Member Reviews

I was expecting a mystery based on the blurb. What I found was an apocalyptic novel that borders on horror and centers around a mystery. This is a scathing treatise on society's reaction to a virus. There are several major twists to add to the drama.

I enjoyed this story and would recommend it to lovers of this genre.

Not family friendly due to profanity, violence, and adult themes.

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Bingeable, perfect reading for snowy or chilly weather. If you enjoy character driven stories, as I do, this is a good one.

The Drift is a dystopian mystery thriller set around a raging worldwide pandemic that follows three characters in three separate stories;
-Hannah, a med student and daughter of a facility Doctor.; currently in a crashed school bus with dead passengers
-Meg, a former Det.; in a cable car of unconsciousness people and one dead cop that’s stopped midair on a ski slope
-Carter, staff resident; at an isolated ski resort with 7 occupants and a dog.. with a hidden killer running loose

What do these stories all have in common?

These three are already at.. or are headed to.. THE RETREAT.. a virus research lab that studies the survivors (zombie-like, named “whistlers”) of a worldwide pandemic. As Hannah, Meg and Carter struggle to survive—and believe me when I say SURVIVAL IS THE NAME OF THE GAME HERE—their stories are filled to the brim with disturbing moments and grisly surprises that literally caught my breath. The Drift even offers up a little something extra.. a hidden puzzle within a puzzle. This had me completely stumped until a certain point.. and not knowing where each of these storylines would end up was truly refreshing to find in a book. I really liked how much darker this was than her other novels. 4.5 stars! — Pub. 1/31/23

Much thanks to the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This book had me hooked from the start and kept me wondering all the way until the end. I don’t want to give anything away because the mystery is half of what keeps this novel going at a frantic pace. The other half is the characters that keep you racing to know the truth. Truly a fun read that left me breathless all the way until the end.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book for an honest review. I will start off by stating that C.J. Tudor has been a favorite author of mine since I read The Chalk Man. The Drift is an end of the world thriller which follows three groups of people trying to survive after a deadly virus has destroyed much of the world. The first group is a set of students who have just experienced their bus crashing as they are trying to reach the Retreat. The second group is volunteers also heading to the Retreat but their cable car has stopped leaving them stranded high in the mountains. The final group is the people at the Retreat who are experiencing troubles of their own. All of the groups are trying to survive the virus, the situations they have found themselves in and the Whistlers, those who have contracted the virus but continue to live. To add to their dilemma, all of them are in a blizzard with fast dropping temperatures. This story is put together in a very clever way. Several times I stopped reading to gather myself and trying to figure out what was going on and make sure I was not missing any important details. The author did such a fabulous job I was experiencing anxiety reading about the cable car stranded in the mountains. I think this book is another win for the author and I would highly recommend this book.

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Holy crap!! I love this book so much! This book is utterly heartbreaking, but also terrifying. I’m not a fan of apocalyptic books, but this…this was amazing. I don’t want to say too much and give anything away. I went into this story without reading anything about it. So people are aware, there is a little bit of gore, BUT it’s done well. It isn’t written just to be there, it’s perfectly placed. This is my favorite book by C.J. Tudor. The day this book comes out in the US, I’m running to the bookstore and buying it. Thank you NetGalley, Ballantine Books and of course C.J. Tudor for this freaking amazing ARC.

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I really enjoyed The Drift.
Going in, I read some reviews that mentioned it was more apocalyptic than they expected and I’m glad I knew that going in.
The story contained 3 POVs: Hannah, Meg, and Carter. They were all involved in a snowstorm in different places during what I can only assume is kind of a zombie type of outbreak. (But hear me out, this isn’t a zombie horror.. the outbreak and infectious nature of the disease does matter to the plot to some degree, but it’s otherwise not really a zombie book.)
I loved the characters and watching them in each of their situations, not really knowing the people around them or who to trust as the raging storm cut them off and they had to figure out how to survive. For Hannah in the crashed carriage, they were stuck with no exit. For Meg in a cable car, they were stuck in the middle of the car with no water and 1 snapped cable. For Carter, the power outages kept impacting the locks.. which seems to be a big deal for whatever was in the basement..
I really loved how it all came together. It wasn’t a shocking twist, but very clever storytelling.
I highly recommend this book and the author!

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3 stars
This review is a tough one to write because CJ Tudor is one of my favorite authors. I have rated all of her books on the high end. I will say, I am not sure how much of it was the fault of the author, as I am not really into this subject matter much. I also think there were quite a few perspectives and characters to follow, and I never felt connected to any of them. However, the pace was pretty good and there were a few thrilling scenes but I did not jive with this book overall. I am still giving it a three because I think 'it's me, not you', and I can definitely see others loving it. I did feel like there were redeemable qualities toward the end of the book. I don't want to say too much to avoid spoilers.

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The Drift is yet another excellent book from C.J. Tudor. When the book starts, you’ll meet three different sets of characters, all of whom have their own specific issues they’re dealing with. How do all three parts come together? Well, to tell you that would be to ruin the big reveal. Suffice it to say that I was surprised by the twist, and I love it when an author can surprise me!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

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I'm clearly starting off 2023 strong, as this is my second 5 star read in a row! I always think of C.J. Tudor as a thriller author, but I feel like this book touched upon a few genres: suspense, thriller, sci-fi and slightly political at times.

This book is told from 3 different POV's, and each POV had me on the edge of my seat. (Thanks for the second hand claustrophobia, Tudor!) 😅 I felt so immersed into the wintry setting, and the stormy conditions only made this more atmospheric for me.

I really flew through this book in just a couple of days. I really wanted to know what was going to happen. Once I realized the direction this book was headed, I could not put this one down.

I really appreciated the ending. I can't expand more on this without spoilers, but it was a very satisfying conclusion.

All in all, this was a great wintry suspense/thriller novel. The Drift releases on January 31, 2023! ✨

Many thanks to Netgalley, Ballantine Books and C.J. Tudor for an ARC of The Drift in exchange for my honest review. 🤍

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4.5 stars
This started off with a bang, lulled for just a bit, then came out of nowhere for the ending.
A huge snowstorm told from 3 different perspectives leads to the most chilling ending I've read in some time. While Hannah, Meg and Carter are all surrounded by a different variety of people and incidents, their end goal is basically to survive the snowstorm, and the worst virus even to hit man kind.
This was a little more sci-fi than I usually read, but I enjoyed it very much.

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Major mixed feelings. On the one hand, I will always enjoy a snowy thriller. This was action packed with an interesting dystopian-like setting. I always enjoy multi POV, but did feel like we were overloaded with character names. It took me a good 2/3 to remember who was who. The high-action was fun for a bit, but the pace never lets up and in turn we never get much time just being with and learning about the characters on more than a surface level. I always appreciate the type of ending this did, so that is a plus. I’ve enjoyed the two other books I’ve read by this author, and this was good too! Although I would say this is my least favorite. I just kept wanting a little break from the action.

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I really enjoyed this book! I wasn't sure where it was headed but loved the ride. I hated that my fave character died in the end, but whatcha gonna do? I would totally recommend this book to my friends, in fact, I have! And I will definitely be on the lookout for more books by C.J. Tudor!


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4.25 stars!

This book was such a WILD ride. It followed three POVs - Hannah, who wakes up on a bus only to see it has been wrecked by carnage; Meg, a former detective who is stranded on a cable car with a group of people and a dead body; and Carter, who is in a ski chalet with other survivors manufacturing vaccines against a deadly disease.

This is my third book by CJ Tudor (with The Burning Girls being my favorite) and I think she is slowly becoming a favorite author. This book was so fast paced, and at times I felt almost sick because so much was happening. I did see the reveal coming early on in the novel, but I was okay with that because I needed to know how everything was connected. I would definitely recommend when this comes out later this month, and I'm excited to go back and read CJ Tudor's backlist.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Wonderful exciting book told from 3 points of view and 3 different areas during a massive snowstorm this book keeps you on the edge of your seat. Hannah the youngest having survived a bus crash and is on her way with a group of students to the retreat as they fight for their lives against the wilderness elements and each other. Meg who’s stuck in a cable car on their way up the mountain to the retreat when the power cuts out suspended in the air with strangers who appear to all have dark pasts. And finally Carter who lives at the idealistic “retreat” on the mountain side with power outages and other members being picked off they’re all in constant danger. This was a fast read and exciting to the end 5⭐️

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I've really loved all of C.J. Tudor's other books but this one just didn't work for me. I'm just not a fan of dystopian fiction.

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I read this book in two days and really enjoyed it. I kind of went into this blind as I had received this and didn't get to it until now. There are three groups of people in this story and I just had to keep reading to find out where they would all finally meet. Well all I can say is pay attention because this book definitely keeps you on your toes! This book was fantastic!

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When I first start an ARC, it’s usually been sitting on my kindle for some time. I don’t recheck the blurb before starting it, so the book can surprise me. And boy, did this turn into such an utter delight.

“The masses suffer and die while the elite pay for private care and survive.”

A lot of this story is just like that—a nod to the depressing state of the world. We look at how much worse things can get, and they always get worse. But it weaves so well into this post-apocalyptic storyline. I adored the way things came together. The timeline is wonderfully wonky, so don’t get frustrated with it because it will come together (and spectacularly at that.)

“We don’t realize, any of us, how much our existence depends upon hope and purpose, the promise of a new day.”

The three separate scenarios all have the retreat in the background. Every scenario put me on edge. I was desperate to see how these stories would come together. Was it well after bedtime when I finished this? Absolutely, because this is a book worth staying up for.

Thank you, Random House/Ballantine, for sending over an advanced copy.

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What an amazing ride this book was. Mystery, thriller, lots of snow… and zombie like creatures. I was not excepting to love this as much as I did. And I can definitely see this as a popular all star cast movie. Just amazing. Readers will love this!

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The Drift by C.J. Tudor follows three different protagonists fight for survival following the aftermath of a pandemic.

While this was a fun winter read I didn't enjoy it as much as Tudor's previous works. I usually find it more difficult for me to enjoy stories told from multiple perspectives. I also had a hard time connecting to most of the characters and cared more about certain storylines than others.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m sorry to say that I was pretty disappointed in this book. I’ve read almost every one of CJ Tudor’s books and enjoyed them all in the past; however, this one was hard to follow with so many characters and none of them seemed to have unique enough characteristics to make them memorable.

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