Member Reviews

I’m going to need a lot more of Samson and Helisent, ASAP. Full disclosure, it took me a little while to warm up to the book as the characters were introduced and the scene set, and the warning at the start almost turned me away, but I’m glad it didn’t.

I was soon devouring this story, because who doesn’t love a Romeo and Juliet style forbidden romance ensconced in fantasy? There was so much more to this than the lusty romance blossoming (slowly, brace yourself) between Helisent and Samson. These were two very complex characters from different cultures and backgrounds, both tackling their own losses and the things that have shaped them. The journey that they're on, for answers and for vengeance, is long and tormented but along the way we find out more about their skeletons and motivations, even though they’re keeping big secrets from each other. I enjoyed seeing them start to open up to each other and to understand one another, to learn more about the laws and cultures of werewolves and wielders. The tension is building as they get closer to their destination and with the dual POV, we get the pleasure of having both of their perspectives. The longing, the lust, I want it all.

The story is incredibly creative and imaginative, and I loved this new take on werewolves and witches that Capes has crafted. There were also demigods, ghosts and the nymphs who live alongside werewolves and wielders. Overall, Capes has given a lot of depth to these lands, the characters, their histories, and their customs and, as a result, the story as a whole. It’s easy to fall into this world and its intricacies and I look forward to returning with the next book in the series - and not just because I’m left on a little bit of a cliffhanger, of sorts!

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🌶🌶/5 - When I started this book, I thought I would be reading something much lighter even though the blurb and other reviews called this series something like the Witcher, and I think that's somewhat true.. but also reminded me of a parody of 'The Witcher' at times?

A SHORT PREVIEW: When Helisent, a witch, and Samson, an alpha male wolf, join forces to hunt down and capture their longtime enemy Oko - they never expected to have feelings towards one another. But are things really ever that simple? Venturing through dangerous territories with even more dangerous beings lurking in the shadows, this evil-fighting duo must face making sacrifices of their own for the greater good.

- Something the author does really well throughout this book is creating true emotion in their characters. You really feel every time someone is upset or angry and I loved that! Far too often we don't really feel those emotions in and gloss over into the plot.
- As a whole - West of Jaws does a decent job with world-building, but at the same time almost gives too much detail into things that don't really matter. It took me until about 30% into the book to have a good feel for the story past large amounts of detail. Which also means it was really hard for me to pay attention.
- Due to the main characters' own issues, I found it really hard to feel their connections - even though I completely understood their own personal emotions. To me, their personal angst outweighed their romantic connection making it hard for me to view this one as a romance? More than The Witcher series, it reminds me of The Song of The Marked series which absolutely got better over time? I think West of Jaws could be just like that, with Helisent and Samson's characters becoming easier to see as a couple in the next books.
- This is a longer read (507 pages), and if you like high fantasy - this would be an amazing series for you to delve into.

- LGBTQ+ representation and themes throughout
- Forced Proximity/ Forbidden love between species suspicious of each other
- TWS: alcoholism
- Cliffhanger ending
- Alternating POVs (I always like reading from a male character's POV! Too many romances are only from the females' POV and this one felt more genuinely like it was written with male perspectives rather than just a mans POV written by a woman.)

**I received this book as an advanced reader copy, but all reviews are my own. - SLR

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I’m not sure the description of sex and the city meets the Witcher is entirely accurate. I feel like you would reach your target audience with a different descriptor. I would classify it as fantasy, sure, but not really either of the aforementioned fandoms. World building could have been better, but the overall storyline was decent. I wasn’t a huge fan of either Samson or Helisent, but they had some interesting qualities. overall it’s a solid 3 based on writing style and interest, but I really wanted to be more absorbed.

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This book reminds me of Nick Sorrentino and Paige Winterbourne from Bitten but in a high-fantasy setting like the Lord of the Rings –which was what appeals me to the book the most.

Helisent West of Jaws is a powerful witch who drinks in order to keep her violent past from haunting her conscience every second of the day. Samson 714 Afador is the next in line to be the Alpha of Velm who wants to better the world once he reigns. To achieve a common goal, they have to work together despite their differences.

Awesome and unique world-building that draws you in. The characterization was diverse and fun too. The problem was there were too many new and detailed elements for the world-building that sometimes it felt like an info dump. I truly appreciate the unique take on werewolf/shifter trope. The author definitely did a lot of research on werewolves and how natural wolves act so that the character won't just be another brooding man with the ability to shift but know nothing about actual wolves' customs like so many werewolf books have been. The author also created a unique magic system with an unordinary witch character. Truly enjoyed the novelty of this story!

The plot was suuupeerrr slowwww that I got bored sometimes. I felt like the first half could be skipped or fast-forwarded and it would not matter to the plot. The romance was a slow burn; it was definitely slow but the BURN was lacking for me. The chemistry felt more like a friendship than a passionate, forbidden love affair up until 3/4 of the book –which is totally not wrong or anything. I just personally felt like it would draw more readers to have the romantic tension built into a climax from the start. But hey, I think the experience differs for each person.

It'd be more awesome to emphasize the angst building during the last segment of the story, so when the plot twist at the end happened, readers would feel like their hearts are being wrenched out even more. I am not really a big fan of the amnesiac trope, or at least, I think if Helisent retained her memories, the story would be more angsty in my opinion. Because personally, I felt flat at the revelation at the end, which was a shame, because I was looking forward to how this book could hurt me. Especially because after reading around 400 pages, I felt like I have known Helisent and Samson for years. I just didn't think it was necessary to take both of their memories up to 4 years.

If you like to read a unique and out-of-the-ordinary werewolf x witch story, then you might like this book!

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If you like fantasy, series starters, road trips (on foot and floating cushions), witches and wolves, gorgeous renditions of magic and mayhem (internal and external), sister bonds, and the slow unfurling of truths, you're going to love this book.

I've now "West of Jaws" twice.

It was as good the second time as I thought it was the first. The heroine is flawed, scarred, and out for revenge. Who wouldn't be, given what Helisent's been through? To me, it makes her alcohol problem absolutely believable. Girl's got a LOT to numb out about. Plus, things have to get worse before they get better, right?

"West of Jaws" STILL had me from the opening scene, where Helisent's in the middle of staging a drunken hissy-fit about being forced to mentor another witch. She gets over herself, and with a sweep of her peach colored cloak, takes the reader along on ride that's a slow-burn, slow-learn journey towards revenge. But also, it's about a lot more than revenge. Heli's got trust issues. Months traveling with Samson and his wolfie ways helps.

Thankfully, that revenge is a looong ways away, allowing us to get to know the other MC, Samson the Alpha wolf, Samsonfang (who comes out on the full moons), and an eclectic cast of characters.

Is my heart bleeding because the book ends on a cliffhanger? You bet. But I'm not going to whine. I'll just read Capes' backlist. Besides, a good cliffhanger makes me want to turn right around and read the book again, only much more slowly this time. I need the effing hardcover version ASAP, and thank goddess this is just the start of the series.

Thanks to the author and to Netgalley, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Rating: 2 / 5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Capes for an eARC in exchange, for an honest review.

I was really excited to read this book and really love the cover. In my opinion, there was no real world building so I had trouble imagining. I also couldn’t connect with the characters at all and felt as though the chemistry was not really there.

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I love the writing but this isn’t the type of book I would see myself reading again, mainly because I’m just not into this genre as much as everything else I read. But the author has an amazing gift of storytelling that I think is good especially when it comes to world building. Definitely give this book a try.

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Let me start off by saying how immensely I enjoyed this book. It was so well written and compelling. The tone of Helisent’s narration was my favorite and Samson’s stoic attitude was also a delight.
The worldbuilding in this book is INTENSE. It’s so incredibly rich and woven that it carried a majority of my interest but it was a little bit of a barrier to entry in the first few chapters. There were so many new words and concepts and characters that it was a bit of a mindfuck but by chapter three I was completely immersed and starting to follow all of the individual threads of such a complex world.
I really enjoyed this book. It was completely unlike anything I expected but I will 100% be picking up the next as soon as possible. I feel so deeply for these characters and I’m invested in their story!

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I have so many emotions after reading this book. I am a huge fan if The Witcher so the expectation is really high in terms of plot complexity, word building and characterizations - I was not disappointed.

If you are not used to how epic fantasy visualizes the setting, scenes and characters through glossary of terms meant only for that book, then you will really be confused and may take some time to catch the intent of each word. It took me quite awhile too ('coz I refused to depend on the cute glossary of terms at the end of the book and just comprehend base on what I read). The descriptions are so ornate and humurous at times that it made it easier for me to understand the transitions from one scene to the other.

Albeit, the story between an impending Alpha Wolf and a powerful witch is not new, the author took his time to craft characters that has some personality. However, I am still contemplating how I feel about an alcoholic (and sometimes a junkie) witch and a chain smoker Alpha wolf. Classified as a romantasy, the build up was a little bit lukewarm - probably intended since there is book 2 coming up

Would I read the second book, sure why not. The ending got me grappling for what will happen with these two. Hopefully the anti climactic build up will be fulfilled on the sequel

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This was a great start to a new series.
I felt the plot started off a little slow but it eventually picked up and took off. It’s a lot of Character / World building information to take in, in the first part of the book and I did have to go back a couple of times to make sure I understood.
The world building was great but there was definitely a lot going on but it was information that was needed. I enjoyed all the different types of Magics and the different types of supernatural species we meet too.
The main story centres on a witch Helisent who is a no nonsense and doesn’t take anyones issues. Eventually we discover that she has been hurt in the past and that’s why she is the way she is. Then we meet our other main Character Samson, a Wolf who is a pack focused alpha to be who is looking for his missing mother.
They both team up to search for the same witch to get their answers. They of course have many adventures and challenges along the way.
I enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to the next because the ending I was not expecting and now I need answers.

Thank you to Netgalley and TL Adamms for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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When I read the blurb of West of Jaws I didn't know what to expect but I was very intrigued. I am happy to announce that I really enjoyed this book. I loved that the author dropped me right into the story instead of giving long background information about the world she created for this series. Because the first couple of chapters are very important in grabbing the reader's attention, and the author did a great job with that for this book. The main characters are "Helisent West of Jaws, a witch, and Samson 714 Afador, a wolf. He's in line to become the Male Alpha of Velm, she's a red witch with a questionable relationship to brandy." Both were unique imperfect characters.

Helisent didn't come across as very likable but I got used to her attitude and eventually understood why she was the way she was. Samson is more obedient in comparison to Helisent but I enjoyed seeing him become more rebellious further down the story. I ended up loving both of them and a couple of the awesome side characters. The character development was amazing, and I loved seeing Helisent and Samson going from strangers to friends to lovers. I appreciate the author taking the time to really show the growth they went through as friends/lovers and as individuals. This book was very fun and kept me interested from the start. It also had emotional, romantic, and action scenes. I love the world and characters the author Capes has created and I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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I give this a solid 3.5 stars. I have run into the problem of disliking any first book in a high fantasy series more often than I can count, usually because there is too much information given too quickly, so that the first chunk of the book is just explanations of how the world operates and is resultantly very dry and boring, or conversely there is too little explanation given at the start so that the reader finds out relevant information like halfway through the book. West of Jaws definitely falls in the latter category. When reading I felt as though it took forever to truly understand the cultures and magics that were heavily present and relevant to the plot, which detracted from my enjoyment a good bit. I’m also not too sure if I like the heavy focus on drugs and alcohol that the book takes on, but I got pretty used to it after a while and understood that their presence was important to the reader’s understanding of the characters and their mental/emotional state.

Though I found myself confused for a good while, the characters themselves made up for what I felt was lacking. Reading Helisent and Samson’s banter, being able to see their friendship unfold and their prejudices fade, made the chapters fly by. Also, I surprised myself with being much more interested in the overarching storyline of the series that was revealed in small pieces throughout the book, honestly much more than the plot of this book, which focused more so on the main characters seeking vengeance and answers. If it weren’t for the frustrating end when Helisent and Samson finally reach Oko, which I reread several times but still do not understand fully, I would be eagerly awaiting more out of this series. I’m a bit disgruntled at the ending, but I’m going to trust my instincts that tell me I always like later books more than the first of a fantasy series, and keep an eye out for the release of the sequel. Overall, I think this is a solid and unique adult high fantasy!

Thank you to the author and to NetGalley for this ARC ❤️

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West of Jaws
by Capes
‘His kindness is like a cold wet thing my hand touches when reaching into the shadows. Very unexpected and highly unpleasant.’
The above quote is pretty much the level of hilarious banter throughout this new, first in the series, fantasy world by author Capes.
I was gifted an ARC in exchange for an honest review, and I’m thrilled to let you all know that this is sure to become another of those viral series because of the incredible world building, hilariously witty, likeable characters and a story that has you hooked and needing to know more.
In the first of what is to be a series, we are introduced to our main characters. Helisant - a funny, takes no shit, but thoroughly hiding deep hurt from her past, witch, and Samson - a stern faced, focused, alpha-to-be wolf, who is looking for his mother who mysteriously disappeared.
Despite it being unusual for a witch and Wolf to work together, they have a shared interest in finding the same witch, and so they start to journey together.
Months of travelling together, lots of challenges, and sharing themselves along the way makes for feelings neither of them expected.
Book one ends in a ‘NO YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT TO ME?! HOW COULD YOU?! I NEED BOOK 2 RIGHT NOW!!’ 😂😬 So you KNOW that means it’s fantastic and you should definitely get it on your TBR list for when it’s released in Jan 23! I was yelling at the ending!
We’ve got the following:
•Hilarious banter.
•Great World Building.
•Forbidden love.
•Sort of Secret Identity
Spice was pretty tame 🌶. It was more about the building of the main relationship in this book!
SO excited for book 2 (even though this one isn’t even released yet 🤣😭).
Thanks Capes/Netgalley for the ARC ❤️.

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The hero is the male alpha of Velm and the heroine is a witch. They decide to team up to hunt down a mutual enemy.

I like both major characters. It's steamy and sexy. The world building in the story is amazing. I like all the supernatural creatures that they meet along the way. It's very funny too. I love the sarcasm and the sass. A very fun book. Looking forward to reading book 2.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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