Member Reviews

This was my first ever book by Jeneva Rose, but I have plenty of friends who rant and rave about her so I was very excited to get this advanced copy. I went in blind, not knowing what to expect and I was more than pleasantly surprised. This book is offputting from the jump. All the characters are unreliable, and there was just an overwhelming sense of dread, waiting to see what exactly would happen. It felt like being at the top of a roller coaster waiting for that first drop, not knowing that the drop wouldn’t come until the end of the book. It was very reminiscent of a popcorn thriller… like a movie that you just turn on, not expecting to be as drawn into it, and then you’re inevitably hooked. I finish this book in one day, because I literally could not put it down. This book has one of my favorite endings that I have read in a long time. I love a book where everyone gets what they deserve, good or bad, so this was right up my alley. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in search of a quick read who wants to be entertained, and loves a good twist in a story.

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3.5 stars, rounded down for plot
I was highly anticipating this book and I kind of forgot how my experience with Jeneva Rose books went... this one was similar so if you've loved her other books, you'll likely love this one too!

YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE was more of a romantic thriller, for me. The first half of the book was largely character-driven with the two main characters getting to know each other and developing feelings (or at least feelings of lust) for each other. The character dynamics were really the biggest part of the first 50%, at least for me. I was a little disappointed to only have small hints dropping about what might be lying underneath the surface for that long, and things finally started to pick up later.

The last few chapters of this book are absolutely unhinged and I loved it. I just wish there had been more suspense outside of dream sequences earlier in the book. The writing was a little blunt and repetitive. Yes, we know her eyes are "blue blue". Enough. Saying it 2-3 times is plenty... we don't need to hear it 13 times (exaggeration. I didn't count, but it was a lot).

I just wish the pacing and excitement of the plot had been spread out a bit more. I would have loved some more unhinged feelings in the beginning... something that felt a little more suspenseful. I just didn't get that vibe until much later and some of the side character drama could have been cut to spend more time letting the two MCs actually investigate one another and be suspicious instead of just flirting all the time. (I guess romantic thrillers aren't really my thing? Can you tell?)

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Thank you Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I want to start out by saying I LOVED The Perfect Marriage & was extremely excited for this one. But, ultimately, I felt like this book fell flat for me. I wasn't really that captivated by any of the characters in the book and felt like the romance side of this wasn't executed well. It wasn't very believable for me that the characters, especially with all the circumstances surrounding the AIRBNB, would 'fall in love' as quickly as they did. 80 percent of this book had me a little bored, but the ending was still quite crazy. That part redeemed some of the book for me. I do really think this was way more of an attempt at a romantic suspense novel when I was expecting more of a thriller

FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall, this book had more of a romance aspect to it and I didn't think that part was fleshed out well enough. The twist at the end still shocked me. There were parts that just weren't believable for me and affected how I felt about the characters.

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I just finished reading You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose and here is my review.

Booking an AirBNB is something Grace Evans does once a year to get away from her busy life. A ranch in Wyoming is where she is heading and she is excited to get some RnR…. It doesn’t hurt that the owner is the handsome Calvin Wells….

Things aren’t exactly what Grace was hoping for. The last person to rent the room supposedly never made it there and is now missing. Despite whatever doubts Grace has about coming she and Calvin start to grow close.

The problem is Calvin seems to be hiding something and his infatuation is getting to stalker level creeper. Calvin thinks there is a nefarious reason as to why Grace would pick his ranch to vacation from New York and it is setting his teeth on edge.

This fling could end in a lot more than just normal heartbreak.

I found this a pretty entertaining read. It wasn’t the quickest pace thriller but it certainly didn’t lull either. I didn’t find the storyline to be earth shattering either. There was a twist right at the end that you could kind of see coming too. It was a solid read though and should keep any thriller lover reading until the very end.

I thought the character development could have been a bit better but honestly, it was worth the read. The author is pretty talented and I will be keeping an eye out for more from them.

3.5 stars thank you @netgalley and @blackstonepublishing for my gifted copy

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This was a twist thriller that I read in 2 days. It was slow going at first but about halfway through it picked up. The ending was really good! I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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I wasn't a big fan of this author's previous books, but I wanted to give this one a chance. But I had the same issue - the things the characters did just didn't make sense, it was not believable. Same reaction to The Perfect Marriage. Oh well.

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I... have no words?

This is my first "thriller romance" and I think that I will read more? This is also my first Jeneva Rose book.

Grace decides to plan her vacations by throwing a dart at a place on a map and staying at an airbnb, so she ends up in Wyoming, at Calvins. You read from both Calvin and Grace's POV as the 10 day trip unfolds. Calvin falls for Grace immediately and it seems like she falls right back. The townspeople are questioning Grace as she seems suspicious, but Calvin is also seeming suspicious. What will happen?

NGL I was grossed out with the romance between these two because Calvin seemed icky from the start! You think that one thing will happen, but Jenenva throws you for some loops! This book creeped me out in more ways than one, but I can't say it didn't keep me interested. I don't think that I would buy my own copy, but I can see why many people are a fan of her work. I am excited to read her other two books... I hope I like them more. I think I went into this one overhyped about it. Sorry!!

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Are you going on a vacation, maybe staying in an Airbnb? Then this is the book for you to read on that trip. I thought it was going to be a thriller but I would say it is more a love story wrapped around a mystery that ends with all the trills. I loved the dual points of view. I loved not knowing where this was going or who was telling the truth. It was a slow burn but worth it. The end is absolutely perfect. I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did but I truly loved the characters and felt Jeneva did a fanatic job weaving this entire story together.
Thank you to NetGalley, Jeneva Rose & Black Stone publishing for this ARC. The book is already out so go get a copy!!

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Ever since I read The Perfect Marriage, I have wanted to read every new book by Jeneva Rose. This book was unputdownable. I knew there were going to be major twists, but still couldn't predict everything. It took you down so many paths and possibilities. Not sure what the mountain lion thing was about or why so many animals were involved in gory things. I'm still trying to figure that part out unless it was just to throw the reader off somehow. The heads part was also a little much. That's the only reason I am not giving this 5 stars. It was very enjoyable and I would recommend!

Thank you so much to #Negalley and the publishers for this advanced readers' copy for an honest review

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Unfortunately, this was a bit of a disappointment for me. The AirBnB setting would have been good premise if it didn't fall flat by the characters that revolve around this story. Whoever they got to portray Calvin for the audiobook was too creepy, but it didn't help that the writing and dialogue for him was also cringey and gross. And Grace just felt too much like an airhead for me. Hard to believe this was categorized as a thriller when it took until maybe the last 10% of the story to really turn into anything outside of a creepy love triangle featuring a character who has only been on the scene for less than a week.

Might have to accept defeat and that this author just isn't for me. Even the big reveal at the end couldn't redeem this "thriller" for me. There was no lead up or clues that would lead a reader to the conclusion that wound up occurring. This was also the case with her previous novel where I walked away unsatisfied.

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This was one of my most anticipated reads for 2023 and I will say that I enjoyed it. Definitely know that it feels more like a suspenseful CoHo romance until 90% in and then it goes full thriller. I devoured this in two sittings and the building suspense kept me turning the pages. There was so much foreshadowing that I just knew the crap was going to hit the fan eventually and when it finally did…wow! The big twist was not at all what I was expecting. I’m still not sure how I feel about the twist, but I will say that overall, I had a great time reading this!

Thanks to Netgalley and Blackstone Pub for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

This wasn’t particularly well-written, and the dialogue was SO so cheesy and made the characters seem like caricatures…however it was a damn fun and quick read. An Airbnb stay gone very good…and then very bad. This novel couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a steamy romance or a nail biting mystery, but I didn’t mind. Definitely what I’d call a guilty pleasure read.

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QUICK TAKE: I really struggled with this book. Both characters are tropey and clearly hiding dark secrets (she can't "find" her insurance card and ID, his traumatic backstory keeps changing and he **gasp** likes franks and beans), that the main storyline basically services a truly out-of-left-field final act twist that just felt so unearned (and also made me loathe the female character even more than I possibly thought I could). Not for me.

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3.5 rounded up to 4. This book was a slow burn. It felt slow but it intrigued me to keep me reading. Once it started to get really going I was hooked and couldn't stop reading. I had to know what was going on! And the end I did not see coming! I think my only reasoning for the lower rating was I am not a huge fan of romance type books and it started out more romance than thriller and that's what made it hard for me to get through the beginning but if you are a romance and thriller lover then this is the perfect book for you!!

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Going into this one blind, I had no idea what to expect. The first half of this was a bit too romance-y for me, but the mystery behind what was going to go down made me easily binge this in just a few sittings.

I was suspicious of every character from the very start and honestly, didn't know what to think of the two main ones. I still question some of the MC's stupid decisions though I can justify why they were made by the time I got to the end. There were some really memorable (horror) visuals and scenes but some moments that had my jaw dropping...and not exactly in a good way. 🤣

Though I thought the outcome was a bit predictable, I completely enjoyed the ride and would recommend to anyone looking for a quick and addicting thriller read. You won't catch me sharing an airbnb with anyone anytime soon.

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Grace Evans is in need of a break from her life in Manhattan and books an AirBnB at a ranch in Wyoming run by Calvin Wells. She instantly gets a bad vibe from the ranches isolation and the lack of cell reception. She is also concerned to find that the Wi-Fi isn't working but she decides to put these feelings aside and do her best to relax. Attraction builds between the two and a vacation romance starts to bloom. However, a series of strange circumstances quickly turns that attraction to fear. Grace soon learns that the last girl to book Calvin's AirBnB never checked in and is considered missing. Calvin begins to think that Grace is hiding something from him and that her reasons for coming to Wyoming might not be what she has claimed. As the end of Grace's stay approaches it seems clear that Calvin's interest in her might border on obsession. With so many secrets floating around it is hard to know what the truth is and who to trust. You'll be left guessing until the very end! This is a thriller that even Scott can appreciate! (Note to Scott: This is the space where you are meant to leave your book review).

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I was a little disappointed with this one. I love a good thriller and I love a good locked room/remote location drama, but this was just so disjointed. It felt like a draft that still needed a LOT of editing. Obviously, I read this as an ARC, so there's an expectation of minor tweaks, but the storyline itself just felt unfinished.

Grace, a big city woman travels to a small town in Wyoming for ten days in an airbnb with handsome host Calvin. Immediately there are things that she isn't happy with: lack of wifi, cell phone service, creepy gas station attendant, a missing woman, and a general weirdness in the town. But she has chemistry with Calvin and so she sticks it out. There is family drama between Calvin and seemingly everyone in the town: his brother, his female friends who help out on the farm, the sheriff. There are tons of twists and turns but none of it really comes together in a climactic pay off and none of it really fits together in a satisfying storyline.

Thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have really enjoyed Jeneva Rose's books in the past and I was excited to give YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE a try. I was initially engaged but the plot lost momentum and languished a bit for me until the 80% mark. The ending felt a bit rushed to me and I would have enjoyed the story more had it kept me more interested up until this point. Overall this was a quick and breezy read that many will enjoy poolside this summer. I will continue to read whatever Jeneva Rose writes next as she is clearly a talented author.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an electronic ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Rating- 4.5 stars rounded off to 5

Jeneva Rose deserves a Ph.D in writing twisty thrillers!

Thanks NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for the ARC!

A romantic thriller set in an isolated Airbnb in rural Wyoming! Need I say more ??

“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦” is a deliciously dark thriller that “𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘉𝘦 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨” 😉😂

Synopsis -

Grace Evans is looking for a break from her routine mundane life as a banker in New York. Heading to Wyoming for a relaxing vacation in an Airbnb ranch house, she meets the owner Calvin Wells. Chemistry sparks between them, but Grace is sensing several anomalies with the house, the town and even suspects Calvin - who might be too quick in falling for Grace.

Review -

The dual POVs of Grace and Calvin got me hooked instantly. Rose brilliantly assimilates all the eclectic ingredients to create a jaw-dropper of a psychological thriller – the isolation, unreliable narrators, a creepy house and awry incidents that turn your brain into a think tank full of questions, speculation and suspicion.

The initial attraction between Grace and Calvin soon turns into freaky obsession – which is when I didn’t know who or what to believe anymore, so I just had to go with the flow.

With some weird townsfolks thrown into the mix and Grace’s countdown for the end of her vacation – the tension and curiosity become unbearable.

Just like her other books 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘜𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 and 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘦, the climax is typical Jeneva Rose – juicy, full of chaos, manipulation and clever deception all resulting in a hard hitting gut punch😱 - if only you could suspend a bit of disbelief, as well as let’s just say - one of the more common and heavily used thriller tropes in the recent times🙃.

Overall, I enjoyed this page turner with a unique idea that blends romance and domestic thriller genres!

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Grace rented an Airbnb in a remote town in Wyoming, hoping for a relaxing week away from her everyday life. When she arrives she’s pleasantly surprised to find the owner, Calvin is handsome and charming. And although the lack of cell service, broken car, and reports of a missing women cause Grace to feel uneasy she decides to stay.

As the days pass Grace and Calvin spend more and more time together. Despite multiple incidents and concerns from Calvin’s family and friends, they continue to grow closer. But as her departure date nears the two are left wondering what is next.

This story is told in dual POV which I absolutely love, especially with thrillers. However the pace was a little slower especially in the beginning. I understand having suspense that slowly builds but this was too slow.

Throughout the story there is this creepy and sinister vibe lurking. (Which I know is the point but man did it hit the mark there, I was left feeling kind of unsettled.)You can tell something is wrong but it’s so hard to pinpoint exactly what it is. The use of red herrings and slight hints was honestly perfect. There was a moment in the book I began to suspect the main twist but there were multiple other red herrings that kept me guessing. And even though I had inklings to the main twist, I never saw the full twist coming.

This is my first by this author but I will definitely be going through her backlist!

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