Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book. It's a very unique and fascinating read that deals with a profession that I had never heard of. It's beautifully written while keeping you engaged. The author has you feeling all kinds of emotions and keeps you fascinated about what Clover the main character will learn from her interactions. It's a journey that is inspirational. I highly recommend this book. My sincere thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin"s Press for giving me the opportunity to read and review a digital ARC of this novel. Publication: May 9, 2023.

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I am so glad I read this book. I had never heard of a death doula before and I absolutely love the idea. I have a lot of this going on in my personal life and to sit with Clover in this novel and see this process, it really felt like a warm hug. This book was filled with just the right amount of details - it felt like a learning moment, just as much as a character study of Clover. Would highly recommend to my reading groups.

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An enjoyable, easy read that overall I really enjoyed.
I found Clover to quite relatable, and did feel for her throughout. I will say my favorite parts of her character were the insight into her experiences as a death doula. I truly loved reading about her work interactions and found the notebook she kept to be such a special aspect to Clover.
The story was easy and follow and the pace kept me reading, though the conversational tone did come off as much younger than the characters were supposed to be.
The Collected Regrets of Clover was a great story, and I’m thankful I got to read it!

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What a read this was! It was unique and insightful in all the best ways. I’m surprised this is a debut and can’t wait to see what this author does next. Very heartfelt and sweet, and I love the main character so much.

My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the author for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: May 9, 2023
Mikki Brammer’s debut novel, “The Collected Regrets of Clover” is a beautifully uplifting story about life, death, and the journeys in between.
When Clover was five years old, her kindergarten teacher dropped dead in front of her. When she was six, her parents were killed in a boating accident and she was sent to live with her maternal grandfather, who quickly became her idol and role model. But Clover’s obsession with death never really left her; she attended “death cafés”, got her masters in how other cultures observe death rituals, and, after the death of her grandfather, she became a death doula, helping others make their journey to the “other side”. Clover’s obsession has resulted in her living a solitary life, keeping others at a distance to avoid rejection. But as she helps others pass on, she begins to think about what living a “full life” actually means, and if fear is worth putting her life on hold for.
Clover is a lovable character, living essentially as a social recluse, finding escape through books and literally surrounding herself with death and dying. Clover is unabashedly honest and content with the life she has chosen (until she isn’t). Her life has been peppered with grief and loss, and Clover uses these experiences to help others, often at the cost of her own interest. There is definitely a lot in Clover that is relatable, and Brammer makes it easy for readers to connect with her protagonist from page one.
One would think “Regrets” would be a dark, depressing read, based on its premise and subject matter, but in fact, Brammer creates an uplifting, life affirming story, bringing a deep understanding of life through death, spotlighting the taboo subject within a thought-provoking plot.
Although there are a few romantic storylines in “Regrets” (and how could there not be in a story about dying and regrets?) Brammer keeps those in the background, only using them as a way for Clover to find her true self, and to create the life she wants and chooses. Every chapter in this novel leaves an indelible mark and I loved how Brammer brought the plot to a delightful and positive conclusion.
“Regrets” is creative and uniquely different, and I would put this debut in a genre all its own. Brammer will have a tough act to follow after this stunning introduction. I look forward to her next work, and perhaps a reintroduction to Clover?

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The premise of this book is so compelling. Clover is a death doula; she cares for people who are very near the end of their life. Clover is not a medical professional; her job is to offer comfort, compassion and companionship to those who may not have anyone in their lives to fill that need. Clover is no stranger to death; from a very young age she experienced the deaths of a teacher and of her parents. While her career choice is commendable, she seems to have used it as an excuse to not live a life of her own.

I loved the secondary characters in this story, and I loved learning about Clover. The book was a near perfect read for me, until I reached about the 80% mark. Clover suddenly seemed judgy, and I was a little afraid this story was going to morph into a sugary romance. But I was pleasantly surprised by an ending that was poignant, realistic, life-affirming and satisfying. I will definitely read this author again.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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So I finally finished the book - it was sweet and endearing. Took me almost 65% of the book to enjoy Clover. Immediately loved Hugo and Claudia. Had some really great thoughts "next right step forward" and how to live a beautiful life now. Wish some of the characters came sooner in the book but overall it was a cute plot.

I received this copy of The Collected Regrets of Clover, for an honest review from Net Galley and St Martins press.

Kept waiting for the plot, the inciting incident, or the story to get better but it never did. Read 25% of the book (not sure what percent counts for "gave it a try" is but I stopped there) and wanted to like it so much.

I might try to go back and read it over the holiday but just could not like the main character or the story (which at that point was not going anywhere)

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Clover is a prickly introvert, and despite her questionable decisions and manners, she miraculously remains a likable character. Her journey to emerge from her shell is a slow one, but she gets there. Without giving anything away, I did enjoy that the initial “romance” took an unexpected turn, though much of the story went as expected.

“The Collected Regrets of Clover” would make for a good book club read. Fans of “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” would likely enjoy this one. However, if talk of death is a trigger for you, avoid it.

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Just so-so for me.
I appreciated the concept of the novel and the plot was okay. But plot couldn't carry with dull, distant characters.
Clover is a "quirky" character trying too hard to be Gail Honeyman's Eleanor Oliphant....and not making it.

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Clover is a death doula. She is also socially awkward, quirky, lonely, and a bit of a mess; however, she is also kind and extremely lovable. Her life has been on pause for years after a family tragedy. Her most recent client and a new neighbor bring some new perspective to Clover and her life may never be the same.

I absolutely loved this book! It deserves all the stars, but sadly I am limited to five. I received an advanced copy from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review, so here it is. You absolutely must read this book! It is rare that a book makes me reflect seriously on my life. This book did just that!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of The Collected Regrets of Clover.

I was pretty eager to read this based on the premise. I've never heard of a death doula before so I was incredibly intrigued and wanted to know more.

Other than learning what a death doula is and does, the narrative was more romance-y than I expected.

My biggest issue is Clover. I didn't dislike her but I didn't like her. I wouldn't want to hang out with her.

Clover is the trending character you find in so many books these days; quirky, a loner, off-beat, lacking confidence and self-esteem.

She's got all these 'supposedly' great qualities; she's attractive, kind, hot, well-read, but she doesn't see it in herself because she's quirky or too lonely and needs someone to tell her and even when they do, she misinterpret their words and actions and body language.

Actually, she misinterprets a lot.

She's afraid to take risks and risk opening up for fear of being hurt, which I understand and empathize with, but she's also incredibly naive despite her career choice and has done some traveling in college.

She self medicates by watching rom-coms and misinterprets body language, automatically assuming someone likes her or every couple she sees is in love.

I had to remind myself she's in her late thirties, not early twenties.

I'm getting tired of these kinds of main characters; awkward, shy, doesn't realize how attractive she is until people say it to her face and even then she's all " I'm not."

I loved learning about what a death doula does but once Clover is hired by Sebastian to support his grandmother, Claudia, the story became a Lifetime special.

Why does the main character in a story always have to have a romantic partner?

Why couldn't Clover find a group of BFFs to hang with? There's fulfillment with having a great network of friends.

Or maybe Clover could have empowered herself by undertaking the regrets she has collected through the years.

That would have been a far more interesting story instead of listening to her hem and haw about Sebastian and Sylvie.

I like the premise of The Collected Regrets of Clover but wished it had gone in a different direction with a better developed main character.

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Sweet and a little sad. Much lighter than the usual Literary Fiction I read. I was attracted as the idea of a "death doula" was intriguing to me. Did not expect it to be more of a romantic, chick-lit genre. Cute story, but a bit formulaic -- think "Me Before You" meets "A Man Called Ove," both great books, but this one feels a little derivative. Not a must-read, but a quick and enjoyable one nonetheless.

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This book surprised me. Our protagonist is Clover, a death doula and a bit of a loner. Despite the fact that the story deals with a profession of death and grief, Brammer was somehow able to create a story that was still very much uplifting and insightful, as well as captivating and though provoking. Her ability to balance all of these in a story is beyond impressive.

I thought Clover was perfect. Her interactions with people felt genuine and I couldn’t help but root for her. The ending also surprised me and I loved it. For fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley, I got a copy of this book and I LOVED IT! I love the main character, Clover, and how much she deals with. It was very interesting reading about her career as a death doula. I highly recommend this book!

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
What a delightful story! Clover is an unforgettable character and the author did a great job making her come alive. I loved learning more about the role of a death doula and going on Clover's journey to inhabit her own life.

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Oh what an honor it was to read this book! I knew this would be a 5 star read when I felt seen by this book. Grief is different for everyone and this story does a wonderful job covering that.

Clover has job that usually scares people awag. You see she is a death dolua and she helps guide and cares for those dying. Death is something she feels comfortable with. She doesn't mind talking about it or even dealing with it. But living her own life is something she struggles with. She has been a loner most of her life and struggles with friendships, and love. Will Clover be able to break down her walls and live the life she wants?

What I loved:
- beautifully written. Seriously this was SO well written! I felt seen with in the first 15% of the book. I highlighted so many passages
- I loved Clover. She was relatable in a lot of ways.
- The friendships and love journeys we go through in this book!

As someone who is currently struggling with grief, this book was just what I needed. I cannot get over how much I love this book. This book will stay with me for a long time. I look forward to reading more from the author in the future. 5 stars out of 5! Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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It is rare that I read a book and find myself marking passages because the writing really touched me. This is one of those books. The Collected Regrets of Clover tells the story of Clover, whose parents died when she was 6 and she was raised by her grandfather. Since that early age, she was very interested in death, so much so that she studied Thanatology (the study of death and practices associated with it - I had to Google it!) and works as a Death Doula - similar to a Birth Doula but helping folks as they die. Clover is 36 and a loner but she realizes she needs to take risks and open herself up to new experiences. Two of the quotes that touched me the most were about grief: "The truth is, grief never really goes away. Someone told me once that it’s like a bag that you always carry—it starts out as a large suitcase, and as the years go by, it might reduce to the size of a purse, but you carry it forever." and also about how we view our parents: "It’s so easy to see your parental figure through that lens alone, to think that their existence has always revolved around yours. But before they were parents, they were simply human beings trying to navigate life as best they could, dealing with their own disappointments, chasing after their own dreams. And yet we often expect them to be infallible." No spoilers about this amazing story, just a recommendation to read it.

A big "thank you" to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer is one I will not forget. This was hands down the most beautifully written book I've read in a long time. This is not only a story about death, but a story about LIFE!

Clover, a death doula, spends most of her time either with the dying or by herself. "It wasn't that I was opposed to the idea of friendship; it's just that if you don't get close to anyone, you can't lose them. And I'd already lost enough people." Raised from the age of 6 by her grandfather, who passed away when she was out of the country years ago, Clover still lives in his apartment. Her only friend is Leo, an elderly neighbor who she has known most of her life.

As a death doula, Clover kept journals to document those she has been with while they've died, and kept three notebooks: one for advice, one for confessions, and one for regrets. Perhaps my favorite of the three, Clover would pick one regret and find a way to honor it by working their regret into her life somehow. By doing this, Clover starts to find regrets of her own. In turn, this leads her to slowly open herself up to new friendships and the possibility of romance.

While some of the relationships Clover holds with the dying are quick or more surface-level, the relationship she builds with Claudia is absolutely beautiful. In her relationship, she uncovers so much about herself while helping Claudia during her final weeks on earth. I absolutely loved their bond and the depths Clover went to to for Claudia during her final days.

In some ways, this book helped me understand my own grief over the loss of my father. I found myself highlighting so many parts that I found helpful in my own journey. This is the first book since the death of my father that has brought out this much emotion.

If I could give this book 10 starts, it wouldn't be enough. I have no doubt that this will be one of the top books of 2023!

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Mikki Brammer for a copy of this ARC and a chance to read this amazing novel.

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Clover the Death Doula, was raised by her grandfather after the death of parents. After her grandfather dies, she becomes even more closed off and isolated from the outside world. It takes meeting a dying woman to give her the insight that while helping others gracefully exit this life, she is not truly loving her own life.

This book contained many interesting characters of all kinds. Not a page turner, but a delightful read! I really enjoyed and highly recommend!

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This was a very enjoyable read, and is a thought-provoking introduction to the life of a death doula. The writing flowed well, though at times it has an almost YA (Young Adult) feel to its style, which could be off-putting for some.

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