Member Reviews

Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!

This fun read follows a young couple who met while on vacation and also got engaged while on this summer vacation. When they come back, Olivia quickly moves in with Zach and of course they want to meet everyone and share the great news, beginning with their parents. We then transition to the point of view of the mom's of the happy couple, Amy and June. We learn about each of their concerns, divorces and hesitation for marrying so quickly. When they all arrive for brunch, the bride's mother June, instantly goes into panic when she realizes the in-laws is her ex fiancé and ex best friend. As you can imagine, chaos ensues and the parents must face their past and unite to support their children. We then later find out secrets about connections and how Olivia and Zach may not have met as organically as she may have thought. I really enjoyed this read and look forward to more reads from these authors.

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I really wanted to love this book but sadly it had more to do with the mothers of each character than anything else and I ended up not finishing it. Just wasn't for me

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This was fun!! I enjoyed the multiple storylines and the characters were (almost) all well fleshed out and I was rooting for them. It was a little heavy handed on the social media references (felt kind of try-hard) but maybe that’s how people in their early 20’s really are these days? Lol. Overall this was lighthearted but had some good messages, and was an enjoyable read!!

4/5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

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“Forever Hold Your Peace” is the latest in a set of books by authors Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke.

What I enjoyed:

The general plot - when your darling chid announces that s/he has found “the one,” I think a number of parents’ hearts break a bit knowing that your child is growing up and all that. The mothers dealing with their feelings about that I found an interesting topic to explore (and it also brought back flashbacks to my own family issues!).

The different perspectives - there aren’t many main characters in this book, but the authors managed to make them and the supporting characters unique enough to easily keep apart.

Italy - sigh. Fantastic beginning … I miss Italy!

A bookstore - always a thing I enjoy seeing, along with dropped references to other authors’ works. I wish a bit more time had been spent there, but realize that that might’ve distracted from the story.

What was meh:

The humor - sometimes it was kinda cute (the Dad jokes about a wedding favor!) but other times the attempted humor just fell flat for me.

William - his character was so under developed that I wasn’t quite sure why he was included.

Fiona - I liked Fiona a lot, but I wish that she’d been in the book a bit more. I feel like I knew more about her (a minor character) than I did William.

What wasn’t as good as I hoped:

I found a lot of this book to be incredibly sad - not bawling ones eyes out sad, but more depressing sad. One person hadn’t “moved on” for a number of years … and it seemed like one of the other characters hadn’t (really) either. I found some of the “let’s speak like today’s kids” parts rather cringy and awkward, including the texting bits (use emojis, no use of punctuation).

In summary - this book wasn’t quite what I was expecting. There’s a lot of drama, there’s a lot of misunderstanding and hurt feelings, there’s not a lot of forgiveness until, well, it becomes necessary for a good resolution. I do think this would make an excellent Hallmark movie - I’d greatly enjoy seeing the grand make-up scene visually (what a hoot!). I found some of the wedding planning stuff a bit tiresome and repetitive. I wish I’d liked this book more than I did - because I really wanted to! I’d give this duo another chance, so that’s another positive in their favor.

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**I recieved this e book as an ARC!**

I absolutely loved this book! The multiple perspectives were an amazing change for me and was very helpful when it came to all the drama that took place.

The only negative thing was how long it took for one of the MCs to come around during the main conflict that took place. Other than that it was such a great read!

There were parts that I anticipated would happen, but that never affected how great the book was for me, it actually made me love it even more!

Such a great duo! I will definitely be recommending to my friends and family.

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Now Forever Hold Your Peace by @lisaandliz doesn’t come out until July, but thanks to @netgalley I have a digital copy early. I was planning on waiting until closer to the release date, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. The will power simply wasn’t there since I’ve been eagerly awaiting a new release since How to Save a Life in 2020.

Forever Hold Your Peace is a book about a couple who meet while in Italy, have a whirl wind of a romance, and end up engaged. They expect their friends and family to be happy for them, but things just might not be as easy as the start of their relationship. I could say more, but that’s all I knew going into it and I really appreciate that fact. It let the story unfold naturally to me and I got to experience every plot development as a surprise!


As expected I absolutely loved this book! I enjoyed not knowing much a head of time because I got to discover things right along side the characters. This would make the perfect rom-com movie. I liked the fact that even though the story revolves around Olivia and Zach’s upcoming wedding we really didn’t get their perspectives as we were really in the other character’s heads. I never felt like I was missing them though. The book was obviously about them, but it was also about so much more. I liked the look at family dynamics, motherhood, friendship, and obviously romantic relationships. It even spoke to generational trauma that can be passed down. I couldn’t get enough of this book and read it as a fast as I could. It’s a summer release you won’t want to miss. I had a big smile on my face as I finished.

5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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A fun read - what happens if past mistakes and hurt smack you in the face in the current day? A fun read that asks the question- is the past ever really the past?

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Mean Girls has nothing on Amy and June. What a fun, fast-paced, what-will-those-two-do-next read! Liz and Lisa are masters at crafting friendship fiction, and their latest novel is a delight. I thoroughly enjoyed FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE. It'll be a wonderful addition to your summer reading list.

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Olivia and Zach meet while spending their summer in Italy and fall instantly in love. They get engaged after a short few weeks of knowing each other! Upon returning home to California, they share the exciting news with their families and plan a meet the parents brunch! It turns out the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom are ex-best friends leading to some big time wedding planning drama.

I LOVED following the storyline and drama between the parents, especially the MOB and MOG. Family dynamics when planning a wedding can be messy and wonderful all at the same time. Forever Hold Your Peace captures that messiness perfectly leaving us with love, forgiveness, and a happy ending. The ending was unpredictable and had a fun twist leaving my heart full. This book has to be turned into a movie one day! The humor throughout the book reminded me so much of Bride Wars and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Forever Hold Your Peace releases July 11th, 2023. Add this read to your TBR if you’re looking for a fun, sweet, and easy read. It’s perfect for a beach weekend or a cozy weekend at home!

Thank you NetGalley and Alcove Press for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this story. I liked that we got to know the parents and it was more about their history and story vs the young couple. My favorite quote of this books is,
"I truly believe of our worst choices leas us to the things we didn't know we needed. That the scar tissue from our mistakes is what makes us interesting."
This really resonated with me. This is well written and a unique story. Definitely put this on your list to read this year.

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Beautiful, cute, witty, heartwarming.
I thoroughly enjoyed this and read it all within a day! Super engaging and easy reading.

I just wish there was a little more depth to the story! It was all over so quickly.
Otherwise really enjoyed it! Great characters and great premise!

Please see my Goodreads review at this link

As always, I truly appreciate the opportunity to enjoy this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is book #8 by this duo and I have always enjoyed ALL of their books!! Olivia’s mother sent her to Italy for an adventure after she graduated. She meets Jack and they get engaged after only dating for 6 weeks. Let the fun begin once they tell each of the parents! I am definitely in the minority here with my 3 star rating. I’m not sure what happened as I found myself skipping parts of this book as I felt it was very repetitive with all the prep going into the wedding shenanigans. I wanted to like this book much more but it fell flat for me. Everyone was getting on my nerves by the middle of the book. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. To be published July 2023 and I do look forward to their next book. This book just didn’t mesh with me this time.

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Oh what a cute movie this book would be! What a fantastic job Liz Fenton and Lisa Steiner do of creating characters that readers empathize with and cheer for . I loved them all. When a young couple meet, quickly fall in love and spontaneously decide to get married, they are nervous about meeting each other parents. They have no clue that 3 of their parents already know each other and share A LOT of history. Fans of Elin Hilderbrand will love this funny, heartfelt story that makes you wonder if these two lovebirds will ever make it to the altar! This is a good one!

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Did you know the average cost of a wedding in the United States is $28k? Not to mention that weddings are typically pretty stressful and awful times. Forever Hold Your Peace is a fun and adorable take on family dramas and the strait ridiculousness surrounding people when they become entrenched in the wedding industry.

If you've ever been in or around the drama of a wedding, you'll laugh out loud and totally just GET this story!!!

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I laughed out loud, I cried and I loved every second of it. A heartfelt, witty story of families, friendship, betrayal and second chances.

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This was a cute story, with second chance, friendship and romance. I found it to be fairly predictable, and that did take away from my enjoyment a little bit.

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All in all this was a good read. The funny parts weren't laugh out loud funny. They were more of the eye rolling variety. Which bothered me throughout the whole book. It felt like the author's were trying too hard. For the most part I enjoyed it.

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Very enjoyable read! There was a romcom vibe with some surprises and drama. Love it! Great characters and an interesting story.

Thank you NetGalley, Liz Fenton, and Lisa Steinke!

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This was an overall enjoyable read. It’s a good mix of romcom, family drama with an unusual twist. The ending was somewhat predictable but that did not take away from it being an enjoyable read.

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I really enjoyed this book! It feels good to read a Liz Fenton/Lisa Steinke book after so long! I loved the characters and the complex history between June, Troy, and Amy. The mother daughter relationships were excellently constructed and the love story was cute and heartwarming! Thank you for the opportunity to read an advanced copy. I will recommend to friends!

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