Member Reviews

This is such a great book. I listened on audio, and it did not disappoint. Twin sister princesses, a curse, an evil king, an unlikely hero. Great characters and an exciting story. Can’t wait for the next book!

Thank you Netgalley for the audio-arc. All opinions are my own.

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This was a great audiobook! I really enjoyed the way the narrator brought the story to life. The story itself is fast paced and well written. Personally, I'm not a big fan of insta-love so it took me a bit to get used to it, but in the end, I really enjoyed the world created. Especially the monsters. The description for the book is a bit misleading, but in the end I enjoyed it.

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Fantastic fantasy story, so glad it is a series. Would love to see it be made into a movie, which is not the normal for me. The description and characters are so vivid! A story of sisters born as twins, born to be queen, only one is a secret and is raised to protect her sister the princess, even at the cost of her life.
The Shadowraith, a man made from the multiple shadows castoffs of the evil king, fights the evil within himself, but there is also a small part that is good. Trying to keep under control all the evil shadows, trying to save his world and the occupants that he has shelter. Needing the help and powers of the princess to save his world from sinking.
The Queen has died and the coronation for the new queen will be under way shortly, of course the double, Meren is going to stand in for her sister the real queen. Her powers are just coming to her, but not her sister as of yet. On the way to the ceremony the Shadowraith grabs the princess, not knowing he has kidnapped the wrong person.
The back and forth dialogue is great between the two, as they have no choice but to work together to fight the evil king and battle the shadows within. The narrator was fantastic, can wait for the next in the series. Thank you NetGalley for this eARC. I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story. #NetGalley #TheLiarsCrown #RBMedia

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Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for an advanced audio book in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

Meren is a secret princess whose sole existence is to protect her sister and the throne. Interesting world building as some people have powers. Meren is kidnapped by Reven who thought he grabbed the real princess. They learn to work together to help save the kingdom from an evil king who is going to marry Meren's sister.

I enjoyed the narration by Samara Naeymi and Luis Moreno.

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Both myself and my husband, who loves sci fi books, tried to listen to this book. Neither one of us could get into the book or understand what was going on. I had a feeling I wouldn't like it because I'm not into sci fi books but I thought for sure my husband would like it. He said he tried and tried for 3 days and just couldn't do it.

I'm sorry that I had to DNF this book. I hate doing that but unfortunately I had to.

Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to listen to this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

I love this story and I love Meren! I want to know more and can’t wait for the next book. I do wish we would have gotten more of an explanation about the powers some people wield and would have more information about the magic system. Reven is amazing as well and I love the interactions between him and Meren. This is a great read and had me hooked.

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On a whim I decided to click on the request button for this audiobook Arc. I don't read much of Young Adult Fantasy but the striking cover and the blurb made me consider giving this one a try.

I did listen to the entire audiobook but I never really got engrossed in the story. The world building was interesting but the writing and characterisation was average with ample usage of modern slang and cuss words in the dialogues. The plot picked up at the climax which hints at a more adventure and action packed sequel.

I also felt that the female narrator wasn't the best choice as her range was quite limited in terms of voicing the characters. We only get to hear the male narrator at the end in the epilogue.

I know I am in the minority here because a majority of the reviewers have loved this book so maybe I guess I am too old for this genre.

My thanks to NetGalley, the audiobook publisher Recorded Books and the author for the audio Arc of the book.

Rating: ⭐⭐✨💫

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The book was a darkly beautiful fantasy romance, the world-building awe-inspiring, and the characters interesting. The flow of the story wasn’t too fast-paced that I couldn’t be immersed but wasn’t too slow either that boredom overtook me. The plot is the trait of this book that I love the most. Full of plot twists and action and surprises and pints of love to chug on here and there, the plot was jaw dropping and fantastic! The ending left me yearning for more and I can’t wait to read more from Abigail Owen!

In regards to the audiobook, I didn’t appreciate the narrator as a whole and found that her voice seemed to be a bit older than I expected the character to be, and the man’s voice to be a bit more awkward than the male character’s (I believe) would actually be.

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I absolutely loved this book!

The Liar’s Crown is the perfect YA fantasy in my opinion. We have secrets, political intrigue, a morally gray hero, and a heroine who has to face truths she didn’t anticipate.

I loved all the twists and turns, the relationship that was built between Maren and Reven was everything. I loved his darkness, I loved the build up and the use of shadows was wonderful.

I just loved it.

I’ve heard it is semi-similar to The Twin Crowns but as I haven’t read that book yet I can’t speak to any similarities. I can tell you that the relationship developments felt real to me and the enemies to lovers development was well written and believable.

I highly recommend this one to any Romantasy fans and while it is YA there was actually some spice which surprised me!

Thank you so much to the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This was a really great book! It was just what I needed to end my August reading. I loved the fantasy and shadow magic that is the focus of this story. It was easy to follow and enjoyable.

I love our morally-grey and torn main characters we see in the story. There’s a bit of spice, some strong language, and - definitely giving me new adult vibes rather than YA.

The audiobook experience was fantastic and I think the narrators did a wonderful job. I enjoyed their emotional storytelling, it really elevated the story.

This book reminds me so much of IMPOSTORS by Scott Westerfeld. If you love the secret-twin-sister-that-no-one-knows-about trope, definitely check that one out too.

The only thing I wasn’t crazy about was the insta-love. I wish there was more build up that provided an extra layer of character development and didn’t feel rushed.

I can’t wait to read the sequel!


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The Liar’s Crown is the first book of new romantic fantasy Dominions.

For generations, the princesses of Aryd have have a secret, there has always been a twin princess to live in the shadow of the firstborn child and sacrifice her life to protect the queen of Aryd.

Meren is the secret twin of Tabra. Meren has grown up to protect her sister. After the queen's death, King Eidolon sends a proposal message to Tabra, the new queen! Now it is the time for Meren to protect her sister, as a body double, she should face King Eidolon who has been trying for ages to kill the queen of Aryd.

Yes, She should protect her, but how could she when kidnapped by a shadow and no one (except Tabra) even knows she exists?

An entertaining tale that to my surprise was full of love and kindhearted, Meren was always trusting and loyal. The world was built creatively and the characters were likable.

I listened to the audiobook that beautifully narrated by Samara Naeymi and Luis Moreno, and waiting for the next book, The Stolen Throne (what a name)!

Many thanks to RB Media via NetGalley for ARC, I have given my honest review.

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The Liar’s Crown turns on a simple, yet somewhat ingenious, premise: that royal twins could open up the possibility of one sibling acting as the body double for the other. That’s the predicament that Meren finds herself in as the narrative opens. A secret Princess, and a stand-in for her sister when the future Queen’s safety is at risk - Meren is reluctantly accepting her fate - until a powerful foe kidnaps the wrong sister.

There’s a lot of aspects to this high fantasy romp to get caught up in. There’s an interesting elemental magic system that results in epic showdowns, lands and clans that hint at complex political movements, and steamy scenes that are not overly graphic. There’s also a lot of fantasy-adventure-romance tropes that could appeal to readers looking for their next fix: love triangle, grumpy sunshine, forced proximity, and the like.

Overall, I found the book entertaining, but not compelling. Something about the characters, the worldbuilding, the use of language, and the descriptions - great for passing the time, but although I see the appeal of the book and soon, the series, there’s nothing that makes me want to read the follow-up.

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Meren is the identical twin sister to the future queen. No one knows she exists but those closet to the family. She has been raised in secret because she has one purpose. She is to train and sacrifice herself for her sister if the need should arise.

When the current Queen dies Meren's sister is set to take the throne. But out of concern for her sister's safety Meren takes her place on the eve of the coronation. Her fears were justified as she finds herself kidnapped in her sister's place.

At the start of this book I thought I would really enjoy it. From the beautiful cover that just draws you in to the story write up on the back. Chills. This book sounded so good. And the first chapters also has me intrigued. But then Meren gets kidnapped and things started to go down hill and that may be partly because I listened to this book instead of reading it.

So this was an audio book and the narrator, in my opinion, was not impressive. I really wish these narrators would just read the book instead of trying to voice the characters. Meren's love interest, for example, is supposed to sound sexy but frankly the narrator makes him sound like an aged smoker. It became so distracting that I started to lose interest as the bulk of the book seemed like a slow build up between these characters. The book became tedious and I couldn't wait for it to finish, even speeding it up to dull out the fake voices of the narrator.

I'm giving this book 3 stars on the hopes that if I actually read it I might enjoy it more, otherwise it would only give a 2 and certainly wouldn't be running out for the sequel.

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DNF at 47%.

Unfortunately Naeymi's narration is mostly what killed this book for me – there's was a lot of reading fast and then reading slowly, so much that speeding up the audio made it difficult to understand parts and easy to understand others. The attempt at Reven's deep male voice was so irritating, going so croaky his speech was hard to parse. There's a male narrator listed – why wasn't he used to whack out the male characters' dialogue too? This is definitely something I might've been able to enjoy better in physical book format.

There was also a lot of meandering introspection where Meren goes on and on about her purpose in life and her secret as Tabra's double. I just found THE LIAR'S CROWN on the whole lacking a lot of substance – ultimately this book wasn't my cup of tea, but I can see why other people might enjoy it.

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Thank you RB Media and NetGalley for providing an ARC audio copy of The Liar's Crown narrated by Samara Naeymi and Luis Moreno.

Every other generation for generations, a set of twin girls are born to the royal family. The youngest, kept separate in secret and will take the place of her sister when the evil king comes as a security protocol. Especially as each previous queen has been abducted and killed by evil evil king. When a sand nymph goes against her orders and blesses the firstborn, Tabra, and curses the secondborn, Maren, the future is irrevocably changed. Or is it? Maren loves her sister deeply and grows up knowing her role is to be her sisters body double when she becomes queen and potentially die for her. When Maren is kidnaped by mistake she is forced to grow and use her powers to get back to her kingdom and protect her sister from marrying the evil king and death. It is up to her to save her sister, her people and the man she has come to love.

If you enjoyed A Court of Thrones and Roses and The Black Witch Chronicles you will enjoy The Liar's Crown!

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I throughly enjoyed this Book. I did listen to the audio version and loved that it had two narrators.
✅fantasy romance
✅ interesting plot
✅enemies to lovers

Twin sisters that are princesses, while one that presents as the princess and the other sequestered if her twin dies and they need a replacement. After Meren is kidnapped by the Shadowraith she is forced to save her sister from the King, and figure out what’s going on with her capture.

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This fantasy story started in a fantastic and intriguing way, we have Meren and Tabra, twins but nothing is as it seems or what you even think. The story will drag you in, will held you captivated until the end and then you would want more. I absolutely loved the idea the author had for this story, the world-building elements are amazing and the character development was well done. Looking forward to reading the next one!

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this audio book.

There was some really good world building in this one! I enjoyed listening to it and thought it was well written. I will be keeping my eye out for more. The narrator was good as well.

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Thank you NetGalley and publishers for this audiobook for an honest review. 

I thought that this was such a fun eventful book.  Alot was thrown at you in the beginning. Continuing on, it was easy to know what was what. I thought that this was going to be a standalone but no. And now I'm excited for the next book! The world building was easy to understand along with the magic system.  I enjoyed the witty banter between Meren and Reven. I wish the romance wasnt so quick but it worked for those two.

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I enjoyed the audio and having a male voice for Reven.

This was a quick read. It was action packed and I enjoyed the concept as well as the turns it took throughout the story. The magic system is also pretty easy to understand and follow. My only minor complaint was that the main character had too many insta-love feelings for someone who kidnapped her and she hated. I couldn't connect with her internal debate. I loved the banter between the two characters and I really liked Reven's character. He is a morally gray character trying to figure out how to do the right thing.

Overall, I am excited for the next book! If you're looking for a quick, fun read that I don't think requires you to hold too much mental energy towards it, you will enjoy this book.

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