Member Reviews

I enjoyed this story with all the characters that were within this book. The main characters were Helisent West and Samson 714 Afador.

Helisent West is a powerful witch. She has been living in the town called Velm. She has been looking for another witch. While getting some information, she meets a guy. He is also looking for the same person that she is. So she decides to see him to see what he knows about this witch.

Samson 714 Afador is a wolf shifter. He finds a letter that his mother left before she went missing. He has been looking for her. There might be a witch that saw his mother leave. But first, he got to find the witch. He was told of a man that might know the witch were abouts. So Samson decided to go to the man.
While waiting on the man, he sees another witch.

This was a fun story to read. It had action, adventure, drama, and suspense throughout. It had a few giggles within. This is the first book in a series of three stories.

I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. This is my honest, unbiased opinion.

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Potentially could call this romantasy...there was a slow start to the romance in a very diverse universe.

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Helisent and Samson travel throughout most of the novel, although they encounter a variety of people and situations along the way. Get ready for a shocking, unexpected, and satisfying conclusion. This book will appeal to those who like magic, witches, shape-shifting wolves, forced intimacy, and adventure. To be very honest, I took a while to get into the tale because there were so many new words, ideas, and people introduced at first. I was also unsure of the direction the plot was taking, but I'm so glad I eventually warmed up to it. I assure you, it's worthwhile to persevere.

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I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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I tried reading this a while ago but never got around to finishing it. I will have to agree with a couple of the readers in saying that this book was not really for me (at least not at this point in time). The plot wasn’t drawing me in, I couldn’t keep track of the characters, I didn’t care to continue. I think this is one of the stories that should still be given consideration to because of how detailed and well written it is. I will have to give it a shot at another time.

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Title: A Riveting Journey "West of Jaws" by Capes

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"West of Jaws" by Capes is a literary masterpiece that seamlessly blends suspense, adventure, and deep introspection into a captivating narrative. Set against the backdrop of the mysterious and dangerous waters west of Jaws, this novel takes readers on an unforgettable journey that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling.

Capes' writing style is nothing short of brilliant. The prose is rich, evocative, and laced with a sense of urgency that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat from the very first page. The author's meticulous attention to detail not only paints vivid pictures of the maritime landscapes but also creates an immersive experience that allows readers to feel the salty sea breeze and hear the creaking of the ship.

The characters in "West of Jaws" are masterfully developed, each with their own unique quirks and flaws that make them relatable and endearing. The protagonist's internal struggles and growth throughout the journey add a layer of depth to the narrative, elevating it beyond a mere adventure tale. The supporting cast is equally compelling, contributing to the story's richness and complexity.

One of the novel's standout features is its ability to keep readers guessing. The plot twists and turns like the turbulent waves that surround the characters, and just when you think you've unraveled the mystery, Capes throws in another curveball. This unpredictability injects a constant sense of excitement, making it nearly impossible to put the book down.

Moreover, "West of Jaws" delves into themes of courage, resilience, and the human spirit's capacity to endure in the face of adversity. The moral dilemmas faced by the characters add layers of philosophical contemplation to the narrative, prompting readers to reflect on their own beliefs and values.

Capes' exploration of the natural world is commendable, offering a respectful and awe-inspiring portrayal of the ocean's majesty and its potential dangers. The vivid descriptions of marine life and the intricacies of sailing contribute to the story's authenticity, making it a must-read for both adventure enthusiasts and those with a love for the sea.

In conclusion, "West of Jaws" is a triumph for Capes, a gripping tale that transcends genres and leaves a lasting impression on its readers. With its masterful storytelling, well-crafted characters, and exploration of profound themes, this novel is destined to become a classic in the realm of maritime literature. Highly recommended for anyone seeking an exhilarating and thought-provoking reading experience.

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A witch and a wolf go on a journey together to find their common enemy. This book was not really for me. I found it a bit complex and struggled to keep on top of the world building and characters. I would like to revisit one day when I can give it the time it deserves. I would recommend this to people who like stories that are slow and detailed to start and then up the action to end on a cliff hanger.

Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Another mesmerizing book cover and I was hooked. West of Jaws is book #1 in the Sennenwolf series by author Capes and by the end of the first book, I really want book #2 ASAP.

As with most books in the fantasy genre, the basic plot is the protagonists uniting against a common enemy and the enemies to lovers trope works wonders for the romance that develops between the pair. Here, I wouldn’t say the trope is as such used because the enmity between Helisent the witch and Samson the wolf is not anything personal between them but more so between the prejudices they hold against their kind. And of course, what needs to be mentioned is the world building. The fantasy world with all kinds of creatures that can be imagined has been wonderfully brought into existence by the author.

Helisent is not a character that is NOT easy to warm to, she is alcoholic, there is substance abuse, and she is kind of brash and on your face. But one can sense there is more to her façade and it takes more than half of the book for her past to unfold and show the readers what she hides behind. It was touching how the author has snippets of conversation at the beginning of each chapter and once the readers are made aware of the truth of those conversations it does bring a lump to the throat. Meanwhile, Samson and his agenda are stated from the start and his stoic and calm demeanor makes for the perfect foil to the more outgoing Helisent.

The chemistry between Helisent and Samson is not smoldering kind but subtler taking their sweet time to move on from strangers to friends to lovers. The fantasy world begins with a bang from the first chapter itself and honestly, I had to go and check the glossary multiple times to get the hang of the words being used. The ending with Helsient revealing the full extent of her power was magnificent, but I could have done without that final chapter,

Many thanks to Net Galley, Capas LLC, and the author for a chance to read and review this book. All opinions are expressed voluntarily.

This review is published on my blog, Goodreads, Amazon India, Book Bub,, Facebook, and Twitter.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of West of Jaws by Capes.

I liked the concept of this book, but wasn't as enthralled as I was hoping to be.

West of Jaws is a fantasy romance with more fantasy than romance, and an array of characters to enjoy.

I was turned off by some of the themes in this book (see any potential trigger subjects before reading)

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❥ 3 stars ☆

❝The only thing dumber than convincing the imminent Male Alpha of Velm to help me find Oko would be falling in love with him along the way.❞

That quote both suggests and describes what will happen in the story, but it didn’t stop me from still being interested in reading it. The plot description might reveal a bit more than necessary too. I still enjoyed reading the book.

This book is a romantasy; fantasy + romance, which definitely are 2 of my favourite genres. It’s for adults, and it contains adult themes.

I liked the story, and getting to follow Helisent and Samson on their adventure. The world they live in, the beings living in it, how different things works in their world and everything that happens with them gets presented while their journey continues.

I liked Helisent as a character, but let’s be honest, she doesn’t have a questionable relationship with brandy, she is an alcoholic.

The beginning of the story may be a bit slow but it picks up after a while.

The book ended with a cliffhanger that surprised me, and it does make you curious about reading a sequel to find out what happens.

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I liked the idea of this book but I didn't find it as engaging as others. I think I was hoping for more romantasy and got more fantasy. The overall story was wonderful and the plot was great!

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This was a really good book with so much going for it. The array of characters was fantastic! Only thing I couldn't get on board with was the alcoholism, for me it played too big of a part in the story.

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Dearests, if a book with sex as a key component is called erotica/smut, what should we call one where alcoholism drives the story, dipsomanica? 🤷 Also, I have concluded that only people with “olive” skin know what it looks like (cause I just think green, or green black) 💁

𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: West of Jaws
𝗠𝘆 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: Messing With Antigone
𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿: Capes
𝗣𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗿: Capas LLC
𝗙𝗮𝘃 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿: Samson
𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆: Easy
𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲: Novel
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: Dipsomanica
4/𝟱 (could have been an almost 5)

~ Fantasy world with werewolves, witches, nymphs & more 😍
~ 🤭 the scent curse of in-between thighs
~ “making fkk” 🤣
~ top notch world-building & compelling locations
~ pacing, the journey, sense of time & challenges which force the MCs to bond

We journey with Helisent, a witch who has been using substances & sex to mask the pain she has felt for over 10yrs. Only her power is proportional to the despair she feels, until she gets a chance to work with a certain wolf (Samson) to find & kill the source of her pain. BUT this isn’t ANY giant wolf, this is the heir to a kingdom, & Heli’s pain source also seem to know what happened to Samson’s missing mom, the TRUE Alpha of Velm. As their journey forces proximity & intimacy, past fear, strict rules & scents, both are just three choices away from complete betrayal . 𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆.

✨𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱.

~ Drunkenness 🙄🙄🙄 + snorting substance abuse 😔 + completely irresponsible behaviour (massive turn offs for me)
~ Somewhat ‘lazy/back trodding ending


🦖 I am conflicted, because while I enjoyed many elements of the story (romance, world building, tension & MCs overall), the crapulence, substance abuse, general stupidity & lack of forethought of Helisent, made me grind teeth - because it was NUFFF - BUT it still IS a good story, hence the 4. I am curious about book 2, but unless this MC pulls herself together, the read will not be worth my peace of mind 🥲 & facial expressions.

♡🌱 𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗲 ;)

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There’s a witch and a wolf traveling together through a magical world. On top of that we are promised ‘Sex and the City’ and ‘The Witcher’ vibes. I was so excited for this book!

There were some things about it that I liked, but overall, despite its undeniable potential, it wasn’t for me.

One thing I appreciated the most was Samson’s views regarding same sex marriages. Humans could learn a thing or two from wolves in that matter.

I liked Samson’s backstory - a family mystery, a difficult relationship with his father and brother, a broken heart, what’s not to like?
Helisent was intriguing too, maybe because we haven’t learned her story until the second half of the book. These two formed an unusual alliance in a world where wolves and witches don’t trust each other.

Sounds amazing, right? So why didn’t it work?

Unfortunately there was no epic worldbuilding nor writing that keeps you on your toes that I remember from The Witcher. It reminded me more of The Lego Movie - funny at times but mostly simple and full of silly names. It made perfect sense in The Lego Movie, here it was not as charming.

I struggled with connecting with the MCs. It’s supposed to be “an adult comedic romantasy “ but the chemistry was lukewarm at best. On top of that Samson had this one little flaw that I couldn’t turn a blind eye on - he smoked like a chimney. I know it’s personal, but I can’t be attracted to a smoker, even a book smoker.

Liking Helisent was even more problematic. I have to admit, we were warned in the blurb about her “questionable relationship to brandy”. However there’s nothing “questionable” here, this is downright alcoholism. I can’t get myself to find it funny if someone needs brandy with their breakfast, or romantic, if their love interest serves them said brandy.

To sum up, if an extensive amount of cigarettes and alcohol doesn’t scare you off, go ahead, you may enjoy this book more than I did.

Thank you NetGalley and TL Adamms for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars
This book had a bit of a slow start for me. There were a lot of names being thrown around, lots of barely secondary characters that were a part of the MC’s life, but weren’t really relevant to the story, and that on top of all the world building made the beginning of the book kind of drag for me. That being said, I love a good journey sequence and the one Helisent and Samson go on was great. Lots of things happened, lots of people with information helped the story along, and we got to learn a lot about the world and the politics through it all. I really enjoyed that. The ending gave me a bit of anxiety, and I’m not sure how the story will solve itself considering the last few pages, but I’m really looking forward to finding out. I just hope we get to see them destroy all of their enemies in spectacular violent fashion.

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West of Jaws is so good I have a book hangover.
It's so beautifully written, this new world that is so easy to eat up and fully believe. I could not put it down. And cannot compliment enough.
And as a voracious, avid reader, I can tell you with certainty that it is so hard to find a new gem in the fantasy romance genre but alas, here we are with this thoroughly fun, original, witty and well rounded indepth book. Full of substance, world building and cultures very new and different to all you've read before. I feel like I've gone outside after ages snd taken a deep breath of fresh air!
Dual protagonists, a witch and a Wolf but not in the way you've seen before. Where they aren't enemies they also aren't best buds but they do have a similar goal in mind and so they set off, albeit very carefully, to find the mystery that is Oko.
I was hooked from the very first chapter and now I'm a die hard fan and need the next book like a vampire needs night...there might or might not be vampires in this book...
This book has wolves as you've never seen them before, witches, Selkies, Dryads, Demi God's, Nymphs and so many more creatures that never makes the story muddy or confusing at all.
Samson, a wolf, searching for news of his missing mother.
Helisent is a red witch, maybe the last one in this world after a war between witches snd wolves killed many off both sides.
A shared mission between unlikely polar opposites though both unimaginably strong and heartbroken by life.
I love how Capes does not hold back in the horrors of War and the joys of the simplest things in life. There are walls of witches horns, wolf pelts and the story of peace by the neutral third party was so beautiful I won't ruin it for you.
Fantasy romance, Weary last of her kind witch and wolf There is an abundance of wit, fun, humour and love in amongst all the rest. I cannot gush enough. Do not just add to your TBR pile...Read it ASAP!
Beware, the ending will make you lose your mind, its so good.
Thankyou @netgalley for the chance to read this and I am forever in your debt for this masterpiece.

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The ROMANTASY in in this book is giving me LIFE. I absolutely love this book and was instantly hooked!

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Great mix of fantasy and romance. The world-building of a good fantasy, it felt very rich. I will miss it now that I’m done with the book. The characters have a lot of depth, there are real feelings happening. The supporting characters are fully fleshed out too. I think that added to the story, since all fantasy has side characters to track. I would describe it as a fantasy road trip revenge tale. I was surprised at how involved I became with the characters and their story. I’m excited to see what Halle s in the next book.

I did receive an advanced copy in exchange for a review.

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I don't feel comfortable leaving a star rating as I could not finish the book and this could very much be someone else's favorite read!

The pacing was too slow for me personally and I didn't feel connected to the MCs. I didn't feel like their mission was a big enough storyline to keep me flipping pages.

I did enjoy the world that Capes built and would absolutely give a future book a shot. I have favorite authors where there's a couple of their books I just can't get into. So I'm not writing this author off.

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I need the next book asap! The book took a while to get going due to setting the scene but when it got going, I was hooked! A brilliant romantasy!

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