Member Reviews

I wasn't able to finish reading this book before it got archived, but what I read was good. I like the cover and that it is a cookbook. I saw other people's reviews and people seemed to like it. I will definitely look it up at the library soon. Thank you Netgalley for letting me read and review this book.

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Gorgeous enough that I had to get a physical copy for myself -- perfect! What an awesome combination, just what I didn't know I was looking for.

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Death for Dinner is a gorgeously devilish cookbook for lovers of horror movies. I'm not particularly into cooking vegan food (there are quite a bit of *ingredients that just don't happen to be my pantry staples), but the recipes look delicious and yummy for all sorts of food aficionados. I particularly enjoyed the presentation and plating recommendations... I never would have thought to serve my appetizers on chain saw blades, for example! This book is a definite must for someone planning an intense Halloween foodie party. I might adapt some recipes back to meat containing, but I definitely picked up some culinary ideas.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Rock Point for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.,

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Love Horror movies? If so, you’re probably familiar with the characters and famous movies mentioned in the recipes by Zach Neil in his cookbook, Death for Dinner Cookbook: 60 Gorey-Good, Plant-Based Drinks, Meals, and Munchies Inspired by Your Favorite Horror Films. This is a perfect cookbook for making scary food for Halloween. Neil has included recipes that actually look mouthwatering. Unfortunately, the ingredients are vegan, and those who like regular food will want to substitute real ingredients instead of the vegan plant-based stuff. That said, there are some good recipes that everyone will love.

Most people who like food won’t have vegan ingredients around the house, but they are becoming readily available at mainstream grocery stores. Personally, I prefer to make the dishes using my favorite ingredients such as regular ground beef and chicken rather than vegan ground beef and chicken. It would cost a few months salary to stock up on all the vegan ingredients called for in these recipes.

Some of the recipes have very clever names such as Flesh and Blood which is tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. The horror movie Children of the Corn inspired the yummy sounding soup called Children of the Hominy. Anyone who has a Halloween party will want to take some good ideas from this fun book and name their dishes accordingly.

The cookbook includes beautiful photographs, some of playbills from the horror films, and some of the dishes which are pretty scary.

All told, this is a fun cookbook, and cooks who know their stuff will be able to make the ingredient substitutions necessary to make the dishes actually taste good and company-worthy.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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I an unable to review this title, as it was archived before I had a chance to download and read it. This feedback is only to stop this title from adversely affecting my netgalley feedback rate. If in the future I have the opportunity to read this title, I will post a proper review here.

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I love horror and cooking so I was keen to see what yummy horrors Zach Neil would be serving up here. There are sixty plant-based recipes inspired by movies and TV shows on the menu.It wasn’t always immediately clear to me what the connection was between the recipe and its inspiration. Otherwise, I found it entertaining and easily digestible.

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I am horror obsessed and couldn't resist reading and trying the recipes from the Death for Dinner Cookbook. Just looking through the list of horror films and TV shows that were used as inspiration for the recipes made me smile - featuring some of my favourites; Halloween, IT, The Lost Boys and Red Dragon to name a few.

The instructions on how to serve the dishes (or 'Set the Scene') are genius! If you wanted to have a Halloween party or meal, or just want to have a dinner party with a horror theme - these will certainly make it memorable.

The dishes I tried were easy to follow, nothing too complicated and as someone with different food allergies, I was happy to see that the recipes were plant-based and easy to adapt.

Perfect for horror fans and perfect for entertaining!

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I was super excited to read this cookbook because I love horror and would love to make horror-themed food. However, I didn’t love it as much as I thought I would. My main issue with this cookbook was that the font was super difficult to read because of the lack of contrast between the page color and the font color. I wish the designer picked colors that stood out a little more so I wasn’t going cross-eyed trying to decipher the recipes. Another issue I had was that many recipes in this book had mini recipes included, such as sauces, where you would have to flip to another section of the recipe book so you could make that recipe before you made the main recipe. This would be quite complicated if you’re trying to cook a meal but you have to keep flipping back and forth to make the mini recipes first. Granted, everything looks super delicious and I love the tips included on how to make your dish look scarier. Also, most tools and ingredients are things people would typically already have in their kitchen/pantry, which is helpful. The recipes also include vegan options, so I’d definitely recommend this to any vegan people out there. And if you love making cocktails, I’d also recommend this to you! There’s some really awesome-looking drink recipes included. I don’t drink alcohol, but I’d love to try finding a way to make non-alcoholic versions of these recipes. Overall, I think this cookbook has lots of great recipes and everything looks delicious, however, the font definitely lowered my final star rating a bit.

3.5/5 Stars

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A great cookbook for lovers of horror, with the extra benefit of being plant based! Easy recipes that would be great for entertaining. Beautiful photography shows off the delicious looking food.

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I will preface this by saying I am not Vegan, although I am not opposed to eating said dishes. I love horror and I love food, and I figured that I could find something that I would enjoy throughout this book, and I did. While I didn't love everything, I enjoyed the names, the pictures that coincided with the dishes, and predominantly the baked items. Although, I will say I will attempt to make the Regan Pea Soup vomit (with bits) because I'm a sucker for some Matcha. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I wasn't the right audience for this book.

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As a horror and cooking fan, I absolutely love this! The theming is fabulous. A perfect gift for horror fans who enjoy cooking.

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Death for Dinner has some pretty cool ideas on making horror themed meals and table settings. The pictures make the food look appealing even though I am not vegan. My favorite recipe was the sriracha maple funnel cake burger and I cannot wait to make it. The idea to make "blood syrup" to drip down your drinking glasses was very cool as well. This is good for brainstorming, I thought up so many ideas for my favorite movies just from browsing these and the puns were pretty good ("It Floats" hahahaha). Some of the food items could have been more on theme as certain food dishes are mentioned in some of these movies (I don't know how hard it is. to replicate liver and fava beans, though). Things could have been shaped like intestines and brains because there are oven molds out there. There is definitely the opportunity for "sequel" cookbooks, as many horror themes were not covered (it would be pretty hard to fit them all in one book). It is definitely inspiring and I will be checking out more horror movie cookbooks!

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

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Any horror fan has got to add DEATH FOR DINNER COOKBOOK to their book collection. Reading this book was so fun. No doubt it isn't for everyone, but it is a must for people who are horror movie fans!

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If you've eaten at Beetle House, in New York City or Los Angeles, then you're one of the lucky ones. These hip, goth hangouts are a year-round celebration of all things Halloween, inspired by the artistic, literary and cinematic works of Tim Burton, Alfred Hitchcock, Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker and Washington Irving.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the pleasure of dining on its "Edward Burger Hands," a half-pound burger that comes with a pair of Beetle House Scissors stabbed through the middle (which you get to keep) or to sip on a Coco Skellington. The next best thing just may be Beetle House creator, chef and entrepreneur Zach Neil's new cookbook, "Death For Dinner: 60 Gorey-Good, Plant-Based Drinks, Meals and Munchies Inspired by Your Favorite Horror Movies," which I recently had the opportunity to review. Read it here:

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Being a big horror fan, I had high expectations for this book, but I was a bit disappointed. The cover is beautiful and the photos included in the book are beautiful too, but one big problem is that many recipes don't have photos, which doesn't make sense for a book with horror inspired recipes with fun presentation. Moreover many recipes include presentation suggestions that are very... weird (I don't think many people would actually use a machete). Lastly I understand that it is hard to write a book like this, but some recipes were very loosely based on horror films, which in my opinion was a letdown. All in all there are some delicious looking recipes in the book, and the book would make a fun gift to horror fans, but I just wish some things were done differently.

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I was excited about this book because it looked like a fun cookbook inspired by horror movies, which is also a perfect October read. Now, the author is somewhere between a vegetarian and vegan, and this is a vegan cookbook. I’m not vegan or vegetarian, but it’ll be easy to substitute vegan and vegetarian specific ingredients as needed. It will also be easy to substitute the ingredients that I’m allergic to.

That said, this is such a fun book full of a bunch of really tasty sounding recipes. I love how it’s laid out with pictures from various horror movies as well as the fun names that reference the inspiration behind each dish. There’s also a list of ingredients and tools one will need as well as a list of the movies and TV shows that inspired the recipes all before the cookbook gets rolling.

The recipes are divided by appetizers, main dishes, desserts, drinks, and then extras that include sauces and other things to add to the dishes. The overall presentation is absolutely wonderful and great for horror fans as well as anyone who loves Halloween. It’s such a fun read full of many delicious sounding recipes that will be easy to adapt to anyone’s diet and allergies.

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Talk about the perfect cookbook for Halloween!! I’ll be honest I was so into the cool pic that I didn’t even realize it was a vegan cookbook until half way through the recipes.

Some recipes were a little too ick for me but I just flipped past those.

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This was brilliant! I love everything horror so I was very excited when I had an opportunity to access it and cook some meals inspired by my favourite movies and TV shows.

What surprised me was that all meals were vegan. Author mentions that his previous book had 'regular' dishes included in it, however, this book fully focuses on vegan meals. I'm not a vegan myself, however, I took this as a great opportunity to try some. Having said that, my favourte recipe from the ones I tried was actually a coctail, inspired by my favourtie film A Nightmare on Elm Street - Never Sleep Again, inspired by Nightmare on Elm Street – Stay awake (and alive!) with this alternative take on an old-fashioned cocktail made with a shot of espresso.

I'd definitely recommend this book to horror fans!

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I am so happy to have read this cookbook! I LOVED the horror theme and it was just in time for Spooky Season. I also loved that it is a vegan cookbook. Things are usually either or: a vegan cookbook or a fun themed cookbook. So I am glad these are starting to intersect and I dont have to attempt to redo every recipe with vegan ingredients.

The pictures of the recipes were amazingly staged and really inspire the reader of what they can do. The added pictures from the movies were also a fun touch. The recipes were of varying difficulties, but generally seemed easy to follow. I can’t wait to try out so many of these recipes!

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Are you a horror fan? Get your ghouls together and throw a spooky dinner party using the Death for Dinner Cookbook. Everything from the names of the dishes, down to "setting the scene", each recipe was a blast. I love how the author included what movies inspired each dish.

I'm not a vegan but I still enjoy the different take on dishes ... I definitely recommend giving the Pumpkinhead Soup a try. Perfect for the fall season.

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