Member Reviews

I wanted to read this book since I first saw it. I enjoyed the other books written by the author, and I expected I would like this one just as much. I was overjoyed when the publisher granted me the opportunity to read an advanced copy on Netgalley.
Like his other books, family, known and unknown, figure in the story. We do get treated to multiple time periods, but only when the story would benefit from those flashbacks. Everything gets connected in the end.
We start with Katie and Chris, siblings, on what is Chris' worst day. He survives, but the day warps his future. Then we meet the family of a serial killer who is grooming his oldest son to follow in his footsteps. He is caught and his two sons are sent to other families to finish growing up. The boys are wealthy from their father's estate, and they each get richer. The older boy resents the younger one for not following their father's rules.
These people twist around each other in interesting and strange ways. Only the youngest son knows who all the players are. He's not telling.
The book is balanced on the line between full thriller and blackest horror. I enjoyed reading it. If you like both or even just one of these genres, I think you will like this book. I'm glad the publisher allowed me to read it through Netgalley. I just wish I had the print book.

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This book was quite the ride, and I was there for it.

Katie Shaw is looking for her brother, Chris, who has recently gone missing. We follow many points of view in this book, which rarely works. Somehow North made it work. Ever time I wondered what someone else was doing or thinking, the point of view went to that person. No character who was important to the story was off limits. I loved that.

We also follow along with Detective Laurence and his partner. I would read a series just attached to these two. Their banter and wit almost carried the book and kept it from stalling.

All in all, this is a great book, not too long, and doesn’t ever slow down. Alex North did it again.

4.5 rounded up because we never find out what the end of the book says.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC for my unbiased and honest review.

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I liked this book - giving it 3 out of 5 stars.
It was my first time reading a book by Alex North and it will not be the last.
I really liked the characters but I had a hard time remembering who was who.
I am looking forward to reading this authors other books.

Katie Shaw had a pretty perfect life until something horrible happens to her little brother that changes her family forever.
Now as an adult with her own family, Katie still feels guilty for what happened year ago.
Her brother Chris has now gone missing and Katie needs to help him.
Detective Laurence Page is investigating a gruesome crime. Is this all related to what happened to Chris as a child?
This book has a great twist.

Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The Angel Maker was the first book I’ve read by Alex North and I loved it. Thankfully, I was blessed to be able to have access to the ebook and audiobook ARCs so I was able to listen and read simultaneously. This book was very complex and I am not sure how well I could have followed the plot if I was only listening to the audiobook. The few times that I put my kindle aside to listen exclusively, I had to rewind and listen again. You need to pay close attention while reading this book.
The narrator, Rosalie Craig, had a pleasant voice and was enjoyable to listen to.
I loved the complexity! I loved the way it felt like you were solving a creepy puzzle. It was a true page-turner. I had to keep reading because I had to know what exactly was happening and how it was all connected.
This book truly makes you think. It was so philosophical and the concept of determinism was a major plot point.
It was a very atmospheric and descriptive read. It was easy to paint a picture in my head of the places and people in the book. It was very spooky and there were moments that made my heart race. The twists were excellent and intense. The multiple POV and timeline kept it interesting and I loved how it all came together at the end.
I will be posting my review on Goodreads and Amazon as well as my Instagram page (linked below).

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This has been such a fantastic read! Thrilling and creepy in all the right ways! I am so excited I was given an ARC. So unexpected and edge of your seat!

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The Angel Maker is a fast-paced read that left me wanting a little more. While the plot is detailed, twisty, and spectacularly crafted, I felt it was a little rushed. There were a lot of characters who I wish were more developed (for example, I couldn't even picture what some of them looked like). That said, plot-driven stories are some of my favorite, and Alex North captured the mystery and suspense of this genre perfectly. Read in a day, I could not put it down. I would recommend this book, especially if you like either of his previous publications!

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The Angel Maker is another thriller from Alex North. This one started off strong and I was excited to start reading it, as it had all the markings of a book I wouldn't be able to put down. Ulitimately, though, the storylines weren't tight enough to keep me enthralled. I kept losing track of who was who and why I needed to keep track of them. I stopped caring about the characters and really wish that North had focused on one strong mystery and kept iwth it rather than weaving two mysteries together and adding in the ability to see the future. It just really felt all over the place.

Katie is a woman who made a decision as a teenager that changed everything. Now as an adult, her child mentions something that brings her back to that day and the fear that never really went away--all while her husband tells her it really isn't that big of a deal. At the same time, an old philosophy professor dies. Who is he and how does he fit in? Then there's a serial killer. And Katie's brother who has struggled with addiction. Oh, and a police officer who's going to work the case(s) and figure out how it all fits together.

An unnecessarily intricate plot that was ambitious, but ultimately, didn't quite hit the mark.

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This was definitely a unique story and kept me intrigued the whole time! As an avid thriller reader, I will say it was a bit underwhelming as I was expecting it to be more suspenseful. This felt more like a mystery book than a thriller. I really loved the writing in this book, very descriptive and atmospheric, which help to create the dark storyline. This was my first read by Alex North and I plan to read his other two novels, which I hear are really good!

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3.5 I've read and enjoyed Alex North's previous books. The Whisper Man was especially creepy.
North's newest book is The Angel Maker. "From the New York Times bestselling author of The Whisper Man and The Shadows comes a dark, suspenseful new thriller about the mysteries of fate, the unbreakable bond of siblings, and a notorious serial killer who was said to know the future."

Okay, that's a novel idea for sure. Think about it - a killer who can justify each and every crime he commits as 'its meant to be'. The Angel Maker has many, many characters and timelines. I admit I found it overwhelming at times to keep everything and everybody straight. I really liked Katie as a lead character. She came off as believable and it was easy to be behind her. The unfurling of the book was slow for me and my attention started to wander, so I thought I would try a read/ listen combo.

The reader was Rosalie Craig. She did a wonderful job at bringing the book to life for me Her voice has so much movement, rising and falling, capturing the emotion, action, horror, danger and more with her reading. Her voice is pleasant to listen to, she speaks clearly, and I liked her accent. The pace was just right. I've said it before - sometimes I am drawn more into a book when listening instead of reading. And that was the case here. I still found there to be too much in terms of timeline, jumps and points of view, but was able to know who was speaking, by the different voices. Hear for yourself - listen to an excerpt of The Angel Maker. Or if you prefer - read an excerpt of The Angel Maker.

Gentle readers - there are triggers in this book.

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Loved it! Admittedly, at the beginning, as more characters with seemingly disparate/different storylines kept being introducted, I wondered what was going on. Fortunately, the book is both interesting and entertaining, so I kept reading. But as I kept reading, I realized it was all going to come together by the end. And it did - and it was weird and fabulous. I'm not going to attempt to describe the plot, because, honestly, I think this book is best experienced with no preconceived notions. What is fate? Can it be changed?

"Growing up in a beautiful house in the English countryside, Katie Shaw lived a charmed life. At the cusp of graduation, she had big dreams, a devoted boyfriend, and a little brother she protected fiercely. Until the day a violent stranger changed the fate of her family forever.

Years later, still unable to live down the guilt surrounding what happened to her brother, Chris, and now with a child of her own to protect, Katie struggles to separate the real threats from the imagined. Then she gets the phone call: Chris has gone missing and needs his big sister once more.

Meanwhile, Detective Laurence Page is facing a particularly gruesome crime. A distinguished professor of fate and free will has been brutally murdered just hours after firing his staff. All the leads point back to two old cases: the gruesome attack on teenager Christopher Shaw, and the despicable crimes of a notorious serial killer who, legend had it, could see the future."

Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.

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Publication Date: February 28, 2023

This story centers around a sister (Katie) and her brother (Chris) from their childhood where a tragic and vicious attack happened to Chris while they were young teenagers which Katie blamed herself for not being there with Chris and this insidious event bitterly scarred both of their lives into the present day.

Detective Laurence happened to be an officer at the time of Chris's attack years ago and currently, he is in charge of an extremely brutal murder of an aged professor where Chris was caught on camera in the man's house around the time of his murder. There are many other extremely important players revolving around this murder which as the story unfolds there seems to be a connection to each and every character connecting the past to the present. Do you believe in coincidence or do you believe that every event is connected and not just happenstance but meant to have specific meaning to solving the puzzle? These will be questions Detective Laurence will continue to ask himself over and over as he struggles to solve this horrific murder while hoping Chris is innocent yet knowing he was involved somehow but why and how? In the meantime Chris is a missing person and now there are more lives at risk but the detective really has no understanding what is really happening only knows that he must continue to follow the dots before more murders occur under his watch!

This was a creepy, fast and entertaining read for myself as I really enjoyed the author's writing and storytelling. The book is also about Good versus Evil which I really enjoyed. There is a backstory with all the characters that will play out in some surprising and shocking ways that I couldn't foresee and I always appreciate when I can't completely figure out a thriller's puzzles. This book showed great mystique and atmospheric writing by Alex North! I also enjoy when a book has many characters since it can make a story so much more intriguing when it is written well which this novel certainly was. Be forewarned that is a lot going on flashing back and forth with the timelines but the
reader will find everything is relevant leading up to the shocking and surreal climatic ending!

I want to thank the publisher "Celedon Books" and Net galley for the opportunity to read this novel and any thoughts or opinions expressed are unbiased and mine alone!

I have given this thriller a rating of 4 UNIQUE AND DEMENTED 🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS!!

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“Deus scripsit” – Maybe, maybe not……

Book Information

The Angel Maker was written by Alex North. It was published on February 28, 2023 and is 336 pages. North is the New York Times bestselling author of The Whisper Man and The Shadows. Thanks to Celadon Books for providing me with an advance reader copy for review.


Everything seemed to be working out for Katie Shaw. Her life was good. Happy family. Every expectation of an exceptional future. About to graduate. Boyfriend. Everything was good…until she left her brother alone and he was the victim of a seemingly random attack that changed the trajectory of everyone’s life. But was it really random?

Fast forward—Katie now is married and has a beautiful daughter. She is overprotective—but who wouldn’t be? Strange things begin to happen…cars seem to follow her or lurk at her daughter’s school. Her daughter says strange things. And then her brother goes missing.

At the same time, the police are investigating a brutal murder….one that may somehow be connected to Katie’s brother—and a serial killer who allegedly could see the future.

My Thoughts

The Angel Maker explores families and fanatics. It asks what you would do to protect your family and what would you do if you believed it was God's will. Is fate unavoidable? Can we change our destiny or are we set on a path that is virtually immovable? It’s a nail-biting trip across multiple timelines skillfully layered to deliver a tale full of suspense and intrigue.

To be fair—this is not necessarily a simple read. There are lots of characters, lots of timelines, and several stories all merging. It’s a complex book that you will have to read mindfully—not 5 to 10 mins each night before bed. It also has some gruesome parts---so bedtime reading might not be the best idea anyway.

The book deals with the love between siblings, the secrets that parents keep, and future seeing serial killers. It’s a good mystery with a good payoff.


If you like mysteries with a bit of supernatural flavor, stories the pit family ties against the stressors of the world (in this case, life and death), or serial killers that may have a direct line to God—pick up The Angel Maker. Recommended.


4 Praedestinatus Stars

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The latest psychological thriller by Alex North is nothing short of brilliantly written, with a plot that weaves and intertwines itself between the past and the present and includes unspeakable actions by a maniacal serial killer. The setting is atmospheric with a tone of eerie creepiness that is pervasive and made me shiver at times with anticipation of what could happen next. The characters had complicated personalities and the author presented a fascinating character study of the main characters, all of them unique and richly developed. The story of the Shaw family, an ordinary family with a tragedy in their past, and that of the Hobbes family is seamlessly mingled, with Professor Alan Hobbes in contact with damaged Chris Shaw for mysterious reasons that are gradually and methodically unfolded. The story telling is superb, keeping me engaged from beginning to end. I kept wondering as I read if I had stepped into an episode of “The Twilight Zone” because there were constant surprises that were cleverly intriguing and remarkably terrifying. The relationships between the characters made the story multi-layered, crackling with tension and profoundly realistic with deliberate misdirection. The pace was fast, the plot was intense and the entire story was terrifyingly captivating. This is one of the best psych thrillers I have ever read so I highly recommend it to all who like to be pulled into a story and compelled to stay there until the satisfying conclusion.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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Alex North’s <i>The Whisper Man</i> is the only thriller I’ve ever rated 5 stars (I most often give them 3 stars–I’m very picky about my thrillers…😅), so requesting his newest book on Netgalley was a no-brainer for me. While <i>The Angel Maker</i> didn’t quite hit all the same notes for me, it was still a solid 4-star read that I really enjoyed.

One of the reasons I’m so picky about my thrillers is that I often find them predictable, and this was not the case here. The storyline with its interconnected characters was complex enough to keep me guessing, and I felt like North did a great job of dropping clues at the right pace to make me feel like I was figuring some things out without giving it all away. I also enjoyed the philosophical meditation on free will vs. fate through the divergent paths that brothers Alan and Edward took in their lives, after both being raised by a serial killer. What this book was missing for me that kept it from earning all 5 stars was the level of hair-raising and spine-tingling that I experienced with <i>The Whisper Man</i>, but this one still had plenty of tense moments and a similar dark underpinning. Some readers might find the larger cast of characters who initially didn’t seem connected to be difficult to follow; however, I felt that they were each developed enough to allow me to keep track of them fairly easily.

I would recommend this book to anyone who prefers a little more meat to their thrillers or who likes to be at least somewhat in the dark until the book’s conclusion. Bonus points for any level of interest in philosophy. Thank you to Netgalley and Celadon Books for my advanced reader’s copy in exchange for a review! I will definitely be on the look-out for more from Alex North in the future!

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The Angelmaker" by Alex North is a gripping and intriguing mystery novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. The story centers around a small English village where a series of bizarre events begin to unfold after a retired clockmaker passes away.

As the story unfolds, we are introduced to a cast of interesting and complex characters, including a former detective who is haunted by his past, a troubled young man searching for answers about his family, and a mysterious figure known only as "The Angelmaker" who seems to be pulling all the strings.

North does an excellent job of building tension and suspense throughout the book, keeping readers guessing about the true nature of the Angelmaker's motives and identity until the very end. The writing is sharp and evocative, with vivid descriptions that bring the eerie setting of the village to life.

Overall, "The Angelmaker" is a captivating and well-crafted mystery novel that will appeal to fans of the genre. North's skillful storytelling and richly drawn characters make this a book that is difficult to put down, and the unexpected twists and turns of the plot will keep you guessing until the very end. Highly recommended!

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Read this book if you like: Multiple POVs, multiple timelines, creepy reads

Wow. This is my first Alex North book. I could not look away from this. 😲 This read is so creepy. Celadon sent me this book with little envelopes to open after certain chapters. I LOVED this concept. It made reading the book so much cooler. The story had multiple POVs and multiple timelines. It had a lot of moving parts, which at times can be a little confusing. That wasn't a big deal though. I highly recommend this book!

Thank you to the author and Celadon Books for the gifted book ❤️

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I have loved the previous two Alex north books but this one was not for me. The writing is fine, taut as ever. The storyline was just not for me. May try finishing it another time

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Thank you to Netgalley & Celadon books for this ARC! I give this book 2.75 stars, but since Netgalley only allows whole-star ratings, I listed it as 3 stars.

This is my first book by the author, Alex North, and I have heard good things about their work! This book started off strong, and definitely reeled me in. Katie feeling the weight of "what if I had done something different" from her teenage years into her adulthood was depicted well. I felt invested in her relationship with her brother Chris and wanted to know more about their dynamics even beyond what was given in the novel. The love she has for her brother paired up with the feeling of being left behind/feeling like her parents didn't worry about her in the same way was an interesting struggle that was written well and I wish they had gone into that more! Overall the story started out with good, creepy atmosphere, and it did leave me wanting to know what happened. There were moments of suspense and unsettling descriptions that were well done. There is philosophy intertwined in this book as well, and aspects of that were interesting to think about.

However, where the story lost me was when too many different characters and plots were added into the mix, and some plots skipped time without much warning. Within a single chapter, we would sometimes skip from present to past to present again. I didn't quite understand how some of the plots tied together, and felt the story could have benefitted from cutting some plots to tighten up the story. Even at the end when most of the storylines crossed, I had a hard time really fully understanding it. It felt like there was at once a lot going on, but the connections weren't clear enough for me as a reader to feel invested in most of the plots or characters.

Ultimately I think if you enjoy complex thrillers with lots going on you might like this book. I still want to check out other books by this author, especially The Whisper Man as that has very high praise. I think this specific book just did not work for me personally.

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Another amazing work by Alex North; I will day I was slightly skeptical because the Shadows was such a let down for me after the Whisper Man but this work has redeemed itself. Bone chilling, spine tingling and an intricate plot make this an almost 5 star read except you really do have to pay incredibly close attention early on to fully appreciate and watch the plot unfold.

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I’m not sure what I was expecting reading this book, but I was kind of disappointed. Based on the description, I thought it would be much more suspenseful and more of a thriller. Instead, I found it incredibly confusing and I struggled to finish it. By the end, I just didn’t care for the characters or the plot… I was just glad it was over.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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