Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Sunset and Camden Creative for the ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review

“And yet, standing here with Liam, I have this suspicious feeling that instead of the anxiety that should be consuming my chest, something akin to happiness has found residence there.
My tongue didn’t slip. My heart has found its home.
I just never imagined home would be a person.”

Evie married Liam when they were five years old, in her parents backyard, her nana oficiated the wedding, they sadly divorced at seven, due to an accident involving a muddy football. Evie has hated him since then, even though the sight of him made her body shiver since teenagehood. Now, twenty six, living in Paris, she has put a whole ocean between then. So it’s a big surprise when he shows up in France with no warning and is willing to be her date at her brother’s wedding and help her avoid unwanted attention from her not so lovable mother while she’s back in the States. All this while going through constant pain due to her endometriosis.

I had never read anything portraiting endometriosis and I never experiencied anything similar, so I can only guess Torie Jean did a good job describing this hell of disease and my heart is with all the people with uterus that have to suffer with it.

I really really enjoyed this book, the banther between Evie and Liam is amazing, their puns are adorable and I could not help myself but to root for them every chapter. Sometimes romances get stuck in the premisse of “girl who hates boy and thinks boy hates her back, but he actually stated previously that he never did but she too sttuburn to realize he’s actually in love with her” so when I read the first signals of this in the book I grew hesitant, but Torie Jean executes this one well and it doesn't drag for too long, giving us time to actually enjoy them as a couple and not only as people oblivious to each other's feelings.

I think Evie will be a extremely important character to women out there who suffers with endo and will bring representativity to them. Endometriosis aside, she’s still relatable to me, I found pieces of myself in her monologue many times, one of my favorite quotes is when she’s struggling with self-doubt and fearing she’ll be a liability:

“I’ll make plans difficult. I’m dramatic. Selfish. I hold grudges. I’m impulsive in the worst ways and timid when I should be bold. There’s no way he won’t see this eventually."

I’ve never felt so seen.

Although I did think it was just a bit too long and somethimes repetitive, it’s a great book that will give you actual butterflies (I swear) and I look foward to reading more by Torie.

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Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this ARC! Finding Gene Kelly comes out on September 20th. You can pre-order it already ❤️

4 ⭐️

A really cute friends (or childhood-lovers)-to enemies- to lovers story, perfect for those who loved The Spanish Love Deception and The Hating Game. Evie, hardcore vintage filmlover, lives in Paris, the city of light and love. Her life is suddenly turned upside down when Liam, the person she married at age 5 and then divorced because of … shows up in Paris as well… That combined with her brother getting married and her mother giving her a hard time about finding a date, a dress and well… pretty much everything, Evie is lost.

That is until she decides to ask Liam to be her “date” to her brother’s wedding, back home in the US. Liam accepts, and the two decide they should pretend to be dating, which, clearly, could use some practice.

A cute story which I enjoyed reading. I also loved all the Paris references (kisses along the Seine!!), it really made me feel like I was in Paris, a city that I love! Perfect for readers who enjoy the enemies-to-lovers trope and there’s some really great endometriosis rep, something that gave this story even more depth!

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A romance book that looks and sounds this cute, with a main character with endometriosis? I immediately knew I had to read this.

I ended up with mixed feelings though. There's a lot I enjoyed about this book, particularly the characters and their romance, but still this didn't quite work for me. This was mainly due to the writing style, which was not my cup of tea.

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This was a cute quick rom com... I enjoyed the tropes, but found the FMC to be a little bit judgemental, which can be all of us from time to time I suppose. 3.5 stars.

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“J’ai eu un coup de foudre. I have had a lightning strike. That’s what it’s like when Liam kisses me. That love at first sight, lightning strike moment, over and over and over.”
trope: fake dating, childhood friends to rivals to lovers
pov: 1st person pov
rating: 4,75/5
Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. 
Evie O’Shea, an expat living in Paris, is a blogger highlighting Paris that had dreams of being a professional patissier but had to let them go as her endometriosis got worse.One day, she runs into Liam Kelly, her former neighbor with whom she has a complicated history, and long story short they decide to fake date to go to her brother's (who is also Liam's best friend) wedding so that her mother will stop telling her that she is a failure. 
I adored this book, the first thing that I loved was that it was set in Paris and as a (almost) Parisian it made me happy to see a romance set in Paris. This book made me really understand what endometriosis because I had heard of it and had a vague understanding of what it was but now I really know more about it. I really loved Evie and Liam's relationship, I loved their development from before the start of the book to the beginning of the book to the end of the book. Also their puns with food were very funny. I also love the parallels from their first meeting and their reunion with the poles. The side characters were also very fun and enjoyable to read about (except Evie's mother, she annoyed me).
This book is a cute, fun book with a strong female main character and an amazing love interest.
rep: endometriosis rep (own voices), side Achillean character and relationship.
tw: mention of depression and depression, discussions infertility, toxic mother
genre: Adult Romance
#FindingGeneKelly #NetGalley

I will post my review on my instagram @readsoflaura in a few days

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Finding Gene Kelly tells the story of Evie and Liam who grew up together and in Evie's eyes were sworn enemies. Now as adults Evie has moved to Paris is a food blogger and has been diagnosed with endometriosis which has been ruling her life there. Her brother is getting married back in the US and friends and family has set up a plot for Liam who is in Paris for work to be her date to the wedding. Quickly it seems that Evie's beliefs about their hatred for each other may have been a little one sided. I

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as someone who married her best friend at age 3 for a valentines fundraiser and then grew up and began dating them, i literally couldnt have asked for a more perfect book to read. unfortunately my relationship ended (as did my fake marriage lol) but my love for this book is one for the ages!!!!

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Excuse me but this was just the cutest! I loved loved loved the “we’ve been family friends since age 5, mutual secret crushes, enemies to lovers vibes.” I was internally squealing at the ongoing secret pining and crushes these two main characters had in the first half of the book. The book did not shy away from a thorough description of chronic illness/endometriosis. The Paris setting just added to the cuteness factor. Would definitely recommend!

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This was a perfect contemporary romance read! The story was so cute and had a little bit of everything. I picked up the book expecting a light, fluffy, romance but was pleasantly surprised! The story had so much substance and had me feeling all the feels!

I loved how Evie’s struggle with endometriosis was portrayed. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever read a book where this illness was showcased as it was in this book. As someone who has struggled with very painful periods and ovarian cysts I felt like I could relate to her. Liam was swoon worthy throughout the entire story and it was so amazing to watch him be there for Evie and witness them fall in love.

My only dislike of the story was the miscommunication between the characters, but this is the way I feel about any book that includes a miscommunication trope. Otherwise, I loved it! I would recommended this book to everyone!

I was sent a free book and am voluntarily leaving this honest review.

Thank you to NetGalley and Torie Jean for this ARC.

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I have been SO EXCITED for this book because I too grew up on old movies and also have severe period issues. Like, a main character with endometriosis?? Sign. Me. Up.

But. Unfortunately. Evie isn't the heroine I wanted her to be. The book starts with her on the subway, judging everyone she comes into contact with and her character goes downhill from here. She's judgmental and rude, and because of her chronic illness, her mother's abuse, and Liam's childhood shenanigans, she acts as if she has a free pass on being a decent human being

Don't get me wrong. Her chronic illness, her mother's abuse, and Liam's childhood shenanigans are valid things for her to be upset about. They all affect her and that's super understandable. But. It also doesn't give you an excuse to be a sh*tty person

In short, Evie is miserable. And she's a miserable person to be around. And while illness, abuse, and the like will absolutely affect you and leave you not always the funniest person to be around (been there, still waiting on the t-shirt), you are also accountable for your own actions, always, and lashing out, being someone everyone has to handle with kid gloves because you might freak out at any given moment, and just all around being a nasty person aren't something you get a free pass on

I wanted to love Evie. I did. I made it 21% because I was desperately waiting for her to give me *something* to love about her. Anything

(Also, surprised in all the "my life has been so hard" Evie never mentions it being hard to obtain an Endo diagnosis; I could be wrong, but actually seems like it was a relatively easy diagnosis to recieve. Which. Can be possible. But also not super common, so that surprised me)

There were a few cute scenes in what I read and I did see Liam shaping up to be an interesting character. But none of it was enough to keep me reading, unfortunately...:/

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This book was so cute and a great enemy to lover story of misunderstandings. I also really enjoyed the reality that some people face when it comes to being a women with rough periods and the pain and suffering that can come from that. Also, this book talks about classic musicals and movies and is partially set in Paris so what's not to love. The author did a great job bringing the reader along with the tastes and scenery as well seeing as the leading lady is a pastry chef.

I would recommend this book to friends or anyone.

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Finding Gene Kelly by Torie Jean

Evie and Liam due to a misunderstanding now done speak. Evie now lives Paris and is a food blogger who secretly wants to have her own business baking pastries and cakes but cant due to the limitations placed on her. After suffering from the chronic illness endometriosis which can flare up suddenly causing unimaginable debilitating pain.

A potentially sweet romance friends to enemies but secretly still in love with each other. Overall a Lovely story that handles Evie’s condition sensitively.

However I just couldn’t gel with Evie who ultimately /potentially has the ability to have the life she wants but can’t see that.

The principal of this book had such potential but it was very slow and predictable but handled other things very well.

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This book was as sweet as a plate of French macarons! I was immediately drawn in to this book because of the wonderful descriptions of Paris, which I'm a total sucker for. The author does such a great job describing the settings that you really feel like you are there with the characters.

Another great aspect of this book was the representation of Endometriosis. While I am thankful I don't have this disease, it was a great way to learn about it and understand what it can feel like when you do have it. It was also really great of the author to include a 'trigger warning' at the beginning of the novel, in case this book might be triggering for those Endo Warriors.

The only negative I have about this book was how ignorant Evie was about Liam's feelings for her. Literally everyone knew but her and it was so obvious, I have a hard time believing she didn't know. But, once she did figure it out about half way through the book, it got really good. I was really rooting for them to be together and for Evie to get her dream business.

If you like fairytale romances with the sweetest happy ending, this book would be perfect for you!

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I absolutely ADORED this childhood friends to enemies to lovers debut indie romance set mainly in Paris. Liam was the boy next door and Evie's brother's best friend who ghosted her on an important night in high school. Now years later Evie is living her best life in Paris only to run unexpectedly into Liam (and a pole).

Full of incredible found family, a TON of cheesey puns and amazing endometriosis rep. I loved getting to know Evie and better understanding what she goes through living with endo and chronic pain. I thought the author did such a good job writing about her experiences and you can definitely tell this was a personal story in that regard.

Liam was swooney and oh so supportive, especially as Evie struggles with intimacy that doesn't cause her pain and a toxic relationship with her mother. I'm a sucker for a good he falls first, secret pining and sweet gestures and this book delivered all of that to perfection!

Recommended for fans of books like Home is where you are by Melissa Grace or The Paris syndrome by Elliot Fletcher. This book truly hit so many high notes for me and I can't wait to see what's next from Torie Jean! Much thanks to NetGalley and the author for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

CW: chronic pain, endometriosis, toxic parental relationship

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This book took me a little bit to get into but once I did I loved it. It was so real and did shy away from difficult topics. The backdrop of being in Paris was so amazing. Great book!

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thanks to netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
wow. where to start? i seriously love this book. LOVE. it was so sweet. our mmc Liam and fmc Evie's story was such a delight to read about. these two were childhood
friends, enemies in HS, then eventually lovers. it wasn't an easy transition. and where did they meet up again as adults? freaking Paris. i loved watching their hate change
to love and it was just so pure. i was swooning the entire book!!
one of my favorite quotes: "i have no doubt you could win whatever you want with me, peaches." oh yeah, did i mention he called her peaches? precious.
last but not least, the endo representation was SPOT ON. excellent book. i can't and will not stop recommending
this one!

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CWs pinned on the author’s Instagram & on storygraph.

HEART ON FLOOR. HEART ON FLOOR. Now that I’ve got that off my chest, I’m just gonna tell you how much I adored this. Torie Jean has delivered a total emotional gut punch that also lends itself to humour and chaos. Let me just say if you’re looking for a story with unrequited love and pining, this will be right up your alley. Did I mention Liam’s love language is taking care of Evie? Any man who would drop everything to bring a woman in need bread is a total keeper. Would I have appreciated this more if I had an attachment to Gene Kelly and Audrey Hepburn? Probably. But that didn’t stop me from absolutely swooning into oblivion. Especially every time Liam blushed. I was also weak in the knees every time a pun was delivered. Word play is my soul food. I also love that Evie’s character gives insight into life with endometriosis. Torie doesn’t paint a pretty picture either; she gives a raw, uncensored look into life with chronic illness. We need more of that in romance. If you enjoyed books like Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert, The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez, and Always Only You by Chloe Liese then you might want this on your tbr.

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Blast from the past, American in Paris and pastries! Absolutely love meeting Evie and her framily. A young woman diagnosed with endometriosis and trying to live each day at a time runs into Liam, her childhood husband turned enemy while living in Paris. This book had me laughing, hungry and brought me to tears reading about her struggles. I loved the romance, the history and the pastries.

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- besties to enemies to friends to lovers
- brother’s best friend
- fake dating
- second chance, kinda
- miscommunication

Finding Gene Kelly is an absolute fluff fest that had me swooning over Liam one minute and sobbing over Evie battling her chronic pain and heartache over her endo the next.

Liam is an absolute dreamboat, and I loved his tenacity when it came down to showing how much he truly did care for Evie. These two series killed me with the hate flirting, hilarious banter and bad puns, and all the sweet moments between them.

This was seriously the best.

Thank you to Netgalley & the publisher for the arc!

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4.5 stars!

Childhood best friends-turned-enemies Evie and Liam unexpectedly reunite in Paris after years of hurt feelings and unrequited love made them drift apart.

I could NOT put down Torie Jean's debut novel "Finding Gene Kelly." What a splendid, punny, terrificly banter-filled book! It has some of my favorite tropes, including fake dating, fat representation, friends-to-enemies-to-lovers, and of course, the cinnamon roll hero! I loved both Evie and Liam as characters, and I rooted for them to find their happily ever after throughout the book.

Evie is a blogger living in Paris who dreams of one day owning a bakery. Unfortunately, she has endometriosis, which has stopped her from making that dream a reality. Every single day is unpredictable with endo. One day, she might feel fine, but the next, she might be doubled over in immense pain and unable to continue her day. As someone who suffers from long-term chronic pain, I understood Evie's mannerisms and outlook on life on many levels. It felt so visceral to read about her coping with her chronic illness. I've had the same conversations about my future as someone with severe rheumatoid arthritis. My heart went out to her so much. Liam has always loved Evie but hasn't known how to express his feelings. He is a sweet character if a little naive. They agree to fake-date so they can attend Evie's brother Caleb's wedding, and to placate Evie's horrible, overbearing mother who calls her names and critiques everything she does in life. While fake-dating, they discover and expand upon their feelings for one another, realizing that this might be the real deal.

I'll tell you one thing, the pining sure was real! oOoOoOoOOoo, I loved it. I also loved Torie Jean's writing style. This book is funny, sweet, fluffy, just the best kind of comfort food. AND LIAM CALLS EVIE 'PEACHES.' Omg. SWOON. You're going to love this book, I guarantee it.

Thank you to NetGalley, Torie Jean, and Sunset and Camden Creative for providing me with an ARC copy of this book! All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for my review.

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