Member Reviews

This was an interesting read. I really enjoyed the first half of this book. Which covered the authors early education and first jobs as a geologist. I was engrossed in this section as I could relate with the authors studies as I started studying Geology then switched to geography. It was great learning about all the interviews and first job with BP. He has certainly lived an interesting life. I loved learning about how he was moving countries and how they would find the oil and gas. It is definitely an ever changing career. There is also plenty of dramas. After half way it started to get more business related and my interest dropped off. I'm still glad I read this book as I learnt some great things it seems that this book would be better suited to the more business minded. It was well wrote and flowed great. I think this book would be a brilliant fit if your thinking of getting into the business or if you have an interest in building up a business.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for sharing and interesting journey through the minefield of gas and oil business . I'm sure many will find this book very interesting.
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