Member Reviews
First thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book.
I got this book a while back to read. Now having finally read it I can review it. I don’t want to sound mean but it did seem like I was reading Harry Potter or Percy Jackson at times. That’s not bad it just seemed so close to it that I found it kind of predictable. It read more middle grade and less YA. I did like parts of it but not enough to want to seek it out. That being said if you have a young child who loves to read about adventure get this one for your child.
I liked the parallel universe aspect of the book. I didn't like how the author told us most of the information directly instead of "showing" it implicitly; it felt like someone was just telling us what the plot was and we were just supposed to accept that. The grammar was also a little strange, but once you overcome that, the synopsis is pretty interesting. I just wish the author was more descriptive.
This story sounded so interesting but I am not the target audience. Despite that, I still had a really fun time with this book. The story was imaginative and gripping and I loved the idea that the son of the evil antagonist is the one who is prophesied to defeat him. Perfection.
This is a wonderful Fantasy and, although written with young adults in mind is an enjoyable read for any age.
The story moves at a good pace with the characters and world well developed.
An easy read to recommend for anybody.
Definitely a YA novel that I think a lot of readers will love! Admittedly it was a little slow to begin with, but once it picked up the pace, oh boy, it knocked my socks off! Definitely worth a read
I throughly enjoyed the plot of this book, The magic system combines a lot of my favorite things; magical instruments, gates that reminded me of the Oathgates, and expanse of magical races and warriors. With that being said,I felt the pacing was off. The book itself was slow with a lot of repeating plot points. For example i felt that the explanation of the mission could have been dialed back, once we knew why it needed to be done, it didn't need to be repeated over and over especially when a new character was introduced. With that being said I feel the villain is written very well and I can’t wait to see how he and Zuri will interact once face to face.
Everything I love in a fantasy book!!!
Absolutely loved everything about the world and characters in this book.
Thank you netgalley for the chance to review this arc
Decent setup for a YA novel, nothing really new though, which isn't a bad thing if you like the pattern that YA usually follows.
This is a fantasy novel for the younger YA. Four people drawn together to search out the items needed to fight the Evil Overlord. Slow start, fast middle and end. Thanks to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine.