Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Porter Beck is sheriff in the high desert of Lincoln County, Nevada. Born and raised there, Beck joined the Army, specializing in Russian intelligence. He’s returned home, replacing his father as sheriff. While the sparsely populated Lincoln County has a low crime rate, once a retired FBI agent is found tortured to death it becomes a hotbed of chaos.

The heart of the investigation is how a dead FBI agent may be connected to a Russian sleeper spy from the 1950’s. Who is looking for the spy, and why now, after so many years? Sana Locke of the FBI turns up to investigate. While Beck and Sana are at professional odds from the beginning, Beck seems to have a juvenile crush on Sana. They uncover that the Russian spy infiltrated the U.S. nuclear testing site and stole a warhead. So many years later, why does it matter?

Chapters alternate between the present and the past, and it works quite well. The espionage and subterfuge storyline was easy to follow, the writing was clear, the characters have depth and there are a few surprises along the way. Interwoven in the storyline is the history of nuclear testing and the devastating consequences on the population living downwind of the fallout. Overall, the book held my interest, even if I didn’t buy the romantic angle between Beck and Sana. It was a bit immature of Beck, and a bit of a detraction for me. Also, trigger warning, a few scenes in the book are quite gruesome.

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Porter Beck is a retired special forces member now working as a sheriff in the small town in Nevada where his aging father lives. When there is a murder that involves the FBI he feels compelled to solve it and keep the FBI out of it, though one very pretty one hangs around to "aid" in the investigation. It seems the murdered man may have been a Russian spy active in Nevada back during the atomic testing era. This is a good mystery with interesting characters and a study in moral dilemmas. Those who like a good mystery will enjoy this book. It is also an awakening to the reality that nuclear testing done in the Nevada desert had consequences to everyone around. That would be an interesting insight for young adults. I received this as an arc from NetGalley, and am under no pressure for a positive review..

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This was really good!! I loved the characters, Beck is now one of my faves! The writing was fantastic; loved the alternating timelines and how easy everything flowed together. The plot was exciting and unique. I read tons of mysteries and am always so excited to find a book like this that stands out and keeps me glued to the page. Highly recommend!

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Wow, just wow. First time author and since it says Porter Beck #1 I am guessing we will have a 2. YES! Grabs you from the first with a dark and twisted murder and never lets go. Sheriff Porter Beck has my vote. I am still wondering on his sis Brin (Brinley) anything for family, but just not sure. I am not a fan of alternate time periods, but when you left the present the author would note The Past on the chapter. You were never lost and so much was played out with our history, the cold war and devastation left in our world. This book made me want to go check out non fiction. As we follow along with Beck and his small sheriffs department I am enamored and in awe. I like when Beck shares how he comes up with thoughts, conclusions etc and I think no one saw the twist at the end. I am not someone who reads a book twice, rarely. I think I might have to read this one again after I stew awhile. Thank you for the arc! I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #TheBitterPast #PorterBeck#1 #BruceBorgos #StMartinsPress#MinotaurBooks #NetGalley I also grabbed Life Strings by Bruce Borgos.

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A thoroughly entertaining story! The very start was pretty stomach churning graphic, but it settled after that and was amazing. Loved the characters, the plot and the non stop action.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This mystery/thriller had me glued to the page from start to finish. I'm so glad it looks like it's the start of a series, as Sheriff Porter Beck was a great protagonist. Borgos keeps his main character balanced on the knife edge between sardonic wit and alpha hero, and there were a couple of times I worried Beck would fall too far to one side or the other, but Borgos always reined it back in before that happened. Beck is a former Army Foreign Affairs Officer who has settled in his home county in the dry desert of Nevada, taking up the mantle of sheriff as his father did before him. When an old, retired FBI agent is found killed in a gruesome manner, a current government agent shows up pretty quickly to assist Beck in the investigation. As old secrets slowly come to light, we also follow a 1950s storyline of an undercover Russian agent working to steal America's nuclear technology. The plot is perfectly paced and I can't wait to see where Borgos goes with book two. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for a digital review copy.

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The brutal murder of an FBI agent leads Nevada Sheriff Porter Beck on an investigation with clues that lead not only to the present day but to the 1950s, in the early days of the nuclear age, when nuclear testing was done in Nevada during the height of the Cold War. In the 50s, a Russian spy infiltrated the nuclear testing site, and now someone is looking for that long-forgotten person.

I'm not exactly sure what I expected, but whatever it was, Borgos far exceeded it! This was brilliantly done! With elements of a murder mystery, police procedural, and Cold War espionage thriller, this is well-written and solidly plotted with an engrossing storyline. I could not put this down!

The dual timelines are skillfully woven together so that both are compelling and integral to the story and unfold to provide a thrilling investigation. Fast-paced and solidly plotted, this has clever dialogue, great characters, fantastic world-building, suspense, romance, and twists, mixed in with some interesting history. There was also quite a bit of humor, particularly in Porter's internal dialogue. Although he can sometimes be juvenile about his love interest, he mostly had me chuckling. Highly entertaining and just so good--I hope this becomes a series!

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press Minotaur Books, and the author for the opportunity to review this ARC. I enjoyed it!

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This is the first in what is to be a series featuring Lincoln County, Nevada Sheriff Porter Beck. After serving in Army intelligence, Beck returns to his hometown in the high desert as sheriff, a position once held by his elderly father who is in beginning stages of dementia. The usually quiet police department is rocked when a retired FBI agent is found tortured and murdered. When Sana Locke, a current FBI agent, shows up to investigate, the story is off on a thrilling ride involving nuclear testing in the 1950s and Russian spies. The relationship of occurrences in the 50s to the present day story is told in alternating chapters entitled “the past.”

I really liked the plot and found the story an engrossing, fast paced, action packed thriller. I wasn’t as enamored of the characters, especially Porter Beck. I was really put off by his constant sexualization of Sana. He kept turning her into a sex object rather than a fellow professional. I also was very uncomfortable with the character of Sana, for reasons I won’t go into because of spoilers. There are a few story threads here, Borgos weaves them together nicely.

There are a lot of good mystery series out there. I think this one has a lot of potential; I just hope that Porter grows up a bit and starts treating women with more respect.

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This was a fun breezy mystery weaving back and forth between present day New Mexico and the 1950s - secrets, spies, nuclear testing. I did find the random sexual innuendos a bit distracting and not really even in step with the characters or storyline, almost like they were added after the fact. Hoping this becomes a series! Thank you to NetGalley for a chance to read and review this book!

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Porter Beck is a sheriff in the Nevada desert near the US nuclear testing site and Area 51. When an elderly FBI agent is brutally murdered, Beck discovers that the murder has ties to the area's military and nuclear history. The story jumps between the 1950's Cold War era and nuclear arms race and the present murder investigation which are both tied together by a Russian spy. I really enjoyed both the history of the American atomic weapons program and the fast-paced modern hunt for a killer and a spy. The plot was exciting enough to keep me turning pages while still seeming plausible. I coincidentally was just in Las Vegas a week ago and the author's descriptions of the area were spot-on. The entire cast of characters were so interesting that I am hoping there will be sequel. #TheBitterPast

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The Bitter Past: A Novel by Bruce Borgos takes readers to Nevada and Lincoln County. Retired FBI Agent Ralph Atterbury is most definitely dead. It also was certainly not a peaceful death. The 71-year-old man has been found strapped down to his recliner. He has had patches of skin stripped off, every finger is broken, and his teeth were pulled one by one. All this and quite a lot more was done as he was tortured for reasons unknown by a person or persons unknown.

It is a brutal case and one that Sheriff Beck knows is going to be bad. He is ex-military so he knows a thing or two about what people can and will do to others. He has seen the work of the Taliban and this far exceeds what they are known to do.

It is not long before Sana Locke of the FBI shows up. She is beautiful and intriguing on many levels, but there is something a little off about her. Not just because she claims to be from nearby Las Vegas when it is far more likely she is out of Washington. He does not have long to contemplate what is off about her as she makes it very clear that wants to see the crime scene and the body.

What follows is a complicated read that moves back and forth between current times and the late 50s and the Cold War. Nevada was the site of the nation’s nuclear testing program. That program is a significant part of the book as the current case has links to what happened then. I will leave it there as this is one of those books where it is better to do a less is more approach to the review so as not create spoilers and ruin the read for others.

The Bitter Past: A Novel by Bruce Borgas is a very complicated read and one that is incredibly good. I suspect it will collect award nominations and some hardware. One hopes that this is the first book in a series. Regardless of that fact, this is a book you really need to read.

My reading copy came by way of a NetGalley digital ARC. Big time thanks to Lesa Holstine for pointing it out to me on NetGalley and suggesting that it might be a read for me. It certainly was.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2023

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This was an excellent novel - the first in a series that I hope to continue to enjoy.

Set in the high desert of Nevada, it follows the actions of Sheriff Porter Beck as he discovers a brutally murdered ex-FBI agent and investigates the crime. When FBI agent Sana Locke arrives to represent the FBI in the investigation, Porter quickly finds a partner to work with. But is she really what she seems?

Porter is ex military intelligence, and he is dealing with his father's deteriorating mind, as he battles dementia as well the occasional apprearance of his adopted sister.

The novel is part spy thriller, part historical fiction and part police procedural and yet it works very well. This area of Nevada was the site of atomic testing back in the 1950's and it quickly becomes clear that the present-day murder is connected to the events that took place back in 1957, when Russian spies infiltrated the testing site.

The novel has a gory start with detailed descriptions of the brutal murder, but from then on it is a fast paced tale of lies, deceit, and cover-ups. The story is told from two points of view - a Russian spy in 1957 and Porter Beck in the current timeline.

I learned a lot about the testing in the 1950's and the effects it had on the Americans who lived in Nevada. I enjoyed that historical backdrop to the thriller, and liked Beck's character in particular, as well as that of Tuffy, one of his deputies.

All in all a great book.

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Interesting story line that ties the past into the present. Just a warning, the opening was way too graphic for my taste. A good first entry in a probable series.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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The Bitter Past is a fast-paced blend of police procedural, espionage thriller, and historical fiction that grabs the reader on the first page and never lets go.
The book opens at the scene of a monstrous murder of a former FBI agent that was so graphic I questioned whether I really wanted to read further. There is a lot more action and more killings, but fortunately none quite so gruesome.
Sheriff Porter Beck, who narrates, realizes that this crime has some kind of connection to events and espionage during the nuclear testing that took place in the area in the 1950s and finds himself working with a very attractive FBI agent to pursue the investigation. Their partnership soon progresses beyond the professional to the romantic.
Beck and his team of deputies find themselves stretched to the limit as more violence occurs and a young woman disappears from a polygamist sect that lives in the area. Fortunately, Beck’s adopted sister Brinley, a firearms expert who fears nothing, shows up and lends a hand.
There are flashback scenes to the 1950s that gave intriguing and disturbing insights into nuclear testing and especially its effects on the communities nearby. The story is full of clever surprises in both eras that I absolutely did not see coming.
Some of the surprises stretched credibility a bit too far, but if you can suspend your disbelief and keep up with the pace of Beck and his team there is a lot to enjoy in The Bitter Past.
I received an advance review copy of this book from NetGalley and Minotaur Books.

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Interesting and unique characters, a story line that keeps you paying attention to all the hints and clues, and a mystery that intrigues. There's even a splash of humor and a hint of romance. All of this mixed together presents a wonderful read that held my attention from the first (brilliantly constructed) opener.

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The Bitter Past by Bruce Borgos is, either, read fast book, not a fast read book.. The first is this book, a book you want to read....FIRST! I was slow reading TBP ( The Bitter Past), a series first murder mystery, takes place in the Nevada's high desert introducing Porter Beck. He has some history, part of the beauty of how this story builds, with time aback. Victim: retired FBI Ralph Atterbury, April 1957, skinned, 74-year-old bound by blue rachet tie downs to his recliner....a blowtorch to his face, fingers all broken, teeth all pulled! Not good for Beck! Not good for Lincoln City, NV. Violent crime such as this just don't happen up here in the high desert. Borgos weaves such a twisty, messy murder mystery, set against two different times/ages! There are thrills, violence, more violent history, possible feature work relationship, blood....and outstanding police work by Beck and team!
I highly recommend this outstanding police procedural--murder mystery!!!!!

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Sheriff Porter Beck is investigating the brutal murder of a reclusive retired FBI agent. Is the torture and murder of the former agent tied to a Russian security breach at a nuclear facility back in the 1950's?
Story alternates between past and present as Beck seeks to uncover exactly what the murderer is after.
Surprise twist as to the identity of the former Russian spy.
Fast paced and an engrossing read.
 #TheBitterPast #NetGalley

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The Bitter Past manages to combine an espionage thriller, a police procedural and historical fiction all in one. I enjoyed learning about the nuclear testing that went on in the Nevada Desert back in the 1950s. It was a time when the US was determined to solidify their advantage over the Russians, even if it meant harming their own civilians.
The story follows Porter Beck, the county sheriff, following in his father’s footsteps. Porter was previously an army intelligence agent, so it’s a given the man is smart. When an old retired FBI agent is found murdered and tortured, a current FBI agent, Sana Locke, shows up to help with the investigation. They develop an uneasy partnership. The dead man was investigating something from the 1950s which tied into the second storyline.
Meanwhile, a young Mormon woman has gone missing from a polygamist camp.
The book contains a great set of characters. In addition to Porter and Sana, we have Porter’s “sister” Brinley, who has her own set of talents.
The story flips back and forth between the present day and 1957 when the nuclear testing was ongoing.
The writing is such it was easy to envision every scene. By the end, you do need to suspend belief a bit as it reaches the book’s climax. But this was great entertainment mixed with the historic aspect. I will definitely be looking out for book two in the series.
My thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advance copy of this book.

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An okay read. It'd be interesting to see this turned into a movie. Set in current day and during the Cold War in 1950's, packed with action about Russian infiltrators trying to steal nuclear information. Porter Beck is a classic Main Character.


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"In the tradition of Craig Johnson and C. J. Box, Bruce Borgos's The Bitter Past begins a compelling series set in the high desert of Nevada featuring Sheriff Porter Beck...

Porter Beck is the sheriff in the high desert of Nevada, north of Las Vegas. Born and raised there, he left to join the Army, where he worked in Intelligence, deep in the shadows in far off places. Now he's back home, doing the same lawman's job his father once did, before his father started to develop dementia. All is relatively quiet in this corner of the world, until an old, retired FBI agent is found killed. He was brutally tortured before he was killed and clues at the scene point to a mystery dating back to the early days of the nuclear age. If that wasn't strange enough, a current FBI agent shows up to help Beck's investigation.

In a case that unfolds in the past (the 1950s) and the present, it seems that a Russian spy infiltrated the nuclear testing site and now someone is looking for that long-ago, all-but forgotten person, who holds the key to what happened then and to the deadly goings on now."

There's something about nuclear testing sites that just exudes mystery and danger.

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