Member Reviews

Book Title: Skirts
Author: Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell
Audiobook Narrator: Sarah Welborn
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Genre: Non-Fiction, History
Pub Date: September 6, 2022
My Rating: 3 stars

Skirts: Fashioning Modern Femininity in the Twentieth Century is an historical account of the inspirations of skirt/dresses. Story covers societal shifts and author gives difference examples.
There is no doubt a lot of research when into this!

I grew up in an era where girls wore dresses. In fact, I wore a uniform to school which actually encouraged my desire to wear something new and fun when I went out with friends to dances etc.
My mother sewed and was great about creating what was “in”. I always had friends asking where I bought my clothes. I usually lied and named a place or said I didn’t remember where.
I was embarrassed to say my mother make it. Sounds so silly now!!
I wanted to learn to sew so my mom taught me. I love being creative.

So to someone like me this book was very interesting. Not necessary a fun read but still enjoyable.

However, I am an audiobook fan but also a narrator snob and have to admit I wasn’t pleased with the narrator’s voice.

I do want to thank NetGalley and Tantor Audio for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for September 6, 2022.

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A travel through time looking at how skirts/dresses have changed and impacted fashion and society.

I like how this book focused on certain iconic garments (little black dress, mini skirt, poodle skirt, and even undergarments)and really got into the details. A lot of research definitely went into this. This book felt like a cross between fashion magazine, historical nonfiction, and feminist piece.

I did like how it got toward modern issues such as body positivity, gender roles, and equality near the end. Men can wear skirts too, just like women can wear pants.

This book was informative, but I wish the last couple chapters could have been a bigger portion. Who knows what skirts will look like in the future!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this Audiobook for my honest review.

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I was pleasantly surprised by what a delight this book was! I loved hearing about all the historical tidbits throughout that were connected to such a simple-seeming pice of clothing. A very rich history of SKIRTS.

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✨ Skirts Book Review✨
Author: Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell
Genre: Non-Fiction
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Pub date: September 6, 2022

Swipe ➡️ for Goodreads synopsis.

This one I devoured in one day! I absolutely love the writing. This book is so fascinating and how fashion progressed and digressed over the years! I love the discussion of Marilyn Monroe and then how coming to age dressing has changed over the years! Truly the most fascinating read this year! I listened to this book on audio and it was fabulous.

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