Member Reviews

TW: Death, Close Family Members

This novel has taught me a lot about how to deal with my own grief, how to support those who have lost someone important to them and how to be there for someone you love who is reaching the end of their life.

Clover tends to live in her own world, only speaking to clients of hers who are close to death, as her occupation as a Death Doula. Throughout the story, Clover learns from her books of Advice, Confessions and Regrets from clients who have passed - categorizing them throughout their last few days of life. I found that although Clover did lack certain emotional characteristics and experiences, I empathized with her. I appreciated her development throughout the book and her ability to "be cautiously reckless".

I found Mikki was able to write about the difficult topic of death, and make it simple throughout the dialogue and the messages that were conveyed. I laughed and I cried, and I felt like I became friends with Clover, Slyvie, Leo, Hugo and Claudia.

A very special thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy and the amazing opportunity to self-reflect and grow as a person, just as Clover did.

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Good book if you can get through the first quarter of the book which is very morbid. The rest is easy reading and sorta funny as Clover tries to navigate her first friendships while being a death doula.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of THE COLLECTED REGRETS OF CLOVER by Mikki Brammer. I really enjoyed this beautiful story about making the most out of life and death. I'd never heard of a death doula, Clover's profession, but learning about it was really interesting. The best part was definitely just seeing Clover's character growth from being so isolated and grief-stricken to learning how to create a life she wouldn't have to regret when she died. The ending was so inspirational and filled with so many great little quotes: "Grief is just love looking for a place to settle," and "The secret to a beautiful death is to live a beautiful life," and many more. I loved it!

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The Collected Regrets of Clover is a thoughtful and comforting book about living life. Clover Brooks came to know death early in life. First her kindergarten teacher dies while reading a story to Clover's class, then her parents die in an accident while on vacation. As a young child, Clover was raised in a NYC apartment by her grandfather who was a biology professor. Now thirty-six year old Clover is a death doula to comfort terminally ill people. Author Mikki Brammer provides readers with a good framework to discuss death and living, regrets and hopes. This novel is recommended for discussion groups and young adult readers.

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The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer - 2/5 ⭐️
Book 17 of 2023

*Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for this ARC*

“A big-hearted and life-affirming debut about a death doula who, in caring for others at the end of their life, has forgotten how to live her own, for readers of The Midnight Library” [excerpt taken from St Martin’s Press).

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you’ll know by the above “for the readers of” what’s coming in this review. It’s rather unfortunate this entire story is solely about Clover. She is somehow self-righteous, inauthentic, and cloyingly obtuse all at once. Provided that she is a world traveller and a person who guides others to the end of their lives, one would assume she is empathetic yet that was rarely the case. Her character lacked perspective, resulting in Clover coming across as an underdeveloped, tiresome protagonist. While I am certain this is not a YA novel, it does comes across as such. I had to really dig my heels in to get through this and it proved that you can’t always judge a book by it’s cover; if so, this likely would have been much better.

The Collected Regrets of Clover is set to be published May 9, 2023.

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I absolutely loved this book. It hooked me and kept me turning pages until I was done. Finished it in two days! The character development was strong, and the premise was unique enough that it didn't feel like anything else I've read.

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I received an advance copy of The Collected Regrets of Clover, thanks to NetGalley. I was intrigued by the premise of this book and the role of a death doula in supporting people through the end of life process. The book was quick and easy to read and had some touching moments. However, the main character, Clover, fell flat for me. She came across as very immature and inexperienced, almost to the point where the book had the vibe of a YA novel at times. Clover was clearly still working through unprocessed grief from the death of her parents at a young age, and had never formed a true friendship or had a romantic relationship. It was heartwarming to watch her navigate her way through these new relationships for the first time in the story, but her character lost credibility and didn’t feel very believable as a result - the disconnect was too great between her professional career and her personal experience. I read the book quickly but was left feeling unsatisfied at the end due to these contradictions with the main character.

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Nothing startlingly original here, but a well-told, gentle tale of a loss-ridden introvert opening up to life. Sad, hopeful and lovely

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The Midnight Library is one of my favorite books so I knew that I had to read this one. It also questions the meaning of life/death and how your choices in life determine how your path runs.

Clover was a fabulous character! She is introverted and a little different, especially because she focuses on death and people who are wasting what little time they have left. Her life changed when she saw her first dead person. She was young and witnessed how her kindergarten teacher passes. That is when her path was chosen.

Her job is a death doula - what a fascinating thing this is. She spends time with people who are about to die and helps them through it. And death cafes...morbid but also interesting. People go here to talk about death and what they have experienced surrounding it. She likes to listen and absorb everything she can from their discussions.

When she meets Claudia her life changes. The journey this book takes you on is so thought provoking and enjoyable. I absolutely loved it.

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This is a gem of a debut novel and I think it's one of my favorite reads of 2023 so far!

I had no idea that a book about death could be so beautiful and uplifting but that is what Mikki Brammer has created with this story about Clover, who works as a death doula in NYC.

From the first chapters I was hooked and completely engrossed in the life of Clover as we alternate between the present day and key periods of her childhood and young adulthood. Clover has always been a loner and struggled to fit in with her peers. We go on a very emotional journey with Clover as she works to figure out who she really is and what matters to her. The ultimate journey to a life lived without regrets.

I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading future books by Mikki Brammer.

Thank you NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for sending me an advance copy of this book for review consideration.

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This is a beautiful book! I was very emotionally invested in this one and enjoyed it from start to finish.

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I loved this book. Such a good story about grief, and dying, and loneliness. I related to the main character a lot, so this story appealed to me. Look forward to more by this author.

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This book was such an awesome read. It definitely sticks with you and will probably do very well judging from all the positive reviews. This book sucks you in from the very beginning and even though I would stop and read other books I always came back to this one eager to continue. It’s a book you can’t easily forget. It’s sweet and endearing, heartbreaking and heartwarming, and I didn’t want it to end. It gave me a lot to think about. A beautiful story about life and the way we should approach it.

Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC. I truly appreciate it.

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This is a sweet story about a young lady learning to live life to the fullest while helping terminal patients with the best possible transition into death. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would like to thank the author for the ARC

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Clover is a death doula. She sits with the dying and helps them along. As she sits with more individuals during their deaths, she collects their regrets and advice. She’s been so involved in helping others, she may have some regrets of her own.

For being about death, this book was more hopeful and pleasant than I thought it would be. It got into the job of a death doula, and how meaningful that can be. It made the process of death something that can be beautiful as well. I loved Clover and her development over time. I liked how there was a sub-plot with a story that really affected the character and her future.

“The secret to a beautiful death is living a beautiful life.”

The Collected Regrets of Clover comes out 5/9.

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This is such a beautiful, whimsical book about death.

Clover is a 30-something who’s always preferred being alone. She’s a death doula who helps people prepare for the end of their life. But her newest client changes her life forever.

This book is a wholesome, emotional read that’s truly unique.

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the ARC!

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Book Title: The Collected regrets of Clover
Author: Mikki Brammer
Publisher: Saint Martin’s Press
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Pub Date: May 9, 2023
My Rating: 3.4 Stars

Clover has always been fascinated by death, ever since her kindergarten teacher keeled over and died during class.
The following year, Clover's parents die in a tragic accident, and she is sent to live with her grandfather. It's a relatively solitary life but it's safe, warm, and assured.
But after finally losing her grandfather when she was 23 years old, and away traveling, she realizes the desolation of dying alone and becomes a - 'death doula'.,
( Hmm: Is it me or does anyone else believes they should come up with a better name? Perhaps “Doula Specialist”? )

Note: I remember "Me Before You" by author, JoJo Moyes, In that story I laughed and cried. However, one reader described it as a ‘feel worst” read as it really is sad
This story was recommended by a FB book group member ~ She said ~ Anyone who loved Eleanor Oliphant should absolutely read this! It is a heartwarming story book with the quirky Clover and how much death teaches us about life.
However, when I started it I feared it was going to be depressing but I was pleased that it was better than expected.
Want to thank NetGalley and Saint Martin’s Press for granting me this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for May 9, 2023

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This was a really good debut. It was really unique, and something I haven't read about before. Clover is a Death Doula and is hired to stay with, and help comfort people during their last moments. She keeps a notebook of their last words or regrets. She honors them by finding ways to incorporate those regrets into her own life so she doesn't have those same regrets. She is a quirky character who was raised by her grandfather in NYC. She is very introverted and doesn't have many friends. I felt bad that Clovers only "friend" was her elderly neighbor Leo. I did love Clovers character alot, and loved reading about her in her younger years and as a grown adult. I found her profession as a Death Doula so interesting. I've thought about that kind of career before. This wasn't a depressing book as you might think. The author did a great job making it a light hearted read, and giving you so much to think about at the end. I really enjoyed this one!

Comes out May 9

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own.. I will post my review on Instagram, Goodreads, Bookbub and Amazon once it publishes.

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The Collected Regrets of Clover
by Mikki Brammer
Pub Date: Mary 9, 2023
St. Martin
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Mikki Brammer's The Collected Regrets of Clover is a big-hearted and life-affirming debut about a death doula who, in caring for others at the end of their life, has forgotten how to live her own, for readers of The Midnight Library.
I really liked this novel. It is very unusual, and I don't think I ever had read anything remotely like it. Clover will stay in your mind because she is so unique and quirky.
It's a reminder to enjoy your limited life and learn to let go.

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5 Beautiful Stars

Wow, I loved this wonderful debut novel by Mikki Brammer! It has everything I look for in a book. I learned new things, the characters were well drawn, and I was presented with much to think about. And it was so heartfelt. The beautiful cover, the title, and the presence of an epilogue earn this one extra points as well.

Clover is a death doula. I never knew exactly what a death doula did. I thought they came in at the very end to be with people who had no family. There is a lot more to it than that, and I’d like to find more books featuring this intriguing subject. There are many fully developed likeable characters, especially Clover, her grandpa, Leo, and Claudia. My favorite is Clover—a character I will likely never forget. Most importantly, and what I liked best are the many words of wisdom about how to navigate a fulfilling and meaningful life. Some of the quotes are priceless. These are words that come from Clover’s clients and the few people that came into her lonely life. I cannot share any of these lovely passages as this is a review of an advanced copy. However, many of these quotes are already available on the author’s Goodreads page. I found the last two chapters and the epilogue especially inspiring, and I will be thinking about what was presented for a very long time.

This book is different. It is also memorable, engaging, thought-provoking, and brings out all the feelings. I cannot recommend it more highly.

I would like to thank Ms. Rivka Holler of St. Martin's Press, Net Galley, and Ms. Mikki Brammer for an advanced review copy. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.

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