Member Reviews

A queer regency era love story? SAY LESS! I loved this book so so much, and it truly gave me all the romantic feelings that I need whilst reading a victorian novel. I loved the friends-to-lovers dynamic in this book, and the love triangle made sense for the story (something I often feel isn't true)!

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This book was so hilarious and cute.
I loved growth of Eddie's and Rose's relationship.
Definitely recommend it!!

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the arc in exchange of honest review.

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I just could not get through this book. I have no idea what it was. I don’t think it is meant for me. I would be interested to see what lex croucher’s other book is like and if I could get through it. I’m sure that it would be a great book for someone else, and can see why people like it. I will recommend to someone who asks for historical romances.

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Infamous follows Edith (Eddie), and Rose; two friends who are emerging into society, or at least one is trying. Rose starts talking seriously about marriage and Eddie is having none of it, as Eddie still wants to write her stories and live her life. When Eddie meets her favourite poet, their lives change.

I adored this book, it pulled me in from the beginning and there were so many parts that I was not expecting but then realized thinking back that the groundwork for it was laid perfectly. Eddie’s story truly captured me and I was on the edge of my seat to see how she navigated her relationships with Rose and Nash. I went in knowing a little about the book, but it surprised me in so many ways, but they were all so pleasant and I adored it all.

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No other book has brought forth as many emotions as this one has. It was a ROLLERCOSTER, It made me laugh, scream with frustration , almost cry, I was so shocked at one point I had to put the book (well my phone) down and simply sit and stare at the wall. That is all I can say.

I just wanna say thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me this arc 🙏🏾

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I read Lex Croucher's first novel, Reputation, and was really grateful & excited to receive the opportunity to read and review Infamous. I love regency novels, but always wish for more queer joy within them, and Infamous came through with expressions of queer love, tenderness, and a blend of adventure and tension.

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Marketed as Booksmart meets Bridgerton and it's so much more than that. What a fun regency romp with such lovable, relatable characters and a sweet relationship at the center of it all. Eddie is infuriating and brilliant. Rose is sweet and bullheaded/ Completely in love with everything about this. Lex Croucher has a fabulous voice and such a flair for writing fun, interesting stories!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

I was so excited to read this book. I particularly loved “Reputation” and the way the author managed to write a regency era novel with such modern twists. This book did not disappoint from its counterpart. It quite literally was Bridgerton mixed with Booksmart. It was impossible not to like the protagonist who against all odds was bound and determined to become a published author. She was so head strong yet so dim witted at moments that I often found myself wanting to shake her to show her the obvious. But she also was determined and fiercely loyal which was what made her character so charming. Her relationship with the poet who is offering her a segue into the publishing world was probably the most captivating part of the book(but for terrible reasons). The author did a wonderful job portraying their relationship.

I am so looking forward to future books from Lex Croucher.

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This is my first historical queer romance. I truly appreciated the inclusiveness of the story, but I wasn't entirely swept off my feet as the characters were unlikable for me. I don't even mind the use of modern language. Its just I actually didn't care all that much about what happened to Eddie as she was just so blind to Nash who was such a villian. This isn't a spoiler since its so obvious.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing an eARC in exchange for a sincere review.

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This was not exactly what I expected. It has been a few days and frankly I’m still not sure if I liked it. The characters were interesting, but the storyline was a bit flat. The twist and the ending weren’t quite what I was hoping for. Perhaps it just wasn’t my thing.

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As an avid Jane Austen fan, I am sucker for anything Regency. Much like Bridgerton, Croucher’s bold and fresh delivery of a modern, diverse, and queer Recency story is a definite new guilty pleasure of mine. Nothing makes for a better escape than a dreamy and fanciful Regency Era world mixed with modern, feminist ideals.

The main character, Eddie is both frustrating and lovable. What makes the book great is the real flaws we see in the characters as they navigate coming into their own in this coming of age story. There is a realness to the narrow sighted focus and denial in hidden parts of us, as well as the disillusionment one goes through when seemingly getting what they thought they always wanted.

Any fan of Regency and Bridgerton-esque stories will love the humor, wit, and delight of Infamous.

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Thanks to St Martin's Press and NetGalley for the advanced readers copy!

Eddie is on a mission to be a writer! She meets a well known poet, Nash, and gets pulled into his world of debauchery. Eddie's best friend, Rose, continues to try to help Eddie see that she has placed her trust in the wrong person. It takes Eddie way longer than it should to realize Rose is right, in more than one way.

I liked this book better than Reputation. At times I really didn't like Eddie but I couldn't help but cheer her on. Nash makes a great prick while still being intriguing. I kind of hate the ending in one major way but love the rest of it! The part I hate about the ending makes more sense historically, however, so I'm not too torn up about it. I enjoyed this one!

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I had mixed feelings about Lex Croucher's first book, but I am a sucker for Regency historical fiction, so I entered this book with a little bit of trepidation. I actually liked this one better! Eddie is a completely unlikeable main character and yet Croucher lets you feel close to her and care about her welfare - an incredible feat! The bacchanalia felt well-balanced by (mostly) sober daytime adventures, too, and the racial and sexual/gender diversity felt truer to Regency culture and still ring true to modern society. The brief references to real historical figures, like William Wilberforce and Mary Shelley and characters very much modeled on Anne Lister or who were probably influenced by Rousseau and Wollstonecraft kept me grounded in the period. The villain was a believable scoundrel (even if his last appearance was a bit melodramatic), and the heroine got to go on a very Austen-esque journey of self-discovery. A very enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to more, if there will be more from this world.

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I really enjoyed this book, especially from an ERA I wish I was in.

Like a Jane Austen book, I would definitely recommend it. 2nd the book I've read from this author does not disappoint. Fun Read, and enjoyable.

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Edith “Eddie” Miller wants to be a published author, so much so that she fails to notice what’s going on around her and things begin to go awry! Eddie is a main character you root for and yell at because while she has so much going for her she needs to OPEN HER DANG EYES! Infamous is a very fun very queer historical romance.

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Infamous by Lex Croucher was such a fun read!
Eddie and Rose have always been best friends, but their friendship becomes increasingly complicated when Rose makes her debut in society, goes out to balls, and even considers marriage, while Eddie wants to remain a single woman who dedicates herself to her writing, and refuses the constraints of a traditional marriage.
The main character, Eddie, is a HOT mess that you can't help but love. She shows great character growth through a myriad of difficult experiences, and learns the hard way that things are not always what they seem.
Croucher takes us back to a regency-inspired world where proper manners are expected, yet rules are easily bent by the female protagonists. Lovers of the regency era will enjoy the familiar and romantic setting of the past, while being able to appreciate the deeply feminist message of the book.

Thank you NetGalley for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Edith "Eddie" Miller has always wanted to be a writer, and when her best friend Rose starts talking about marriage, Eddie dives deep into her art. Eddie and Rose have always done everything together, including "practice" kissing, so Eddie is feeling lost as Rose pulls away from her and towards her fiance. When Eddie wins the interest of the famous poet Nash Nicholson, he invites her to spend a month with his family to finish her novel. But the constant parties with Nash's friends are not what Eddie dreamed of, and neither is her increasingly confusing and concerning relationship with Nash. I really enjoyed Reputation by Lex Croucher earlier this year, so I was excited to read this book, and I loved it even more than Reputation! It is genuinely witty! The humor is so quick and clever, especially in the conversations between Eddie and Rose. This is a clever novel about artists and their art, as well as a wonderful sapphic romance with Eddie growing to understand her sexuality and her feelings for Rosie. The plot is slower at the beginning but really makes up for the slower start by becoming incredibly intriguing and addictive at the end. This was such a fun read, and I can't wait to see what Lex Croucher writes next!

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I love this new genre of queer historical rom com it is a true delight! Much like Croucher’s previous novel, Reputation, Infamous takes place in a slightly alternative Regency era Britain and the bulk of our main characters are queer and figuring out their place in the world. This book will not be for everyone, particularly people who hate anachronistic language. There is ALOT of that in this much like the previous book. I honestly found that aspect fun and endearing but others might find it annoying.

I thought the main characters were incredibly likable, definitely flawed but that’s why these characters worked so well for me. I also thought how Croucher portrayed the exploration of sexuality and even the characters learning that same sex attraction is in fact an option. Read this book with an open mind and an open heart and enjoy the ride!

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This book was such a delight! I am not a big historical romance person, but this book made me reconsider. So clever and charming and fun!

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I had such a hard time getting through this book! I could not get into it. It finally came together towards the very end, but I couldn't follow the story much throughout. I absolutely loved her first book "Reputation". This second book was similar but felt more rushed and I had the hardest time with it. I still look forward to upcoming work from the author because I love her twist on regency period pieces. This book featured an array of inclusive characters which was awesome to read about. It was a miss for me, but I think others may connect with it more!

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