Member Reviews
Publication Nov. 22, 2022
My first move after finishing this short, sweet read was to go cuddle with my own dog. Like Trooper, I consider her special, even if she's never gotten to stay in as upscale a place as the Beverly Hills Hotel or fly on Sylvester Stallone's private jet. Dogs do make us whole, however, no matter where we live or what our circumstances. Kudos to Andrea Eastman for sharing a bit of her beloved Trooper's life with us, albeit fictional from Trooper's point of view. I loved the illustrations and photos, too, and know he is missed. My furry girl sends you a lick.
To be brief, this is Trooper's story of his stay at an upscale hotel while his person was undergoing heart surgery. The hotel seems to have opened both its doors and hearts to Andrea and Trooper and I had to smile thinking of him taking his own leash in his mouth to prowl the lobby to see who was available to take him for a stroll. My girl doesn't do the leash in mouth thing but, oh, my, she does have a way of demanding, er, asking politely for a walk. In other words, this book will resonate with dog lovers everywhere, no matter their age, and the illustrations are lovely.
Thanks #NetGalley and #BooksGoSocial for letting me tag along virtually for that ride on a private jet and well-cared for stay at the hotel. This book is sure to delight not just the target audience, children, but adults and pet lovers all over. My Daisy gives it four paws up and a tail wag.
Trooper 🐶 Based on the true story of a real life dog. Well, gosh - there goes my heart 💕
I don't approve of forcing animals on planes as it's very traumatic, and it is also mentioned in this story that Trooper was afraid of planes, so I do sincerely hope that he was okay!
Aside from that worry - this is a lovely, heartwarming story which is sure to be enjoyed by anyone who has ever loved a dog.
The illustrations are absolutely stunning and I simply loved the addition of the real photos of Trooper and the hotel staff at the end.
Thank you Netgalley for the e-arc.
This was a short and quite charming story. I have to say the biggest plus of the book is in its lovely illustrations with their vibrant colour palette. You immediately fall in love with Trooper and want to follow his adventures. I wasn’t a fan of the scene with a private jet as it would be better to show kids more environmentally friendly ways of living. I don't think the story is too relatable or very original but still it is a fun little read.
This was a heartwarming and wholesome tale accompanied by beautiful artwork. While its message may seem unoriginal or overdone at first, the lesson remains powerful through the book’s format - and, overall, its basis in real-life events, places, and individuals solidifies it as more than just a cute story.
he Beverly Hills Hotel
by Susan McCauley
#TrooperattheBeverlyHillsHotel #NetGalley
How can you resist this cover? This title will be adored by both children and adults who know what it means to love a dog and be a recipient of that dog’s love. This book is based on a true story. It is beautifully illustrated and nicely written.
Trooper lives in Montana but needs to travel to California when his owner needs open heart surgery. Trooper faces his fears in getting on the plane and goes on to charm everyone at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Readers will be charmed as well.
Luckily Trooper’s owner gets better and they are able to return to Montana. There is a nice message through Trooper about how friends can be made in more than one place.
The end of the book includes photos of the real Trooper and other information. Adults may be a bit teary as they read this.
Many thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this title. All opinions are my own.
A fun kid's book. Especially for me as I grew up in Beverly Hills, but never went to the hotel. But, then again, I was never a dog. The book is cheerfully written and wonderfully illustrated. It also shows why you are wise to leave Los Angeles and move to Montana. The dog is adorable, as all dogs are, and I am sure they enjoyed their stay in Beverly Hills. Fun book, enjoyable.
This book was so sweet, it made me cry a little. Trooper was such a good boy. I love stories about real animals, and seeing his pictures and the details of his story in the back was a great addition!
Thank you netgalley for letting me review this book honestly.
Trooper's story is a sweet one, although I'm a little jealous of his Beverly Hills hotel stay.
Dogs are more then our pets they, they are our caregivers, our jesters, our companions, our antidepressants and our cuddle buddies.
I loved this story and the message that dogs can give us the strength we need to recover. Although they do not live forever they leave their mark in our lives, no matter our lifestyles