Member Reviews

This book was a frustrating read, though at times was enjoyable.
First though, lets talk about the premise of the book - which for me was interesting, and made me reach out and want to review this.
A young District Attorney was an excellent prosecutor and was a bright and shining star in the prosecutor's office. So, after weighing up all her options, she decided to run for the highest prosecutorial office in Davidson Country-that of District Attorney General.
With the election drawing near, as she drove home from her office late one night, she was shot and murdered.
Three years later, the investigation into her murder had turned cold. Law enforcement had no idea who murdered the charismatic young prosecutor.
A local Detective, who initially had nothing to do with the investigation, but lived near the murdered woman, upon reading a newspaper article about her cold case decided open the cold case. As his investigation progresses, he not only must deal with difficult suspects, but he must also deal with length of time since the crime was committed..
The way the book is structured is well thought out. We are introduced to the Detective early, and his interest in the case, and then the author cleverly reverts to telling the story through the murdered woman's point of view. This naturally allows the suspects to become clear, without her realising the enemies that she is making. This much i enjoyed, but unfortunately (for me at least) this was the highlight.
What i struggled with most was the dialogue. Put simply, it just wasn't believable, and therefore didn't create enough to want to invest in the characters. Most readers of Connelly, Patterson & Childs novels are invested in the characters of Bosch, Cross & Reacher, but i sadly couldn't find anything to emotionally invest in here. For me, I didn't feel how good the marriage was between the Prosecutor and her husband which was laboured on by the author, at times it felt like anything but.
My other criticism is that whilst the plot moved along to the murder, the investigation afterwards was quite tedious, and I found the dialogue given to the detective to be unrealistic, to the point that i can't imagine any suspect ever being arrested in this town! It also came to a very swift conclusion, almost as if the author felt the word count had been reached, so it was time to wrap it up.
In conclusion, does the author have good ideas for storylines? On this outing, definitely.
Was it well executed? For me, sadly not.
I love to find new authors - and now avidly wait for books from (for example) Tom Wood & Steve Cavanaugh to be published - but this author is not one that i will be adding to the list, which is a shame because the premise was so intriguing...

Susan Jackson was still a newlywed she had just won the primary and was looking forward to sitting in the county seat as the head prosecutor. Unfortunately someone didn’t want her there and although they tried very hard to solve our case three years later it was only picked up again with the notice of her husband suicide due to missing her detective anti-price asked his boss Gus if he could look at the case and even though he’s having his own troubles at home something tells him to at least give the case ago and he does his wife Jessica keeps threatening to file for divorce but the more involved in the case and it gets the more it looks like she may be a widow as opposed to an ex-wife. This was a truly riveting read and a real thriller. I love smart crime thrillers and that is exactly what he says. This was a Kohl case and when it heats up the heat is on A&E can he bring the killer to justice before they bring him to the morgue? Totally love this book and hope there’s more books with him in the future. I love this character this is a true five star read! I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

Assistant District Attorney General Susan Jackson was an excellent prosecutor and loved what she did. She was definitely a bright and shining star in the prosecutor's office. So, it was no surprise to friends or co-workers when, upon weighing all her options, she decided to run for the highest prosecutorial office in Davidson Country that of District Attorney General.
Unfortunately, as she drove home from her office late one night, and as the election drew near, she was shot and murdered. Three years later, the investigation into her murder had turned cold. Law enforcement had no idea who murdered the charismatic young prosecutor.
Detective Andy Price, initially had nothing to do with the investigation. But, upon reading a newspaper article about her cold case, he decided to do his own investigating, hoping he just might be able to uncover who had committed the crime. As he begins his investigation, he not only must deal with difficult suspects, but he must also deal with a significant lapse of time since the crime was committed. he interviews suspect after suspect in his effort to determine a motive a reason to terminate the life of someone so personable and so effective within her professional life. After months of investigating, the detective comes to a firm conclusion as concerns the identity of the murderer. Unfortunately, the issue then becomes whether he can remain alive long enough to tell anyone.
I couldn’t put it down really well written and really enjoyed this book totally recommend
Thank You NetGalley and BooksGoSocial
I just reviewed I Guess I'll Never Know by J.B. Millhollin. #IGuessIllNeverKnow #NetGalley

This book kept me coming back for more! I was trying to piece together the mystery from the beginning. Susan seemed to anger a good amount of people before the murder. I had my suspicions on who was responsible, or who I was hoping to be responsible, but I was wrong. The author does a good job pointing you in different directions. Andy becomes a lovable character throughout the book and I ended up rooting for him and yelling at him.

It starts out on such a sad note, I wasn't sure now the rest of the story would unfold. Once it got going, however, it really took off. I for sure didn't like some of the characters, but that didn't make me less interested in what was going on with them.
Tom seemed too good to be true, but others seemed pretty realistic. His choice seemed confusing and he didn't loom large in the story. Susan, obviously smart and focused, wouldn't probably have been my friend.
I read this quickly, really wanting to find out who did it and my only complaint was the quick tie up at the end.
Good read, other than that.

This book was sent to me by Netgalley electronically for review. It is a novel that is difficult to put down. The author is talented and gifted. The characters are likable and intriguing. The story moves quickly to a resounding end. Red herrings…family…friends…secrets..mystery and mayhem…intrigue…enjoy this great read.

Are you freaking kidding me?!! What the heck kind of ending was that?!! Come on even his buddy at the office could have at least told his wife?! Omg I really really liked this book! Until the really sad part came but it was still really good! I was dying to know who did it! But then that freaking ending!! That killed it for me! I'm sorry but I literally just finished so my emotions are a little high lol I mean this book had suspense, intrigue, murder, heartache and heartbreak! A great who done it! It was very sad at times too! The storyline was so amazing! I really liked it! Its definitely worth reading but just beware the ending ?! ugh I can't even say or the won't show my review! I really am upset about this! But it was a good book! thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! Aaarrrrggghh!!