Member Reviews

I think this might be one of my favorite Tessa Bailey books that I've read! Napa Valley is one of my favorite places on the planet so I love that the setting for this book was by so many of my favorite spots! If you are looking for a steamy romance, highly recommend.

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I had to dnf this book. I was a bit uncertain with the beginning but this main character is 29 years old and pulling pranks on a business like she's a teenager. This book would have made more sense if the characters were in their early twenties but they're old enough to stop being childish and I really didn't like it. I love me a good romance book and normally I really enjoy books by Tessa Bailey but this one just did not do it for me.

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This book caught me a little bit by surprise.

I love the grumpy/shine trope, and having a wild child come and mess up a stoic professor’s strict schedule follows the trope to a T. But then we start digging in to how Julian and Hallie have gotten to this point, and have so much depth to them.

I definitely related to Julian more than Hallie, she felt so
chaotic, but after learning her backstory, I was really able empathize with her.

Tessa Bailey is always brings some of the best dirty talking heroes, and she definitely delivers in this book.

I definitely am looking forward to the next book, we get a good peak at the main characters in this book, and it was spectacular.

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Secretly Yours is Tessa Bailey’s latest steamy romantic comedy and the first in her Napa Valley series.

Hallie Welch fell hard for Julian Vos at fourteen, after they almost kissed in the dark vineyards of his family’s winery. Now the starchy Professor Hottie has returned to their small Napa town to write a novel. Hallie is thrilled when she is hired to re-landscape the gardens on the Vos estate, hoping that they can restart their relationship. Unfortunately their polar opposite personalities clash. Hallie is grieving the death of her grandmother who raised her while Julian is suffering from serious anxiety.

Hallie accidentally leaves Julian a secret admirer letter that she wrote while intoxicated. He’s both fascinated by the anonymous letter writer while puzzled about Hallie distracting him from his novel-writing with her beauty and antics. He must decide which woman he wants.

This is not my favorite Tessa Bailey novel. While I love the idea of the plot, I just couldn’t care about either Hallie or Julian due to their immaturity. I liked Natalie, Julian’s sister, better and would prefer to read her story, which is next in the series. I’m sure that there are readers who will strongly identify with either Hallie or Julian and love this book, but it’s just not for me.

I received an Advance Review Copy (ARC) from NetGalley and Avon/Harper Voyager for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

This one didn’t really work for. I found Julian crass and Hallie as a bit of a stalker.

I didn’t get the wine rivalries and the character chemistry came across as bland.

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Hallie Welch is a bit of a mess trying to figure out who she is after the passing of her beloved grandmother; always running late with no set structure or plans for her future (or even that day). She’s also harboring an unrequited crush on Julian Vos that has stunted her dating life for the last 15 years. Julian, on the other hand, is the picture of order and precision, who is back in town while taking time away from his job as a professor to write a book. Hallie re-enters his life in a whirlwind (though he doesn’t remember her from their high school days - yikes), and you can immediately feel the chemistry between them. They are the textbook definition of opposites attract, and the setup of his desire for stability matched with her fun-loving spontaneity set the tone for a classic case of them helping each other reach a happy medium between the two types. The book also tackles some heavier subject matter, her grief and his anxiety along with familial pressures, and I really appreciated how each of those topics was addressed. I was definitely rooting for the small town businesses whose struggles make up a side plot, and was far more invested in that storyline than the secret admirer letters. Also, not going to lie, Julian’s slightly possessive need to make Hallie happy at all costs did something for me.

I am already looking forward to more books set in this world, and especially since the next one is about Julian’s sister, Natalie! Secretly Yours is probably my 7th or 8th Tessa Bailey book, and it’s absolutely one of my favorites. I’ll be purchasing a copy for my shelves for sure!

Thank you Avon and NetGalley for sending this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I adore Tessa Bailey books and while this wasn’t my favorite of hers I still enjoyed it none the less.⁣

I loved the chaos and kindness that was Hallie, but felt like she was pretty immature at times.⁣

Julian was stuffy and uptight and so organized but had a beautiful heart. These two couldn’t be more opposite for one another but they were the perfect balance for one another.⁣

The secret admirer letters were cute and felt more mature in conversation than some of the actual conversations Julian and Hallie had. I felt like they had amazing chemistry and I always enjoy dirty talk but sometimes I just wanted to tell them to talk to each other instead of holding on to their demons they carried alone. ⁣

Overall this was cute and had funny moments too, and I enjoyed watching these two grow as people and all or the chaos of Hallie’s dogs.⁣

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I enjoy all of tessa Bailey's books & liked this one. It wasn't one of my favorites but still enjoyable. The steam was decent but I didn't love the chemistry between the two characters. I enjoyed them each on their own but I just didn't love them as a couple. Overall a 3/5

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"Secretly Yours' by Tessa Bailey is a great rom-com book. She delivered a new masterpiece that is a must read for any Tessa Bailey fan.
Hallie is a whirlwind of energy and Julian is a strict down to the minute detail guy. These two end up thrown together and it greatly affects them both. Hallie is overcoming the death of her grandma and Julian is coming to terms with his own life. Hallie blows into Julians life when he needs it the most and Julian shows Hallie that she is who is meant to be. These two are the exact meaning when they say opposites attract.
Loved this fast paced story and can't wait for the next one in the series to be released. Tessa Bailey did it again. Highly recommend.

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Thank you SO much to Avon and NetGalley for the ARC.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t my favorite Tessa Bailey book. It didn’t fully feel fleshed out enough and the characters were a bit *too* immature and over the top. The pacing was off and I found some of the dialogue slow. I really need Mrs, Bailey to write a dual pov in first person that is my wish.

However, this book is packed full of elements Tessa Bailey's books are known for - banter,
dirty talk, a lovestruck hero, etc. - Secretly Yours is not a bad book but I did not love it as much as I would’ve hoped. I am excited for the next one tho, as it looks a lot better!!

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I'm a fan of this author, and lordy, can she write a hot and spicy scene! In "Secretly Yours", our hero is a buttoned down professor who (apparently?) struggles with anxiety while our heroine is an unmoored and chaotic landscaper who has had a 15 year crush on the hero.... And he's completely forgotten her. Yikes.

An enjoyable read, yes, but the characters weren't particularly well explored or developed. In addition, it used a plot point that I find particularly annoying- the BFD problem that could have been easily resolved with a 5 minute honest conversation, but no, they just brood in silence for weeks instead. Was it a deep read? No. Did I finish it happily? Yes. Will I read the next book in the series? Of course!

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There was something about the plot of Secretly Yours that I disliked, I liked the idea of the secret admirer letters, I just didn't get into the whole reason of the fallout. That being said, I loved the male character being the standoffish guy with the issues and the female being the chaotic go-getter. Loved the steamy scenes as well (although the dirty talk was a little much in my opinion). Loved the setting too, I've never been to Napa but it all seems so romantic. All that being said, I am here for the sequel that's coming out in June - and anything else Tessa Bailey writes!

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This is the second Tessa Bailey book that I have read and I am starting to think she is going to be a hit or miss author for me. Overall, I liked the main character Hallie a lot! Julian was a little too regimented for my liking. This book focuses on Hallie finally getting the chance at romance with her high school crush after so many years. With that being said, I expected a lot from this book. The romance was subpar to me. It sort of felt childish. It didn’t really draw me in most times. In addition, it felt like the main characters were continually getting in each others way and it became annoying. I wanted to be able to rank this book higher, but I just couldn’t.

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I’m obsessed! This was my first Tessa Bailey book and wow, she is amazing! The story of Hallie and Julian is absolutely adorable and I smiled the whole time I read this. And the ending… *chefs kiss* SO CUTE. Their love story is so endearing and perfect. I can’t wait to read more by this author!

Thank you so much NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for allowing me to read this ARC!

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I think this was a really cute romcom but I don't think it's Tessa Bailey's best work personally. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and I didn't feel myself falling in love with the book.

I rated this 2.5 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley and Tessa Bailey for the ARC!

I think a lot of people will love this release! The characters are complete opposites. Julian, our hero, is very controlled and methodical. Hallie is eccentric and really fun - she’s impulsive and creative which I really enjoyed. Julian and Hallie together were so cute…they meet when Hallie comes to Julian’s house to do some professional landscaping. Julian is immediately attracted to Hallie, but for the life of him, he can’t understand why. They are so different but somehow, this relationship just works! And of course what would a Tessa Bailey romance be without some steam and a side of dirty talk?!

Secretly, Yours is a solid rom-com romance and the perfect Valentine’s Day read!

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Another cute Tessa Bailey book...count me in! Secretly Yours is an enjoyable opposites attract read. Hallie has an eclectic style and is never anywhere on time. Julian likes to adhere by a strict schedule, he must be put together at all times. However, put the two together and you get an adorable match! I do wish the secret admirer aspect of the book were a bit more detailed and played a bigger role in the book. The book started strong with trying to save corked, but it didn't seem to be mentioned after a certain point. I wish both of these aspects of the book were more developed and incorporated throughout the read. I really liked the development of Hallie and Julian's relationship though. As the book progressed they definitely started to open up to each other, support each other, and embrace each other for who they are. Both are attentive listeners, who truly want what is best for each other, their families/friends, and their community. The supporting characters in this book are amazing. Natalie definitely seems to be going though a lot. I'm super curious about her life and can't wait to read her book!

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I knew I would love this book before I even picked it up. Everything Tessa Bailey writes becomes one of my favorite reads. This book was no exception. The male lead learns to let go and live a little, and the female lead becomes more grounded. Tessa writes the best romcoms. I’m thankful to have been given the chance to read an early edition of this book!

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She’s done it again folks! Tessa Bailey has delivered us a gorgeous little romcom. This book was a top-tier TB and a top-tier romance.

I’ve seen a lot of talk about this being a grumpy/sunshine, but I would classify this more as a calm/chaos situation. Julian (not very grumpy in my opinion) is a level of regimented that I wish I could be, and Hallie has the kind of free spirit I wish I possessed. I found both the MCs to be so lovable, and I found their slow-burn love story to be very soft & sweet. Tessa does spice so well, but she represents so many levels of sexual experiences that can make any reader feel seen.

Beyond the impeccable romance, this story is so funny! Who wouldn’t steal some cheese from an outsider’s business they didn’t want invading their small town? Sign me up for wine-talks at Corked & getting Sunday morning donuts at Fudge Judy’s!

This would be a GREAT book for fans of rom-com movies trying to get into reading or anyone looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day read.

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I'm sorry where the hell did Julian come from? Hello? Sir? I cannot get enough of Hallie's antics and Julian's dirty talk and oh my god this book was fantastic. I've enjoyed a few of Tessa's books at this point and this exceeded my expectations. It was so spicy. Not in like a traditional way, with an over abundance of detail, but the things that man would say were, MMMH! *Chef's kiss*

I'm not sure what the trend with romcoms is these days but Tessa, happily, sits in this place where the romance is actually sweet. It's hard to pin point exactly because most romcoms have either a romantic couple, or at least a spicy relationship, the best have both. But this... This book. Was romantic. Sweeping gestures with none of the strutting and approval seeking and all of the meaning and pining and emotional build up and my god my heart is still pounding. The dialogue between these characters was witty and charming, and they both carried such a fondness and longing for each other. Sometimes that was sweet, and sometimes, that was chaotic declarations of wanting to be on their knees in the dirt. Also, so much wine. And secret letters. I have no complaints. This is an excellent book.. 10/10

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