Member Reviews

Functions as a stand alone novel, though I think you’d miss out on some appreciation for Con if you haven’t read Constance. I didn’t find it quite as engaging, but still an enjoyable fast read.

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My thanks to Thomas and Mercer, Matthew FitzSimmons and Netgalley.
No sugar coating for me! I just flat out loved this dang story!
Last year I read FitzSimmons first book in this series, and was blown away by how much I loved it!
Constance was a fantastic story. It broke my heart.
It's not necessary to read that one first, but when she showed up in this book, I was glad to see her again!
This story is kinda out there. But, it's still believable.
If you cross your left eye and fiddle with your right ear and sing "I'm bringing home my baby bumblebee!"
My one and only complaint was the ending.
This is a complete story, but I really would have liked to 👀 see how Marley reacted to the news and the truth. Maybe in the next book?

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The second book in series; I didn’t read the first. In this book, cloning allows the author to do the ‘alternate history thing’. If you don’t like the way things turn out in one persona, another is available. Problems do crop up or else we wouldn’t need a novel. Interesting approach.

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this was a great scifi novel, it does what I wanted based on the description. It had great characters and a great use of world building. Matthew FitzSimmons has a great writing style that kept me invested in what was going on. I look forward to reading more from him as this was a wonderfully done scifi novel.

“Not for about a week. She came home real late one night and then left with a suitcase about an hour later. Girl was in a terrible rush, Frank said.” The woman looked around to make sure they were alone, then added confidentially, “Frank has insomnia something awful. Sometimes he jogs when he can’t sleep.”

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