings and put certain things in my own life in perspective. I really enjoyed this one and can definitely see myself purchasing for my shelves, and recommending to others looking for this style of read.

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I requested this book because I love stepping out of what I know. My best friend was at my side from the age of 5 until she passed at 38 so I can't imagine this situation. I love the message though. Learning who you are individually and finding those who see and treasure your friendship and is deserving of that gift. You also get the speckles of drama and suburbia thrown in and is just a good story

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I found the antics these women were a part of hilarious at times, but only because it was so damn ridiculous. Why were 40 year old women acting like teenagers? I felt like I was watching The Real Housewives, so if that’s your jam, I recommend this!

The main character did have growth throughout the novel and I adored the ending and where she wound up, so that was a positive for me.

I think if some of the situations the MC found herself in with the other mothers from school would have been toned down, I would have found this more enjoyable. The mud throwing scene did make me cackle a little bit though picturing these grown ass women yelling and throwing mud at each other 🙈😂 WHO DOES THAT?!

Thank you to @netgalley and @delightfullybooked for reaching out to see if I would like to read this arc 💜

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I tried to read this two different times and I'm just not getting into it. I don't know if this is a "it's not you, it's me situation" but I'm going to give up on it.

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Fallon is addicted to social media. And social media can be good or bad. In this case, bad. Very bad. Fallon is living in the bay felt like highschool. Her mom groups of friend have iced her out and she tries everything to make them like her again. The problem is, sometimes we aren’t meant to be friends with people for a lifetime. And there is a deeper cause for the feelings.

I found myself annoyed with Fallon but at the same time, totally understanding her: somehow the book just fell to suck me and keep me interested and i think it was due to the lack of pike able characters.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

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A story that would be easy to brush off as fluffy, but packs some punch when it comes to the details. This book will appeal to readers who enjoy some mom-drama, some mud-flinging (literally!) and some hard-learned truths about friendship and betrayal. Honestly, anyone who has struggled, and thrived, with the dynamics of adult friendship will find something in this story. The author chose to have a lot going on throughout the book, and the multitude of storylines may have diluted the impact a bit. Overall I enjoyed this story, probably more than I had anticipated when I started. A great debut accomplishment.

Many thanks to Alcove Press and NetGalley for the digital advance reading copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Most people can relate to friendship breakup. Out of the blue you are ghosted and you don't know why, sometimes you never figure it out. Annie deals with it in-depth with humour and at times it's gut wrenching. She brings you to extreme highs and lows but leaves you laughing. The Friendship Breakup is very though provoking and will leave you with food for thought.

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Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. This was a fun, light hearted kind of read. Being childfree myself, in many ways it's hard for me to relate to Fallon, she's a mum of one and, until recently, had been deeply embedded in the group of mums of her daughter's school friends. She has recently been feeling dumped by her best friend Beatrice.
She has dreams of opening her own chocolate shop and in the focus on her future plans, the experimenting with recipes and all the work needed to perfect a plan that will merit all it will take to open a shop someday, Fallon has missed several of her daughter's soccer games. This has allowed her to not notice that she has been ghosted by her best friend, Beatrice. Actually, there are a lot of important things Fallon hasn't noticed and now that she does notice them, trying to fix what is broken only makes things worse. It was an entertaining read with some interjections of humour as well as some deeper serious underlying issues that Fallon has ignored, squashed down, or allowed herself to beat herself up over. The stress of everything has Fallon's body rebelling and as she tries to become one with her friends again, her issues and the issues with her mum friends become more glaring and harder to endure. It appears that not only has Beatrice dumped her but so have almost all her other friends. I was maybe not the target audience for this book but I still found it to be a fun lighthearted enjoyable read. #thefriendshipbreakup #Anniecathryn #netgalley #goodreads #litsy #thestorygraph #chicklit #momcom #Tea_sipping_bookworm #kindle #bookqueen #bookstagram

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I love mama drama so I was sold when I saw this book was about moms behaving badly! The Friendship Breakup stars Fallon, a mother of one who is turning 40 soon and family. She has recently been ghosted by her bff Beatrice and she doesn’t know why. Worse, Beatrice has taken all their mutual friends and Fallon is left on her own. She has her daughter, her wonderful husband and her budding artisanal chocolate company, but she misses that companionship. She hosts a last ditch effort Mexican Fiesta to help try to mend things with her friends, but it goes epically wrong. (I actually LOL’d during this scene!)

Fallon takes the loss of these friends extremely hard and her husband convinces her to see a therapist who helps her work out her abandonment issues. Fallon is adopted and has always struggled with this. As part of her treatment, she tries to make new friends and joins a friendship app (that also has dating, like bumble). She makes some new friends and discovers a few secrets.

This book is a great look at adult female friendships and that some mean girls will never grow up. I like that Fallon was able to make new friends and pull tighter to her good friends that she had in other parts of her life. She also strengthened her connected with her husband and he was so supportive of all of her actions. This book was a wonderful debut novel and I’m looking forward to more from Annie!

Thank you to @alcovebooks and @msanniecathryn for my gifted ebook. The Friendship Breakup is out now!

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