Member Reviews

I liked this book overall, though it fell down a bit towards the end. Two women, powerless in their own ways, band together and become friends. But who is setting up whom and can they both come out of this alive and safe when dealing with violent powerful men

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My opinion of this book went up, down, up, down and all over the place until I finally decided the uneven pacing and loose plotting was too much for me to really enjoy or recommend it.

My journey went like this.

1) The dramatic opening gripped me immediately-- Lee, on the run from an abusive boyfriend, rescues a woman from drowning only to discover this stranger is also a victim being imprisoned and hurt by a violent husband. Can Lee help her escape?

2) Then came a hundred or so pages of conversation, googling, dating, eating breakfast and spa treatments. I have now discovered that one of the most boring things is to listen to someone else describe their spa treatments.

3) Then BOOM! The figurative shit comes flying at that figurative fan. Everything happens all at once-- murder, lies, disappearances, backstabbing, scary phone calls and secret recordings.

4) Oh wait, here comes another BOOM! Even more secret shit was going on than we knew before!

5) The bad guys are caught!

6) The bad guys are free!

7) The bad guys are caught! Well, maybe. They might be. Oh fuck it, let's just get out of here.

I am not a fan of this kind of thriller that drags the reader along by throwing up constant shockers, some of which don't seem to make much sense. I am also not a fan of drama being created by characters constantly doing stupid things and putting themselves at risk. I lost count of how many times one of the main two characters thought something like "I know I shouldn't but I'm too curious". Some amount of poor decision-making is expected when stressed, but not this level of stupidity.

The ending was so... odd to me. I felt like so much hadn't been wrapped up, so many loose ends left hanging. Is there a sequel coming?

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With more twists than the Steel Vengeance Roller Coaster, The Drowning Woman won't be the only one gasping for air! With a plot that is both fast paced and engaging, you'll fly through the pages of The Drowning Woman. Ostensibly about Lee, homeless after losing her restaurant during the covid shutdown, and Hazel, who sees suicide as the only way out of her abusive and unhappy marriage, the secondary characters also add to the off the charts intensity. With so much going on (and so many people trying to do the others in!) The Drowning Woman is a near constant guessing game of "who's the biggest criminal of them all?" Short chapters and alternating POV's add to the suspense. Robyn Harding is becoming the queen of domestic dramas. Let's hope she's got more up her sleeve.

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This was an enjoyable story of two women who form an unlikely friendship. Lee, a former restaurant owner now homeless and living in her car and Hazel, a society wife trying to escape her cruel, abusive, controlling husband are different as they come. Yet, can they help each other out? Told from both perspectives kept the story fast-paced. Friendship, relationships, lies, agendas, betrayal and a few twists, it has it all. And wow, did not expect that ending. Loved this book! I think Robyn Harding could easily become one of my favorite authors.

Thank you @RobynHarding, @GrandCentralPublishing and @NetGalley for a free digital ARC. The opinions are mine alone and not biased in any way.

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The Drowning Woman is an outstanding thriller from start to finish. Filled to the brim with twists and a captivating plot, this one is sure to keep readers hooked. The characters are well-developed. The story is incredibly fast-paced. This is one not to be missed! Highly recommended! Be sure to check out The Drowning Woman today!

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Twistier than a drive on Colorado's infamous "Million Dollar Highway"

I could almost feel the icy chill of some of the scenes. So much dodgy behavior, deception, and double-dealing that happens throughout the whole story. Just when I thought all the twists had been revealed, BAM, another one would totally shake me!

I'd kept saying to myself, "What in the name of twists just happened?!"

Lee and Hazel find themselves sharing more than they ever, ever expected they would. They both have things to hide and are running on empty. Something really bothered me about one of them, but I like to give people another chance to make things right.

Enjoyed this twist driven thriller, even with more than a few things that were questionable. The ending was a bit tidy, but I did enjoy it. Recommend to fans of this author and those who enjoy a fast, runaway thriller!

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4,5 ⭐️
I really enjoyed this story of two women - Lee, a recently homeless former restaurant owner, and Hazel a society wife trying to escape her abusive husband . There were a few twists I really didn’t see coming and an engaging story with an unexpected ending. A gripping story I read in one sitting

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I’m a big fan of Downing since reading one of my fave thrillers ever My Lovely Wife. I will definitely handsell this book and spotlight it while merchandising. I read A LOT of thrillers already this year and this one is near the top!

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The Drowning Woman by Robyn Harding

Pub date : June 13 2023

When Lee hits a wall of bad luck due to covid, she makes some dangerous decisions which land her fleeing across country to protect her life . Ending up homeless she settles for sleeping in her car parked in random places throughout her new city.
One night she hears a womn cry - followed by a splash . And she can't help but get involved. Lee needs to save the woman life . Lee is then tossed into a stange new friendship with the Drowning woman , Hazel . And she can't fathom what is coming her way .

Wow... just wow . This needs to be a movie . This book reeled me in from the first page and kept me flipping the pages until I hit the acknowledgements. In true Robyn Harding fashion, I was not disappointed. I have loved every single books Ive read so far by her amd this was no exception. And I will be promptly adding this to my physical Harding collection as soon as I'm able to !

The only burning question I have lingering . Is what happened to the paperwork that Hazel was looking for ?

This book has various trigger warnings, such as abuse - and dealings with an agressive sub/dom relationship. ( aka a total power exchange ) Murder, and mental health are just a few. But perfect for a thriller lover such as myself .

Thank you @grandcentralpub and @netgalley for a ebook arc of this title .

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I will be buying copies of this for all the readers in my life.. I had to read it in one sitting as I couldn't put it down. The twists have twists. The action and suspense is unrelenting. There were many WHOA moments. Lee's character was extremely well drawn. The book had a lot of important things to say on the plight of the homeless. Easily my favorite read of 2023 so far. And a strong contender for my top 20 books of all time. Thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central publishing for a chance to read this phenomenal book

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Lee never thought her life would be as bleak as it is. She saves a woman from drowning. That meeting will change the direction of her life. This book took you on a journey that you will never forget.

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All the stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hands down, one of Robyn Harding’s best!

If you’re looking for a unique psychological thriller with all of the things you look for in a psychological thriller - twists galore, sketchy characters, toxic relationships, secrets, betrayal and jaw dropping moments - look no further. This book will satisfy that and then some!

Of all Harding’s books that I’ve read this one is my favorite. She’s definitely a go-to author for me. I’ll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next one!

Highly recommend this fantastic thriller! Do not miss it.

Thank you to Net Galley, Grand Central Publishing and Robyn Harding for this gem of a hook in exchange for an honest review.

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I can’t even begin to describe this book. I had never heard of this author before but I am definitel going to read all her other novels in print.

This one was sensational. So much more than a woman stuck in an abusive marriage I now know what it feels like when someone says they just couldn’t stop reading, because I was up until three a.m. I just HAD to see how it ended. Everything about the story was riveting. The plot. Characters, dialogue—I can’t say enough good things about this book. Don’t skip it because it will be one of the best books you will ever read, and I don’t say this lightly. ,Actually, I’ve never said it. A ten star read!

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This book was not what I was expecting, but in the best possible way. Twisty and suspense, this book has so much to offer that I love: secrets, betrayal, and a thickening, layered plot that is paced just right. Not to sound cliché, but my jaw definitely hit the floor during the first big twist and I probably let out a gasps or two along the way.

I may be looking too much into it, but I feel like every aspect of this book was written as a reminder that not everything is as it may seem. From the circumstances of the characters, to of course, the intricately layered plot, what a good reminder for the real-world and a great way to keep the reader flipping pages. I absolutely loved how the perspective shifts would cover the same time period, revealing just a little more of the truth during each section. Thank you @netgalley & @grandcentralpub for an eARC of this book! I enjoyed it immensely!

4.5 stars!

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Lies. Deceit. Betrayel.

I. Couldnt. Turn. The. Pages. Fast. Enough.

WOW! This is Harding at her best. Just pick it up. Thats all you need to know. This was so good and so twisty.

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I read this book in one sitting. It was suspenseful and had just the right number of twists and turns. Lots of the plot was ridiculous but if you’re willing to just ignore that, it’s a very entertaining read.

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Unfortunately, you have to wait until June to read this amazing book 😩

Thank you to @netgalley & @grandcentralpub for giving me access to #TheDrowningWoman by @rhardingwriter. I flew through this book!

This thriller is about a homeless woman who strikes an unlikely friendship with a rich woman, who we quickly learn is in a damaging relationship with her husband…and the influence of money, power, and the promise of safety, if it’s to be believed.

I don’t want to give too much away, but wow. This book was gripping right from the very start, and I loved every step of the way. I really enjoyed the unlikelihood of some of the aspects of this friendship, I think it really added to the suspense of the whole novel.

Overall, this was a fun read, which keeps you guessing until the end. When this comes out in June, it has all the making for the perfect summer thriller, even though it might not be the perfect crime…😎🔥

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Told from the perspective of both Lee and Hazel, Harding weaves a fast-paced and thrilling story about friendship and betrayal, where no one is telling the truth and everyone has something to hide. There were so many times where I thought I had it all figured out, only to be hit with another twist that left me with my jaw on the floor.

Thanks so much to Grand Central Publishing for the advance reading copy.

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The Drowning Woman is a uniquely written domestic thriller.
Written from the POV of two ladies at turning points in their respective lives, their worlds collide in an unbelievable way , turning their futures upside-down.
There are many twists in this story that I didn't see happening, while some events fell in line with what one would assume would happen- perhaps for reasons unexpected.
I personally found it hard to comprehend how some of the characters trusted and spoke so freely with new-found "friends ". Interesting how this blind faith panned out in the end.
I will admit that the book is a page turner but was a just so-so read for me
Thanks to Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for this ARC.

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Robyn Harding had done it again. The Drowning Woman had me hooked right from the very first page. Harding’s character development has you so invested from the beginning and caring about what happens to each of them that it feels like you are truly in the book with them.
I can’t wait to see what else Robyn Harding comes up with as she is one of my favourite authors!

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