Member Reviews

Soila is a young Kenyan girl coming of age in Nairobi in the nineties with an overbearing mother, a beloved grandmother and four aunts who more like sisters. Despite being perceived as a lucky girl because she hails from an affluent family, Soila longs to be free. Behind her tyranical mother's back she applies to university in America and gets accepted. Once she arrives, will Soila be able to adjust to the fast pace of NYC, a city so different from her own as well as learn how to navigate America by her race instead of her nationality, pick up
Irene Muchemi-Ndiritu endearing and enlightening, Lucky Girl to find out.

I thoroughly enjoyed Lucky Girl, it was beautifully written with simple yet sagacious prose. It is the perfect combination of Soila being the star of the novel and how the people she meets and the events that occur along the way shape her story. On a personal note, I loved the Black diasporic dialogue that occured on the page which tackled important differences and taboo misconceptions regarding what is means to be Black in America, both as a native and an immigrant. Finally, it was great to read a novel which had many points tension but no real trauma, a trait I am longing in Black and African literature. Well done I highly recommend Lucky Girl.

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