Member Reviews

With his daughter going down the wrong path and ending up in big trouble, former Texas Ranger E.J. Kane (now somewhat disgraced) is drawn into some dodgy business when working as security for an energy company.

Events are linked in a way which may not be apparent to start with, but the tenacity of E.J. and his allies start to unravel the truth piece by piece.

The story plays on rights and wrongs, to do what is expected by the law, or to follow the heart, especially as family is involved. The dynamic between E.J. and his ex-wife contributes greatly to the story.

This is a finely woven story and I'm looking forward to Jimerson's next book should it be made available on Netgalley.

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I’m not sure if the star of the story should be EJ or the East Texas setting. The mood created by locale pervades the story, and EJ, who is as tested as Job of the Old Testament is pulled in so many directions by multiple plots and characters. The story moves at a pace the keeps the reader wanting to read “just one more chapter.”

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Reading a story by a new author is always a treat. This mystery is set in East Texas and it’s obvious the author is personally invested and familiar with the regional culture. The piney woods and “Big Bubba” attitude come alive in this story. I’m always thrilled when I discover authors from my home state.
Accidents at gas wells owned by Devekon are suspicious deaths, an accident, a suicide? E.J. is corporate security for wealthy business tycoon Rex Ashe. As Devekon CEO, Rex is both mentor and boss to E.J. Besides investigating the circumstances of two deaths E. J. learns there’s an attempt to declare Rex incompetent and strip him of a lifelong legacy, the company and it’s riches
E.J.'s ex-wife, Rebecca, is a lawyer and she’s fighting for Rex as the case goes to trial. Meanwhile their daughter, Sharla, has gotten involved in substance abuse, now she’s run away, maybe missing. E.J. is spread pretty thin trying to salvage remnants of a fractured family, ascertain who’s behind the deaths at Devekon and support Rex. The local Sheriff B.B. and the Widow Ruth Welchel are colorful characters who add even more drama and flavor to the tale of revenge and greed.
E.J. is a former Ranger, but has no real legal authority to take any action. His personal life is a mess. The deep ravine his daughter has fallen into is tragic and an emotionally charged read. Can he save his daughter, uncover the truth about the deaths at Devekon and keep Rex from being committed?
I will watch for more from this author. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read “White Gold” by Micheal E. Jimerson and to Atmosphere Press. These are all my honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily without compensation.

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