Member Reviews

A fun, quick read. Rawden bears both physical and emotional scars from the was and plans to never inflict himself onto a wife. That is, until he meets Patience. The chemistry is combustible when these two meet. The "sizzling" excerpts are a bit overdone and in some cases unnecessary. That being said, I did enjoy the storyline and would definitely recommend.
Thank you Barbara Devlin, Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me an advance copy for my honest feedback.

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I liked this one better. I like the chemistry of Rawden and Patience. I feel that Rawden has a more consistent characterization than Anthony in the first book. This has more smut than the last one to the point it became tiring. The story also has the same pattern as the previous book. It just too predictable after a while.

Thank you Netgalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the ARC copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Could Love Heal This Wounded Hero?

Rawden did not intend to fall in love, but he almost lost her and realized that the die was cast. There was no choice for this wounded hero. He had already fallen, hook, line, and sinker. However, he thought that Patience deserved someone not as damaged as he was, but the lady, despite her initial reluctance, finally saw Rawden for who he was.

Between Patience's father, who was ready to sell her to the highest bidder and Rawden's mysterious blackmail letters, the two had quite a few challenges to overcome. This book kept me engaged from beginning to end. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to those who like Regency romance with a wounded hero, a bit of suspense, and a mystery to solve.

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I have always enjoyed Barbara Devlin's book and The accidental groom is not the exception. I enjoyed the characters. They were interesting and well developed. The story was interesting as well. Great book!

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Miss Patience Wallace knows she needs a wealthy husband and needs one as soon as possible. She’s wearing her late mother’s clothes which are dated and tatted. Her house is barely furnished after selling off anything which might have value and isn’t bolted down. She’s also forgotten what food which isn’t seconds tastes like. And all because her father has accumulated gambling debts and has no assets left to cash in… except for one. His daughter.

Lord Rawden Durant, Earl of Beaulieu, wasn’t looking for a wife but finds himself engaged to Patience when he catches her father in the process of trying to sell her to the highest bidder. He’s been enthralled by Patience since they met but she could not make her disdain for him any clearer. Deciding being his Countess is preferable to being her father’s chattel, Patience resigns herself to marrying the handsome, enigmatic, battle scarred Earl. Can they help each other defeat their demons and learn to love or are they doomed to have a loveless marriage held together by nothing more than obligation and honour?

I’m a sucker for a story with good banter and these two have the most delicious conversations. From the very first chapter and a chance encounter at the market, Patience and Rawden captivated me with their chemistry and witty remarks. Both of them long for something more to the lives which they are living. Patience wants a family and love and not to have to worry about what the ton think of her financial situation or where her next meal is coming from. It’s a little more complicated for Rawden who suffers from the post war trauma - both physical and mental. There’s some mystery and some action and drama but the focus really is the budding relationship between Patience and Rawden. Patience might think the opposite of love is hate but it’s indifference and she’s never been indifferent to the Earl. There’s something about both these characters neither can ignore even when their presence in their life is distracting and irritating. I loved their interactions.

I have not read the previous book in the Mad Matchmaker series but it wasn’t necessary. We do get to know Rawden and Patience’s friends rather well from this book and it’s not very hard to work out how everything slots together in their world. I liked the romance and more steamy scenes but I equally enjoyed watching Rawden go into soldier mode too. It’s an entertaining story with a satisfying ending. I hope to continue this series in the future and learn more about the other Mad Matchmakers.

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Thank you Dragonblade Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

There’s something about this book that made me like it, but dislike it at the same time. For the dislike, I think the pace was slow and the threat plot was a bit unnecessary. It SHOULD be important, but somehow the overall tone made it not really, even as it was part of the climax.

I loved the relationship progress and how patient Patience was (see what I did there? Aha!) with him. And the emotional scenes got to me, really made me cry, too. I love the redemption, the realisation (duh, this is HR hero of course they can’t love and whatnot) and the friendships with Mad Matchmakers. I love them all.

The language is quite heavy for me, though.

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This is the second book in the Mad Matchmakers of Waterloo series. With flawed and realistic characters, this was an emotional and heartbreaking story. I became engrossed from the very beginning and it kept my interest all the way through. Rawden comes back from the war injured both physically and emotionally. He carries a tortured soul and doesn't want to marry, even though he does care deeply for Patience. Patience has been let down by her father. He gambled away all her dowry and her only hope now is to find a husband. Rawden admires Patience from afar, but when he discovers she is in need of help, he doesn't hesitate to step in and help her. As Patience spent more time with him, she got to know the true Rawden and sees him for who he really is. She will do anything to convince him they should be together.
This was a very emotional story that really pulls at your heartstrings. My heart broke for Rawden and all that he had been through and Patience was the perfect balm for all his wounds. A beautiful story!
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Injured at Quatre Bras, Lord Rawden Durant, Earl of Beaulieu, suffers permanent emotional and physical wounds. Hiding a dark secret, he fears exposure that would destroy him. He does not want a wife, and he never intends to marry. Like his friends, the Mad Matchmakers, he battles enemies real and imagined, which an unknown villain exploits. When Rawden discovers the dreadful circumstances faced by the lady he desires, he makes an offer he never expected and finds himself engaged to the woman of his dreams.


The daughter of a disgraced general, Miss Patience Wallace teeters on the brink of insolvency and ruin. Given her position in society, which defines her as chattel, she must stand by helplessly when her father sells her in marriage to her nemesis, the Earl of Beaulieu. But all is not as it seems, as she surrenders to Beaulieu’s kisses. When the brash warrior bares an irresistible, vulnerable boyishness, she alters her course.

Thus, Patience embarks on a monumental task to help the tormented veteran break free of his painful past and learn to live and love again.

A fun, quick read, finished in just under an hour. Some funny moments helped to keep the book moving.

Thank you to @netgalley for a copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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Patience is struggling with her everday living needs due to her father's gambling and disinterest. Rawden is struggling (PTSD) from memories and scars from his time in the military, especially at Quatre Bras. Enjoyed seeing these two characters come together.
Thank you Barbara Devlin for writing a story about PTSD, and the individuals who care and love those who suffer from PTSD.
This story had romance, danger, family betrayal, and kidnapping which was more than enough to keep my attention throughout the story.

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~3.5 stars~

I quite enjoyed the emotional depth of this book. So many romantic relationships in books seem based more on physical attraction than true connection, but Rawden and Patience really got to know one another on a deeper level. There was so much vulnerability expressed by the main characters, and everyone—no matter the physical or mental ailments they suffered—was treated with care and dignity. The slight mystery/suspense subplot was also interesting, and there were a few surprise twists and turns. I was pretty surprised by the villain reveal.

However, I was disappointed and somewhat confused by some of the book's sentiments. The romantic relationships were occasionally strangely formal, and the women were extremely focused on pleasing their men. They, at times, seemed subservient, which was at odds with how they were described in other parts of the book. While this may've been the author's attempt to convey the societal expectations of that time, it still felt out of place. Furthermore, the book was longer than it needed to be. There were numerous scenes that were rather superfluous and could've been removed to increase the novel's pace.

Overall, this was a sweet, if a bit slow, story of love and redemption. I recommend it to those who enjoy historical romances.

*I received an ARC of this novel. This is my complete and honest review.*

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The Accidental Groom by Barbara Devlin is a thoughtful romance between two unlikely participants. Patience Wallace is a young woman who has been let down by the world, in the form of her father. He has gambled and drunk away every penny, including her dowry and her mother’s jointure. Her only hope is a husband but how is that to happen when her clothing is threadbare and there is no furniture in her house? She is almost distraught at the way she is treated by members of the ton. Rawden, Lord Beaulieu is an earl but was in the army. Amy didn’t realized he had a title as he fought along with his men. He is hailed as a hero, but he doesn’t see himself that way. He suffers from what this modern world calls PTSD and survivor’s guilt. He doesn’t see himself falling in love because he believes his heart is gone. He feels for this young woman, however, and vows to help her any way he can, including finding her a husband. He vetoes every suggestion, mostly because he wants he for himself.

Rawden is a good man, a little self-centered, and certain he is right about everything. He is generous, almost to a fault, and is quick to help those in need. He has good friends, and lives a mostly comfortable life. Patience is a lovely young woman who simply wants to be loved. Her best friend, Arabella is married, and is loved and she is envious. She is frustrated with her father and with her situation but is not prepared to sell herself to the lowest bidder. She sees Rawden for who he is and is willing to do anything to have him love her, even when he tells her he can’t. Good plot, excellent story, and lovely characters. I recommend it.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of The Accidental Groom by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #BarbaraDevlin #TheAccidentalGroom

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Rawden Durrant, Earl of Beaulieu, captain in the British army, wears the scars of his service in the loss of an eye and the terrible guilt he survived while others he commanded died. His fear of truly being a coward is reinforced by anonymous letters. His infatuation with Patience Wallace, daughter of General Wallace, reaches beyond his usual level when he decides she is more than a mistress, but must be his wife. Patience may be naive, but she is willing to learn what it takes to help Rawden with his nightmares and guilt. Rawden says he doesn't believe in love, but all it takes is the fear of losing Patience that changes his mind. The Mad Matchmakers continue to support each other through love and the war within themselves to survive. Much humor and open door steam.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I did not read the first book in the series but after reading this one, it sounds equally interesting and now I have to read it! But, it was not necessary to enjoy reading this book.

There was the usually back and forth with the characters but this time there was so much pain in their relationship so you really were hoping that they could get their HEA!

I loved that Patience had Arabella to help her along as she prepared for her marriage (and marriage bed) and these two couples were definitely not the normal pattern of marriage where the husband seeks a more adventurous playmate outside of the marriage (mistress).

The person behind the notes was a surprise that I did not see coming and followed the red herrings in the story so it was a real surprise when the culprit was revealed.

Can't wait for the next match as these guys seriously need help! They have no clue on how to woo a woman or what a woman is looking for in a

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The Accidental Groom is about a hero from Quatre Bras, who suffers from PTSD and the daughter of a general.
The steamy parts felt more like a filler, didn’t add anything to the story.

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I did find that the book was entertaining when the humorist moments between the characters took place. I really did enjoy the romantic courtship between Rawdin and Patience. I did get a little irritated by Patience as she walked around with everyone waiting on her hand and foot. She didn’t contribute anything to the book of her being a strong woman.

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The Accidental Groom is the second captivating and intensely emotional story in the Mad Matchmaking Men of Waterloo series. It is another look at the horrible memories of the battlefield and the difficulty adapting to life back home. This is the story of Lord Rawden Durant, Earl of Beaulieu, and Miss Patience Wallace, the daughter of a disgraced general. Rawden is a war hero, even though he believes he is not and suffers guilt for having survived when so many of his men did not. An unknow villain seems to believe the same about him and is setting him up for blackmail. Patience’s situation is dire. Rawden rescues her the peril her father has caused. Like the first book, this one is filled with intrigue, danger, family betrayal, and even a kidnapping. The Mad Matchmakers are great characters. They support each other in any way needed, including helping to find brides. Even in the face of war-time scars and other serious situations, conversations amongst these friends are full of wit and humor. The kidnapper and blackmailer? That’s a surprise. This is a compelling story with strong characters, a happily ever after, and a tantalizing epilogue with a hint of what might be next.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily reviewing it.

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I missed the first book. (I will probably go buy it.) But I didnt feel like I needed to. This book explains everything from the first one. I enjoyed the playing with the main couple and although the book mentions what happens in the bedroom., it doesn't go into great detail, which I find refreshing. I enjoyed the book and the way Devlin writes is engaging.
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book

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The Accidental Groom by Barbara Devlin is book two in her Mad Matchmakers of Waterloo series and I enjoyed the story, the characters were realistic and flawed, and the plot is packed with raw emotion. This story follows injured war veteran Lord Rawden Durant, Earl of Beaulieu, and the daughter of a disgraced general, Miss Patience Wallace. These two have to overcome numerous challenges and neither of them are blameless when it comes to creating some needless heartache, eventually they do get their HEA. I will be waiting for the next book in this series.

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to review. 🦄

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The Accidental Groom has loads of potential but just didn’t jell for me. I loved the idea of the series, and this story however I found the chemistry lacking.

A Dragonblade ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.

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I found this novel terribly sad, but it made me grateful for the modern facilities we enjoy today when having to deal with real-life situations, which were not available to the folk of the Regency era. The Earl of Beaulieu is hiding behind more than his eye patch after his injury in the Napoleonic War, a war that left his gentle soul devastated from witnessing the worst carnage one can imagine. He has been attracted to Miss Patience Wallace from afar, a quiet beauty who brings out the schoolboy in him. As far as Patience is concerned Rawden is her nemesis, that is until he becomes her protector from her father's machinations. There were times when I despaired of the couple and although they had to go through one difficulty after the next, they came through stronger and more aware than ever of their compatibility. That is until Patience's life is put in danger and Rawden and his friends race to the rescue. Although part of a series, the novel is a standalone and comes to a really good conclusion. I received a copy of this romance as a gift and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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