Member Reviews

A fun sci-fi take on time travel with unapologetically queer characters. The time travel student program initially wasn't fully explained (even before the conspiracy took shape), but overall it was an entertaining ride.

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This was great! Sci-fi, action, mystery, twists, humor, romance, friendship, lovable characters—a bit of everything, with beautiful art, to boot!

The characters were so lovable and easy to root for. Ren was sort of shy and anxious. Mars was excitable and eager. Jia was withdrawn and jaded. Phoebe was friendly and fun. Phoebe was especially great and sort of hilarious sometimes. There were a couple other characters too with smaller parts. And they all had good hearts. I liked them all.

This was set in a future society that was queernormative and accepting, and there was lots of queer rep. Multiple characters were nonbinary. There was a m/m romance in the story. There were more characters of different sexualities.

The romance and friendships were woven in with the sci-fi plot, and they were really cute.

The story was great. Mysterious and dangerous and interesting and twisty. I was confused about some things in the beginning, but it made sense eventually, so just hang in there. It was fairly calm for most of the book, the characters spending time together, doing things with the time travel project, trying to uncover secrets and whatnot, but it got a little more action-filled near the end. There were some heavier things, but they weren’t overly dwelled on, so the mood never got dark.

I loved the art style! So bold and fun and colorful! Expressive characters. Amazing use of color palettes for each scene. Nice backgrounds when necessary, but sometimes just solid color that really worked for the aesthetic. Really well laid out, never confusing. The whole thing was just so pretty.

Overall, I really liked the mysterious sci-fi story, the lovable characters, the cute romance and friendships, the beautiful art, and really just everything about this graphic novel!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Project Nought is a young adult sci-fi graphic novel about time travel, friendship and queer love. I have not come across too many YA sci-fi graphic novels, but I’ve really enjoyed the genre so far. Ren finds himself in a program designed to bring “exchange students” from the past into the year 2122, and pair them students for a kind of live history project. The subjects of this time travel experiment have no knowledge of how they arrived, and as Ren and his project partner Mars begin to unravel the details, they find out that it might not be as innocent a process as everyone believes.

First of all, I loved the illustrations in this graphic novel. The art was beautiful and compelling. I also liked the characters, and it was sweet to see certain friendships transform into romance. The LGBTQIA+ rep was nice to see, and I enjoyed the idea that they felt more accepted in the future society. The idea of kids from the 1990s adapting to life in the future was pretty intriguing, and I think could have been explored a little further.

The driving action towards the end was gripping, but I would have preferred a little bit more explanation. While the ending didn’t completely satisfy my curiosity, this was overall, a sweet and exciting graphic novel.

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Cute art, cool story, and memorable cast of characters. Project Nought was a fun and interesting read with a unique premise and plot twist I had never seen before. I think this was great for graphic novel format, and I would love to see more of this universe someday. Enjoyed this read and would recommend to YA readers looking for a dash of light sci-fi and futuristic vibes.

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Time travel, evil tech corporation, friendship, a bit of romance and intrigue all wrapped up in a graphic novel. If you were taken from your timeline and sent 120 years into the future, would you stay or demand to be sent back? Is anything ever that easy when a giant tech company rules the tech world? This GN kept me reading late into the night. With the exception of some cheesy humor, it was a solid sci-fi time traveling story. Lots of representation throughout. Great illustrations too.

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A fantastical romp into a world of future tech, corrupt government, and unexpectedly finding a family to belong to. I’m a huge fan of Everina Maxwell and the plot, pacing, and tone of this graphic novel reads a lot like her books - full of futuristic sci-fi worlds and shady companies with questionable ethics. This book is also diverse and full of fantastic representation of LGBTQ+ Non-binary, and disabled characters!

I was a fan of this comic way back in the webtoon days and finding it again now was such a wonderful surprise and I must say, for anyone who had an interest in Project Nought back in the day, come back! It has changed in all the best ways to deliver a much more poignant story and kept the hearts of the characters that pulled us in from the beginning!

This graphic novel packs so much into its pages; managing to not only give depth and heart into the characters, but also weaving together a darker and more complex plot with multiple layers. I was absolutely impressed with the plot twists and turns that were executed in graphic novel format. I tend to find that graphic novels focus more on the imagery and less on the underlying plot. Honestly I think this is the first book of its format that I have found to have a very well constructed and well paced plot line.

I also absolutely adored the underlying current of deeper themes and questions such as what it means to be a human, the question of ethics in science, and the angst of accepting who you are - all interlaced with action and, of course, an endearing romance.

Special thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Loved the art style. The story was intriguing and I loved the ending. Great range of authentic representation

I wish the story was taken more seriously. I loved the drama bits but the comic relief and cheesy-ness took me out of the mood at parts.

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I've been following this author's work since Rock & Riot was still ongoing, so I remember the early days of Project Nought. The final product is everything I had hoped and so much more, blowing my mind with the intricacies of the story. I could sit here all day listing every thing I love about Project Nought because it's everything. The art style is beautiful and does an amazing job telling a story through color choices and attention to detail without being overly cluttered. I adore every single character but have a special soft spot in my heart for Deimos. Project Nought is an amazing read for so many reasons and I would recommend it to anyone willing to listen.

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This comic has great representation for Non-binary characters and LGBTQ+ characters. The story has loveable characters, great friendships and romance plus Sci-fi and fantasy. I loved the plot of the story and the ending was so unexpected it was beautiful. In my opinion I loved how Ren chose to move on and be himself with who he is in this moment it felt so genuine. I think my favorite character is Jia and I really related to them as a Non-binary person myself I loved seeing myself in this character. And how them being Non-binary was respected and how they corrected a another character when they were miss gendered was respectful and easy. I really enjoyed the story and hoe it deals with emotions and how to be respectful of others it's amazing. Highly recommend this if you love On a Sunbeam.

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This was a fun sci-fi graphic novel full of mystery and futuristic technology. The story moves at a decent pace, though it seems like there's almost too much packed into too few pages.

The characters feel a little underdeveloped, which was unfortunate--especially considering how interesting the core four are. I would have loved a little more background on each of them to help make them more relatable and help the reader care more about their stories.

I also feel like the last third of the book was extremely rushed. Once we get the big reveal (which was actually pretty cool), it seems like the events that follow are crammed into the last few pages instead of being drawn out for maximum effect.

Overall a nice little story, but I just needed more.

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This was so good! Such a cool concept: time travel exchange project? Like, what an idea. Ren is taken right out of 1996 and is dropped head-first over 100 years into the future to participate in a time-travel exchange program. Mars, an excitable college student eager to meet his first subject, showers Ren with questions and is eager to learn everything he can about the 1990's straight from the source of someone who lived it. The two boys are total polar opposites, but they find some common ground through video games and by gorging on sweets. But just when the program starts to seem fun to Ren, weird things begin to happen. Following this trail of mysteries leads Ren and his friends to some not-so great secrets about the exchange program and the goings on of Chro-tech. They have to work together to survive and bring Chro-tech down!
This story was full of mystery, action, lovable characters (Mars owns my whole heart), found-family, and even a little dash of romance. Project Nought was a total page turner from start to finish and I loved every second of reading it, highly recommend!

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(Full disclosure: I received a free e-ARC for review through Netgalley.)

-- 4.5 stars --

It's 1999, and Ren Mittal is running away from his lackluster life and disapproving parents when he blacks out and wakes up in a hospital room in the year 2122. Along with a handful of other teenagers from '99, Ren's been chosen to be part of a time travel educational program. A joint venture of the megacorp Chronotech and The University of Time Expansion, the program "borrows" (read: kidnaps) kids from the past and transports them to the future, so that their present-day peers can benefit from learning history hands-on. When the semester ends, the oldies are sent back to the moment of their disappearance, memories wiped and timelines intact. Or so that's the story.

Although the normally reserved Ren initially has trouble fitting in - the time travelers are treated like celebrities, their every move scrutinized and gossiped over - Ren finds a friend (and maybe more!?) in his partner, Mithaniel Milton (Mars for short). He also makes quick friends with roommate Phoebe, as outgoing as Ren is awkward. However, things swiftly go sideways when a t.v. broadcast that Ren is scheduled to appear on is hijacked, seemingly by an anti-Chronotech activist and ... a future version of Ren himself? It quickly becomes clear that Mars's friend Jia is onto something with her Chronotech conspiracy theories. Can Ren and his friends find out the truth - before losing themselves?

As weird as the plot of PROJECT NOUGHT sounds, trust me when I say that it gets weirder, and I'm here for every last moment of it. The plot, the pacing, the world-building, the characters, the artwork - it's all aces. The scifi aspects are great, and I love the plot twists - but most of all, the humanity with which the characters are handled. There's an effortlessness to the inclusivity that I adore - not only do we get four main LGBTQ characters, but also three supporting characters and a smattering of background characters as well. (Cishet seems to be the exception, and again, so here for it. Gender neutral bathrooms ftw!)

I especially love Mars and his two "children," the drones Deimos and Phobos. NGL, I got teary eyed at that one scene. (Not to spoil anything, but I am Team Cylon / Team Number 5 all the way.)

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Spirited from the year 1996, Ren finds himself in the year 2122 along with others from the same timeline. He is part of a time exchange program, where students ask questions in order to learn about the past. Partnered up with Mars, he is told that after the six month program, he will be sent back to his own time with no memory of anything that happened. Ren quickly realizes that he doesn't want to forget about his experiences and the relationships he has built. But of course, nothing is ever as it seems.

Delving into time travel and the ethics involved, this science fiction graphic novel follows Ren and others as they uncover a dark company secret. A solid story with plenty of character depth.

I did get a little bored though trying to finish it. The story moved at a slower pace than I cared for.

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I enjoyed it enough! I liked the art a lot and I thought the story moved along quickly--if anything, maybe a little too quickly? I could have seen this being more than one book.

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This was such an amazing graphic novel. It was incredibly well thought out, and the story structure was built so well. I want to read much more from this author. The queer representation was written very well, and the plot twist in the end was completely unexpected.

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I ADORED this beautifully illustrated graphic novel! The storytelling and found family elements were really the driving force for this story and I really loved how it progressed.

Every character was so easy to love and was bursting with personality! I really loved how the futuristic elements were illustrated and watching how the mystery played out. You will find yourselves routing for this ragtag group of people as soon as you meet them. It was truly so so fun, I wish there was more!

I will definitely be getting a physical copy next year and highly recommend this book for those that love a little bit of sci fi within their queer fiction. A truly fun story :)

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I have to be really honest here, I do not read graphic novels that often and I was apprehensive when I was going to be reading this one on Netgalley. But I read it and was absolutely blown away by what was going on and how it was all formatted! I really enjoyed seeing the art and how the entire book was put together!
I really enjoyed the art style! I can’t…really speak on how well it was done because I am Not an artist, but it was pleasing to my eyes and I loved how all of the colors fit together. It was super nice and I appreciated it a lot. It made the book super nice and fun to read and I definitely enjoyed it.
So I am not normally a comic person but I adored how Furedi was able to make the characters seem alive and have backstories, all while being portrayed through art! There were flashbacks and motivations and complicated decisions, but through an entirely different medium then what I am used to experiencing! It was super fun! The characters were complex and seemed human, they were diverse (that was a big pro of the comic, everyone was drawn and so I could see how they looked which was cool to me), and they were just fun to read! I really enjoyed seeing how they all interacted with each other and their difference in thoughts about various corporations.
I also loved how speedy this graphic novel was! There were only 5 chapters, so I read it in one sitting! It was super cool to see all of the stuff that could happen in 5 chapters and the way the plot was structured. It was really cool! I was super impressed with how the plot moved quickly but I also knew exactly what was going on. That was really cool in my opinion and I really enjoyed it.
The setting of the future was also really cool! The way the antagonists acted was something I definitely believed, especially given our current society. Good dystopias are always built on issues in the present, and this one did not disappoint! I can’t say more without spoiling (so please read the book), but trust me…I read this and was like “ohhhh I get it. This is like (company name)”. So that was pretty fun and another reason I would recommend this book.
That is, if you also hate large corporations as a general practice. If you don’t, would still recommend this as a read anyway, because there are some great characters in your position as well that go through great character arcs.
But anyway, I would definitely recommend this book. It’s super fun, well-drawn, and made me happy to read! Seriously, the art style alone is a good enough reason to pick up this book. I loved it. But yeah, I hope you all can read it as well and enjoy it too!

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Project Nought is a science fiction futuristic story. Ren starts out in 1996 but wakes up in 2122 to find out he's been chosen for a time-travel exchange program. But it comes with more questions than answers. And of course, everything is not what it seems. The story wasn't always clear and kind of confusing with the back and forths between timelines. That's typical of time-travel stories. In some ways the story kind of reminded me of the Paper Girls graphic novels. I like the illustrations and the plot would make a fabulous TV show.

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What a fun futuristic graphic novel! I've been trying to get more into graphic novels, but I've been striking out with ones that are just kind of meh. I was pretty into this one though and I thought the illustrations were well crafted, the story was interesting, and I really enjoyed the conclusion. This is one of those stories that I could easily see as a TV show too. Pleasantly surprised by this one.

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The last memory Ren has is falling down on a bus on his way to visit his pen pal Georgia in 1996. When he wakes up, it is the year 2122. Ren and many other people were taken from 1996 as part of a time-travel project. Students will learn about 1996 first hand, and after five months Ren and the others will be returned to their time with their memories wiped. However things are not as they seem. Former student Jia has suspicions about what is really going on. What is Chronotech hiding?

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