Member Reviews

I love collecting cookbooks, so when I saw a witchy one, I had to ask for it! The recipes are relatively easy to follow.

The book itself is stunning—from the cover to the way the recipes are laid out. So pretty, I've been thinking about getting a physical copy to keep in my kitchen.

Just a heads-up, though—the whimsical/witchy elements are pretty subtle and feel more like a fun extra rather than the core of the book.

Thank you Netgalley and Fortuna Noir for giving me the possibility to review this book.

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This is a beautiful cookbook. If you’re looking for something aesthetically pleasing to add to your collection of cookbooks, this might be something you’ll be interested in. However, it’s a very simple cookbook. Some of the recipes are things like vegetable medley and a fruit salad. There isn’t anything particularly special other than the fun names and the blurbs that mostly consist of fun facts.

Plus, the pictures are stunning but don’t always reflect the recipes they’re for. There are either missing ingredients in the photo or a different ingredient than what’s listed in the recipe. I thought it might be something fixed since I had an ARC, but I checked out a copy of the book from the library and saw that it’s mostly the same. Otherwise, it’s a beautiful cookbook with some tasty recipes that may be something you haven’t had in a while. I know I’m craving acorn squash and coffee cake!

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I tend to gravitate toward witchy titles, and this cookbook was no different. The recipes look delicious and seem relatively easy to make, but I feel like the witchcraft was tagged on as a gimmick. That said, I really enjoyed this book.

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This is a good Cookbook with a variety of recipes.

My only wish is that is acknowledged the cultures that some of the recipes are drawn from, instead of giving them new witchy names and making no mention of the history behind the dish.

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This is enjoyable to flip through and I enjoyed the available recipes. Everything was very simple and I felt the book utilized the "inspired" part of the tagline more than the witchcraft but overall I was happy.

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First of all, I wanted to thank NetGalley and Fortuna Noir for allowing me to review The Witch's Cookbook.

I was instantly attracted to this cookbook when I say the title and I knew I wanted to read it in order to get ready for the spooky season/November. I have to confess that even though this is a good cookbook, with lots of cute recipes and ideas to try, I expected a bit more when it comes to the "witchy" feel of it (some recipes, in my opinion, were a bit basic. Which is not to say they are bad, but I didn't get the vibe I think the cookbook was aiming for I guess?). I was sort of hoping it followed something similar to Nikk Alcaraz's (@practicalpeculiarities on Instagram) cooking style. Still, this is a great cookbook to get some inspiration from and try new recipes for the cold season!

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This was a beautiful book to look at and I found several recipes I want to try. Teaches about the magical meanings behind certain foods and their ingredients.

I’d recommend it for any magically inclined would be cooks out there!

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I was disappointed in this book. None of the recipes really impressed me. I would have liked some new Halloween recipes. Not my cup of tea.

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Thank you Netgalley for letting me read and review this cook book. There were beautiful photos, and the font was pretty. I can’t wait to try out some of the recipes.

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Loved this book! I am gonna pick it up for my shop. Very easy to understand with great imagery. I enjoyed the thematic names and titles that were carried throughout.
The page numbers can be a bit challenging to read. However, the recipes were delicious. We made several of them already.

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What do you expect to find when opening up a witch's cookbook? Recipes for eye of newt or toe of frog?

Sorry, that's the stuff of fairy tales. Instead, think of recipes with hearty ingredients, infused with love and good intentions and made to satisfy both stomach and soul. You'll find just that and a little magic too in "The Witch's Cookbook: 50 Wickedly Delicious Witchcraft-Inspired Recipes."

"As the kitchen (or hearth) is the center of the home, magical energies are naturally drawn toward it. Let the magic of meals conjured in your kitchen spread love and sustenance beyond the walls of your abode. When we share our good fortune (no matter how much or how little) our bounty grows threefold," writes author Fortuna Noir in the introduction to "The Witch's Cookbook." "Fuel those energies by encircling yourself with crystals and stones while you cook, but also celebrate the empty spaces and stillness. Use equipment you adore in order to infuse love and care in your cooking. And above all, cook and drink with a grateful heart."

Read the rest of the review here:

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Hauntingly beautiful. Easy recipes with gorgeous pictures and introduction. Perfect for any witchy kitchen.

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This book is a lovely coffee table book but isn't a Witch's Cookbook. It's more about a dark aesthetic than an actual witchy themed cookbook. There was nothing about kitchen witchery, using herbs magically or mindfully. It was actually quite disappointing. Nice to look at but really missing the mark in terms of a target audience.

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Più che un libro di kitchen witchery, è un libro di ricette ispirate all'autunno ed ad Halloween, prese da altri libri (come detto a fine libro) e semplicemente delle introduzioni witchy.
Esteticamente è molto carino, aesthetic, perfetto per il mood di Samhain. Otto euro per una rigida illustrata è un ottimo prezzo, ma sinceramente avrei gradito un paio di ricette in più

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Like the idea behind it but many of recipes I wouldn't eat or would have to change it due to my diet but it looks like a good cookbook. I see a few recipes my mom would eat. So that's a plus. If you love cooking then snag this book.

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I felt like the aesthetics of this book were spot on! Absolutely beautiful photography! Would definitely recommend as a coffee table or kitchen bookshelf.

However, the recipes were quite simplistic and ordinary. I thought it would be more "kitchen witch" and not just "making the kitchen somewhat witchy."

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The cookbook we've all been waiting for! The Witch's Cookbook by Fortuna Noir offers dozens of great witchy recipes to choose from. With aspects of the Craft worked into the ingredient choices, as well as associations for each sabbat, this cookbook provides something for all occasions!

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This is a fun book with recipes and images of food for the perfect halloween party. Full of imagination from a modern witch perspective. I enjoyed reading this arc, thank you to netgalley.

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Aesthetically pleasing with gorgeous pictures. I like the idea of this book and I do think it would be a wonderful coffee table book to flip through and a great gift for the right person, though I think the recipes are fairly basic for most cooks and kitchen witches. It is beautiful to look through, though.

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This is a VERY pretty book. Esthetically, this book would get all the stars, it looks that good. Even as a cookbook, it’s not bad. There’s a bunch of recipes that I would love to try, with varying difficulty ranges.

It just wasn’t what I’m looking for in a “witch’s cookbook” though.

I would have liked this better if there was more, I don’t know, witchiness to it. More than just the esthetics and cutely names recipes, but explanation of the sort of intent that the recipe would work best for. What sort of ingredients to use for specific purposes. There were some witch tips scattered through-out the book, but not nearly enough for my tastes.

It IS a very pretty cookbook though.

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