Member Reviews

Ok I had such high hopes for this, as I LOVED it happened one summer and hook, line sinker. but this was so disappointed. the characters felt completely fake and unrealistic. the story was contrived and cringey - would not recommend.

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"Grumpy meets sunshine" takes on a whole new meaning in this hilarious new series. Pairs perfectly with a tall glass of wine!

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Not as good as the other Tessa Bailey's I've read. The conflict didn't make any sense to me and neither character was particularly relatable.

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Really enjoyed this new romance novel by Tessa Bailey. The 2 main characters are likeable and realistic. I recommend it. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy. #NetGalley #SecretlyYours

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i liked the childhood crush aspect but overall i wanted more. i’m not quite sure what, but nothing really stands out to me. the ending was kind of meh imo. i will say that bailey is excellent at crafting funny & interesting side characters - i really liked both lavinia & natalie and will happily read natalie & the seal’s story here coming up! bailey’s books always have the perfect amount of spice, but some of julian’s dirty talk was kind of cringe.


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Tessa Bailey is an author that can take a story that has been written before and twist it into something fun and sexy with characters that you can’t help but want to be friends with.

Secretly Yours is a small town romance that is a story of second chances, total opposites and recognizing ones weaknesses and learning to grow from there.
Julian has returned back to his home at Vos vineyards to write a book. But he is very regimented and firm in his schedule until Hallie, the carefree gardener comes to plant her feet into his dirt.

Hallie is complete chaos with sunshine all around her. She is the character that will put a smile on your face. She only wants the best for people and will pull out all the stops to help support the people that need it most. When she hears that Julian has returned back to their small town, she wants to try to put herself in his sites so maybe she can have a shot at something she wanted way back in high school.

Meanwhile, Julian is completely the opposite of Hallie and needs time. Time is the only thing he understands and lives by. He may be home, but he is not connecting with his mother, the vineyard or even the town he lives in. He is working toward one thing that time will allow him. But when chaos (aka Hallie) crosses his path, time doesn’t follow his schedule and all he wants to do is to make Hallie happy, but in his quiet ways.

This story was actually pretty slow going for a Tessa Bailey book. We got to know the characters, a bit of their background and what brought on their characteristics that they currently hold. They both have had pasts that have affected them, but there’s something there between them. Hallie knows what she wants, but Julian is trying to figure out what the pull is. He is a man that is always seeking answers, but he knows one thing. He must see what this pull is between them. And once he does, that’s when we get to experience what Tessa Bailey can do with her dirty talking men. Let Julian free and let these two explode.

While this story started out slow, I liked the buildup for these two. It did take me a minute to be fully invested, but The grumpy-sunshine was perfect for these characters and the way they had to work through a little self-discovery along the way gave these two something to work on. With minimal amount of drama, this was just a sweet story with great side characters that will definitely have their own stories to tell in the future. Give me the wine, the small town and the quirky characters. I’m invested.

“Bumpier journeys lead to better destinations. You. Me. We’re the best destination of all.”

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Thank you to @netgalley and @avonbooks for my gifted copy of Secretly Yours, by Tessa Bailey. This romance comes out on February 7th, so perfect timing for Valentine’s Day!

I thought this book was so sweet and fun! I loved that Hallie (the female MC) was a gardener, and so invested in the community. I thought that added a great deal to the story, and to her depth as a character. Julian was a fantastic character as well, and watching them fall for each other was a blast.

Bailey’s trademark steam was out in full force, as usual. I loved every minute of it, and can’t wait for the next book in this series!

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Tessa Bailey does it again with a great rom-com to make you smile. She makes you root for her flawed characters and relate to their life situations. Hallie and Julian are a great example of how opposites attract and how they bring out the best of each other. I laughed at their witty banter and sexy talk. I did find the secret letter writing a little childish and not something to get overly upset by, but that could be my age/maturity or that the secret identity trope isn't my favorite. I look forward to Natalie and August's story and can't wait to find out both those characters back stories.

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At this point, I just have to accept that everything Tessa Bailey writes is pure gold. She’s the queen of romance and dirty talk 😂 she’s definitely an auto-buy author for me.

I had so much fun reading this. I loved Julian and Hallie together and the anxiety rep was very well done and relatable. I wouldn’t say this was Insta love but definitely not slow burn either. It was definitely Insta-attraction though and those sex scenes were on fire 🔥

I actually think I like this even more than It Happened One Summer and that’s high praise!

I can’t wait for the sequel with Natalie!

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Pop Quiz: What do you do when your crush of 14 years unexpectedly comes back into town? Why get drunk and write an anonymous letter professing all of your feelings of course! Having an adult conversation would have been far too easy and that’s just not the Hallie Welch way! In fact, Hallie’s way of doing things is what makes Secretly Yours so joyous that you can’t help but deal with the smile that will refuse to leave your face.

Night and day have more in common than Julian and Hallie. For Hallie, life has been a whirlwind adventure of different places, different roles, and different people. She doesn’t know the meaning of the words structure, anchored, and predictable – at least not without her late grandmother’s help and guidance. For Julian, time and a stringent schedule is a way of life, a way of surviving. Without the knowledge of how every minute is dictated, the phantom of anxiety lurks, waiting to take hold of him yet again. To keep it at bay, he has to avoid chaos at all cost, until the chaos is a beautiful blonde gardener whose smile could give the sun’s rays a run for their money. Little does he know this “chance” encounter has been a dream in the making for the past fourteen years. Having realized her high school crush was back in town, Hallie is prepared to do what it takes to pick up where they left off.

What I liked about it: Bailey’s characters are always such a work of care, duty, and dedication and this book is no exception. Hallie’s inner monologue kept me in stitches! Her personality was so energetic on paper that you couldn’t help but feel good and smile when she interacted with people. She didn’t change for Julian, she accepted her faults, looked inward, and tried to find out the “why” of what she does, unlocking who she is. Julian did the opposite, convincing himself that he could control his evolution and demand change, not realizing that it isn’t something that you can just summon without doing the work and finding the source. Natalie being instrumental to that revolution, amidst her own struggles, made her such an intricate piece of the story (so excited to read her story next!)

What I love about it: So much praise to how Bailey handled the topic of anxiety! I loved that she didn’t romanticize it. Julian didn’t have this debilitating thing that was cured by “the power of love”. She shows the big, the bad, and the ugly that doesn’t play favorites and takes no prisoners. The way she wrote how he came to terms with the “why” WITH the understanding that professional intervention was a must was sheer perfection.

As far as the spicy level of the story, come on – this is Tessa Bailey! That’s like asking if the sun is hot or if a wheel is round! Her method of creating the most sensational scenes never ceases to amaze me. Got a couple of questions about Julian’s things with knees though! Just saying…but to each their own!

Back to the heart of the book – experiencing Julian’s episode from beginning to end was gut wrenching. We got tidbits through the story about what happened but to relive it with him, to watch him feel so helpless, to see him come out of it and not even know how long he was “gone”, I was speechless.

There is not secret (couldn’t resist) how much readers will love this book! A sweet treat of hope that only unrequited love can give, sprinkled with a second chance encounter, and a gooey center of grumpy vs sunshine will leave you wanting more (with good news that book #2 – Unfortunately Yours – drops June 6, 2023!)

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This was everything.

I love love loved Hallie and Julian. She’s sunshine, happiness, and chaos. He’s cloudy, stoic, and precise. Together they have history, chemistry for days, and something the other one desperately needs. I loved Julian’s sister Natalie and can't wait for more from her.

Plot wise, it was so deliciously slow and I was here for it. I wanted to mash their faces together from the first time they met and relished the build up of the story. Of course I wanted just a bit more from the ending (and epilogue or future take would have been glorious), but it’s damn near perfection.

Tessa has already established herself as one of my favorites and she just continues to deliver the goods. I can’t wait to read what she does next.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

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This was my first Tessa Bailey book and I’m already looking for what else of hers I can read. I loved this book so much, everything about it! The characters are so real! Highly recommend this book and Tessa Bailey!

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OK, I’ll say it-Tessa Bailey has really missed the mark with me lately. I became familiar with her Fix her up series 3 years ago and found her spicy brand of romance fun, and very -titillating:). The last 3 books-My Killer Vacation, Happen-stance and now Secretly Yours, have completely missed the mark.
Secretly Yours is about Hallie, a scatterbrained gardener who has been holding a torch for Professor and Vine heir, Julian Vos since Hugh school.
They meet as adults as she is hired to beautify his property with her unique manner of scattering flowers “where it feels right.” Hallie’s haphazard nature is the opposite of staid Julian’s-but he falls in love nonetheless. What follows is absurd, confusing, and totally unengaging. I just found I could care less about their inevitable coupling.
I’m hoping Bailey gets back to better storytelling and better developed characters soon.

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If there's two things Tessa Bailey absolutely nails, it's character development and finding a way to naturally guide two total opposites into falling in love with each other.

Secretly Yours is endearing and adorable. It's a second-chance romance about an upbeat, well-intentioned but scattered gardener/floral artist trying to preserve the last memories of her recently passed grandmother in the form of a struggling small wine shop and a stoic, rigid and secretly highly-anxious college professor trying to use the last scraps of his sanity to write his debut novel. Basically, it's sunshine vs. grump, carefree and unintentionally reckless vs. strict schedules and meticulous planning, mysterious love letters, strained family dynamics and a lot of wine. Seriously. You'll be craving a glass or three while reading this.

To be completely honest, it's kind of boring and a meh follow-up to Bailey's Bellinger Sisters series that catapulted her to mainstream fame, but I still loved it. I love an uptight, nerdy MMC and a sweet, naive FMC with good intentions, even if she is very immature in the beginning. This is one of those romances where the temptation to DNF will be strong but the ending is worth it.

There's a refreshing representation of anxiety (in the MMC no less, a kind of rarity in romances) and undiagnosed ADHD. The conflict is handled well, especially in the third act. Plus, it's pretty steamy. That's always a huge plus.

Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyage and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Pub date: February 7, 2023

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I recently had the pleasure of reading "Secretly Yours" by Tessa Bailey and was thoroughly impressed with the steamy romance and well-developed characters. The story follows main characters Lily and Tyler as they navigate their unexpected attraction and the complications that arise from their different social standings.

Bailey's writing is sultry and engaging, and the chemistry between Lily and Tyler is off the charts. The character development is excellent and I found myself fully invested in their relationship. The supporting characters are equally well-written and add depth to the story.

One of the standout aspects of "Secretly Yours" is the way it tackles issues of class and social standing in a nuanced and thoughtful manner. The conflicts that arise between Lily and Tyler feel realistic and add depth to their relationship.

Overall, "Secretly Yours" is a steamy and well-written romance that I highly recommend. It easily earns a 4.5 out of 5 stars from me. As a fan of Tessa Bailey's books, I was not disappointed by this latest offering and am already looking forward to her next release.

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Tessa Bailey writes a fun and wonderfully sweet romance. A few twists, turns, a drunk letter and a bad book. What could go wrong? It's a super fun read. I could not put it down and I see a binge read in my future.

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This was not my favorite Tessa Bailey, but it was a cute read. I am excited for the sequel! A good concept.

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Tessa Bailey's books are like candy, and I thoroughly savored this one! SECRETLY YOURS had all of the elements that I love in romance - a relatable and endearing heroine, a kind and fiercely loving hero, and a host of lovely side characters. Julian and Hallie were so much fun to read about. Their story brought sweetness and spice both in equal measure. I cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel!

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I recently read Tessa Bailey's novel, Secretly Yours, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! The characters of Hallie and Julian were particularly captivating and their romance was both steamy and heartwarming.

Hallie is a relatable and lovable protagonist who is struggling to balance her career and personal life. Julian is the perfect foil for her - a confident and successful businessman who is hiding a vulnerable side. The chemistry between the two characters is electric and their interactions are both hilarious and steamy.

Overall, Secretly Yours is a delightful and well-written romance novel that will leave you rooting for Hallie and Julian's happily ever after. If you're a fan of Tessa Bailey's writing or just looking for a feel-good romance novel, I highly recommend giving Secretly Yours a read!

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Tessa Bailey is hit or miss for me (I liked It Happened One Summer but loathed Fix Her Up) and unfortunately this one was a miss. It felt like a bunch of random plot elements and character details were put in a hat and whatever got pulled out got thrown in the book.

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