Member Reviews

An extremely well researched and informative book. The authors really take the time to explain everything, in an easily understandable way. As I age I’m always trying to improve my eating and overall health. This book has great ideas and they were easy to use in my day to day life.

A beautiful to look at, well-researched explanation of a healthy lifestyle. Its focus is on explaining the why a low-carb diet with fasting has a positive effect on our digestive system and overall health. There are enough recipes to get you started, with a simple format and clear instructions. Although I found it an enjoyable and informative read, it’s pretty hard core. Eating the rainbow? Yes! Eliminating processed and ultra processed foods? Yes! Fasting? I should! Exercise a lot? I should! Gluten is evil? No! (Okay, they didn’t really say that exactly.) Gluten and dairy have become the two most common food sensitivities/allergies. But as a coeliac and a nutritionist and I agree, do the self test. But before you decide gluten-free is “healthier” - read the labels. Highly processed grains and weird additives go into making gluten-free products palatable. Buyer beware. I don’t know if I agree with all of the authors conclusions but they’ve kindly provided lots of link to their research. Thanks NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Interesting and informative. Recommend

Reset Eating is a well written guide to understanding how food impacts our health. It is written by Rob Verkerrk and Meleni Aldridge. It is available in paperback and on Kindle. I have it on Kindle and am pleased that the Kindle version has an interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references within the book.
At first, I did not realize this book was based on the Keto diet. However, in reading it, I found it to be an excellent source for learning about nutrition in a very detailed way. It is full of easy-to-read charts for taking in the information as well as some great recipes. I rely on good nutrition to maintain a healthy immune system and I am totally convinced that in following the information in this book, I will be successful.
The book contains some excellent, easy to follow recipes. Recipe ingredients are listed in a bullet list with measures given in standard (metric) measurements. No equivalents are given for readers using American measurements, which I find difficult.
It is not easy to begin eating in this way. However, once implemented and a pattern is establish, the reader would find excellent results to one’s overall health.
Disclosure: I received a reader’s copy at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

I was very excited to read this book but I can’t review it yet because I downloaded it in my laptop and I broke the screen and now I can’t access the titles there unfortunately until I get a new monitor and I can’t download it again since it’s archived. I apologize. I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

Reset Eating is an interesting and well written guide to understanding (and changing) the impact that food has on gut biome and overall health written by Rob Verkerk and Meleni Aldridge. Released 23rd Sept 2022, it's 234 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.
This is an accessible guide to some of the biophysical aspects of eating and how choosing to fuel the body wisely can result in significant improvements in health and well-being. The introduction gives an understandable overview over the different types of food nutrients and how they're utilised by the body. This basic info is expanded on it following chapters. The authors also examine the active ingredients in common seasonings and spices and how they can help (or hinder) gut health.
Much of the content is given to an examination of the connection between the health of the gut and overall general health (it's more profound and deep than most people are probably aware). The language throughout is everyday speech and understandable for the average layperson. New concepts are defined in context. The "big word" content is mostly confined to the potentially problematic compounds in foods and are generally less confusing and technical than what's on the average nutritional label.
Spelling is UK/British English, but shouldn't pose any problems for readers outside the UK. The authors have gone to some effort to provide other (US) common names for items such as referring to pulses and beans together.
The book contains a number of recipes. Recipe ingredients are listed in a bullet list with measures given in standard (metric) measurements. No imperial equivalents are given (for readers using American measurements).
It's illustrated simply but effectively throughout. The authors/editors have also included a solid (more technical) bibliography for further reading with links to peer-reviewed literature.
Quite a lot of reset/wellness/diet literature is faddish and full of non-scientific woo-woo. This one is, happily, not at all so.
Five stars. It will take *effort* to implement and the authors are pragmatic about that. They're providing the practise based information, though, in an accessible and digestible (sorry) format.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

As I get older, I'm always looking for ways to live my healthiest life. This book will go into my arsenal. It was very informative and lead to practical changes that can be made at your next grocery store visit. I appreciated the science behind the book, too.

Thank you Matador and Netgalley for the arc!
I really loved this book!
I wanted to learn how to take care of my
body through food and this book
explained pretty much everything I
It provides you guidelines and scientific
based info on how we should live and
It doesn't concentrate on actually dieting, but rather on the concept of food as fuel. It also featured the connection between gut and brain (which is a fairly new concept in medicine).
To my surprise there were also many healthy recipes (with vegan options) rich in nutrients and spices.
If you want to start eating better, ‘Reset Eating’ is definitely a great start!