Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this dark mystery/thriller. Though I admit I felt a little lost early on. There were a lot of characters to keep straight. I didn’t need to resort to making a spreadsheet-but I was tempted! As I got further into the book it was easier to remember everyone and I really enjoyed the story.

This was a dark crime novel but not super disturbing. I thought the writing was great. I sometimes avoid crime fiction because some authors spend too much time on gory details making the reading experience unpleasant! This had just the right formula for me. I really enjoyed the hint/possibility of a supernatural element.

I enjoyed The Shadows by Alex North so I was super excited to get this as an ARC from NetGalley. I’m now more eager to read my copy of The Whisper Man!

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This was an action packed, fast paced, dark thriller. The plot was engrossing and the mystery about whether there was actually a supernatural element contributing to events was really interesting. I liked that the main characters were complicated and flawed (apart from a couple characters who were just evil). It was a bit confusing figuring out the setting. It mostly seemed American (maybe just the fact that the two detectives weren’t referred to as detective inspector/detective sergeant/etc), but there were a handful of times something was written that seemed more British (use of the word posh, some British turns of phrase) and that made me a bit confused. After rereading the summary I realized the settings actually is England, but that’s not very clear throughout the story. Also, the truth about Alan Hobbes son was a bit strange considering the age gap. It almost would have made more sense for the son to actually be the grandson.
This is the third book I’ve read from this author and I’ve enjoyed them all, although I think Whisper Man was my favorite of the three. I think anyone who enjoyed his other books will probably enjoy this one as well.
Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for providing me access to this eARC for my honest opinion!

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The Angel Maker was my of my most anticipated books for 2023, so I approached it with both excitement and a bit of apprehension, afraid my expectations were so high I'd set myself up for disappointment. My fears were for nothing because I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

I love when an author crafts a multilayered, intricate plot, requires the reader to pay close attention but also have trust in their storytelling ability, and then rewards with an ending that feels both complete and satisfying. This book delivered on all counts with a story I couldn't look away from, even when I had no idea what was going on, and an ending that reminded me why I love this author's work as much as I do. We're given the suspense, tension, likeable characters, and sense of unease I've come to expect from an Alex North novel while also getting a bigger dose of supernatural elements.

Compelling characters, a complex, original story, and an ending that ties up all the loose threads come together to make this an entertaining, unpredictable thriller. There's still many of the crime fiction elements we know from the author's prior books, but also more of a focus on supernatural possibilities, making this story something unique and somewhat different from what we've seen in North's other two books. Some patience is required for the first half of the book as the story moves between multiple characters and timelines, but for those who are willing to sit back and just enjoy the journey there's so much to love with this dark, twisty thriller.

Thank you to Netgalley and Celadon Books for providing me a copy to read and review.

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I got this book because I enjoyed Alex North's previous two novels. While all of his books are marketed as horror/thriller/mystery, the first two definitely straddled the lines of those genres, but this one was a straight out thriller with no real horror elements. North's books all manged to weave complex stories whose secrets are unraveled slowly, in bits, with all the elements' connections made by the end. The Angel Maker is no different. However, I found in this book that it wasn't until after the midway point that the meat of the story really started to be unveiled. The first half contained a plethora of elements and plot lines that, at times, felt like they were going nowhere or had no real point to them other than adding extra story lines. In the latter parts of the book the plot became much more interesting as several surprises were revealed. But getting there felt like a chore at times and a 336-page book felt like it was much longer, and as a result, I didn't like this one as much as North's first two novels.

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This is the 3rd North book I have read..and each time, it starts out so promising and then fizzles into a bit of incomprehensible babble. The philosophy/theology is a bit vague and over complicated simultaneously from chapter to chapter. The usage of "for all intents and purposes" is overused.

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I continue to be amazed at Alex North and is innate ability to take multiple storylines, multiple timelines and somehow weave them all perfectly together. This story was absolutely no exception. There were times I truly wondered how he would do it, but then by the end it flowed perfectly and all came together the way it was always meant to be.

This plot is complex. There are layers upon layers and a large cast of characters that it is easy to feel lost in the beginning; however, if you stick with it North creates the perfect landscape that brings it all together. North is able to keep brining completely original ideas to the table with each novel that leaves his readers hungry for the next thrill. The Whisper Man stays true to this norm!

Special thanks to Celadon Books for the advanced copy of this book. Expected publication is February 23, 2023!

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Alex North’s two previous books were 5-star reads for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this one as much. As usual, the author manages to create a very spooky atmosphere, with a dilapidated mansion, gruesome murders, creepy stalkers and scary legends. I loved the chemistry between the detectives assigned to the case, as well as the legend about the Angel Maker. My problem was with the plot, which was too complicated for me to follow, with so many twists and turns, murderous villains with different identities, and so many coincidences, that I ended up losing track of who was who. Jumping back and forth in time and between all the many characters made things even more confusing. I didn’t think it was a bad novel at all, in my opinion it was just not as tightly plotted as his previous efforts. That said, I enjoyed being truly creeped out by some parts, as well as some of the twists.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, #NetGalley/#Celadon Books!

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Katie Shaw grew up in the English countryside and had a great family life until a stranger changed it forever. Detective Page investigates what happened in the past and present. Another great thriller by Alex North.

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Was excited to be gifted this book by NetGalley, Caledon Books and Alex North for an advanced read. I already have this novel pre ordered to add to my collection of books. I fell in love with Alex North's books by chance when walking thru my local Chapters/Indigo book stores and fell in love with the cover of The Whisper Man. When I read that book I instantly was attached to his writing.

This book did not disappoint with the expectations that I had. However, it did get a little boring and or confusing some small parts in the novel that I felt just were not needed. I could not put this book down once I started to read it. The vast amount of plotlines in this book make it for an exciting read.

This book is filled with sibling loyalty (Katie and Chris), detectives (Caroline and Laurence), sibling rivalry (Alan and Edward)....and so much more. Pre-ordained/Determinism....Everything in your life was already written by God and will happen funneled thru those who are selected as God has written. Not much of a thriller then it is a mystery in my eyes but there is that element still there that will give you chills at night.

The novel takes you on a journey all stemming from "cult like" religion, two boys separated at an early age of life and being adopted by different families. Then the murder of one of these boys in his later life, Alan, and all the happenings that happened up until that point.

**Opinions on the book are my own**

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Oh what a tangled web Alex North weaves… a crime thriller about the unbreakable bond between siblings and the idea of fate.

I loved the philosophy/determinism aspect, I thought it was well done and unique. There were a lot of characters and timeline hopping, which was confusing at times. Though I loved the ending, I did find there were some loose ends.

Both The Whisper Man and The Shadows were 5-star reads for me. Seeing a new North release had my pulse racing! Although a good read, it didn’t quite live up to my expectations.

“If you were a father, which would you prefer? A child who always did as they were told as you thought they should or a child who disobeyed you and tried to forge their own path?”

3.5 stars (rounded up to 4)

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

I am a big fan of Alex North's writing and was so excited to receive this advanced copy. I was worried after The Shadows that nothing was going to live up to The Whisper Man but The Angel Maker does it! This book was tense, creepy, twisty, and so intricately written. I loved following all of the character journeys and see the incredibly detailed ways in which their lives were intertwined. The Angel Maker provides a glimpse into how obsession, sibling rivalry, and childhood trauma can have lifelong effects. Add this one to your spooky season TBR list...if you can wait that long!

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📖: The Angelmaker

Thank you so much to @netgalley & @alexnorth for the #gifted arc in exchange for my honest review! This was my most anticipated read of 2023!

When Alan Hobbes, a distinguished philosophy professor is found brutally murdered in his home, nothing makes sense.

Katie Shaw is carrying the burden of her past. When she was a teenager, her brother Christopher Shaw was viciously attacked on his way home by a man called Michael Hyde. Years later, married to her high school sweetheart Sam & with three year-old Siena, Katie has an estranged relationship with her brother and hasn’t seen him in over two years.

When Christopher finds himself tangled with very dangerous people who speak to God & can predict the future, it’s up to Katie to finally save her brother.

Fans of North’s The Whisper Man will absolutely eat this book up. This book is brilliantly written & really makes you think throughout its entirety. I will admit, I was a bit confused the first half but everything started to piece together towards the end & it absolutely blew my mind 🤯

This is a MUST read for 2023 for all my horror lovers out there!

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After winning me over with The Whisper Man & The Shadows, I was beyond excited to get the chance to read North’s newest novel, The Angel Maker.

The Angel Maker was a solid 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for me. I honestly don’t know how to describe this book. It was an intricately woven thriller and I really had no idea how everything would come together at the end. About 70% through, I started to finally piece things together, but I still felt like it was a ride until the end.

There is a lot in this book about philosophy and I felt like I had to reread parts to try to grasp the complexities of the topic. However, I think North did a great job making it fairly easy for the non philosophers to understand.

Overall, I really enjoyed the dark, twisty plot. I just counted off a bit for my rating because it was difficult at times to bounce back and forth from the different characters and time periods.

Much thanks to NetGalley & Celadon Books for this ARC!

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Wow! Alex North did it again!

I will say the first 25% of the book was a bit confusing with all the characters, but once I was able to keep them straight this book was intense!

What a philosophical twist to family secrets and fate/human choice.

Basically the Shaws are a brother/sister duo that have been estranged for several years. Now the brother (Chris) is in trouble and needs help.

In addition, there are several evil characters trying to harm both of the Shaws and their respective partners/families. Why? And do they succeed?
A bit of an outlandish plot, but it is a fictional book. However, I really liked the philosophical component to this book which made me think a bit more about fate vs. choice.

I’m not sure this is my favorite AN book, but I really enjoyed it and would recommend to others!

I just reviewed The Angel Maker by Alex North. #TheAngelMaker #NetGalley

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGally for an honest review. I have read all of Alex North's books so far so I was excited for this one. As usual it was definitely not a disappointment. It was fast paced and kept me guessing.(trying to figure out the connections was maddening at first). The timelines did throw me off a bit but I absolutely loved how it all came together at the end. I enjoyed the characters and the fact that none of them were very reliable. I would recommend this to others.

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Twists and turns dominate this rollercoaster mystery! Alex North’s latest thriller is continuous action from start to finish.

Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Alex Morth is so compulsively readable. Twists and turns and an unforgettable and original ending. Truly a master at the writing gqme.

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I love Alex North’s books and this may be my new favorite.
It’s about siblings Kate and Chris that have been estranged until events make their life’s intersect again and they need each other.
The book has themes of fate and destiny, a serial killer and lots of suspense. It brings the past to the present and I couldn’t put it down. Loved it and would highly recommend!
Thank you

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I hate to DNF and rarely do. But this book had an overly complicated plot and I voiding keep the story straight. I found myself not wanting to continue so I didn’t .I know this is a very popular author, so I’m sure fans will love it if they are used to the storytelling.

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Alex North does it again, inserts a level of creepiness into any story - while more of a thriller than a true horror story, this is one you won't soon forget.

Kate, her brother Chris and boyfriend Sam experience an event as children that changes their lives irrevocably. Kate is still dealing with the trauma many years later when she receives a call from her mother that her brother is missing. As she travels back to her village she begins to suffer from PTSD. What really happened many years ago and is it connected to her brother's disappearance?
#MacMillanAudio #TheAngelMaker #AlexNorth

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