Member Reviews

Chick Magnet is a cute and funny romance with entertaining chicken high jinks. Nic, a YouTuber, and Will, a veterinarian, start off at odds with each other with some inconvenient attraction thrown in the mix. As both work through difficult personal issues they find they have more in common than first believed. Both character's personal journeys, including mental illness, are handled well with plenty of light-hearted comic moments along the way.

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Quick read. It's fun and enjoyable. Had it's LOL moments for sure. If you're looking for something fun and lighthearted this is for you..

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***3 Stars***

The description intrigued me, ok the whole chicken influencer did because I am one of those people who would never live in the Arctic, but will binge watch shows about it, so I could definitely see myself getting sucked into the life of a person raising chickens and while I found this book fun, I didn’t absolutely love it. I liked Nic and Will. Both are good people whose lives have gone sideways and are trying to figure out what their new norm is going to be.

As for their journey to their HEA, it was cute. I’m not sure if I’m all in for them to be HEA’s, there was that weird inexplicable something that I felt was missing, but I did like how they got to know each other and just seemed to get each other. There is a huge sinkhole in their journey, not entirely unexpected, but the fallout was intense, though I did like how things worked out for them in the end.

This was my first read by the author and while I didn’t fall in love with the story, I still liked it. I have a better appreciation for chickens, though I do not see myself getting any. The funny thing with this book is that it’s more intense than I expected ~ not to say that RomCom’s cannot deal with heavy topics because they can ~ but this one definitely goes deep on a couple topics, especially influencer culture.

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Chick Magnet by Emma Barry is a cutesy romance filled with chickens, laughter, and cuteness overloads.

Chick Nic, or Nicole Jones, is a social media influencer known for her pet chickens. Will Lund is a vet in the small town Nic moves into after a terrible public breakup. Will thinks that pet chickens have gotten out of hand and sees pet influencers like Nic to be promoting a lifestyle that leads to people not taking care of their pet chickens right.

Unfortunately, even though this book did have its good parts, the majority of it fell flat for me. I did not feel any chemistry between our two leads. Almost every reaction between them that did not have a chicken as a buffer felt very forced and awkward. I felt this even after they kissed. Obviously, in a romance book this is not good. There needs to be chemistry between the two main characters or there is very little motivation for me to keep reading.

The most enjoyable part of this book was the exchanges between Nic, Will, and Nic's ex. I felt like if the way Nic's and Will's chemistry is written and fleshed out like Nic's past with her ex was, the story would be 100% better and flow better.  

Overall, I enjoyed the characters themselves just not together. The writing was good and there weren't any noticeable grammar issues.

I would like to try another book from this author to see if it's just the setting or the chickens impeding my judgement, but for this one it's a solid three stars.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an early review copy.

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I read this a while ago and didn't remember to do the review so the greatest of apologies. It's a fund read about a chicken influencer (who knew) who moves to get away from her ex, and meets the local vet Wil. It's a small town romance where Will is sort of her neighbour. It was a little look at the internet and small business post-pandemic and it was a fun read. Definitely a niche plot to appeal to readers and at the time I wasn't really sure it wowed me or achieved everything intended.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the digital copy of this book.

3.5 stars

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“Chick Magnet” was a light, easy and enjoyable read that included current tropes and felt centered in the the world which I really appreciated. Including a social media influencer and seeing their life as well as the struggles of small business owners in this post-COVID world made me feel like the characters were relatable.

However, I struggled with the connection between the two main characters. I wanted to buy it - I was charmed by the small town vet and the social media influencer with her chickens. I was charmed by the chickens!! But I was not always buying the heat and tension between Will and Nic, unfortunately.

The read was still enjoyable and really made me consider getting chickens! :)

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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this book is a fun small town romance featuring a chicken influencer named Nicole and the grumpy veterinarian next door named Will.

this book was sooo cutee!! let’s just start off with the fact it has chickens, not gonna lie i never thought about chickens much but this book made me LOVE THEM!! and the fact that will adopts a kitten, it was too cute to handle. i didn’t expect to honestly love this romance as much as i did, it was definitely different than anything else i’ve read. I especially loved how this book showed the struggling of someone who owns a business after covid and how the affects their mental health. that’s so important to me!!

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Thank you to net galley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
This book was a phenomenal blend of romance and a bit of comedy! Loved it!

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I loved reading this one. I just love this kind of books.
4 stars read for me. I love this author snd her writing style.
Thanks to netgally for this arc.

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Chick Magnet by Emma Barry was a super cute read. It's a romance which isn't something I read alot of, that is set in a small town with the grumpy/sunshine trope. I really loved the characters and the storyline and couldn't help but laugh so hard.
I would recommend this to those looking for something that won't make them blush.

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Chick Magnet was a light and funny romance that had me laughing the entire time. I have never read anything by Ms. Barry and I never thought a book about chickens would work out so well but I am happy I got to read this book. It was easy to read, had great characters, and was full of wit. I will certainly be watching for her next book to come out!

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Chick Nick and veterinarian Will.
Nicole moved across the country after horrible break up with her boyfriend. She was trying to mend her heart after devastating break up and she was settling her chicken when one escaped. Someone who looks like a viking showed up to help her while it was raining. She was thankful except he was grumpy as heck. Well, she never thought she would face him that often except she she forgot she moved to small town.
Will was mesmerized by Nicole. He knew who she was and he has been watching her channel but never mention it to her. When she showed up to his practice, he knew who she was but he wanted to play cool so he was typical broody, grumpy vet.
Nic and Will live across from each other and they started to open up to each other. They have their own issues to deal with but when they are together they were themselves not Chick Nic nor vet Will. They were friendly neighbor (?) until things heat up.
This was cute story of grumpy and sunshine. It definitely is a slow burn, they don't get together until after 50 percent and even they sleep together things are not defined. I did enjoy reading it and if you are fan of small town, this is pretty good one.
Thanks to net galley and montlake for ARC.

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This was a fabulous book. It was funny and had wonderful pacing. I would read this author again. I would recommend this book to others.

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Chick Magnet is one of those quirky, cute and wholesome books that make you happy, smile and feel cosy inside whilst still dealing with some pretty serious issues.
(Issues including the impact of Covid-19 on small businesses, situational depression, coercive and manipulative exes, and asshole family members.)

I really enjoyed it!

It's light but not fluffy. Fun and flirty whilst also serious. Nic and Will are adults and act like adults and they're both extremely likeable. Their attraction is pretty instantaneous but their relationship evolves slowly.

The story unfurls in a way that felt authentic but still managed to work out well for them and their future.

All in all, if you like contemporary romance (with med-low spice) then definitely give this one a try!

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I struggled with the characters. The writing was great and engaging, but it’s not as light as the cover implies. I also didn’t love the premise.

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This read was such a fun one, and I will be talking it up for a great summer fun vacation read. I got a kick out of it and found myself laughing so many times throughout.

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Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this as an ARC.

This was a super cute read. It's a small-town romance that has the whole grumpy x sunshine trope. After reading a lot of Tessa Baliey and Lucy Score this was a cute fit! This has all the aspects of a great romance writer. The romance 'steamy/spicy' scenes are very cute and not super detailed. So if you are looking for something that won't make you blush this is for you.

I loved this story <3 and I will reread this so many times.

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I really enjoyed this rom-com! The writing and humor reminded me of Tessa Bailey, another talented author. I couldn't fully relate to either character, but I enjoyed their interactions and the way they warmed to each other over time. For me, it wasn't a page-turner, but it was a pleasant, light story that I could pick up every once in a while and immediately get back into.
Personally I have no prejudices against shirtless men on book covers, but I think it could actually be a hindrance for this book--people might assume it's spice-central, when in fact it's the type of romantic comedy that I would expect to have an illustrated, cartoon-y cover.

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If you love chickens, you will love Chick Magnet. Unfortunately for me, I dont have an overwhelming love for chickens or birds so I was not as enamored with this as others will be. I thought the characters were fine and their love story was cute. They had good chemistry and I was pleased with the way it all worked out however it just didnt wow me or was as memorable as I was hoping it would be.

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Tag line: Nic and Will find their way together as they begin to help heal each other.

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