Member Reviews

I recieved a free copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Calan allissaid
I enjoyed this book for the most part. Allissaid was kidnapped now that her older sister has married. Knowing that her marriage would mean the murder of her entire family because all her kidnapper wants in her clan and home, Allissaid escapes.
Calan stops a lad from stealing his plaid but realizes the thief is a naked woman who has been beaten.
As Calan tries to protect Allissaid the two grow closer.
While I liked the story I feel like we were told about their relationship instead of being shown. The ending also feels rushed. It's 10 days later, sunrise wedding, and the final show down.
I feel like their were places to make this story stronger.

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I think this was a pretty typical highland romance - it was pretty entertaining and fun! There were the typical sort of "bananapants" plot points that, while not realistic, are entertaining.

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In Her Highlander's Bed by Lynsay Sands
Rating: 4.5/5
Spice rating: 2/5 (pretty typical Sands)
This is the 11th book in the series, though it can be read as a stand alone. I will say, this book is Lynsay Sands perfection. What I love about Sands historicals is that they are swashbuckling, adventure-packed romps that are always fun. This book is just that.

Following Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn, and Allissaid MacFarlane, sister of Claray (heroine of the last book) and cousin to the Buchanans, they start off their relationship when Allissaid is caught stealing his plaid as she is escaping McNaughton (the evil villain of the last book). This story literally starts with kidnappings and head wounds. A perfect Sands combination.

Specific things about this story that I enjoyed (when compared to other books in the series):
-Calan's relationship with his mother and sister: the Buchanans are usually the central throughline of this series. As a result, there is a lot of man energy. This story has new female characters that exude such sensitivity and strength. I enjoyed these characters and their relationships.

-Allissaid as a heroine: she is strong willed and smart. Sometimes we get a heroine who is strong but reckless which can be fun but also sometimes grating. That's not the case here. Allissaid is reasonably wary of those around her and looking to keep herself safe. Her new acquaintances have to earn her trust over time.

-Alick: Alick Buchanan is the only brother left without a book and a wife. This book lays some fun groundwork for (what I hope!) is an Alick book coming soon!

Overall, this is a great installment to the series and exactly what I want when I pick up a Highlander Bride story!

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Kidnapped and beaten by a cruel laird, Allie manages to escape. Callan finds her and gives her safety and protection. Spending time together gives rise to unexpected feelings for each other. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for my honest review.

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I finished In Her Highlanders Bed, overall a quick, entertaining read. I liked the characters, I'm hoping for a follow-up on Calan and Allie! My only complaint was how the dialogue was written, I know the story takes place in Scotland, I didn't feel the way they spoke needed to reflect that, especially when their inner thoughts were not written that way. Otherwise, an enjoyable read! I was given a copy of this book from Netgalley in return for a fair and honest review.

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In Her Highlanders Bed was a great book. Once I picked it up I couldn't put it down. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and the ending was very surprising. Kudos to everyone who helped make it. :)

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In Her Highlander’s Bed is part of Lynsay Sands’ Highland Brides series set in historical Scotland. I’ve read the first book in the series and enjoyed it and this is much in the same vein. Calan and Allissaid were lovely together, he rescues her after she flees her kidnapping by an enemy clan and brings her back to the safety of his castle. I loved his mother and sister so much in this, there’s also a lot of humour in this book since all these women end up making fun of how foolish he can be sometimes. It’s a great series but there’s a ton of violence and the beginning when Calan finds Allissaid close to death is so hard to read about. Massive, massive content warnings for that.

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This book was fine. We are getting down to 3.5 stars though. Every book kind of plays out the same. Secret passages, shocking betrayals, virgin/experienced. Entertaining enough, but not a re-read.

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When Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn, took a dip in the icy loch, he didn't expect a thief trying to run away with his plaid while he swam. Tackling the thief to the ground, Calan discovered it was not a lad but a lady...naked, bruised, and now unconscious. Allissaid MacFarlane risked death to escape a kidnapping and sham wedding. She awakens in a strange bed with a strange man, unsure if he's a friend or foe.

This is the eleventh book in the Highland Brides series. I have not read the other books and felt like this story could be read alone. I actually thought it was book two of a series following Highland Wolf, which is about Allissaid's sister and the background of that story is explained here.

It's been a while since I've read a Scottish romance, and the plot of this one intrigued me. The story drew me right into the clan rivalries and Allissaid was a great central figure. She was loyal, brave, and a quick thinker. I liked how she feigned amnesia until she could figure out more about the clan that held her. Calan was a good hero, too, with a good balance of protective-alpha and kind, considerate softie. I liked the storytelling and would definitely check out more stories in the series.

Tropes: Kidnapped, Runaway, Forced Proximity, Protector

Steam: 3

* I received an ARC and this is my honest review. #InHerHighlandersBed #NetGalley

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In Her Highlander’s Bed is another great addition to Lynsey Sands’s Highland Brides series. It has intrigue, danger, a great family, dynamic protagonists, and a super swoon-worthy love story. The story begins when Calan Campbell swims in his loch, and a boy steals his plaid and runs off. Calan gives chase and accidentally knocks the thief unconscious. Much to Calan’s surprise, the thief isn’t a boy. It’s a young woman, and the woman has been severely injured. So, Calan takes the unconscious woman back to his castle until he can figure out who she is and how she wound up naked and roaming his lands.

Allissaid escaped the villainous clutches of her family’s enemy after being kidnapped but finds herself in trouble again when she attempts to steal a plaid to cover her naked body. She wakes up brutally beaten and in a stranger’s bed, and she has no idea if he is friend or foe. Allissaid pretends she lost her memory until she can learn more about the man who rescued her.

I love Calan! He is so kind and caring, and the way he takes care of Allissaid and protects her is wonderful. At first, Allissaid doesn’t trust him, which makes sense, considering how brutalized she was. She knows her life is in danger, and it would be foolish to blindly trust anyone. However, Calan proves quite quickly he is honorable and only has good intentions.

I also love the people in Calan’s life. His mother and sister are great. They’re both strong and intelligent women, and their devotion to their family, clan, and allies is admirable. I love their roles in the story and how influential they were in Calan and Allissaid’s lives. I’m hoping that Calan’s sister and his best friend (OMG Calan’s best friend is fantastic!) have their own books. They both have such compelling stories, and a romance was hinted at in regard to Calan’s sister and Allissaid’s cousin. Fingers crossed! They seemed so drawn to each other, and they already have such great chemistry! Calan’s best friend’s back story was also introduced, and I’m eager to learn more about him and whether he’ll return to his home.

The most admirable character of all is Annalise. She goes through hell, and she never gives up. She is a fighter and so brave considering what she faced and what could be in her future. Through much of the story, she is recovering from the horrible injuries she obtained during a brutal kidnapping and attempted sexual assault. She is not mobile, must hide to ensure her safety, and she’s in terrible pain from the attack. However, she proves how strong she is as she recovers and helps to bring her kidnapper to justice.

Calan and Allissaid fall for each other fast and under distressing circumstances, but their feelings are deep and true. Calan guards her and hides her in his rooms, and the pair spends a lot of time together. I think this is why they fall so fast. They don’t have quick, light encounters. They have deep conversations and are together more than they’re apart. I can see why their bond was formed so quickly and deeply. They have amazing chemistry, and they’re the kind of couple that is easy to root for. They’re both good, kind, and honorable, and they connect on such an intimate level. I love how Calan remembers little things about Allissaid like her favorite fruits and drinks and stories about herself and her family. It’s clear he is as interested in her as she is in him.

Lynsay Sands is an auto-buy author for me. Her storytelling brings the stories and characters to life, and I always become so invested in the characters and love stories. In Her Highlander’s Bed is no exception. Special thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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I enjoy Lynsay Sands highlander romances, but at this point the storylines are formulaic and predictable. It's a quick read and overall enjoyable.

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In Her Highlander’s Bed by is book 11 in Lynsay Sands Highland Brides Series but can be read as a stand-alone. As the story begins, the Laird of Kilcairn, Calan Campbell, comes upon a knocked out Allissaid MacFarlane. Allissaid has just escaped after being kidnapped and forced to marry a man she does not love who is also an enemy of her family. When Allissaid awakens she finds herself in Calan’s bed with the hunky highlander seated beside her. She doesn’t know if she can trust him, so she claims amnesia. Allissaid has been hurt by Maldouen McNaughton, the man she was forced to marry and she’s badly bruised all over her body.

Once Allissaid starts to trust Calan and realizes she knows his family, she reveals her identity and her story. Much of the story revolves around Calan and his mom and sister taking care of Allisaid while she heals from her injuries and also on trying to figure out a way to get Allissaid out of her arranged marriage.

Overall, this was a nice Highland romance, the plot moved along fairly quickly and I liked the romantic tension between Allissad and Calan. Calan takes good care of Allissaid as she recovers in his home. I thought it was a nice touch that Calan’s family is also involved, mainly his mom and his sister.
Calan is your alpha male wanting to ravish Allissaid and claim her as his own and he did annoy me sometimes with how he had just one thing on his mind while Allissaid is trying to heal, she’s badly battered and bruised.

Aside from that, I can always appreciate a slow burn romance and that is what these two had. Nothing was rushed between them, so it made it more realistic. If you enjoy Highland romance and an alpha hero with a heroine who is in need of saving, I think you may enjoy this one.

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I truly enjoyed this book and it’s characters. My only hesitation causing it to get 4 stars instead of 5 is that the ending felt hurried. I loved the plot and adventures that ensued, the dialogue is witty and charming, and the characters are easy to love. I liked the ending overall, but with the slow build up at the beginning it felt like the author realized how much had already been written and that it needed wrapping up quickly. Also, fair warning, there is no epilogue. I do look forward to reading more from this author!

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This book is part of The Highland Bride series and I have really enjoyed the whole series. Calan Campbell is swimming in his loch when he notices his plaid is being stolen by a young boy. He soon realizes the thief is a young woman who has no clothes and appears to have been abused and possibly sexually assaulted. Allissaid was kidnapped and escapes her capturer. Since she doesn’t know where she is when she wakes up, she pretends to have amnesia. She begins to trust Callan and they decide to hide Allissaid until they can bring her kidnappers to justice. The love that builds between these two is wonderful and I enjoyed the story. Thank you Avon, NetGalley and Lyndsay Sands for an advanced copy for this honest review.

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I love all the historical romances I've read by Lynsay Sands, but her Highlanders just hit me in a different way. I'm always left with a smile on my face, and that warm fuzzy feeling where I can actually feel the happiness trying to bust out.
In this story, Allisade is kidnapped and beaten by a very bad man. She escapes and finds herself tackled by Calan our Highlander when he catches her stealing his plaid while bathing in a loch. Of course, he thought the person running naked stealing his stuff was a young man... not a horribly abused young woman.... who also appears to be a lady. Not knowing who she is or what kind of trouble she's in he decides to, with the help of his cousin sneak her into his keep and into his bedroom so he can tend her wounds and keep her safe. They slowly get to know each other and their feelings grow, the first and most important one is that she feels safe with him. Of course, the bad man comes a calling, and we get a nice swordfight, and everyone lives happily ever after!..... We knew that was coming lol....
Also, we get a little snippet of the next book releasing in May, and it's so good! I already can't wait to read it!

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This intense tale has strong characters that kept me hooked throughout.

At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about this, but as it progressed I really enjoyed it! I have not read any of the other books in this series and I do think that took me out of the story at first because there were some details about MCs of previous books. However once it got going that really didn’t affect my enjoyment of the book.
The MCs of this book are just so made for each other! They’re much sweeter than I would expect from this kind of romance.
Mostly, if you like Highlander stories, I would recommend this one!

Star Rating: 3/5
Tropes: Amnesia
CW: Violence, assault

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for an advanced review copy of this title. All opinions are my own and are honestly given.

When Calan Campbell, Laird of Kilcairn, strips off to take a swim in his clan’s loch and encounters a nude, injured young woman attempting to take his plaid, he gives chase and accidentally knocks the woman unconscious. He takes her back to his family’s holding to nurse her back to health and to determine who she is, finding himself unexpectedly drawn to the beautiful mystery woman.

Allisaid MacFarlane managed to escape the villainous captors who forced her to marry their leader, McNaughton, and plan to murder her family in order to take over the MacFarlane clan. When she awakens in a strange holding with the man with whom she scuffled over the plaid, she decides to feign amnesia until she can plot her escape and save her family. However, as she spends time with him, Allissaid finds herself falling in love with the kind, gentle, and honorable Calan and decides to trust him with her secrets. Now, Allissaid and Calan must work together to save the MacFarlane clan and perhaps build a future together.

This was the first book by Sands that I have read in a while, but now I am determined to go back and read the entire series. In Her Highlander’s Bed grabs readers from the first page and is a fast, fun, romantic read. I loved both leads— Calan is kind, caring, strong, and protective, and Allissaid is brave, determined, and honorable. Sands has a way of writing that is the perfect balance of suspense, romance, and genuine chemistry between the characters, and she is a household name in Highlander romances for a reason. I would definitely encourage potential readers check out content warnings regarding physical abuse and attempted sexual assault, but, all in all, this was the perfect cozy, Highlander romance read for me. 4.5 stars and a definite purchase for us in physical and digital formats.

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This book was exactly what I needed at the time. It grabbed my attention and did not let go until the end!

I have not read all of the books of this series, and feel you can pick almost any of them up and read as a standalone!

This one is not for the faint of heart nor is most of the books in this series. Very much a romantic suspense, this book also has a ‘sick-care’ trope done really well.

Heroine is one of my favorites, she is such a fighter, and Calan is definitely a cinnamon roll hero, he just wants to take care of her. You know he’s already gone for her as soon as he holds her hand.

Looking forward to the other books in this series!

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This is book #11 in The Highland Bride series and this series doesn't need to be read in order but the characters do overlap in this series. Calan Campbell is taking a dip in the loch when he notices his plaid is being stolen, once the culprit is captured he realizes the thief is a young naked woman who looks to have been abused. After being kidnapped and assaulted Allissaid flees her captures and wakes up in the bed of an unknown man. Calan and Allissaid quickly come to the decision that it would be best for if she can remain hidden until they can find the men responsible for her kidnapping. I always enjoy Lynsay Sand's books, whether that be her Argeneau Vampire series or her Scottish historicals. Her writing just always works for me and I love the characters that she builds as well the journey she takes us on. Thank you Avon for my #gifted copy, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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For fans of Outlander, New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands’ newest installment of the Highland Brides series brings us a sweeping tale of passion as a laird’s swim in a loch leads to the love of a lifetime.

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