Member Reviews

Buy this book. It’s amazing. We really do things to sabotage ourselves. This book contains activities and questions to get you thinking about what you do and how to change it.

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A beautiful look though how to utilize your inner light in life and how to make your life brighter. Pun intended. Highly recommend. Especially loved the reflection to true life to humanize my feelings and relate. I felt like this book was SPEAKING TO ME. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is, without a doubt, a great little book. It has a friendly feel to it, since it discusses the author’s own experiences, and the experiences of several of the clients she has helped.

Author Jennie Porter tells the reader that self sabotage is a common thing, and that those who self sabotage are not alone.

She explains that the reasons for self sabotage are many fold, and that if we don’t already know why we are doing it, then our subconscious does - it’s due to unprocessed emotions that hold us back.

Porter has put together her very own technique for releasing these unprocessed emotions from the body and mind. Porter may borrow ideas from elsewhere, such as applied kinesiology, acceptance and commitment therapy, law of attraction, prayer, the gratitude attitude, and so on, but even though the self-help genre is my favourite niche, I have never seen these different concepts put together in quite this way before. I’d say it’s unique.

I feel like it’s very much in tune with similar books out there, but what sets this book apart from all the others out there comes down to 3 main points…

The first is simplicity. Porter gives the reader an easy acronym to remember the steps of her technique, ALARM. (I won’t explain it here, you can read the book to find out what it means.) And the steps seem very easy to carry out. It’s something you can do anywhere, on your own, or with a suitable person (e.g. therapist or family member).

Secondly, it’s a very quick and easy read, so you can’t argue that you haven’t really got time to read it.

Thirdly, the idea goes beyond merely cleansing one’s body and mind of unhelpful emotions, and goes a step further to replacing those negative emotions with a more beneficial one through the use of affirmations after every release of unprocessed emotion.

Porter does an effective job of putting her message across. Her writing style is concise and relatable.

As for the efficiency of her methods, I’m not in a position to give my opinion yet. I am going to try out the techniques, but I haven’t begun this process just yet, because I’m daunted by the nature of my unprocessed emotions (I am diagnosed with mental health issues).

Some people may argue that her technique is pseudoscience, but to that I would say that it has worked for some people and it’s harmless, so there is absolutely no danger of giving it a try to see if it works for you.

When I have tried the technique, I will update my Goodreads review and let you all know how it went.

If you consider yourself someone who self sabotages, I encourage you to read this book. You’re not going to regret it.

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Full of great insight and takeaways that I will apply to my daily life go forward. Thanks netgalley & the publisher for the ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

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Feeling Stuck reaching your goals? This book could just be what you are waiting for. It could be a game changer for you to read and apply the techniques suggested in this very easy book. Each chapter has a nugget of truth in it.

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This book takes a unique perspective on 'self sabotage' and aspects of imposter syndrome whilst also utilising characteristics of theories and methods to encourage the reader to participate in reflecting on their own core beliefs; how they may have been developed and how that 'self sabotage' can be undone. Whilst these techniques may not be for everyone's liking, you will still learn something from this book, as it ignites individual reflection and questioning.

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An important reminder. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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This book.had a lot of helpful insight into imposter syndrome and how to battle through it. Imposter syndrome is something that has held me back and I hope the tips provided in this book will help me in the future.

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Interesting self-help book with pointers to help one overcome the things that prevent successes in life-both personal and work.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Absolutely yes! I really enjoyed reading this it held my interest, and provided Great info . I would definitely recommend!

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I enjoyed this book, felt it give actionable, practical tips and got straight to the point. I have gained a lot of new knowledge.

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