Member Reviews

I thought this was a cute story about a boy who discovers a psychic connection to the spirit world after an accident. You follow him as he learns about his newfound gift and how to rid himself from those with not great intentions. It was a bit young for me but I can see younger children and teens liovng this

Thirteen-year-old psychic Alex and his paranormal investigator friends face their biggest challenge yet: the hospital haunting. The friends are convinced that this surge of ghostly activity is far more devious than the “experts” suspect—and that only the ancient magic of an elusive swamp witch can put the ghosts to rest. Finding the witch means braving the Louisiana swamps full of gators and snakes, but if Alex and his team fail, New Orleans could become a realm of the dead.
For coming into this series in the middle and not having read any of the others I really enjoyed it as a one off, so much so I am probably going to go back and read the other books in the series.
The plot had a nice mixture of cliche middle grade topics such as friendship, finding where you belong and figuring out who you are, but at the same time had spooky aspects to the story; there was a great balance between the two which was refreshing.
I loved McCauley’s characterisation and think she has created a unique cast of characters which is one of the main reasons why I want to go back and read the previous books so I can get to know them all a little bit more.

⭐⭐⭐ -- Great cover!
I probably would have enjoyed this one more had I read the previous books in the series. This one doesn't hold up well as a standalone, so I can't recommend it as such. I also thought it read more like a YA book than a middle grade one. The characters (Alex specifically) read as an older teen and not someone just turning 13. That said, it wasn't a bad book. It was spooky and it held my interest throughout.
**ARC Via NetGalley**

Swamp Witch is book 4 in the Ghost Hunters series. I didn't know this when requesting from NetGalley 😂 Usually, a series like this can be read standalone. However, I wouldn't recommend that with this series. I was a tad confused throughout this one, but that is my own fault.
Overall, this is a fun MG read. I enjoy all kinds of books but anything supernatural and ghosty are my favorite. This is a good one for younger readers as it's not too scary, but scary enough for those that love this no kind of book.
I sincerely appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. While a review wasn't expected, I have offered my opinion and these are my own thoughts.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book.
This is the fourth in a middle grade series, but it's easy to follow along with if you haven't read the others. i found it to be an engaging, quick read that younger kids will enjoy. It isn't too scary or mature, but it does deal with death and dark magic. If you don't want your kids reading about those things, maybe this isn't the right book for you, but it's something I'd let my daughter read if she was interested.

You had me at Haunted Hospital.
This was such a fun and spooky book. The writing is perfection!
I honestly didn't know what to expect when I started reading a middle-school book but I was so intrigued by the title and the premise: A hospital haunting being investigated by a thirteen year old and his friends.
Halloween is coming soon, perfect gift for that middle-schooler in your life or even for yourself.

Grabbed me right away. First in a series snd looking forward to more books. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

I got a free copy from Netgalley all opinions are my own.
To start, I'm stupid, I didn't actually finish reading the discription when requesting this book from Netgalley, so I had no idea what was going on since this is the 4th book in a series and I haven't read any of the prequels.
So yes this book was a little confusing to me, and I also felt that this book was quite info dumpy. There was a lot of repeating info, which I did like since I haven't read any of the other books, but did find it annoying at times.
Overall I did like this book, I don't really read middle grade, but did like this one. I'm not sure if I will read the other books in this series. But I did enjoy spending my time reading this book!

Young Alex finds himself on another journey to solve a ghost outbreak. Still dealing with his mother's death, he frequently has to find the strength to keep going each day and he has a great friend group to support him. Ghost Hunters #4 has a clever plot and Susan McCauley a great way of taking you to the scene of each chapter. This book was creative and fun, however there were a few repetitive parts that seemed random and unnecessary. Sometimes the conversations and scenarios feel too cheesy to keep you hooked, but for young readers it's a fun tale of a unique adventure.

Thirteen year old Alex Lenard is grieving his mother’s death even with his gift of now being able to see ghosts. It happened that this gift came about after the traffic accident that killed his mother. He is being trained by his mentor, Frank who has Alex help him with the latest ghosts that need To go over to the other side. There is a large haunting of quarrelsome ghosts at the hospital. Patients are dying and adding to the ghosts. This doesn’t normally happen. Frank has Alex helping him.at the hospital. What Alex finds out about the ghosts at the end of the hall is a mystery to Alex and Frank. He goes to see the swamp witch who tells him what to do. What did she tell him to do? Will he be able to do it?
This book is last book of the four book set. I loved reading Alex’s thoughts and actions he takes to help Frank with the hospital ghosts. The author has written the book in a manner that made it easy to read and understand without having read the previous books. (I will be going back to read all the previous ones.). I enjoyed the book so much I didn’t want it to be the last book! There is a “big” secret that Made me want to know more. It is a mystery with somewhat scary seconds in it. The other characters were great as the supported Alex and “had his back.”
It is a delightful ghost story mystery!

To be honest, when I first started reading, I could immediately feel the tension.
A haunting in a hospital is being looked into by thirteen-year-old psychic Alex and his companions. I enjoy Susan McCauley's writing so much that I keep want to reading more of her work. I truly enjoyed reading this book because the tale lived up to my expectations.
This is such a great book for a middle schooler or if any of you interested in supernatural genre. A spooky book that perfect to accompany you in Halloween soon.
Thank you for Netgalley & Publisher for providing ARC in exchange for honest review.

A quick, easy and creepy read that I loved. Well written with well developed characters and a storyline that kept me gripped the whole way through