Member Reviews

It takes some buy-in but not so much that it takes away from the story.

The twists and turns are whiplash inducing, keeping the thrill factor Turned way up

In fact I was approved for this today, could not put it down and finished it in roughly 4 hours.

Robyn Harding has a gift for writing unlikable characters and it shines here. While, there is definitely a spectrum of unethical to monstrous, no one is truly innocent.

She also doesn't shy away from tough truths. The things some don't even say in private but deep down know that is what they think.

It would have been easier to write the main character as more sympathetic to the homeless, or even show growth of becoming that way. But she always shows a smug I'm above you, still, attitude.

It isn't pretty to read but there are people who believe these things, if even unconsciously.

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