Member Reviews

I am a big Tessa Bailey fan and this one did not disappoint. It was a really sweet read and I definitely liked the way that there was focus on Julian's growth and mending his family relationship in the novel as well, along with the romance.

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If you're a fan of contemporary romance and you're looking for a delightful quick read, this is it! The tropes are on point and well executed-- grumpy + sunshine, pining, (sort of) secret identity - all very nicely done here for a sweet, comforting reading experience. I loved the chemistry between the two main characters, and their journey to overcoming their individual obstacles was satisfying.

I particularly enjoyed the California wine country setting. Although I'm a lifelong Californian, I've never been up to Napa/Sonoma, and this book reminds me that I NEED to experience it! Also, the area experienced some devastating wildfires in the last few years, and I appreciated how Bailey incorporated that into the plot of this book.


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Secretly Yours is a solid start to a new series from Tessa Bailey. Hallie is a sweet and joyful gardener who is also a bit of a mess. She may have just broken the disco ball in front of a wine shop in order to stop people from going there. Julian is home working on a novel after witnessing his colleague go through a breakdown. Hallie, who has had a crush on Julian for 15 years after they almost kissed at his sister's party, devises a plan to get close to Julian by landscaping his mother's guest house. Then, on a drunken whim she leaves him a letter from a secret admirer. Things only get more chaotic from there. Fans of grumpy/sunshine and opposites attract will really enjoy this book! It's always nice to see characters grow over the course of a book, and both Hallie and Julian have to work through some things in their past before they can get their HEA. Bonus for cute dogs and Judge Judy themed donut shops.

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Secretly Yours was filled with sweet, funny and sexy moments; a cute concept of secret admirer letters, opposites attract, and grumpy/sunshine. I loved that Hailee was a gardener! You don’t see that in books, so that was fun. Julian had some sweet moments throughout the story too and I was here for them!

I have to say, I was hoping for more where the secret admirer letters came in. I feel like it could’ve played out more than it did. While I’m a huge Tessa fan, sadly this one didn’t hit the mark for me. Don’t get me wrong though, I think others will enjoy this!

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Fun story. I found the hero incredibly hot for some reason. I didn't particularly care for the whole secret letter writing plot point it didn't feel entirely necessary. Both characters came to some big realizations about themselves fairly quickly which maybe wasn't the most realistic. It has good sex scenes and really made me want a glass of wine.

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I liked this one more than a couple of others by the same author. The characters are real the drama isn't too overwrought. The love scenes are spicy. This is the first in a new series. I will probably check the next in the series out just because Natalie was so quippy. Library patrons should enjoy this offering.

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Thanks to Avon Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the ARC! Not to be tmi, but I find the male lead of this book, Julian, to be one of the most attractive fictional characters I’ve come across in recent memory. Something about the buttoned up scholar who takes charge is just so great to read. And Tessa Bailey is quickly becoming one of my must read authors. Back in high school, Hallie ALMOST kissed the son of a local vineyard owner, and has harbored feelings for him ever since. Julian, said son, has returned to his hometown on sabbatical from teaching to write a novel. The two collide due to Hallie’s gardening business, and sparks fly immediately. Throw in a drunken bad decision that turns out to just maybe not be so bad, and I was hooked the entire way through. Highly recommend this one, and can’t wait for others in the series!

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I hadn't read any Tessa Bailey before this one, and Secretly Yours really didn't hit for me. I'm not a fan of the insta love trope, and that plus the opposites attract trope made this book a real miss. The MCs in Secretly Yours had literally nothing in common--except for a love of wine. If we as the readers are rooting for their HEA, I give that relationship the shelf life of a banana. I also really disliked the way that anxiety was used as a plot device and a way to drive the conflict--but without the sensitivity that was needed to make it compelling and relatable. Based on Secretly Yours, it'll be a while before I'm ready to try another Tessa Bailey book.

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Tessa Bailey is an author that is an automatic read for me. When I found out that she was starting another series, I got very excited because I loved the Hot and Hammered series and the Bellinger sisters duology. This book, while not my top favorite Tessa Bailey book, was still an enjoyable read and I really loved Hallie's character. I am very excited for the next books in this "A Vine Mess" universe.

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I could not put this book down! Tessa Bailey makes characters that are very hard NOT to fall in love with. I could not wait to find out what happens between Hallie and Julian. This book takes place in Napa Valley and it gives you all the feels. To watch Hallie and Julian grow as themselves and together is amazing. Hallie has always loved Julian since High School, but when he comes back to town for some time off from work is he the boy she remembers or something more entirely. Sometimes not being perfect makes you perfect! Bailey does an amazing job of portraying anxiety and how to address it.

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This novel is SO CUTE!

Hallie is a messy, disorganized gardener who is stull getting over the death of her beloved grandmother. Julian is the super organized son of Napa Valley royalty and she has had a crush on him since high school 15 years earlier!

* Hallie is curvy and a wreck and totally relatable!
* Julian is sweet and caring and protective of his family and helpfup
* The Cheese Incident
*Their connection seemed real
*Their tension was SO MUCH MORE than miscommunication
*Anxiety and mental health awareness
*Lots of build-up and sexual tension
*Open door
* Dirty talk

What Didn't Work For Me:
* Hallie was a virgin - this didn't seem believable because there was no awkwardness
*The "Getting Back Together" part was too over the top

Overall, I really liked this book, but I had a hard time believing Hallie was a virgin.

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If you’re a Tessa Bailey gal, like myself, you’re gonna love this! It’s got her classic hijinks, and trademark steam. The tropes are grumpy/sunshine and opposites attract. Where I think this really shines is the mental health rep! The MMC goes though quite the journey processing his trauma and anxiety.

(⚠️CW: On page panic attacks)

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I already love Tessa Bailey, but this is one of my favorites if hers already. Julian and Hallie were very real. Particularly loved the scene when Julian had to tell a story to the kids. I felt the letters were an unnecessary plot line and didn’t really make sense with the characters and the rest of the story.

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I absolutely loved Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey. It had every element I look for in a romantic comedy with second chance romance. The letters were one of my favorite parts and the secondary characters gave ourain characters a great balance. It is a bit spicy so if you like spice, add this to your TBR

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This book was super cute. I’m not the biggest fan of secret admirers since the lie by omission can be icky, but this is still definitely worth a read. Also, I’m just dying to read Natalie’s book. Her brief moments with her love interest were engaging, and I wanted to explore her as a character. So I’m super glad she is getting her own book!

My most significant note for the publisher would be to edit the first chapter. I think the first chapter has too much rambling and doesn't hook the reader as well as other Tessa books. The first two sentences are way too long. Nevertheless, still a fun book and I look forward to Natalie's story.

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Not my favorite Tessa Bailey but fans of her will adore this one. I felt there was a bit too much instalove for my liking as the book started to simmer out once the couple got together initially, but overall it was a good read. I do enjoy the way Bailey varies up her settings and character types, so that gets extra points from me.

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I love LOVE Tessa Bailey but......and unfortunately there is a but.... the romance in this book hinges on the idea that a 14 year old had a missed kiss with a senior boy. So from the start something wasn't sitting right with me. There is also a letter writing element in the middle of the book that seemed superfluous. The book was still enjoyable. Will I read other books in the series? Absolutely. Was this my favorite

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Thank you to NetGalley, Tessa Bailey, and Avon for the ARC!

While I didn't love this one quite as much as It Happened One Summer, I did enjoy it. Hallie is a very go with the flow and chaotic to Julian's level-headedness and order. I felt like there wasn't a ton of build up of feelings on Julian's part which I think is why it felt a little inauthentic. I do love the grumpy guy vs sunshine girl trope (Hello, The Hating Game) so that provided some appeal.

Overall, I still liked it and will of course read the next one in the series.

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First of a new series and a bit of a different male lead than this authors norm. Got some hints for the next in the series- and I’m sure we will get updates on this pair’s latest then too. Wine, friends and romance while mixing in some true to life mental health issues.

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Tess Bailey is a must read author for me, and Secretly Yours did not disappoint! I loved the grumpy-sunshine interactions between Hailey and Julian and how they both grew through the time they were together. I can't wait to read the next book in this series, and will absolutely be buying this when it comes out.

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