Member Reviews

eARC would have originally been from NetGalley but I didn't get to it in time. I've tried a few times to get this through ILL, but it's not owned by many libraries (which should have told me something)-- I ended up having to buy it (the very low price for the eBook maybe also should have told me something).
I'm reasonably sure that I requested this when I was a brand new allergy baby, having just received my first (incomplete/incorrect) food allergy/intolerance diagnosis. This would have disappointed me even then, though.
The topics of the essays are interesting, but none of them offer anything close to the depth necessary to be engaging. All are previously published in other periodicals-- the impression is that the author hoped to shove everything together and make a quick buck without having to do any additional work. There isn't even a list of citations or references, which at least would have allowed each essay to work as a jumping-off point for readers looking for more information on the topics.
Zero interest in reading anything else by this author, but many stars to me for getting the oldest TBR off my NetGalley list of reviews still owed.