Member Reviews

A well written story about 19th century London and the prevalence of seances at that time. It's not something I've ever had any real interest, or indeed belief in, but nonetheless an intriguing murder mystery. Lenna is determined to find out what really happened to her sister Evie - who murdered her and why. For me, the story got better as the novel went on and I loved all the twists that kept unravelling. A good read and and a postcript from the author, at the end of the book which gives loads of interesting facts about how funerals were conducted, mourning periods etc, during those times.

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I seem to be in the minority with this but the beginning was too slow and I just couldn't get into it, ultimately making it a DNF for me. Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity though.

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This was a fun read that kept my attention. I really enjoyed the Lost Apothecary so I wanted to read this right away. I liked the independent, head-strong female characters and learning more about the spiritualism fad at that time. I had heard a little about it before, and the interest in seances, mediums, etc., so it was interesting to have it incorporated into a story. I liked the comparisons between London and Paris society, including the different ways same-sex relationships were considered. The description and actions of the men's club added to the interest of the story, and I liked the author's note at the end out the existence of the club and others like it. The mystery of the story was good, and it unraveled at a good pace with some clues that kept me guessing. I can see this being a good mystery book club selection. The author's additions at the end were a nice touch- the mourning practices of the time, including a few recipes, were unexpected but welcome. I would recommend this title to anyone who likes historical fiction, is interested in spiritualism, the occult, tarot, etc., or LGBTQ+ characters. I'm sure my library will purchase this title in print and ebook/eaudiobook.

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In Victorian England, Lenna Wickes is apprenticing with renowned medium Vaudeline D’Allair to find out what happened to her sister Evie, who was killed under mysterious circumstances on Halloween night. Through alternating points of view, we follow Lenna and Mr. Morley, the Vice President of the Department of Spiritualism in the London Seance Society, as Lenna uncovers what happened that fateful night.

This is a mystery set in 1873 Paris and London, with women making their own way despite the limitations of Victorian convention, ambitious and avaricious men, and, of course, seances. It’s atmospheric and interesting, taking us into worlds such as a select London gentlemen’s club, a brothel, and a chateau. The sisters’ relationship plays a strong part in the plot, as does Evie’s growing relationship with her mentor Vaudeline. Other themes are the tension between science and the supernatural, between reason and emotion.

While the story feels a little slow in the beginning, it picks up further in. Some surprising twists add originality and intensity in the second half of the novel, and there are some strong suspenseful scenes, climaxing in a seance that reveals the murderer. At times, however, I can still feel the authorial strings on the plot. There’s also some stereotypical tendency toward good, loving, and brave women vs evil, scheming men. It seemed as if the characters would be more complex at points during the novel, but ultimately it resolved in a more black-and-white (less interesting) way.

Still, this is an enjoyable read for anyone interested in Victoriana, Spiritualism and seances, gothic novels, historical fiction with empowered women, and lesbian/queer re-visioning of 19th century stories. I recommend it.

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I enjoyed this! Ghosts , mediums , murder mystery? Sign me up. Sarah really knows how to take you back and time and slowly unwind an exquisitely beautiful gothic tale.
The suspension and tension was well done and had me flipping through until the final page.
I have yet to read her other works, I've had the lost apothecary sitting on my shelf and after reading this I'll be diving right in.

Thank you netgalley for providing me an arc for an honest review.

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Magical realism, spirits, and murder from the author of THE LOST APOTHECARY.

Sarah Penner's sophomore novel is atmospheric and full of dark magic, with a writing style that has matured and seasoned from her debut. The plot lines felt better-controlled, and the plucky investigative heroine was given greater depth. I liked the book's LGBTQ+ representation, and enjoyed the extra content at the end, which explains more about mourning rituals and even includes some recipes.

I thought the plot's pacing could've been a little quicker; at times there was a lot of filler, observations of surroundings or characters' thoughts that could've been trimmed down, but I enjoyed this one overall and look forward to seeing how the author's writing style continues to evolve.

Thank you to Park Row Books for the gifted ARC! THE LONDON SEANCE SOCIETY releases March 21!

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Overall I really enjoyed this book, and I loved that the ending really kept me on my toes, there were so many twists that really surprised me.

I thought that the book was quite slow until the end when it all really picked up the pace. I also thought that a lot of thoughts were repeated which felt like space filler, conversations and scenarios were not realistic (after a violent fight were unrealistically calm), and that more attention could have been given to the relationship between Vaudeline and Lenna which, I felt like, was forgotten about frequently.

I really enjoyed Sarah's writing style and I thought the storyline was fantastic. I don't think anyone could have guessed what would happen in this book! All the characterisations were really well-developed and, again, kept me on my toes. The changes between POVs was really great, and it was really smart that the reader knew what happened before some of the other characters because of the POVs. I love the additions at the front and end of the book, they're really unique, and Sarah's acknowledgements at the end was beautiful.

I would really recommend this book. I haven't read Sarah's debut novel The Lost Apothecary before, but I'm really interested in reading it now!

Thank you again NetGalley, Sarah Penner and Legend Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Review has been posted on Goodreads.

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Ok this book was super interesting. Really great historical fiction with a dash of suspense. I loved the overload of information on witchy stuff, I've never been a part of one or really even know what goes on in a traditional seance, but I absolutely loved getting immersed in the medium culture. I really enjoyed this one. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

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A really decent mystery novel - wrapped up in alchemy and apparitions but really a mystery at its core. I enjoyed Lenna as a protagonist, I was always willing her to find the answers about her sister. Weaving the seance element into it worked well, always moving the plot forward while creating a spooky atmosphere. I did find the shifting perspectives a struggle to follow at times but overall enjoyable.

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I received this from netgalley in exchange for a review.

Sarah Penner has written an intriguing historical murder mystery combined with spiritualism and ghosts that I really enjoyed. I loved Lenna and Vaudeline, and how their relationship evolved as they learned more about each other. I was glad Lenna took the steps to not being afraid to explore their relationship and that at the end, it seems they will be happy together for some time.

The main plot of the book revolves around the non-connected murders of Lenna’s sister and the head of the London Seance Society - a men’s group that performs seance’s to help London’s grieving community. But are they connected? Is that really what the group is doing? I enjoyed how the plot unfolded until the ultimate reveals - enough of surprise and also expected items to make reading this enjoyable.

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Amazing read, I really love anything to do with the paranormal and this didn’t let me down. I really like Evie’s character and her hunt for the truth…
I really enjoyed the pov of both characters Evie and Mr Morley, gives the reader a chance to see what’s happening in the present and a few months before..
For me it read like a cosy mystery, with ghosts and spirits thrown in.
It was like stepping back in time to the Victorian era, with the horse drawn carriage, the lantern’s they used and the way the characters spoke. It’s a must read! Brilliant 5 star historical thriller.

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Having adored Penner’s first novel so much, it absolutely kills me to give this one a two-star review. This time around the characters were archetypes with little interesting development, the plot was predictable (trust me, you know what’s going to happen by the third chapter) and somehow the ending still felt rushed with lots of hand waving to make all the details work. Now, I do have to say that some aspects of what I enjoyed about Penner’s previous work shines here. The research is obviously thorough , this is 100% a story written by someone with a passion for history. The atmosphere is pretty spot on, this feels spooky and thriller-like even when the action is lackluster. Penner’s prose shines, the narrative here just fell short for me. Granted, if I wasn't comparing this directly to The Lost Apothecary, it might have been a much higher-rated read. I am hoping this is just a one-off that didn't do it for me and that I get chance to read more from this author even if this one was a miss.

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<blockquote>"Established in 1860, the mission of the London Séance Society is to provide clairvoyance and mediumship services throughout the city of London, with the intent of providing peace to mourners and satisfying the populace's growing curiosity about the afterlife."</blockquote>
In Sarah Penner's sophomore novel, "The London Séance Society", we meet one miss Lenna Wickes who is trying to find out who murdered her sister. Despite being a skeptic regarding anything afterlife-related, the need to solve Evie's death sees Lenna becoming renowned medium Vaudeline d'Allaire's apprentice. Under Vaudeline's tutorship, Lenna will find out that another gruesome murder took place the night Evie died; that there's a lot more to the mysterious London Séance Society than it seems; and that the spirit world might be more real, and more dangerous, than she ever thought.

Through the winding streets of Victorian London, and in the hushed backrooms of upperclass houses, this novel takes place in an exquisitely Gothic manner. There's a certain melancholy to Penner's writing, a certain delight in the dark details of the tale, that make this a perfect read for stormy nights in front of a fireplace—or, if you're like me and don't have one, in front of a YouTube video of fireplace ASMR. Filled with ghosts, mystery, and tangled deceit, this was an excellent read for the rainy week we've had where I live, and I was mesmerised by the tale Penner has spun.

Our main character, Lenna, is an exceptionally intelligent young woman who loved her sister enough to plunge into a supernatural world of séances and mediumships she doesn't believe in, if only in case it'll lead her to Evie's murderer. Despite her lack of belief in anything that can't be explained by science, Lenna finds herself growing ever closer to her mentor, the elegant and renowned Vaudeline d'Allaire, who has more than one trick up her sleeve. Even though Lenna and Vaudeline start off student and teacher, they soon develop a much tighter bond, which evolved right before my eyes in a heartwarming way. I was really fond of these two women—but also really intrigued about whether they would get this or that resolution, since more than one character's doings kept twisting reality and messing with Lenna's head. I was really glad to find that, despite being women in a Victorian society that held little to no sympathy towards females, Lenna and Vaudeline didn't allow any man to step on them and their skills. As misogynistic as many male characters were, this book was also filled with strong female characters who stood their ground, and I was absolutely delighted to watch them thrive.

This book has another narrator: mister Morley, one of the most important men in the London Séance Society, who hides a deep insecurity and secrets he would do anything to keep safe. Morley's chapters, unlike Lenna's, were told in first person, and it was really intriguing to go down that path and see things from his point of view. I believe that seeing things through his eyes really added to the mystery, and the eventual unfolding of the truth—no matter how much I disliked him personally, I was really fascinated by him as a character.

Although the story took a bit to truly capture me, once I got into the rhythm of it I was hooked. I felt like I would've liked a slightly broader plot, but everything tied up nicely; and there were a couple of plottwist that, although previsible, nonetheless made me gasp and hold my chest. I was entertained all along, and I would, without a doubt, recommend this book to everyone who enjoys good murder mysteries, spirit world reads, and strong females proving misogynistic times wrong!

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC of 'The London Seance Society' by Sarah Penner

I'm going to be honest, I couldn't explain this book even if I got paid to. I didnt know what was going on and I felt my mind was being reduced to mush. It saddens me to write this review because there's probably a mass of people who will love and worship this book but I really didn't enjoy it.

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Thank you NetGalley and Legend Press for the eARC of The London Seance Society in exchange for my honest review.

I found The London Seance Society quite entertaining once the plot picked up and we got to the thick of it. Victorian London/Paris was the perfecting setting for this murder mystery. I loved the relationship between the women in the novel and how they supported each other throughout it.

The ending was very satisfying the fitting to the entire book! I would definitely recommend if you're a fan of mystery/thrillers

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Thank you to @netgalley and Legend Press for the ARC.

Set in London and Paris in Victorian times when the occult, seances, and spiritualism were popular, this one kept me intrigued.

Lenna is essentially a non-believer but she’s studying under Vaudeline, a famous medium who solves murders through seances. Her goal is to solve her sister’s murder. When Vaudeline is asked to return to London to solve the murder of The London Seance Society’s president, Lenna goes with. But something is amiss and soon the two women find themselves in the middle of a messy investigation where characters are not who they seem to be.

Told through alternating POV, the story was entertaining, albeit a bit slow at the beginning. I enjoyed the 2nd half and found the ending to be very satisfying. There are hints of a F/F romance which I didn’t think contributed anything to the storyline and was distracting - I skimmed past those parts. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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2.5 stars rounded up.

Considering I didnt finish The Lost Apothecary, I was wary of this novel. But the occult, Victorian times, London and Paris was too much of a draw.

The elements of the story were good but the execution lacking. Morley was an unreliable narrator but didn't even need to be a POV in my opinion. I'd have preferred Lenna and Vaudeline to be a Medium Sherlockian team..

Overall though, it was a decent murder mystery, with enough intrigue to get you through to the end because even in the predictable there's some twists! And I think ppl who enjoyed Penners other novel will also enjoy this one.

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I loved it!

Lenna is looking for answers following the murder of her sister, Evie. Her one hope for finding her sister’s killer is by enlisting the help of Vaudeline, a medium and her sister’s former mentor. Vaudeline engages with the beyond with the goal of solving murders. When Vaudeline is asked by The London Seance Society to channel the spirit of their murdered president, and an old friend, the women are surprised to find out that they may also be getting close to finding out what happened to Lenna’s sister.

I absolutely loved this new novel By Sarah Penner, even more so than The Lost Apothecary! I would recommend this book to any thriller lover who also enjoys a touch of the supernatural. There were many twists and turns and as a result it was a quick read for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and Legend Press for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley and Legend Press
for this arc in exchange for my honest review. Sarah Penner wowed me with The Lost Apothecary, and The London Seance Society is no different. Sarah is a fabulous story teller and this tale enraptured me from the start. I loved the defiance against society the main character took on and the explanations of life at that time. To sweeten the deal, Sarah included a recipe and information on death and seances at the time period her book is set in. Altogether, this book is a must-read for all those who love the macabre and taboo.

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“May mercy be upon the man who finds himself the enemy of a vengeful medium.”

I can definitely say The London Séance Society absolutely exceeded my expectations. What I would call a bit of a slow start is built into a quite intricate and enthralling tale that keeps a wonderful pace throughout. Sarah Penner gives us a story that is extremely hard to put down, taking place only over a few days. Our main characters Vaudeline and Lena have electric chemistry that works it’s way up and down throughout a double murder mystery that will constantly throw you for a loop. What could be better than the nonbeliever and the believer teaming up to take on a boys club as a united front? Penner’s message, stated multiple times, is clear: Women need to stick together. The story is a thinly veiled metaphor about the ways in which men have control in our society, whether we can see it or not. More plainly: Men ain’t shit! This book was truly so enjoyable and I would really recommend getting your hands on it when it hits shelves in March 2023! Thank you to Netgalley for providing this arc!

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