Member Reviews

I received this book from NetGalley for my unbiased review.

This was the first book by Bruce Borgos I have read. Hopefully it won't be the last!

The Bitter Past grabs you from the beginning and keeps you turning pages until the end. The characters are well developed and the story has some twists and turns throughout.

Very good read and looking forward to more.

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The Bitter Past by Bruce Borgos is an engrossing read.. A superb job with plot and characters. Well worth the read.

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I am an avid reader but the mystery genre is my favorite. That said, I have to admit I was thrilled to be offered a chance to read the first book in a new series by Bruce Borgos, an author new to me. The book is a combination of police procedural, spy/espionage, mystery and thriller with a dash of historical fiction. The combination is very well done. Lincoln County, Nevada Sheriff (just call me) Beck is a likable character from the beginning. If it wasn't for that the gruesome murder scene near the beginning of the book might have stopped me in my tracks. However, I kept turning the pages rapidly to find out how incidents in the late 1950s at the Nevada Testing Site were connected to Beck's present-day murder. The characters are well developed, the story line complex and the pace is fast. Nothing is as it first appears but the author plays fair and ties up everything at the end in a believable manner. This is a series that I will definitely follow based on this first book.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Publishing/ Minotaur for the invitation to read and review this new series.

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Set in Southern Nevada dessert where the nuclear tests of the 1950's took place a Sherriff is called to a grisly murder scene. What begins as a police procedural who dunnit quickly evolves into a nifty little spy cold war revenge suspense novel all rolled into one.

Although the plot is a bit over imagined it more then makes up in quick dialogue and well paced writing.

Great read.

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Received a complimentary ARC of The Bitter Past by Bruce Borgos from St. Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books/NetGalley. Scroll past the BOOK REPORT section for a cut-and-paste of the DESCRIPTION of it if you want to read my thoughts on the book in the context of a summary.

I wish I could give this book 2.5 stars (THANKS FOR NOTHING, GOODREADS!), but because I can’t, I’m gonna round it up to 3. That’s because I want “Future Kristi” to remember that the Porter Beck series by Bruce Borgos has an awful lot of potential, and that the issues “Current Kristi” had with The Bitter Past might have an awful lot to do with it being the first in this series. (Think everything and the kitchen sink…..)

It's worth noting for the record that this is one time flyleaf copy was actually accurate. Imagine that! It summarizes the storylines nicely, and hits the nail on the head that fans of Craig Johnson will probably enjoy this book.

In the tradition of Craig Johnson and C. J. Box, Bruce Borgos's The Bitter Past begins a compelling series set in the high desert of Nevada featuring Sheriff Porter Beck…

Porter Beck is the sheriff in the high desert of Nevada, north of Las Vegas. Born and raised there, he left to join the Army, where he worked in Intelligence, deep in the shadows in far off places. Now he's back home, doing the same lawman's job his father once did, before his father started to develop dementia. All is relatively quiet in this corner of the world, until an old, retired FBI agent is found killed. He was brutally tortured before he was killed and clues at the scene point to a mystery dating back to the early days of the nuclear age. If that wasn't strange enough, a current FBI agent shows up to help Beck's investigation.

In a case that unfolds in the past (the 1950s) and the present, it seems that a Russian spy infiltrated the nuclear testing site and now someone is looking for that long-ago, all-but forgotten person, who holds the key to what happened then and to the deadly goings on now.

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THE BITTER PAST by author Bruce Borgos is a novel that takes place in the desert of Nevada that tells the story of Sheriff Porter Beck, a second generation lawman who holds the position formerly held by his father, who is now suffering from dementia which adds to Porter’s concerns, along with his investigation into the recent murder of a reclusive retired FBI agent that had recently set himself up in a well planned and secure bunker, which make his murder seem to be related to his past, and evidently involving someone with a special skill set to be able to gain access to him.

Investigation reveals that the retired agent suffered torture, evidently to get information on the possibility of the presence of a Russian spy from a breach at a nuclear facility years ago that was a serious threat to national security.

Porter determines that the murder apparently connects the attempt to locate and kill the spy from the ‘50s, who is believed to have taken up residence in the area after going off the radar, and may be currently living in the area under an alias but otherwise known to the community.

Can Porter locate the murderer before he kills again, and will this require him to reveal the identity of the Russian spy who accessed classified secrets long ago before disappearing?

Great novel that hopefully turns into a series involving the Nevada lawman, and author Bruce Borgos does a great job at keeping the pace of this one going with twists and turns that lead up to the shocking identity of the elusive former spy in the area.

Recommended for those who like authors such as Craig Johnson and C. J. Box as stated in the book details, I can confirm that as a fan of both authors I enjoyed it and look forward to future novels by the author, hopefully with more based on this novel.

5 stars.

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I received a free ARC ebook of <i>The Bitter Past </i> from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

Borgos sets his thriller in two time frames in the Nevada desert - a Cold War late fifties and a more contemporary time. Due to the time difference there are few common characters but the tension and suspucion carries through the years.

In 1957, nuclear proliferation is rampant and the Russians are determined to discover all the secrets hidden in the desert. A young Russian is sent to America to ingratiate himself within the scientific community and do his best to wreck havoc with nuclear materials. Borgos makes this time period a terrifying thrill ride.

In contemporary Nevada, Sheriff Porter Beck investigates the horrific murder of a former FBI agent. It isn't long before the sheriff and his team discover that the agent was investigating the possible identity of a former Russian spy who remained in America. Joined by Agent Saran Locke, Porter utilizes his expertise as a former American agent in Moscow to investigate the grisly death.

This novel was really enjoyable to read but there were lots of coincidences that in retrospect strain credulity. Yet I would definitely read more by this author with the character Porter Beck.

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I received this from NetGalley from St. Martin’s Press and Minotaur Books in exchange for an unbiased review.

I absolutely loved this book. The protagonist was smart, witty and genuinely likable. He was someone I could see myself hanging out with and enjoying a chat. His sense of humor is closely aligned with my own and it was as if he was an old friend.

The tale takes place in the Nevada Big Rocks area near Caliente as well as the surrounding areas. The atmosphere and desert play a large role in the tale. As well, the nuclear testing in the nearby areas that took place in the 1950s is also integral to the story. Russian spies and national security secrets create tension.

The opening scene is pretty gory but it sets the tone for the danger that hangs over the entire book. There are so many moving parts to this story, it’s a rich delight to the reader.

All the characters were well drawn and intriguing. I especially enjoyed the relationship the protagonist had with his father and sister. They seemed like a real-life family. Close but not afraid to be truthful with each other and even make each other angry but still have each other’s backs.

The hero had an interesting past and also had a bit of a handicap with night blindness that added a second layer of drama to the tale. He was definitely someone to root for and that’s always something this reader needs to have in a book. I’m definitely not a reader who likes anti-heroes.

The story was complex and satisfying. It moved seamlessly from the current time to the 1950s and the pace was well done. The mysteries unfolded at a good rate and kept me turning the pages.

I really enjoyed this book and thank the author for creating such a great character in the hero, a complex back story and a well done, intriguing plot. I hope there are more adventures in store with the sheriff of Lincoln County.

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I don't know how to review this one. There was so much I liked - and so much I didn't. The completely gratuitous gore at the beginning had me immediately mark it as a DNF, but I found myself interested in returning, so I did, just skipping those first number of pages that were completely unnecessary. Same with the main character Beck - overall a great character, but the lewd way he talks about Sana - ugh, just no. Completely gross and unnecessary - and didn't even seem in keeping with the story. Very out of place. And then the climax is written completely muddled, so I still don't really understand what happened. This book needs better editing and some major rewriting before going to publish.

All that said - the story itself was interesting, despite one of the "twists" (who the illegal turns out to be) being so obvious I could see it immediately by something like chapter 5, which was annoying. I would be interested in reading more of this series, but this reads like a first draft, not a work ready to be published. :-(

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the eARC.
Absolutely absorbing with an opening that was chilling to the bone.
It features Sheriff Porter Beck and the case of a horribly tortured and murdered ex-FBI agent. We go between today and the 50's Cold War, which was fascinating.
When the FBI becomes involved, Porter wonders what on earth is going on. I really liked Porter and his relationship with his father and adorable adopted sister. Hopefully this is the start of a series! Highly recommended!

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Huge thanks to the publisher and NetGallery for the advance copy in return for an honest review.

Hands down the best thriller I've ever read! Perfectly balanced between the past and present, the story flowed nicely and kept surprising me. Finding out who Georgiy turned out to be was huge and so well done! I sincerely hope we see more of this author, please!

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This novel was excellent. It is a story about Sheriff Porter Beck who lives in the high desert of Nevada. An old man, a former FBI agent was found tortured and killed and that kicked off a tense, fast moving story. The story weaves in and out from the present to back to the 50's and a young Russian spy gets hired at a nuclear testing site. That action so long ago has now brought murder to the here and now. As someone born in the 50's, I remember the cold war and this was very fascinating.

I loved this story. It was well written and the characters were vivid and real. I so hope that this will be a series about Sheriff Beck. I really could not stop reading this book once I started. Many twists and turns that led to the revelation of quite a few secrets.

If I could give this book more than five stars, I would!

I highly recommend this book and I want to thank Minotaur Books for the invite for an early read via NetGalley.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, and so many crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I really enjoyed this book. The historical storyline, the current day story, the characters, the twists and surprises, they all came together to make a true page-turner. I'm looking forward to reading more Bruce Borgos books.

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Where’s some place you’ve gone for vacation that was memorable, why?

When I was a kid, my mom and step-father eloped in Vegas. It was a memorable trip because we drove (being stuck in a car with 6 people is a lot) and when we went out to eat there were roaches on the bench at the restaurant. It did make for quite a memorable time!

Porter is a small town sheriff outside of Las Vegas, Nevada doing the job his father retired from. Everything is quiet until an old retired FBI agent is found brutally tortured and killed. When the FBI comes knocking, Porter can’t help but wonder if bigger things are going on. Will he be able to figure it all out before things from the past get out of hand and lives are ruined?

This was a fun and exciting cold war thriller. The past and present time line added depth to the story and made the big reveal even that much better. The plot of this story was unique and not one I had read before – that’s always a plus. I enjoyed the undertones of romance, along with the thriller and mystery aspect of this one. I enjoyed the family dynamic between Porter, his dad, and his adopted sister. She added so much to the story. It’s easy to see that this book will make an interesting series.

I recommend you check this one out July 18th.

Thank you to the publisher St Martin’s Press, @StMartinsPress, @netgalley, and the author, for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a digital copy of “The Bitter Past” from Net Galley to read and review. My thanks to Net Galley, the publisher and especial the author, Bruce Borgos for a very entertaining and exciting book.
The book fits the cliche “ a real page turner” and another, “ you will not want to put it down”, but there is nothing tired about this taut thriller. The author gives the book a different plot that begins with the Sherif of a rural Nevada county at the crime scene of a horrible murder. A man, a retired FBI agent , sits blind to a chair. He had been tortured horribly by someone who wanted information. But about what? For all anyone knew the man lived quietly and was long out of the game. Meanwhile the Sheriff’s office is called to investigate the vandalism of three 50 year old graves, the caskets emptied , bones gone. Sheriff Porter Beck begins investigating, but is soon joined by FBI agent Sana, good looking and imperiously all the ultimate Fed.
This story intertwines with the atomic tests which took place at a military facility in just to the east of the county where the murder took place . There are chapters interspersed which depict events at the test grounds. Obviously, everything will come together, and the author moves things right along. Sheriff Beck is exArmy and no stranger to secrets. In fact , many characters in the book have secrets.
It is a real pleasure to read. and see the story unfold with some romance, lot of detection, and an exciting
climax that answers all questions. I really hope that someone gets this book turned into a series or film because it has all the basis for a super movie.
For those who have sensitivities: romance, but no graphic sex. Spies, murder and people get their just deserts in the high dessert.
Highly recommended.

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This was a new author for me with the first of what I hope will be many in a new series. At once a spy story from the fifties area 51, romantic yearnings that cannot survive and a present day Russian spy thriller (thriller is an often overused description I rarely use, in this case it’s truly appropriate). The setting in Nevada is ruggedly and beautifully described, including the notorious Secret Area 51 and secret Project 57. The characters kept me engaged and entertained. The premise of the plot is original and hard to put in a cliché category.
Sheriff Porter Beck has a motley staff, some trustworthy, some with questionable allegiance. A case develops that will have him distrusting everything and everyone in his hometown. FBI Special Agent Sana Locke arrives further complicating his personal and professional life. Trust no one in this story. It’s everything you want in a mystery, there’s misdirection, depth of characters, historical relevance, hints of romance, kidnapping, murder, radioactive plutonium, and a Russian intelligence operative.
A powerful story with grains of truth that frighten and horrify me. Not a book I will forget, a fantastic read! My rating would exceed 5 stars and I don’t often do that.
It was a privilege to receive a digital advance reader copy from NetGalley of “The Bitter Past” by Bruce Borgos and St. Martin’s Publishing, Minotaur Books. Scheduled for release July 18, 2023 – don’t miss it! These are all my own honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily.

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I really enjoyed this book. I got to where I didn't want to stop reading. I loved the mystery and the suspense of it. I had no inclining of who the real Freddie was. It was a twist.

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Bruce Borgos' The Bitter Past has a sanguinary opening few pages that were a bit difficult to move beyond, and yet, after I read into the well-developed plot of the book, I was quickly taken in. Porter Beck, a retired military man who is now a sheriff in rather remote Nevada, is perplexed by what happened here in the early 1950s and what initiated the contemporary and connected grisly murder he is faced with. Borgos does a great job of examining espionage, results of the Cold War, Russian spies, and nuclear testing sites, thus the eponymous title The Bitter Past.

Borgos is able to skillfully incorporate various characters into the novel, and his familial relationships and his relationships with his "team" at the sheriff's office are important to the progress of the plot. How vitally important we only know at the very end of the book. Borgos also moves seamlessly between the two timelines, that of the contemporary and that of preparations for recondite nuclear testing from the past.

The romance between Sana, the FBI agent, and Porter Beck is not always as strong and clear as it could be, and it creates some questions about the strength of the relationship and its direction. Nonetheless, Porter Beck's connection to his "sister" and to his father are important and seminal, and the final plot surprise at the end of the book definitely leads the reader into curiosity about what will happen in the next book. And, yes, we hope there will be one.

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I enjoyed this book and believe the author will grow in future books. There were certain elements that needed context and explaining that made me scratch my head. Overall though it was a compelling read that kept me awake to find out what would happen next.

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