Member Reviews

Enjoyable read. Full of drama, twists and turns. Who do you trust? Who’s using who? How much can you take before you break? Well written characters and plot with great antagonism between them building tensions.

OOOOO what a fabulous soapy (pun intended) novel!!! Of COURSE we all hate the dearly departed. She royally sucked. There was no redeemable quality about this puddle of miserable entitlement. I wanted to throttle her myself. I liked Lauren but loved Mishti and was heartbroken over her marriage and her jerkhole husband. I pretty much hated Sean - he was a total dirtbag and Lauren may need some serious therapy for issues from her childhood. Okay - the entire cast of characters is pretty much nuts - except Gerry and I really enjoyed the last few pages starring him ;) I loved this book!! It truly was a "stay up half the night to finish" book and while I was sad to finish it - I'm excited to find a new author to look for!! This honest review was offered in exchange for a digital copy from Netgalley.

Loved this domestic thriller about a group of women who all have their own secrets. The characters are all self absorbed and unlikeable, but have reasons for their behavior. The story centers around three couples who are all harboring their own secrets while trying to look as though their lives are perfect. When one of the women is murdered, all the neighbors are suspected because she wasn’t especially nice to anyone. Fast paced and well written this book was impossible to put down. I will definitely be watching for more books from this author.

If you like the Real Housewives, then this book is for you. Ciara was such an unlikeable character . All the women in this book were so mean to each other, it definitely gave me mean girl vibes. It really didn’t set well with me. Overall it was an okay read

Horrible people doing mean things to each other makes a fun read. I read this one quickly and wasn't sure who I was rooting for.
Thanks for the ARC!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the Kindle ARC. Dirty Laundry is a title that is accurate for the description of what takes place in the story. Three women in a small Irish town - but a town big enough for some of its residents to create big problems. Laurel grew up in the town and owns and lives in her deceased grandma's house with her long-time partner and their three children. Ciara is married and is an Instragram influencer, with two children and a husband who, to her, is just a prop. Mishti is bound in her traditional Indian marriage to her husband and daughter. There were several surprises along the way in the story - affairs with men that no one would suspect, old secrets and lots of gossip. The ending had a good twist - there were a lot of indicators pointing to a couple of suspects but the actual murderer was a big twist.

Small Irish village dynamics, family dynamics, and social media influencing collide to produce a compelling tale. See my GoodReads review here https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5375594099

This book was ok. It was so much going on between all of the neighbors that it was really hard to keep up with it all. Also the end of the book was sort of confusing as to who did it and how it ended.

This was a fun book with interesting, if not entirely likable, characters. I particularly enjoyed the multicultural elements that Mishti and her family brought to the story. Altogether this kept me entertained and reading to the end. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun read! It was a neighborhood thriller which is interesting to me as I live in one of those neighborhoods with cliques lol. The end was a bit of a surprise regarding Ciara, but not completely out of the ballpark. I didn't really like any of the characters except Mishti.

I really wanted to like this one. It had an intriguing and fresh storyline but I hated all of the characters - and not in an "I love to hate them" sort of way. The big reveal as to who killed the MC was not terribly exciting and though I wanted to know how it ended, it felt like a bit of a chore to read

I will leave a review on Amazon and B&N on April 4th
Sadly I didn't like any of the characters in this book, but I did read it all the way until the end. I will give the author credit she did describe the characters enough to give a overall decent description of them all. Whether we like them or not, we knew what they thought and did. Although this wasn't a great read for me, I would still recommend it to others because I know not everyone enjoys the same style of books.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Ballantine Books, I am leaving my review voluntarily.

For this being the debut novel for this author, I think she hit the ball out of the ballpark with it. I loved this story and the mostly unlikeable characters in it. Ciara is the glamorous neighbor who is an Instagram blogger who is always posting pictures and bragging about herself and her perfect family. She has two children she does not seem to show any affection towards and her husband is wrapped up in his job. Neighbors Mishti and Parth moved from India after their arranged marriage. Parth is a psychologist and Mishti does not much of anything except let Parth control her. They have a young daughter. Neighbors, Sean and Lauren are not married and have 3 children they let run wild. Sean does not seem to hold a job most of the time and mainly lives off Lauren. Lauren was bullied in school and some of her school bullies still live in the village and still basically follow Ciara's lead and continue to bully her. Lots of things happen in this story and there are plenty of surprises.
Thank you NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine Books for the ARC of this fantastic book that I could not put down. I look forward to more book by this brilliant author.

*Many thanks to Random House Ballantine, Disha Bose, and Netgalley for my gifted eARC. Publication date 4/4/23*
This book is about the lives of 3 very different couples living in the same neighborhood. Ciera, the main character is the "it" girl and everybody wants to be her friend, unfortunately for her neighbor Lauren that's not the case and she is looking from the outside in. This book is very character driven and told through the eyes of the 3 women about their past and their current lives with husband's and kids.
This book reminded me of Mean Girls mixed with Desperate Housewives. This was a decent solid read with an okay ending, I felt the ending could have been a little better. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4

I finished this book a few weeks ago. It always takes me some time to write a review on a book I did not like. This book had some interesting but very unlikeable characters. All of them. I struggled with the flow and the overall main storyline of the book. There were little storylines here and there but over all it just did not gel for me. Was there suppose to be a mystery to it? I am not sure. There wasn't really and the ending was anti-climatic.

There is always a queen bee of mothers in a neighborhood. Everyone wants to be like her and be with her. When a new neighbor rejects her friendship, the queen bee wants revenge.

Ciara is a perfect mom, wife, and influencer who knows what to do, buy, recommend, and promote in her small Irish town. Ciara is an irresponsible and reprehensible excuse for a woman who plays one friend against another and eats up and spits out all of the husbands of her friends (and her enemies) of this same small Irish town. We get both stories at once but we imagine that she will get what's coming to her by a whole Orient Express cast of characters-care to wager a bet?

Social media maven vs the less popular mom of the neighborhood ends up deadly. Interesting concept with the twist being no one is likeable but some are less so. What is a bit unique in this bit of nearly high school level clique drama, is the men are equally deplorable in their own ways.
Ciara Dunphy is the evil instagrammer posting daily shots of her curated life that are mostly false. For some reason she has set her sights and negative comments on Lauren Doyle. Lauren is definitely not polished or "gram" ready but it doesn't keep her from wanting to be friends with all of the local women who religiously follow Ciara's posts. Then there is Mishti Guha, a transplant from Calcutta, who is quiet, timid, lonely, and has been chosen by Ciara to be the notable friend.
What seems to push this into new territory is the spineless husband of Ciara, the controlling yet aloof husband of Mishti, and the lazy and unfaithful partner of Lauren. All paths and family dynamics cross to create a deadly read.
3.5 Stars rounded up to 4
An early copy was provided by Ballantine Books and Netgalley. All opinions are mine.

Twisty, wicked good read. Disha Bose has crafted a novel with #dirtylaundry that dishes out the comeuppance that you ever wished to all the mean girls in your life. This one kept me reading long after I should have been sleeping just to see what would happen. The back and forth of the different pov’s was a great technique for the twisted plot features. Thank you to #netgalley and Ballantine Books for this arc to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book and review it prerelease!
This totally reminds me of Desperate Housewives! I love neighborhood, domestic thrillers.
I really enjoyed the pace of the book and the detail. I was hooked until the very end. I'd recommend it! I'm looking forward to reading more by this author. Good job on your first novel!