Member Reviews

As a registered Democrat I went into this with an open mind. I found this quite interesting and honestly forgot who the author was. I think if people read the words with thinking about who was saying them, they would get a lot from this too.

The Greatest Speeches of Donald J. Trump by Donald J. Trump is a collection of President Trumps best speeches from his campaign throughout his presidency. This was a nice reminder of all the great things President Trump accomplished during his 4 years as President. He tells the raw truth and doesn’t gloss anything over. This was a compelling read. It shows how great President Trump was while in office. The speeches also show how prophetic President Trump was on what was to come in the next presidency. This is a great read for any Trump fan, or anyone wanting to know more about him. This book contains speeches from his Campaign Announcement at Trump Tower to his Farewell Address to the People of the United States and the World and many great speeches in between.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Humanix Books for a free eARC of this book.

I was very impressed with the book preview, as I had never read speeches before of recent presidents (we typically focus on past, dead presidents) so I didn't know how this would fit into a curriculum except for that I wanted to include recent speeches from presidents in office in my students' life time.
Unfortunately, perhaps other speeches could have been chosen in the compilation. I say this as someone who was initially impressed, but except for 2-3 speeches, the ones chosen ramble and are repetitive. I also would have liked to have seen some context written about the speech, which other speech compilations usually do.
I plan on adopting the inauguration speech in our leader unit.

Thank you for the eARC in return for an honest review.
I am not American but follow American politics. I strongly believe that what is written and how it is projected by the speaker go a long way in ensuring the understanding of the speech. President Trump is not the best public speaker, but he knows what he wants and sets out to get it. These speeches were well written and the fact that I can hear President Trumps voice as i read them, tells me that they were written for him with input from him.
I enjoyed reading these speeches.