Member Reviews

This is a book for all your horror lovers out there, you will want to read this one. I enjoyed this one and I'm so glad that I got the chance to read it! It was a highly engrossing read and I think most people will enjoy it as well, as long as you don't mind post apocalyptic books. I enjoyed the characters and enjoyed the writing by this author. I'm excited to see what the author comes out with next as I'll definitely be reading it!

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The Drift follows three individual’s stories as they experience a brutal winter storm in the mountains. Each is coping with their own catastrophe - - a crashed coach bus, damaged ski lift pod, and faltering security system in a mountain retreat. Couple this with a post pandemic world where the disease is still running rampant and you have a horror-thriller novel that keeps you turning the pages.

This was a good, suspenseful novel however it took a while for me to fully engage in the three stories. From the start, there were subtle clues given to expand the scenarios and also to indicate that there was some foul play involved. Sometimes these clues were organic and at other times they felt very orchestrated. It took a good third of the book to really start engaging with the storylines and see how they intersect with each other. Once I, as a reader, was following the threads my engagement increased and the novel became much more enjoyable and suspenseful. I found a few situations a bit outlandish, but in an post pandemic slightly apocalyptic type world anything goes! Just don’t get too attached to anyone. 3 stars.

Review based on a digital Uncorrected Proof provided by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley. Thank you!

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First day of 2023 and first 5 ⭐️ read of the year! 🥰
Out 1.31.23, THE DRIFT is a post apocalyptic horror/thriller following three narrators. One narrator wakes up in a coach bus after a crash, another wakes in a cable car stuck halfway up a mountain, and the third narrator lives at an old ski resort called The Retreat. Time is of the essence as a deadly virus spreads, winter storms rage, and power starts to fail.
I remember I said this about @cjtudorauthor previous book The Burning Girls, but I think THE DRIFT is Tudor’s best book yet! Allllllllll the content warnings for this novel. It is horrific and thrilling, action packed and atmospheric and surprisingly that was exactly what I needed when I read this.
What a great way to start off the year!
Thank you to @netgalley and Random House Ballantine for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It is no secret that I can't stand multiple POV books. This one is especially annoying because we are forced to work out the background scenario (global plague) by ourselves. I read a while and then quit in annoyance. Each of the three POV is worth a book but chopping them up yielded an action plot (is someone looking for a film deal?) rather than characterization, world building and mystery. And the idea that each of the three groups would suffer a disaster at nearly the same instant is hokey.

For readers for whom the above doesn't present a problem, the book reminds me of the NEWSFLESH series, although Seanan McGuire is a much better writer. Throw in a bit of Torchwood too.

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My honest review is freely provided in return for the kindness by NetGalley and the publisher in providing me with an advance copy.

I must agree with others that The Drift crossed the horror line a little too far for me., Had I realized it departed that far from CJT’s previous work, I would’ve passed on this ARC. It was hard to get into since it leads with pretty tragic events. If you’re contemplating picking this book, know its more toward the horror genre than mystery & thriller.

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This book was creepy and atmospheric. I loved the descriptions and the mystery. It had me guessing plot twists for most of the book. I love this author and will continue to read her books!

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A great read that I highly recommend!
A combination of apocalyptic horror and mystery. There is the threat of a mysterious virus, and the main characters have to deal with that reality while being put into various other life-threatening situations. The suspense really drives the story, and the end was surprising in a very satisfying way. C.J. Tudor is an excellent writer, and I would recommend any book by this author.

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Loved it! Well developed characters & storyline, a suspenseful page turner. Couldn’t put it down. Kept me guessing until the end. Highly recommend to anyone who loves the genre or CJ Tudor

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First of all this book is towed from three different points of view Hannah, Meg and Carter. They live in a world where the epidemic continued to spread and it causes people to either die or to become violent. You know them because they whistle and that’s why they call them the whistlers. Some have been put in what they call farms and some have been taken for medical experiments and studies and others who manage to remain free and build little tent villages of the own, But they now have new variants of the disease in most of humanity I’m trying to flee to safety and that’s when we meet Hannah she wakes up as the bus is crashing into a snow drift. She was on the bus escorting 11 older teens to a place they called the resort that is supposed to give them sanctuary and safety unfortunately not all of them made it through the crash. When we meet Meg she is going to the same place but she is going there with people who have signed up for medical experiments because They couldn’t afford to get them due to their financial situation. When she wakes up however she seems to be in a room that is shaking from side to side she didn’t fall out of the bed she fell off the wooden bench it isn’t until she can finally stand up and sees that she is in a gondola with five other people Who seem to also be just waking up. Oh except one that is an upon closer inspection they see he’s been murdered. Then there’s Carter, he works at the resort with A good many people but when Carter goes out to get the groceries in the village at the bottom of the mountain he comes back and nothing is it as he left it. There’s something that type all three of these groups together but I don’t want to give anything away because there is so much that happens it seems no one can be trusted and Meg in her group don’t even know how they got into the gondola to begin with Hannah find a cell phone but can’t call for help because the people who were sending them will send people to kill them because they’re all D opinion not to take any chances. Oh and I almost forgot to mention there in the middle of a snowstorm with 5° below and that’s not even counting the wind chill. This book is so good and they have so many twists and turns and you’re going to be thinking how can all this be related… But it is. Ceejay Tutor has put a whole new spin on an apocalypse and it’s one that if you love stories about humanity losing in every day is a struggle for life you definitely need to read The Drift Buy Ceejay Tutor there is so much to Love about this book and I logged at all total five star read and I can’t say I’ve ever given that to a story like this before but this one deserves five and more. I received this book from book from NetGalley and Random House valentine but I’m leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Ending my year with a bang I love C.J. and everything she writes. When I saw the e-book sitting in my inbox I couldn't download it fast enough. Now I am not about virus/apocalyptic books right now. That being said this was griping, blood, guts and gore and that ending!!!

Make sure to grab this one. Pub date Jan 31st. 2023

My thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Now that was a story! Apocalyptic horror at it's finest. Full of twists and mystery. Loved every minute of this read.

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An interesting post apocalyptic story. The story is told from the point of view of several different characters as the country is falling apart from a virus. The author allows the plot to seamlessly unfold while occurring ten years apart. There are wily twists and turns to decipher who is is who. The author leaves it for the reader to decide who is good or bad. It is a truly exciting and page turning drama.

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Thank you to netgalley, Random house, and Ballatine publishing for giving me a copy of this arc. This was my first book by C.J. Tudor I was excited to read a book by this author, however I was disappointed. If you like science fiction then this book might be for you. However, I thought this book was slow and was hard to continue to read I finished it hoping it would be better but, it did not.

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I read this story at home, positive for covid in quarantine. My situation sure did make Tudor’s story feel too real.
Whatever Tudor writes, I must Read, so my expectations were very high. Overall I liked it, but it isn’t my favorite CJ Tudor. I think it was just too long. I felt like the story dragged, but at the same time, I needed to know how it ended. I can confidently say I’m satisfied with the ending.

Thanks to penguin publisher and NetGalley for the E-Arc.

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This dystopian thriller was NOT what I was expecting, and I was pleasantly surprised! An action packed, twist laden multi-POV that delivers a constant state of exhilaration with every page, The Drift is the first of Tudor's books I've read, so I have little to compare it to. However, I can whole-heartedly say that I'll be looking into his prior works, because The Drift had me hooked. Based around a virus that has overtaken the world, this book is about the survival of your three MCs: Meg, Hannah, and Carter. Tudor does an immaculate job of interweaving all three of their stories, and by the time you come to realize exactly how they're connected, you'll be blown away.

The atmosphere was insane, I pretty much could see every scene in my head, and the darker & gritty tone definitely helped to deliver the thrilling storyline. A brilliant take that's both entertaining and terrifying, The Drift will surely leave you in a state of shock and awe.

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This is hands down Ms. Tudor's best book so far. I read it in one sitting.

A virus has ravaged the world and turned people into "zombies" or at least the ones that survive it become akin to the undead, called "Whistlers" for the disease ravages the lungs and one can hear them coming. The book alternates from three perspectives. Hannah, a student at a prestigious academy who finds herself buried in the snow with 11 strangers after their bus crashes. Carter, who helps run the Retreat, which is basically a farm for the zombies to harvest a vaccine from their plasma. And Meg, who is a volunteer headed to the Retreat, who wakes up in a gondola with a dead body and five strangers. The book winds between the three and I confess sometimes I had to backtrack to figure out who was talking but it all comes together in a brilliant twist package.

I also enjoyed the small throwback she did to her first novel, The Chalk Man, which I highly recommend. You don't need to have read that to read this one though. Definitely a story that kept me guessing.

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3 separate storylines, 3 groups of people trying to survive traumatic circumstances while harboring secrets from each other. One group is in a bus crash on the way to The Retreat evacuating their school due to an infectious pandemic, one is a group of volunteers travelling via cable car to The Retreat when the power goes out and a cable snaps, and the final group works at The Retreat trying to figure out why the power keeps glitching and the generator is acting hinky. All while experiencing winter storm conditions, worrying about a pandemic and purported accidental or not so accidental deaths in each group.

Once I got a handle on all the characters (there are three groups of people after all), I was constantly looking at each situation and trying to figure out how they were all connected. The book consecutively moves between all three situations in a quick, efficient manner that leaves you hanging on the edge of your seat for the next round of what will happen to each group.

The setting was very atmospheric from the locked secret rooms in the basement of the Retreat to the winter conditions in the woods filled with something creepy they called Whistlers. A clever atmospheric thriller for a cold winter day. Recommended.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for the free copy provided for an honest review.

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Thank you to Random House - Ballantine for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

When I saw that the author had a new book out, I knew that I had to add it to my TBR list right away! The Drift by C. J. Tudor is a post-apocalyptic thriller that seems to be, at least partially, pandemic-inspired. The story revolves around 3 characters - Hannah, Meg, and Carter. Hannah and her companions are trapped in the wreckage of a bus crash. Meg is stranded in a cable car with another group of survivors. Carter lives in a futuristic "home" in permafrost.

Here is a chilling excerpt from the first chapter, which is from Hannah's point of view:

"A watch alarm was beeping. Someone was being sick. Loudly, close by. Several people were sprawled at odd, impossible angles over the uprooted coach seats. Blood pooled in eyes and dripped from gaping mouths.
Hannah noted this dispassionately, clinically. Her father's nature kicking in, her mother would have said. Always able to detach. Sometimes, this lack of emotional empathy made life difficult. Other times, like now, that side was useful."

Overall, The Drift is a post-apocalyptic thriller that will appeal to fans of Taylor Adams's No Exit or Allie Reynolds's Shiver. One highlight of this book is that it is very exciting. I did take off 1 star because it had three character POVs, and I had trouble understanding at least one of the reveals because there were so many characters to keep track of. I took off another star because I wasn't a fan of the ending. If you're intrigued by the excerpt above, or if you're a fan of thrillers in general, you can check out this book when it comes out in January!

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Wow! What a thrilling ride The Drift turned out to be!! Suspense on top of suspense on top of terror! The writing in this book was great, all the characters were interesting and engaging, and the flow of this story was excellent.
3 groups of people, all caught in a snowstorm, try to survive the brutal weather and each other. The story switches back and forth from one group to another, and you're not really sure how they are all connected. When it finally dawned on me how, let me tell you, 🤯 mind blown! Great job C.J. Tudor! Definite recommend!

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I really like what Tudor did with this one. For most of the book we're following three different, but related, scenarios in a dystopian, post-pandemic world: a) a crashed bus, b) a cable car stranded midair, c) a retreat for survivors. There are several pulse-pounding sequences in all three locations, some very clever twists/reveals, and a very satisfying ending. This is the second Tudor book I've read, and so far no misfires.

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