Member Reviews

Threads that Bind by #kikahatzopoulou isn't a retelling per say. It is a reimagining of classical mythology in a post-apocalyptic world. And it is pretty darn interesting! ⁣
Io is “other born.” Her and her two sisters can trace their lineage to the Fates. But the book is full of descendants of other greek gods as well. In this world, people with powers are feared rather than revered, and they are of a repressed class. ⁣
Even though the ending made me scream, the book was overall excellent. Everything from the world-building, lore, drama, mystery, and pacing. I finished this book in about three days (when I usually average a book a week) ⁣
Highly recommended for sure. ⁣
5 start read all the way.

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Io Ora is a cutter. What that means is that she can see and cut peoples' threads, the magical strings that connect them to the people, places and things they love. As a private detective, this is very useful for following people and uncovering their secrets. While on a case, she encounters something she's never seen before: a woman who wields her cut life thread like a weapon when she shoudln't even be alive. Suddenly, Io is in the middle of a conspiracy that cuts much deeper than anyone expected.
I enjoyed this novel a lot! I liked the characters and I really liked their conflicts, except for Io and Thais. That one felt a bit on the nose, but I know a lot of sibling conflicts are. I liked the world and the writing and I'm very interested in how the story continues.

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I like the concept of this book, but I'm really struggling to get through it. I'm about 30% of the way through, but it's not really seeming to pick up or pique my interest. The different types of other born are a bit confusing, and the chemistry between the love interests isn't quite there for me to keep me interested. I'll keep trying to push through but can't promise when I"ll finish.

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Thank you to NetGalley, PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group, Razorbill, and Kika Hatzopoulou for the opportunity to read Threads That Bind in exchange for an honest review.

This novel is an interesting assortment of a fantasy world blended with Greek mythology, in which some of the people of this world have powers descended from the gods (other-born).

Io is a descendant of the Fates, moira-born, who are always born in threes. With two older sisters, Io is the youngest, with the power to sever people's threads, the threads that bind them to their fates or passions. She puts her power to good use by being a private investigator in Alante.

Her most recent job, investigating a possible adultery situation, takes a turn when a wraith appears, someone whose life thread is severed, yet they somehow still possess the mannerisms of life (just not a notion of who they once were). The wraiths are being created by someone and seek vengeance for some event that happened years ago. Io gets further pulled into the strange mystery of the wraiths, accompanied by a mob queen's assistant and her fate-thread, Edei.

With her fate-thread involved and her two older sisters being tied to the wraiths in different and unexpected ways, Io and Edei will do what they can to solve the case. That is, if they even have the power to do anything against the prophetic fate that puts Io in a not-so-good position with her power.

I loved the climax of this book, an exciting string of events that I was not quite expecting. The mystery of the wraiths was like being pulled by my own binding thread of reading intrigue.

While this novel feels wholesome, there is room for more when it comes to Io and Edei and how their threads are bound. And excellent novel with so much going for it, with the promise of more adventures to come from a brilliant world.

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Flew through this book, it was very eventful and fun and so so eerie! Felt myself shivering a lot.

I enjoyed the setting, and the concept and originally of the plot and world building definitely showed. The characters were well thought out and the plot was paced in a way that made sense. I would recommend this book to others and would enjoy reading other novels by this author, as they are so breezy and easy to get through!

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A lovely new YA fantasy that kept me engaged. The concept of fate threads and fate mates was intriguing and I loved how it was executed. The story didn't have a lasting impact on me but it was still fun. Ito was steadfast and brave. Rooting for her! Great debut.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy of Threads That Bind. I had to wait for this to come into my store to read, the formatting was messed up on the digital copy. I think it was fantastic though and I think it will sell great.

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Io and her sisters are the descendants of the Greek Fates. In the course of her work as a private investigator, Io uncovers a streak of murders connected by something strange: killers with a severed life thread, something which should be impossible. She sets off to solve the murders with the help of the Mob Queen's right hand, who she also happens to share a fate-thread with.

The system of magic in this was really neat. I liked how the descendants of different gods had different types of magic. I would have liked to have a glossary of what the different types of otherborn were called and what powers they have. Trying to keep it all straight got confusing pretty fast.

The characters were interesting. It was also a great look at family dynamics and the ways in which they can be both positive and negative. Especially in the way that little offhanded comments can continue to bite and affect you years down the line. I definitely felt myself nodding along to several of Io's experiences.

I also really enjoyed the plot. The mystery had me guessing the whole way through. And I didn't see the end coming (although in hindsight I really should have.)

Overall, a solid fantasy novel.

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Perfect for fans of Greek mythology! This also has a lot of great tropes that feel old school (like paranormal stories of the early 2000s): the main character uses her magical fate abilities to get work as a private investigator who gets caught up in a murder mystery. There's also a good dose of romance (and a bit of fated mates) thrown in. The relationship between the fate sisters is one of the strengths of the story.

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There’s magic, mythology, gangs, and murder! There’s so much happening but somehow I needed more to happen!
There’s a growing soulmate love story in the midst of an action packed magic fueled thriller. There were a couple of times I did get a little lost in the plot because the magic and world building is a bit complex and there is just so much going on it was hard to keep up and remember what everyone could do but overall I really loved the story and can’t wait for the sequel.

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I love anything with Greek mythology so I enjoy this book deeply. It’s a story about three sisters who are apart of one big moment almost like oracles of the old Greek days. It gives off magical and mystic vibes with a hint of mystery

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When the kids of Camp Half-Blood are looking for something good to read, this is the book they will grab.

The Fates of Greek mythology have woven a world filled with darkness, mystery, and romance. What could possibly go wrong there?

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In Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou, Descendants of the Fates are always born in threes: one to weave, one to draw, and one to cut the threads that connect people to the things they love and to life itself. The Ora sisters are no exception. Readers follow Io, the youngest sister and the cutter, as she uses her abilities as a private investigator in Alante. In her latest investigation, she must work with Edei, the Mob Queen's right hand, who also just so happens to be her fated mate. I absolutely devoured this novel and could not be more excited for the sequel. The premise is unique, intriguing, with just enough action, depth, and emotion to keep readers engaged. The characters are well written and multi-dimensional. By the end, and with the MASSIVE cliff hanger/plot twist, I was screaming. I mean, how can you end it like that, Kika?! But seriously, there's romance, family drama, political intrigue, mobs, and a murder mystery- what more could you ask for?! Also, this cover is absolutely gorgeous! Not so patiently waiting for book #2..

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Thank you, NetGalley, PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group, Razorbill for the chance to read this book in exchange of an honest review.

Descendants of the Fates are always born in threes: one to weave, one to draw and one to cut the threds that connect people to the things they love and to their lives. Like the Ora sisters. Now Io, the youngest, is using her abilities as private investigator in the half-sunken city of Alante. But her latest job has lead to a terrible discovery: there are people who abduct women, maiming their lives threads and setting the resulting wraiths in the city, to kill. In order to find the culprit, she's forced to work alongside Edei Rhuna, the right hand of the Mob Queen and the boy who is her soulmate, thanks to the threads that binds them before they've even ever met one other. The investigation becomes personal when she finds her estranged sister with her major suspect and she has to fight against hidden secrets, unveil a conspiracy with major players involved and trying to save herself, her sister and her soulmate from their city's destruction.

First of all, I love everything with Greek mythology, retellings and such and this book is truly one of the most brilliant I've read in a very long time. It's original. A world where children of gods inherit their power and where a descendant of the Greek fates is a private investigator? I'm absolutely in. Io is a brilliant, witty and incredible main character and I loved everything about her. She's stubborn, brave and determined to discover what's happening, in order to save her loved ones, her city. The worldbuilding is original and complex, the characters are well written and this book is atmospheric, filled with plot twists, dangers and unveiled secrets.
A series of impossible murders, threads that binds people to life itself, fated romance and conspiracies. I felt so involved into this story and Kika Hatzopoulou is a magnificent writer!

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An exciting read that draws on Greek mythology and weaves together mystery, fantasy and romance. Perfect for our YA audiences who love a mix of genres.

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4.5/5 Stars

The Ora sisters are other-born which means they are descendants of the Fates. Io, the youngest is a cutter, meaning she can cut people's threads. Her older sister, Thais, has the ability to weave threads, while her middle sister, Ava can draw them. Io uses her abilities in her private investigating business, but one day while on the job, it ends with a wraith murdering someone. That same night, her path crosses with Edei, who is close with Bianca, Queen of the Mobs. Io discovers that she has a fate thread connected with Edei, but doesn't want to tell him. She then begins to work with Edei to solve the mystery behind the wraiths wandering town.

First off, THAT COVER... HELLO?! obsessed. I read this in one sitting, because I was so invested in this story. I'm a big fan of Greek mythology, so I loved how this incorporated that into the complex magic system. I was immediately sucked into this story, and these characters. It is definitely a bit of an info dump through out the whole story, but I did think it was worth it in the end. I fell in love with so many of these characters, they were all so unique and interesting to learn more about. Io was such a fun main character to follow. The complicated dynamics between the three sisters was so complex, I was so invested in their relationship. Edei was so sweet, but also had a rougher side too that we got to see. I also loved the addition of Edei being Io's fate thread. I thought it was interesting how she tried to avoid him for so many years, but the fates still found a way to get them together. The fact that they had to reluctantly work together to save the city made it even better for me. Bianca was also such a cool character... I couldn't decide if I wanted to be her, or date her, to be honest.

I'm so sad that I have to wait so long for the next book in the series, that cliff hanger took me OUT.

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It took me a little while to get oriented in this interesting, very unique world, but once I got hold of the premise and the characters it was super easy to get into!

The characters were well thought out, and the ending was *french kiss* for this book.

This book sticks well in the YA category.

4.5 stars

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In a post-climate-disaster world where city-states have fought water wars over the last Arctic icebergs, certain humans are born with powers of the gods. In the slums of Atlante (former Athens), three sisters hold the powers of the Fates - one to weave, one to draw, and one to cut. Io, the youngest, is a cutter, feared for her ability to snip any life-thread with her powers. When murderous wraiths with severed life-threads start appearing, Io is hired by a mob queen to get to the bottom of it. And a rare fate-thread ties her to her partner on the case.

I loved the complicated and messy family relationships that are laid out with psychologist-worthy analysis. The idea that families can be both loving and abusive at the same time. And the threads that tie us to them that aren't so easily cut. Especially when we have our own wrongs that have been done.

This had amazing worldbuilding as well as a lot of queer representation that was just so casually there.

I was not expecting that ending, but it was amazing! It sets up well for a sequel so I hope one is in the works.

This seems to be marketed as YA even though the protagonist is like 19-20, minimum? I felt it was just as worthy of adult shelves. It was a great mix of mystery, gangs, relationship studies, and Greek mythology by a Greek author.

I highly recommend picking it up!

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an eArc of this book!

Overall this was a really enjoyable read. The world is vast, there's a lot of thought behind it, it's unique and enjoyable with lots of backstory and lore, both for the characters and the world itself. Lots of action, but also moments to sit with the characters and their thoughts. Things feel genuine! There are some decent twists! Ended on a killer note!

The only thing keeping this from being a 5 star for me is that sometimes there is TOO much information and it can get a bit repetitive in conveying the information about the different gods or background. We'd get a lot of information quickly in the middle of other things, or I'd hear a similar thing from earlier, and it could occasionally become too much or be confusing - but overall it's great, and I look forward to the next one.

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hard to put down - read in one sitting! intriguing myth and mystery, well fleshed out characters and unique plot. highly recommend.

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