Member Reviews

I have been waiting for a book like this with this background in a long time. I will definitely buy this book when it comes out. I loved every inch of it. Every single inch!
Highly would recommend đź’›

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mild spoilers ahead !

"Fate and death tangled in a web of threads, and neither of them in control"

Well this was a ride.
I really enjoyed this, and the love and like i feel for this book built itseld, like a thread.
I tend to make all this theories when it comes to mystery solving in books so i was really invested in the crime solving thing, making all my silly little comparisons and theories and guessing who is it,it kept me entertained.
I'll be honest and the first third lost me a bit, i was having a hard time with the info dumping, but then, after it was all explained, the writing became very smooth and i flew through it.
I like the worldbuilding still a few things about the design of this sunken city and the magic system weren't quite clear, but i'm dumb, i see greek myth references and i jumo right in, so that's in me, i'll have to read it again :)
I liked the characters and the relationship of the main couple bloomed beautifully, if i may say so. I still felt very very heavy the middle sibling syndrome respecting Ava, i hoped she would be a little bit more important, but another good thing is that i didn't know this was a series, so when i reached 90% and noTHING was solved i started panicking (in a good way). I hope we see more of Ava and her issues in the next book.
I liked the plot and the pacing, and the goes-and-comes of the mystery, the drama (ohmygoood) and the mythology inspired magic system.
Also hot Morpheus, give them a spin off, NOW
Cannot wait to see what's to come !
Recommended for everyone who likes greek mythology and mystery solving plots !!

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Io is a Cutter - she can see and sever the threads that link a person to what and who they love. When she starts to investigate a series of murders she is drawn into a mystery twelve years in the making.

The world building in this book is so interesting - I absolutely loved learning about the collapse and the different abilities, and I could read whole books on both even without the rest of the action and excitement! There were plenty of twists in the plot and I was still guessing even at the end. An excellent read!

Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for review

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From the start this book sucks you in with the premise of the fates and some great world building. I feel like it’s sometimes easy to get lost in the details when starting a new book, but this story and world was easy to follow and every detail only added to building up a mental image of Alante. The Fates are the Greek myth of choice for this book, which I loved to see and read about as they’re a less common retelling. I also loved the urban setting and the mystery and puzzles solving, which while slightly predictable had plenty of twists. As our main character, Io is descended from the fates and tasked with solving the main puzzle of this book which is who is turning these girls into murders. Io is flawed and complex but I loved her as a main character! I also loved her relationship with Edei and their will they won’t they, even though they’re basically soulmates. But all the hidden looks and longing had me screaming. Then came the ending at a point where I didn’t want it to end, I was repeatedly hitting my screen trying to get the next page. I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next book.

Overall, this was a good ya fantasy and I do recommend!

Read if you like…
•Greek mythology
•mystery/solving murders
•complicated sibling relationships

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Brilliant. Riveting. Unique. Threads That Bind is a captivating novel that seamlessly blends Greek mythology with detective fiction. Io, a descendant of the fates, and her sisters share unique powers that Io uses as a private investigator. The complex world-building, well-developed characters, and unique magic system make this book a must-read. The tension and drama are heightened by political intrigue, the soulmate trope, and thrilling plot twists. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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Mythology, fated soulmates, murder-frenzy wraiths, and so many more. This book had everything I could have wanted from a detective mythology-filled book. This book really reminded me of, "Lore" by Alexandra Bracken but in a much darker and more immense world, and honestly, I loved it even more because of that.

The main character Io was such an interesting character to read about and slowly understand her past. Her relationship with her sisters, her own powers, and the world around her really was such an adventurous and mysterious read.

It truly was such an enjoyable book to read, and the twists and turns really kept me on my toes. Some of the twists were a little obvious, but others I did not see coming at all. Regardless, all of them had a mysteriously perfect effect.

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i’ve been absolutely desperate to read it since i first heard about it last year, i squealed when i saw i got to read it early

mythology has always been my thing, and the book has such a perfect retelling/modern twist on it

it follows Io, descendant of the fates, along with her sisters who share their abilities. Io who has taken up a job as a private investigator who follows and cuts the strings of others which tie them to the things they loves.

Io is probably one of the most unique characters i’ve read given she is aware of the morality of her moira-born powers and the impact her choices has on the fates of others.

every other character is also incredibly well written especially Edei, a bodyguard who Io shares a fate-thread with, and Bianca Rossi, the mob queen of the Stilts.

i don’t know if this is an accurate comparison but the world, especially The Stilts, felt reminiscent of Piltover and the Undercity from Arcane/LoL, with the different parts having their own beliefs and opinions on aspects of society also different groups too. Which i absolutely love this dynamic.

There is a lot of politics (just fyi) which i love in fantasy books cause it makes the book the world feel very real.

obviously the best part of this whole book is the magical powers. I’m a sucker for books with unique power systems like a magic steeped in poison, and this system is honestly the coolest. the powers are shared across the siblings, meaning one weaves, draws out the threads and then finally Io cuts the strings. The Quilt being the way they see the strings and how it connects to others as well is described incredibly well in the book.

i don’t want to spoil the other gods descendants powers but they are probably some of the coolest especially the muses.

oh btw there’s the soulmates trope as well which i’m obsessed with sooo 👀

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Officially 4.5!

I love reading books with any kind of mythology retellings. The authors always put their own cool spin on it!!

Okay i really loved this book. What an amazing YA fantasy debut. I liked everything about it except for one thing: the world-building was a tiny bit confusing at times. I think there were just so many things to keep track of that some of it I didn't understand.

But the murder mystery, action, blossoming love, and all the twists and betrayals made for such an amazing read!! Kept me engaged all the way through. I even wish it was a little longer.

Thank you to the publisher for this ARC!

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Loved this! I'm a sucker for mythology and for detective stories, so this was up my alley for sure. The magic system is incredibly well thought out. The characters are charming and relatable. The relationship between the sisters felt so real in terms of sibling interactions. And the detective portion! So good. I don't try to solve mysteries as I read through, but I didn't fully see the conclusion coming but also felt like the clear conclusion. Eagerly waiting for the sequel.

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This book is a strong 4/5! It was a cute read that really dove into the ideas of family, and right versus wrong. All while being set in a dystopian universe where our main character, Io, is struggling with being a cutter in a society where those with otherborn powers are treated as lesser than, and now there are unsolved murders that point back to people like her.

To be honest any book that has an overarching theme of fate already has my heart and this book did not disappoint! Not only do we see fate grounded in relationships like Io’s and Edei’s (the other end of her fate thread), it's also surrounding her interactions with her sisters, and any of the otherborn around her. However, we also see how sometimes even though you can be so close you share a soul, the desire for more can lead to decisions that hurt those closest to you.

I really liked the romance between Io and Edei, it was super sweet! Their interactions were like a nice break between all the surrounding action, and I’m really glad the author chose to make it a slow burn rather than have them fall in love all at once. The struggle against the fate thread and taking into consideration how it might affect Edei allowed Io to grow as a person. My one complaint about their relationship is how they really just needed to have a conversation, especially Edei who hid some pretty big news from our main character, which would have helped clear up a lot.

Other things I enjoyed in this book were the scenery (I love the idea of multiple moons, and the rising tides and how it affects how the people go about their daily lives), and the clear struggle the author showed in the class difference between those with powers and those without, and how to compensate for their differences one group is harshly restricted.

All in all I really enjoyed this book and will be keeping my eye out for the second one (I both loved and hated the ending and that’s all I’ll say about that)!

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Actual rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Friends...this book was GOOD. One of my favorite things I've read all year. It holds one of the most creative recreations of Greek mythology, making for an incredibly refreshing read. The world was complex and intriguing, the plot was exciting and well paced, and everything was tied up well with an inclusive band of characters who were not inherently good or bad, but just entirely human. I can't wait to get to know more of each of them in the next book. And there WILL be a next book. Because that ending was insane amd has me dying for more. I would also like to praise the writing style of this book. It was very coherent and relatable, yet entirely mature.

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Tout d'abord, je tiens à remercier NetGalley et Penguin Group pour l'envoi de cet A.R.C. (Advanced Reader Copy; je ne connais pas l'équivalent en français, désolée). Le livre sort le 30 mai !
Il y a quelques cws; je ne les citerai pas, mais quand le livre sortira, je suis sure qu'ils seront trouvables partout.
Il faut savoir que quand je me suis lancée dans ma lecture, tout ce que je savais, c'était que c'était une réécriture sur de la Mythologie Grecque.
Donc, j'ai plongé sans rien connaître vraiment de l'histoire; je ne connaissais même pas le résumé.
Et je crois que c'était une des meilleures façons pour moi de plonger. Et quelle aventure !
Je dois dire que j'ai TOUT adoré ! TOUT ! Il y a un mystère dans le livre, et vous me connaissez (ou pas, oops), je découvre toujours très facilement coupable, ce qu'il se passe etc. C'était le cas aussi pour ce livre; mais ça ne m'a pas dérangée du tout. Car je ne savais pas comment ça allait être dévoilé.
Que ça soit ça, l'histoire en général, tout les décors, les personnages. Les représentations aussi !!!!!!! Qui ont été faites très proprement, pas en mode VOICI CE PERSONNAGE, IL.ELLE EST... Non, c'était très naturel dans l'histoire et c'est quelque chose que j'ai également beaucoup aimé !!
L'univers créé était tellement intéressant ! On démarre de la Mythologie Grecque, mais l'auteure a su créer quelque chose de vraiment extraordinaire.
Bref, vous l'aurez compris, c'est un gros coup de coeur. Je suis fane !!!!

First, I want to thank NetGalley and Penguin Group for sending this A.R.C. . The book comes out May 30 !
There are a few cws; I won't name them, but when the book comes out, I'm sure they'll be everywhere.
You should know that when I started reading, all I knew was that it was a rewrite on Greek Mythology.
So, I dove in without really knowing anything about the story; I didn't even know the synopsis.
And I think it was the best way for me to dive. And what an adventure !
I must say that I loved EVERYTHING ! ALL ! There is a mystery in the book, and you know me (or not, oops), I always find out very easily the culprit, what is happening etc. This was also the case for this book; but it didn't bother me at all. Because I didn't know how it was going to be revealed.
Let that be it, the story in general, all the settings, the characters. The representations too !!!!!!! Which were done very cleanly, not in HERE'S THIS CHARACTER, HE.SHE IS... No, it was very natural in the story and it's something that I also liked a lot !!
The created universe was so interesting ! We start from Greek Mythology, but the author has created something truly extraordinary.
In short, you will have understood, it's a big favorite. I'm a fan !!!!

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Another one from Penguin group ! Thank you penguin team and net galley for allowing me access to this ARC. My thoughts on the book bellow.
I've literally finished treads that bind five minutes ago,so I can say with much property than YOU NEED TO STOP EVERYTHING YOURE DOING AND READ THIS BOOK. I mean,now. The plot is a elaborated tapestry of antique Gods,prejudice,power,murder and vengeance,in a thrilling way than feels shy at the start,but develops into a fast paced and succulent book. Io are one of my favorites characters ever since the star of the book,I've fall for the way she deals with trauma and the abusive parenting her older sister have done to her. Edei,her partner in investigation,is also as deep and we'll written as her. The cenarios and aesthetics are fantastic,neon and grim,just as the sunken city of Alante. Highly recommended this one !

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Automatic 10/10. This was such a fun read! It’s like a mythological mystery and no matter how many theories you come up with they will always end up being challenged. Also pulled at my heart strings so much 👀 no pun intended. I feel so much sympathy for Io. That girl be going through way too much. She is one killer investigator tho. She knows what’s she’s doing. I can’t wait for the next one cause the ending is killing me I need resolution!

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This YA reminds me of a mix of Crescent City and Ace of Shades - a mysterious fantasy full of political intrigue and magical abilities. Add in Greek mythology and I was sold. We follow Io, a descendant of The Fates, as she tries to solve a rapidly unfolding murder mystery. This story avoids the traditional demigod take which I really enjoyed, and infuses some mafia elements. Cliffhanger ending? Enjoyed a bit less so, but I'm so excited for a sequel!!

*Thank you to Penguin Teen and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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I highly enjoyed this spellbinding fantasy. It was so good. I really enjoyed the characters and the world building in this book.
I just reviewed Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou. #ThreadsThatBind #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Fantastic story that mixes a dystopian future, murder mystery and greek mythology. The world-building is wonderful, and I loved the characters, their relationships and how that society reflects issues that are also present in our society. I really hope there will be a sequel to this book!!!

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Thank you to Penguin Teen for the arc in exchange for review.

This was an interesting YA thriller mixed with Greek mythology. I actually had a fun time reading this, the writing was a bit annoying to get through at times due to it being in third person but I still really enjoyed it.

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I think I just have grown out of the YA fantasy genre at this point to be honest. The world is really, really interesting and I loved the concept of other born, but the characters were just so annoying. The lack of brain cells was so frustrating to read about. It was so annoying. The romance was really lack lustre (I mean - we’re made to think the guy has a girlfriend for 80% of the book. And you can fall in love with people who are dating other people, of course, but this was just here for unnecessary drama) and had no actual chemistry.
The plot …. Well I could have told you how it’d turn out right away. YA books unfortunately tend to make characters fall into archetypes that make the villains super easy to detect. And I hoped they wouldn’t make my favourite characters the villains, but they did!
All in all, it’s a good book, but isn’t mind blowing.

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Thank you to @penguinteen and @netgalley for my e-ARC of Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou.

I have to be honest. I really struggled with this one. The book reads as two VERY distinctive halves for me, and the point where I fully bought in to the story didn't occur at a natural break in the story's structure. (i.e. Part 1 was slow, but Part 2 picked up) No, for me, it took until chapter 18, which is partway through part 2 (of 3) before I had any vested interest in anything that was going on in the story. Which is a shame because the prologue was REALLY interesting, and the Greek lore as the backdrop for a modern day fantasy (not just a Greek Mythology retelling) felt fresh and inventive. But unfortunately, that's where the good ended for me in the first half. The characters were flat and half-baked, the setting was disorienting, and the plot tried to move along too quickly from the jump. Threads That Bind could have benefitted from some more in-depth world building, a map, a character glossary, literally anything to establish the world I was walking into. I could have used a lot more time with Io, Ava, and Thais understanding each of their roles as cutter, drawer, and weaver, and their sibling dynamics. The same goes for the underlying romance at the heart of this story. I wasn't keen on how the fated mates trope was handled. Though I think I understand what attempt was made, the relationship came off very insta-love and underdeveloped because of how the trope played out on page.

At some point around 50% all of the windy plotlines that meandered in the first half started to come together and I started follow what was going on more easily, and the pacing felt more even keeled. I still didn't feel like the character development was quite there, but the mystery part of the storyline took the reigns and propelled the plot forward. At this point, I really just wanted to know who the big bad was. And though there were some points meant to throw the reader off, the final big bad always felt pretty obvious to me. Overall, though, I enjoyed the journey a lot more in the second half.

To sum up, first half, 2 stars, second half 3 stars. I think this lands pretty solidly in the 3 star range. I don't think it was quite for me, and I'm not interested enough in Io or Edei or any of the multitude of side characters to continue reading the series when the next book comes out.

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