Member Reviews

On their final day at Oakwood Primary two talented pupils, Sam Martin, the best in school at sport, and Charlie Woods, its brightest academic prospect, go head to head in the Year 6 fifty metre dash. It is a day neither of them will forget.
Afterwards, they go their separate ways to different schools. Charlie achieves her goal of gaining a place to read engineering at Imperial College London and Sam fulfils his dream of winning a professional rugby contract but struggles with the physical and mental pressures inherent in playing sport for a living.
When life changing events bring the two together again, can the spark of friendship that Sam and Charlie felt when they were young be rekindled?
A story of loss, love, frustrated ambitions and shattered hopes unfolds as they strive to overcome their emotional and physical challenges.
Great read, you can certainly feel yourself sharing in their emotions throughout.

Great book. Loved the characters and the story, one that we can all relate to in some shape or form. Highly recommended.